Found Deceased KY - James 'Mike' Kimsey, 48, Louisville, 29 May 2015

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James has been added to NamUs:

Case Information
Status Missing
First name James
Middle name Michael
Last name Kimsey
Nickname/Alias Mike
Date last seen May 29, 2015 03:30
Date entered 07/27/2015
Age last seen 48 to 48 years old
Age now 48 years old
Race White
Sex Male
Height (inches) 71.0 to 72.0
Weight (pounds) 200.0 to 210.0
Dental Status: Dental information / charting is available and will be entered later
DNA Status: Sample available - Not yet submitted
Fingerprint Information Status: Fingerprint information is currently not available

who adds people to this site? Family or LE? Can you tell who enters the data?
also interesting facts from the namus entry:

1) it states that he was last seen at 330 (presumed AM?) May 29
2) reported missing on May 30 (this has not inferred to be several days later elsewhere)
3) it lists his clothes... camo shorts, dark shirt... also new info, also interesting... it implies that he probably wasnt just taken from his back door (e.g. did he wake up in the middle of the night, put on his shorts, grab his wallet and phone, then go see what was going on?? that doesn't make sense to me).

this last point would suggest that he already was dressed and had those items on his person when he went missing. which would leave the possibility that he got dressed and grabbed everything before he left... but that doesnt add up. if he left on his own with his phone, he would have been expecting to use it. but he didnt use it. its possible that he left on his own, and then later something happened, but the probability of that seems extraordinarily low. that leaves the possibility that he was dressed, and had his wallet and phone on him when something happened other than him leaving on his own. that leaves possibly meeting someone late in the night, or someone possibily incapacitating him possibly even earlier in the day.

are there other probable scenarios that fit these facts?
I drove through Bardstown today, and there are hundreds of yard signs that speak of the lady that is missing in that area. The signs are at business and outside homes. Odd that no one has done that for Mike.

Also, I keep wondering where bodies are hidden where they are not discovered or smelled. A crawl space, or fresh cement in the basement would tip anyone off. Then I thought of a big freezer, to store away a body until it could be moved. A more petite person might not be able to move a body to get it to a freezer, so they would need help. This is very far fetched, but I keep trying to make sense of something that makes no sense at all.

I am am not particularly thinking the detached wife is involved. There is a lot to read into the posts that quote her, but we really don't know the inside of the marriage. Not too many marriages are happy all the time, and we may be reading too much into this. But I do think she is not doing much. I think we will never get the truth.

Please someone, give me more scenarios to mull over......
Please someone, give me more scenarios to mull over......

Ok, here's one.... ever read about Nicholas Francisco? Perfect husband, perfect father, called home and told his wife he was planning on baking cookies with the kids that night. Never made it home. Family said he'd never leave us. Coworkers said he was devoted to his kids, great guy, would never walk away.

Yup, he was located a year or two later living in Los Angeles.

The public didn't know, but apparently LE knew pretty early on that he was leading a double life, evidence of sex hookups on his computer.

So JM could have left on his own. LE figures it out early, so not a lot action there. Wife accepts it early, doesn't hold out the hope that the wife in NF's case did, and so is silent. Friends and coworkers say he wouldn't walk away, but sometimes people do.

Oh, and NF, Mr Perfect, did interviews later, lots of interesting reading out there on the .

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Sure, I mean, anything is a possibility, but the police have already said that there are no red flags in Mike's case as far as him leaving on his own. And his wife saying he's paranoid schizophrenic when he's not certainly doesn't fit well into that scenario.
Every news report of a body found catches my ear. I wonder if there is somewhere near his house he could have fallen into? A quarry? A lake? I hope the find him soon.
Years ago, I had a big Derby party and my sister invited a business acquaintance who was only in town to do some work for about six weeks. He was one of those loner nerdy types, and seemed to have a good time with us. He went missing the next day, and a few days later the found his body out in some undeveloped land. It seems he went to shoot his pistol and stuck it in his waistband to climb a fence, and the action of climbing pulled the trigger and it hit a big artery in his leg and he bled to death. No foul play, just made a bad mistake. I keep thinking maybe Mike did something dumb too.
The thoughts stewing in my mind regarding this case:
a) lack of reward, no pursuing media attention, organized searches, no pleas from the wife to the public to search for him, no pleas for him to return home. Even if she is a very private person, someone could make those appeals on her behalf. Why is this? Either 1) she doesn't care where he is or if he returns; 2) she knows where he is and knows he isn't coming back (e.g. he walked out on her and their son and is fine but not coming back) or 3) she knows he isn't coming back (e.g. He isn't alive).
b)the statement by LE seems to rule out #2, they have found no evidence of this. If it were scenario #2 knowing the uproar his family seems to be in, why not tell them? Why not relieve their worry? (Of course why would HE not do that, equally). Why not make a statement that he isn't "missing" but he's left her? Attention would fade and her life (privately as she desires) would continue until he contacts her or returns.
If it were #1 then that might suggest there were problems in the marriage. As OP have stated, many people would still be concerned about someone who is missing even if they weren't "in love" anymore. And at a minimum for their son, you would think she would be pleading for him to make contact with his son if she truly thought he just walked off. We are WAY past a normal cooling off period after a potential heated marital disagreement.As for walking off at 3:30 a.m. with maybe shoes, maybe not, wearing what it says on NamUs, or wearing not sure what, could he have met with an accident? Sure. But then why no pleas to help find him? Were the search dogs that showed up 3 weeks later search dogs or cadaver dogs?

I am still very interested to know who enters data on an MP on NamUs? Family? LE? Can you tell? Is there an investigation into any possible foul play? Who had a motive to hurt him, or make him disappear, if he isn't gone willingly?
I drove through Bardstown today, and there are hundreds of yard signs that speak of the lady that is missing in that area. The signs are at business and outside homes. Odd that no one has done that for Mike.

Also, I keep wondering where bodies are hidden where they are not discovered or smelled. A crawl space, or fresh cement in the basement would tip anyone off. Then I thought of a big freezer, to store away a body until it could be moved. A more petite person might not be able to move a body to get it to a freezer, so they would need help. This is very far fetched, but I keep trying to make sense of something that makes no sense at all.

I am am not particularly thinking the detached wife is involved. There is a lot to read into the posts that quote her, but we really don't know the inside of the marriage. Not too many marriages are happy all the time, and we may be reading too much into this. But I do think she is not doing much. I think we will never get the truth.

Please someone, give me more scenarios to mull over......

Anchorage, do you remember the "Mel Ignatow" case where he murdered his girlfriend, Brenda Schaffer, and her body was never found until after he sold his home in Plainview and people took up carpeting to remodel and found pictures of what he/they had done to her? Her body was later found (if I remember correctly) after his ex girlfriend confessed she helped him get rid of the body and led them to where she was buried on a piece of rental property. This was after he had been acquitted by a jury in Covington, Kentucky (change of venue), and he couldn't be tried again = double jeopardy.
​Just because there was a ping from his cell (if there was truly one), doesn't mean it was on him! Someone other than him could've had the phone.
True, mrsobrien, and usually they're the first "person of interest", too.
A reminder about TOS:

We rely on LE, MSM, and known case players for information. Anything else is rumor. We do NOT bring rumors over from any Joe Blow on FB or from the comments section underneath MSM articles and continue to discuss it here.

You may direct WSers to an interesting comment that you think is relevant by linking to the social media page it is on and saying something like "interesting comment by ABC on Jan 1 at 9:00 am". The rumor itself is NOT to be brought to Websleuths or discussed here.

Please choose your words carefully. Websleuths is victim friendly and as such, family members are to be treated as victims unless/until LE says otherwise. We can respectfully discuss the facts that have been released through MSM regarding their action or behavior, but outright accusation, speculation or insinuation about their involvement is off-limits.

PS: We are also ALWAYS courteous in our dialogue with other WSers, right?

Well, enrolling her son in school would be the right thing to do, so I don't find that odd. He shouldn't fall behind, and keeping his life as normal as possible is important. Besides, isn't it usually the law, unless you're planning to homeschool?

Don't get me wrong - I think other behaviors, mostly the LACK of them are very strange, but sending her child back to school isn't. IMO.
From the wife: "Some of the information that has been posted on the web is inaccurate and distressing, and this has added to my sadness and emotional exhaustion". That seems a :thinking::thinking:

I agree. It's a bit self-centered. There are better ways to word that! And I'd follow that up with what the inaccuracies were...
LawFilly, boy do I remember Mel Ignatow and Brenda. In fact, Mel was a regular at Flaherty's in DuPont Circle during and before that time, and he was always looking for pretty ladies who avoided him like the plague. I too remember every detail of that case, and enjoyed (well, bad choice of word there) seeing the national coverage on this. His ex girlfriend did show them where the body was---on vacant wooded land behind her rental house on Poplar Level Road. I was younger then, and although I was aware of that case, I don't recall being as obsessed with it as this one. I think because of my proximity to his home, the similar lifestyles, ages, etc. it gets to me.
who adds people to this site? Family or LE? Can you tell who enters the data?

Who can create a missing persons case in NamUs?

[TD="class: answer_text"]Anyone can enter a case, after becoming a registered NamUs user. The case will be verified as an active missing persons case with law enforcement prior to information being published on the site. A National Crime Information Center (NCIC) number or law enforcement case number must be in place before the case is published on the NamUs site (both are preferred). The NCIC number is an official law enforcement tracking number for a missing persons report and can be obtained through a law enforcement agency. These steps are taken to ensure data quality as well as to prevent fraudulent use of the site.[/TD]
LawFilly, boy do I remember Mel Ignatow and Brenda. In fact, Mel was a regular at Flaherty's in DuPont Circle during and before that time, and he was always looking for pretty ladies who avoided him like the plague. I too remember every detail of that case, and enjoyed (well, bad choice of word there) seeing the national coverage on this. His ex girlfriend did show them where the body was---on vacant wooded land behind her rental house on Poplar Level Road. I was younger then, and although I was aware of that case, I don't recall being as obsessed with it as this one. I think because of my proximity to his home, the similar lifestyles, ages, etc. it gets to me.
Anchorage, he also attended Southeast Christian Church, too. lol I knew the daughter of the person who owned the rental property. Like you, I was younger and followed it closely, and was not as obsessed with it as I am with this one. This one I can't get it off my mind. My heart breaks for the son and parents/sister.
Every news report of a body found catches my ear. I wonder if there is somewhere near his house he could have fallen into? A quarry? A lake? I hope the find him soon.
Years ago, I had a big Derby party and my sister invited a business acquaintance who was only in town to do some work for about six weeks. He was one of those loner nerdy types, and seemed to have a good time with us. He went missing the next day, and a few days later the found his body out in some undeveloped land. It seems he went to shoot his pistol and stuck it in his waistband to climb a fence, and the action of climbing pulled the trigger and it hit a big artery in his leg and he bled to death. No foul play, just made a bad mistake. I keep thinking maybe Mike did something dumb too.

Plausible, but doubtful. Mike was clever, level-headed and extremely disciplined and responsible by all accounts. No he was not perfect, as no one is, but he was top drawer and he would not be careless in that respect.
Rocky Road, I find it rather odd she would enroll the son in school since she is trying to "protect" him. You know children at school have heard their parents discussing it and could possibly say something to the child. Personally, I think everything she has done from the beginning to very strange and smelly. This is just my opinion.

I wonder if computers were removed from the home.....if luminol tests were done....what about phone records?

I've been following this for a while, but have yet to comment. Has anyone considered poison? I'm not pointing fingers, only speculating.

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