Found Deceased Ks - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #32

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No, no, no -- it's not making sense. The boy has no sense! Or he's just as self-centered as she was. DM was confident there were no guns in the house -- means either JH lied to him or JH brought it back to the house. Why would he do that? Lying because it's illegal is understandable, but if he really loved EG or cared about finding the answers or protecting MH's mother or whatever -- iow, if he had the true compassion he wants us to believe "I wasn't going to throw her out in the street"--why did he leave a gun there? If he & DM are so tight, "friends for life"? Why wouldn't he take his friend's advice? He's either full-blown idiot or as narcissistic as she was.

That was my exact thought after listening. Visiting with a friend, possibly drinking (or something else) -- he was supposedly distancing himself yet trying to get her to talk, and she led a PI to his son's body, but...she's good enough for something apparently. He was either staying there the whole time, or he wanted something. He went there for something he wanted.

I'm starting to see more and more that he & EG were peas in a pod. He could experience the joys of fatherhood without the day to day responsibilities, hang out with the men at work, and have a little lady eager to please when he came home. I'm starting to wonder if he cared about EG -- easily replaceable in his mind (imo) because look where he found her.

He's worried about what people think of him right now.

I don't know what he's going through. I think, though, that as much as I do sometimes care what other people think (and usually when I'm at most vulnerable), and I've never lost a child, I know what grief feels like--and during those times and many others that involve all my emotion and strength to go on, I couldn't care less what other people think because I'm just trying to get through it.

Just getting a local job and a tidy home will not bring MH back. He has a lot of work to do, and a fundraising account with available resources isn't going to impress anyone -- he has work to do. The Commodore might have a studio; I hear McDonald's is always hiring and offer flexible shifts (for all those classes, drug tests, & court dates. Consistency, dedication, responsibility is what they'll look for, not donations. It's time he learned what it's really like to be a parent--juggling the schedule and the income and the cost of daycare and using all your reserves when you just want to sleep to instead focus on being present for your child. He needs to grow up.

JO's words keep revisiting me today -- "I think she has something on him"

ETA: edited to remove all formal of unmentionable name after reading moderator sillybilly post :)

Wow, just seeing some of these posts...seems you guys have been saying many of the same thoughts.
Yeah I’m afraid this last interview on NG might have been the tipping point for me. Of course I was already furious about him leaving Lucas in her care, and not seeing the abuse, but I was neutral as far as other things, whether he was reaaaaalllly supporting her and/or if sooomething else might be up.
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Ok, throwing out all logic here for this painting EG as a great mother figure

Let’s say Lucas did die unexpectedly and EG did panic. Let’s say her best thought was hide him, it was all a big misunderstanding :rolleyes:

EG STILL let JH and everyone else wait 3 months when she could have come clean the day of her false police report. 3 MONTHS! Everyone in Wichita was searching for HIS son but it’s ok, JH will just wait for COD and forgive her. o_O

He needs to never have custody of MH. Never.

That podcast was ridiculous. I don’t believe for one minute he wasn’t living with her still.
Mostly for my own curiousity, but does anyone know if because EG had belongings in the house, she had legal rights to stay there until a formal eviction process by the landlord. Here's why I ask... I once allowed a former friend going through a rough patch to stay a couple nights on my couch and because he had a backpack of belongings at my apartment, by South Dakota law, he had the right to stay there even though I wanted him out. I had called the cops because he stole my car keys and was playing games by sitting nearby and setting the alarm off and stupid stuff like that. I wanted my keys back and him to leave my apt. Cops said that because he had some belongings there, my landlord would have to evict him. He wasn't on the lease, had no keys to the place until he stole my car keys. My landlord knew he was there for 2 nights. Luckily, it worked out after 6 long hours. He gave my keys back and left peacefully. Never knew such a law existed until all this happened.
I don't ask to justify JH's decision to allow her to stay there but as I listened to the podcast and read comments, I became curious. I tried to find info re Kansas laws regarding this type of thing but thought maybe someone knew by chance.

My thoughts on this case are very convoluted...I just can't fathom not seeing the signs of the abuse and neglect poor Lucas suffered but I have to remember I was trained and educated to see the signs. I worked with abuse and neglected kids for years and was a mandated reporter. My criminal justice degree, training, and following criminal cases skews my thinking on these things though. I have to remember many times, abusers are sneaky and manipulative. People miss signs and sometimes with blinders one because they can't fathom someone hurting their child. Other times, parents or others are are part of it, cover it up, etc. Kids suffer and way too many have died at the hands of abusers!

I can't imagine being around and talking (especially even remotely civilly) to the person who knew where my child's body was for months and just let me and other loved ones suffer. Even if JH didn't believe or want to see that EG was responsible for abusing and killing Lucas, she hid his body for months. I personally could never get past that. I couldn't try to be nice or even fake it to get more info, no matter how much of a need I had to know what happened to my child.

Sorry this is so long! Thank you to everyone that has contributed to this! So many of you have given me a lot to think about, a new way of thinking or seeing things. What a wonderful group of people you all are.
Has it been stated yet where and when JH got this gun? Tia.

PS: I call BS on everything!

Sorry trying to consolidate the above posts but still don't know how to delete. Will ask a mod or check WS help thread.

Also, DM said about checking a house for guns. But when and why? I thought DM went back to his home base only a day or two after finding Lucas and that he was either back there or had gone to another job in a different state by the time of know.

So did DM mean checking the house on Edgemoor for guns in preparation for EG to come out of jail (which seemed to be unexpected) or did he mean checking the house for guns in case she had shot Lucas and he was looking for a potential murder weapon that had been missed by LE?
MSM would have had it all over had they been living together in the house. It wasn’t smart of him to allow her there but I can see the decision as a humane thing to do until Lucas COD came back. Most if us wouldn’t have done it. But she had a powerful hold on him. Love and Sex are not easy emotional attachments to over come. They had been together for over 3 years.

Killing a child is one of the most disturbing things, I would think, to believe about anyone. When it’s Someone you loved I think it would be a terrible process to get to they to the point to believe. I don’t think I could believe it until I had undeniable proof. And then I’d have to find a therapist to guide me through the process.

Sigh. I'm torn here. So many of you really have a great way of explaining yourselves.
There was something I wanted to tell you guys which I just remembered....the other night I was watching a crime show...what was it...argh....anyway, the family was saying , oh I remember Nique, mother of 3 goes missing in the middle of the night (big surprise, guess who killed her)...anyway, point is I thought of you guys, how important your searches were not only to help physically find Lucas, but also to keep his name in the news. In Nique's case, when the family filed the MP report, LE had a lack of urgency (suspected voluntarily missing), until the family organized their own searches and the media showed up. Then the case got rolling. This is not the case here with Lucas, but what I am saying is searches brings reporters. And this was very important. In future cases I will remember this. That if one is getting nowhere, organize a search and call the media.
At this point I don’t know what JH hopes to gain from doing additional podcasts.
I'm looking at what he doesn't say and that is what is revealing. Why isn't he addressing what we all feel about EG and Lucas' suffering? That we didn't save Lucas magnified trillions of times over because he was there and he did nothing. Torment. Apology to his son for letting him down that will never leave him. Guilt.

What is stopping him? His guilty knowledge stops him. I think the podcasts are to get people to support him and exonerate him, because he is not getting it from within himself. Natural guilt for not saving his son is not expressed because it is real guilt of actual complicity.
IIRC Leigh Egan posted on the last thread that guests were not paid.

At this point I don’t know what JH hopes to gain from doing additional podcasts. NG was a bit too sympathetic towards JH than in her initial podcasts. It didn’t sit well with me and appeared disingenuous. The juvenile judge seemed like she wanted to say so much more, but appeared to restrain herself.

Think about this:

If JH says nothing and goes about daily life he’s criticized. People follow him who are crazily obsessed with this case.

If he does an interview and shares info he’s criticized for doing that.

I honestly don’t know what I would do in his place. This has been a quagmire of hell from the beginning. It doesn’t matter what he does now. Lucas is dead, nothings bringing him back. Emily’s dead, her path of destruction over. JH is left to put pieces back together if he can.

I sure would advise he not stay in Wichita. And to get as far away from all of the bad influences that got him here.
But it's also a statement of fact that he's now MH's only surviving parent? And if EG was still around, wouldn't that mean that none of this ever happened and Lucas wasn't dead? And then he wouldn't have known about the abuse (in his own mind) and therefore would still be working away from home?

I'm having to think about it to understand why you're interpreting it that mean that if EG hadn't killed herself but was still guilty of what she did to Lucas? I don't know that he meant it that way?
Yes it is a statement of fact and that is precisely why I think it sticks out because in the case of being separated from one's child I expect to hear about loss and emotional needs of child and parent to be together, or no explanation because it speaks for itself, rather than parental obligation. She was in care before EG killed herself.
Mostly for my own curiousity, but does anyone know if because EG had belongings in the house, she had legal rights to stay there until a formal eviction process by the landlord. Here's why I ask... I once allowed a former friend going through a rough patch to stay a couple nights on my couch and because he had a backpack of belongings at my apartment, by South Dakota law, he had the right to stay there even though I wanted him out. I had called the cops because he stole my car keys and was playing games by sitting nearby and setting the alarm off and stupid stuff like that. I wanted my keys back and him to leave my apt. Cops said that because he had some belongings there, my landlord would have to evict him. He wasn't on the lease, had no keys to the place until he stole my car keys. My landlord knew he was there for 2 nights. Luckily, it worked out after 6 long hours. He gave my keys back and left peacefully. Never knew such a law existed until all this happened.
I don't ask to justify JH's decision to allow her to stay there but as I listened to the podcast and read comments, I became curious. I tried to find info re Kansas laws regarding this type of thing but thought maybe someone knew by chance.

My thoughts on this case are very convoluted...I just can't fathom not seeing the signs of the abuse and neglect poor Lucas suffered but I have to remember I was trained and educated to see the signs. I worked with abuse and neglected kids for years and was a mandated reporter. My criminal justice degree, training, and following criminal cases skews my thinking on these things though. I have to remember many times, abusers are sneaky and manipulative. People miss signs and sometimes with blinders one because they can't fathom someone hurting their child. Other times, parents or others are are part of it, cover it up, etc. Kids suffer and way too many have died at the hands of abusers!

I can't imagine being around and talking (especially even remotely civilly) to the person who knew where my child's body was for months and just let me and other loved ones suffer. Even if JH didn't believe or want to see that EG was responsible for abusing and killing Lucas, she hid his body for months. I personally could never get past that. I couldn't try to be nice or even fake it to get more info, no matter how much of a need I had to know what happened to my child.

Sorry this is so long! Thank you to everyone that has contributed to this! So many of you have given me a lot to think about, a new way of thinking or seeing things. What a wonderful group of people you all are.
To your point about state law, yes Kansas has very similar laws. My daughter was involved with a guy (don’t get me started on that creep) and he stayed at her house for a few weeks and even got a piece of mail sent to him there and that fact gave him some rights. So when he showed his true violent tendencies and she called LE to have him removed she was told he had rights. Talk about shocked In the end that person moved on and my daughter is safe again but the point I am making is yes, even if EG wasn’t on the lease she may have had some rights to be there. Furthering my thoughts on her being there though, I don’t think that’s why JH agreed to let her stay in the house. I have some lingering questions about what DM stated in his interviews. First, he picked EG up at her aunts house to go look for Lucas body, so when he says that he and JH made sure she had no access to weapons did he mean at her aunts house? Secondly, he stated he told JH that in his opinion EG was suicidal. Then JH states that EG has no place to go because her family feels betrayed by her so he agrees to allow her to stay at the rent house. Does JH in his mind worry that if she ends up homeless she is more likely to kill herself and he may never know the whole story of what happened to Lucas? These thoughts and questions may never be fully answered. Too bad NGs program isn’t set up for Q and A from the public.
Hmmmm...was it not there before?
I swear I’m losing my mind.

Can someone pleaaaae bring fwd the verification/quotes re: DM previously searching for a gun. Tia.

Maybe the gun had a trigger lock. Nothing stopped her before. A gun in the house with kids most likely was secured in some manner. My guess is LE knew he had it in feb 17 when the searched for Lucas.

I’m an adult gun owner and while guns in my Alaska House were secure there was one I could get to which was high and hidden in the event of an emergency. I have no kids around. But I can say that no amount of security would have stopped EG. She could have accomplished death a number of ways.

It speaks volumes that SHE chose to use JH gun. And she did it in the most gruesome way possible. She wanted him to find her. She wanted to create havoc one last time. I think seeing her head blown to pieces was her final infliction on him. He will remember her that bloodied way forever.

She took everything but his daughter and we will wait to see how that turns out. I think she was much sicker than what we realize and didn’t care about anyone but herself.m
It would be interesting to read a forensic psyche work up On her.
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