Kyron Horman Discussion Thread 2020 - 2022

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She also could have cooperated with the investigation and never lost Kiara. IIRC, she petitioned the court for visitation and was granted supervised visits. I want to say she either didn't fulfill some of the requirements, or didn't pursue because it wasn't on her terms?
Her request for visitation was withdrawn by her atty years before their divorce was settled.

As part of the final divorce settlement, Kaine was awarded full custody of their daughter.

The very first thing she had to do was attend parenting classes--this was before even a card or letter could be exchanged. It would have progressed to videoconferencing and then supervised visits.

According to Kaine, none of that ever happened. Nothing. In spite of her saying otherwise.

She did not attend the parenting classes. Why? Perhaps because she cannot satisfactorily explain why she left the school with her step-son on June 4, 2010 and he has not been seen since.

(Edited to add link--finally found it:
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Thank you for finding the actual document Truth :)

So there you have it, she has no right to state, "I lost two children". Terri could have had supervised visitation if she had fulfilled the requirements.

I think we all know why she chose not too ...
I agree with your very first point--Houze's reputation.

The powers that be, excluding law enforcement, didn't have the courage to take him on. They let the pursuit of justice for a 7-year-old child slip away as they hid behind something they dubbed "the Casey Anthony effect." They chose the option that was in their own best interests.

I don't mean to imply that I think taking on Houze and achieving a guilty verdict would have been a cake walk. Quite to the contrary, actually.

But I think about this: she is alive and free today and able to torment Kyron's mother; a not guilty verdict wouldn't have changed that. We don't know where Kyron is or what happened to him; and a not guilty verdict wouldn't have changed that either.

How many of us believe Casey Anthony is innocent because the jury found her not guilty?

I think Desiree was really concerned because of the "double jeopardy" clause and believes that if they find Kyron's remains charges will finally be brought against her.

I'm not so sure about that now. After so many years, witnesses' memories fade; they become less reliable on the stand.

And Houze will still be her atty.

It could be like Hailey Dunn's case. We'll just keep waiting and waiting.

I know this comment is so negative that I should be ashamed of myself, but I've been around a long time now. I'm disgusted.

Maybe I'll change my mind tomorrow because someone takes their time to write a wonderful, positive comment in rebuttal. :)


Mr Houze is now in his early 70's. He may or may not still be her attorney when and if she is arrested. And a new DA may come along as well as a new Prosecutor who may be brash enough to enjoy facing an elderly Mr Houze or the younger one or both.

If witnesses' memories fade.....they still have grand jury testimony and/or police records of interviews that have details.

I think they just want the body so that Terri can't claim that he's still missing and could be alive somewhere.

I do believe Kyron is dead. It takes less effort to kill a small defenseless child than an adult like Kaine...especially if the killer harbors a twisted hate for that child. I have posted here before that I believe she gave poor Kyron an overdose of something as soon as they left the school, took care of her alibi at the stores, and then rode around waiting for him to reach a point of no return. When he was beyond saving and almost dead she rolled his body down into a ravine somewhere in the woods. There was no cadaver smell because he didn't die in the truck. He died in the woods. There's also the possibility that Terri used that big plastic bin that went missing from her porch. She may have hidden Kyron in it while she was in the stores.

I believe this was planned methodically and was not the result of an accident. And I also don't believe Kyron was trafficked. I'm a strong believer in Occam's Razor in most cases,especially those involving a child. As for the insinuations Terri made about sexual abuse....I think she said that just to hurt Kaine and Desiree. But if Kyron was a victim of sexual abuse then Terri was responsible for that as well.
Excellent post. I agree.


Mr Houze is now in his early 70's. He may or may not still be her attorney when and if she is arrested. And a new DA may come along as well as a new Prosecutor who may be brash enough to enjoy facing an elderly Mr Houze or the younger one or both.

If witnesses' memories fade.....they still have grand jury testimony and/or police records of interviews that have details.

I think they just want the body so that Terri can't claim that he's still missing and could be alive somewhere.

I do believe Kyron is dead. It takes less effort to kill a small defenseless child than an adult like Kaine...especially if the killer harbors a twisted hate for that child. I have posted here before that I believe she gave poor Kyron an overdose of something as soon as they left the school, took care of her alibi at the stores, and then rode around waiting for him to reach a point of no return. When he was beyond saving and almost dead she rolled his body down into a ravine somewhere in the woods. There was no cadaver smell because he didn't die in the truck. He died in the woods. There's also the possibility that Terri used that big plastic bin that went missing from her porch. She may have hidden Kyron in it while she was in the stores.

I believe this was planned methodically and was not the result of an accident. And I also don't believe Kyron was trafficked. I'm a strong believer in Occam's Razor in most cases,especially those involving a child. As for the insinuations Terri made about sexual abuse....I think she said that just to hurt Kaine and Desiree. But if Kyron was a victim of sexual abuse then Terri was responsible for that as well.
A fave piccie:


image from
Just finished reading Boy Missing.

Though it was well worth the read, I didn't really discover much of anything new, but it was a good refresher on the case after so much time has passed. The two things in the book which stood out to me that I didn't know was there are tunnels under the Skyline school. They probably have little bearing on the case but after studying schematics of the school in the beginning, I was surprised to learn this. And the other thing that stood out was that there were 3 witnesses named in the book who claim they saw Kyron leave the school with Terri & K the morning of the science fair.

I’m glad I read the book, for Kyron’s sake, and recommend it to anyone interested in his case.
[Qread it also. My heart aches for Desiree!

TE="Alleykins, post: 16199427, member: 167044"]Just finished reading Boy Missing.

Though it was well worth the read, I didn't really discover much of anything new, but it was a good refresher on the case after so much time has passed. The two things in the book which stood out to me that I didn't know was there are tunnels under the Skyline school. They probably have little bearing on the case but after studying schematics of the school in the beginning, I was surprised to learn this. And the other thing that stood out was that there were 3 witnesses named in the book who claim they saw Kyron leave the school with Terri & K the morning of the science fair.

I’m glad I read the book, for Kyron’s sake, and recommend it to anyone interested in his case.[/QUOTE]
I re
I didn't realize there was a book about the case. I just ordered it on my Kindle, and I can tell that I won't be able to put it down. Thanks Alleykins!
I am 1/4 the way through the book. I started it yesterday. I am captivated . There is so much I didn't know.

I wanted to get on here and see if others were talking about it. Later today Id like to share points I found. ..

It is So worth reading!
I am 1/4 the way through the book. I started it yesterday. I am captivated . There is so much I didn't know.

I wanted to get on here and see if others were talking about it. Later today Id like to share points I found. ..

It is So worth reading!

I am taking it with me to the lake house for vacation next week. I am sure I will read through the whole thing
Both of these are correct, iirc.

First, and very early on in the case, came the reporting of Kyron's appointment with the doctor on the 4th for petit mal seizure symptoms (only noticed by TMHV); however--wait--the appointment was really on the 11th but the teacher was deaf in one ear so must have gotten the dates mixed. (At some point, TMHV would change the reason for Kyron's doctor's appointment as involving possible sexual abuse).

A couple of years after Kyron's disappearance, Desiree explained that an email exists that TMHV sent to Kyron's teacher informing her that Kyron would be absent on the 4th. (This is also mentioned in the new book).

I believe it was in 2016 that Horman, herself, went on the Dr. Phil show using the deaf excuse as her own reason for failing one poly, walking out on the next poly, and failing a third poly--all administered by different FBI polygraph experts.

Hmm. Go figure, I guess.

I'm adding the following link as it highlights most of the new points that came to light in the book.

Snipped Quotes
1) Kyron's regular bus driver, along with a classmate and two of the classmate's family members witnessed Kyron walk through the school parking lot with [TMHV] and her infant daughter on June 4, 2010.

2) The book described how Terri Horman washed Kyron's jacket and backpack the day he disappeared.

3) Morris explained detectives outfitted Kaine Horman, Kyron's father with a wire to record conversations inside the family home, where relatives, including [TMHV], had gathered.

4) Police placed a tracking device on the family's truck.

5) Details the alleged circumstantial evidence surrounding Terri Horman, including claims she had emailed a friend the day before Kyron disappeared, saying she planned to leave Kaine and her marriage the next day and take her infant daughter with her.

6) The author claimed items purchased that day [June 4, 2010], including a bottle of Motrin, were never found.

7) The book also raised questions about an unexplained injury on Terri Horman's leg, a good sized gash below the knee. Horman said she dropped a weight on her leg at the gym.
Kyron Horman
Yes these are points I want/wanted to bring out also. And There are many more.
Hey Niner, yes I am going to share. I was hoping there was a thread discussing the book. Since I can't do a link. I am going to state which page I found info. I dnt know how to do it any other way.

You can start a new thread under Kyron's case. If you need help - let me know.
It will be difficult to keep spoilers out of the thread for those who haven't had a chance to read the book yet. A separate thread might be better.

Where it's a non-fiction book, not for entertainment purposes, I don't believe spoilers apply here, like it would to the season finale of Game of Thrones or a plot twist reveal in a Dan Brown novel. There's hardly anything in it that hasn't already been in the media.
So... you're going to share, right?! :)
Boy Missing pg. 24
I had no idea Desiree and Terri weren't friends when Terri hooked up with Kaine. I also didn't realise they were still married when Terri came into the picture. Desiree set the record straight.
It will be difficult to keep spoilers out of the thread for those who haven't had a chance to read the book yet. A separate thread might be better.
Never thought of that.
You are right..
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