Kyron Horman's stepmother is a profile in contradictions....

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My mistake - I thought your post indicated that Terri had all this planned and that she was cast as a predator. Probably got that from other posts. Sorry! moo

I wasn't aware that Terri knew Ecker in her early college days in junior college. I thought she met Tarver 1st, married, bought a Chuby's franchise, with Tarver, and mom & dad, franchise failed, meth problems, needles, Aids + HIV -, divorce. :( moo mho

This question isn't directed at you, but for anyone?

Do people think she roped in Ecker for the purpose of adopting her son? Why would she chose someone like him, no money, enmeshed with mom and dad? moo mho

Terri did file a lawsuit after her accident and received money...her parents did help so the two could get a house. She sure didn't go after guys with money, so what was her agenda? I don't understand the reasoning why so many profile her as a greedy predator. :waitasec: moo mho TIA apologies necessary. I do think TH is predatory -- no surprise there :) I just don't think that makes her *prey* weak and compliant. I think it makes them human.

And to clarify, I put Ecker and KH way more in the prey category than Tarver. I think that was probably more of a *bad boy* attraction.

Here's where I got the history on her relationship with Ecker. They met while TH was in HS or shortly after graduation, then she married Tarver, then she married Ecker.

from the article in this thread

In May 1988 during her senior year, she was a contender at the state track championships but, in the end, did not place.

That year Horman met Ecker at a Fred Meyer store in Roseburg where he worked. They dated for a few months but then became friends, with Horman sharing confidences with him.

"I was a good stabilizing force in her life," Ecker said.

He attended her 21st birthday party and later was a groomsman at her wedding in November 1991 to Ron Tarver Jr., another Roseburg High graduate.


By 1995, Horman's marriage to Tarver soured, with each accusing the other of infidelity. They divorced in November, and she gained custody of James, with Tarver agreeing to later pay child support.

Horman moved back to her parents' house in Roseburg. She later attended McDonald's fast food management school and worked for a time at a McDonald's in Cottage Grove, Ecker said.

Romantically, she moved on as well. She started dating Ecker again, and in August 1996 they married in Springfield.

I think she preyed on Ecker because she knew he was "wrapped," and who knows what her other options were at the time. Maybe rather limited. Plus, he was definitely a step up from Tarver if TH's allegations are true. At least Ecker was a nice guy with a job and with enough money, apparently, to pay SOME child support. He also had plans to go back to school himself, so maybe she thought he was upwardly mobile. jmoo.
can you post and maybe someone can read the codes? This fits with my info, but i can't find it. Just going from memory.

I can't find your previous thread but I've had the BEST time reading your posts as I look! :D I like them.

loves2bmom, if you post it, we can help look up the codes.
Above BBM. Of course I can only speak for myself but I don't think that Terri with Ecker, Tarver was "premeditated" so to so speak but rather when seeing an angle of opportunity that could benefit her she would then set out to make it happen..

As in yes, she knew Ecker prior to marrying Tarver and I agree with wondering1 in that Ecker probably was "taken" with Terri, a bit of a doormat, and possibly trying very much to please Terri in any way possible. As do alot of women they find these behaviours to be a "turn off"(go figure thats a whole nother subject of why women go for the "bad" boys and the "good" guys do finish last).. But I suspect that this nice, kind young man was not a "challenge" to Terri, hence her dumping him and going for more of a "bad" boy(for the many reasons you listed above(drugs, risky behaviours, etc)and married the "bad" boy...

You see, As I said I don't think Terri was a predator in the since of premeditating out whom her prey would be and plans of "attack" on them. Especially in her younger years I do not think this was the case. I think that as her life has progressed that she has become more and more "out for what benefits Terri first and foremost" but I do not believe that way back then this was her original mindset, I think that has taken many years of developing...

I think that as the bad boy relationship "played out" that she realized this was not going to be beneficial to her in any way. I think she possibly was changing her way of thinking and deciding that going after the guy she was attracted to and "loved" wasnt necessarily gonna be the way that things would work out best for her. Hence you have her leaving Tarver. I suspect that the small towness of where she grew up she found Ecker still very much interested, close by, and there for her. I don't think she left Tarver with intentions of getting with Ecker rather just found that after divorcing Tarver that Ecker ended up being there for her and at that point she started looking at things from her new found way of "what would be beneficial for her" vs. what she was attracted to. She saw that Ecker would do probably anything humanly possible to try to make her happy (i.e. having his parents fund her schooling, providing for her in ways a drug addict did not&could not, and most importantly would comply willingly to adopt her son very much guaranteeing a better financial future than the "bad boy" ex could ever provide)...

I think that Terri assessed the situation, very much realized her new way of thinking was gonna lead to a much better life for her and thus she set out to make that happen. Married Ecker, decided with Ecker to have him adopt after Tarver's rights were terminated, and has very MUCH continued to benefit from those decisions made years ago(i.e. still receiving child support from Ecker and possibly insurance for J**** along with possibly J**** still being a beneficiary to Eckers worth{&no ones claiming its millions but who knows what his worth&ins. policies are worth} when he passes[and yes the last two are just speculations but nonetheless very real possibilities]

You say then why is Terri not a "made" woman, living it up if she planned, plotted, or schemed as some of us have thought she possibly has esp. in more recent years and I say #1 people even with this best of intentions and well thought out planning of their lives still end up nowhere near where they planned to be, this is just part of life how it works, plans go awry a million times a day... And #2 whose to say that what she'd achieved with Kaine wasn't pretty darn close to having it the way she planned(i.e. not having to work, nice cars, extravagant vacationing) I'd say for allot us this would be "having it made"...JMO

Oh I wish I had seen this first. My thoughts exactly. And, as usual, expressed much more clearly lol. And especially wrt the *premeditation* part. That's exactly the way I see all these events coming about. TYVM!
I can't find your previous thread but I've had the BEST time reading your posts as I look! :D I like them.

loves2bmom, if you post it, we can help look up the codes.

Waiting to hear from a Mod for permission! :angel:
OT but my niece has her 1st day of teaching today (2nd grade) in a Houston suburb...she is 22 with a Masters but is the only one so far of her friends with similar education to have found a classroom of her own. Most are signed up for the sub lists and working other types of jobs in the evenings. When she started college 4-5 years ago, teaching was still considered the path to an almost-guaranteed job. (She was told that all things being equal, her personality was the deciding factor, which in Terri's case may or may have been helpful :) )

BTW, she is aware of Kyron's story, partly through me and also her school did a special security session for the teachers, using his case as an example. But the schools in her town are very strict re: security already.
Thanks Kimster! ;)

These are the cases I found on TH listed under the name Moulton. I have no idea what these charges are and hope someone else might. They could be simple traffic things??? I tried to call one of the court houses but they wanted to know what the case number was that I was researching. Ack...didn't want to go there. LOL! Anyway, the only one I figured out was NEDL (Expired Driver's License)

Here they are:

Sept 1988, Douglas County, Charge = FOSS, not sure the outcome, just says Sentenced

Apr 1990, Coos County, Charge = NEDL, Guilty, Drivers license suspended and then reinstated later

Apr 1990, Coos County, related to case above, Charge = NMCE, Guilty

Aug 1991, Douglas County, Charge = EMAX, Convicted, bail posted

Jan 1996, Lane County, Charge - EMXR, Convicted

Mar 1996, Douglas County, Charge = EMXR, Convicted

Apr 2004, Lane County, Charge = VSLM, Plead No contest

July 2005, Marion County, Charge = DUII, Diversion program
One more under Terri Horman

Oct 2008, Multnomah County but no charge listed? Says Convicted, paid by mail.

Do traffic court cases go to the Circuit court?
Thanks Kimster! ;)

These are the cases I found on TH listed under the name Moulton. I have no idea what these charges are and hope someone else might. They could be simple traffic things??? I tried to call one of the court houses but they wanted to know what the case number was that I was researching. Ack...didn't want to go there. LOL! Anyway, the only one I figured out was NEDL (Expired Driver's License)

Here they are:

Sept 1988, Douglas County, Charge = FOSS, not sure the outcome, just says Sentenced

Apr 1990, Coos County, Charge = NEDL, Guilty, Drivers license suspended and then reinstated later

Apr 1990, Coos County, related to case above, Charge = NMCE, Guilty

Aug 1991, Douglas County, Charge = EMAX, Convicted, bail posted

Jan 1996, Lane County, Charge - EMXR, Convicted

Mar 1996, Douglas County, Charge = EMXR, Convicted

Apr 2004, Lane County, Charge = VSLM, Plead No contest

July 2005, Marion County, Charge = DUII, Diversion program

Are we sure these are associated with the Terri Horman for this case?
5 more cases under Terri Ecker but all look to be civil or domestic.
Thanks Kimster! ;)

These are the cases I found on TH listed under the name Moulton. I have no idea what these charges are and hope someone else might. They could be simple traffic things??? I tried to call one of the court houses but they wanted to know what the case number was that I was researching. Ack...didn't want to go there. LOL! Anyway, the only one I figured out was NEDL (Expired Driver's License)

Here they are:

Sept 1988, Douglas County, Charge = FOSS, not sure the outcome, just says Sentenced

Apr 1990, Coos County, Charge = NEDL, Guilty, Drivers license suspended and then reinstated later

Apr 1990, Coos County, related to case above, Charge = NMCE, Guilty

Aug 1991, Douglas County, Charge = EMAX, Convicted, bail posted

Jan 1996, Lane County, Charge - EMXR, Convicted

Mar 1996, Douglas County, Charge = EMXR, Convicted

Apr 2004, Lane County, Charge = VSLM, Plead No contest

July 2005, Marion County, Charge = DUII, Diversion program
EMAX - exceeding maximum speed
EMXR - exceeding maximum speed on rural road$File/E3S95001.pdf+EMXR+oregon&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESjquDeSDuNQi5r8BwH8Ivu8Y8LdbdcyfKk4iJtWSbGn2-y7l6M-r8ez69m1aOAGvUgYuwnqRwTEXfgieRUHNvVW3Ki5YB9ekkA5-eWvky7S-AzIU7LD4KMhHfeI0d0dVqRULP6y&sig=AHIEtbStXQqptoEnc2Kv8kJditBhdf7bwA
Hi Guys....have not read all the posts (31 pages now!) just the outline on her life.....

and wow.......I think she is my husbands ex wife!!! She even has red hair and blue eyes just like her....... reading that I could understand what she is like...sought of....because this woman is just like her....

It is all about security for them and their children and image is everything! They are manipulative in setting up what they want out of life and they use charm and sex to get it........and may I add are shallow.........I nearly gagged when I read about the balloons and flowers for the mother in law....that is what the ex wife use to do.......they come accross as so charming and just damn lovely.....but not of it is really the real them......

I agree totally with Smooth Operators post above, I think you hit the nail on the head..........

In regards to marrying Ecker it wasnt for money, but purely because he was taken with her, stable and a good guy........these women cant handle being single mums when there is a man they can control to give them the stability and the image they want to portray to the world.....basically what it comes down to is BEING A SINGLE MUM IS TOO HARD, for them....

My husbands ex wife is up to husband 3......before she married him she sent texts to 5 different guys, these texts werent sexual but they were very seductive and made each guy think he was special to her...(they didnt know of the others) one was to my husband to be.....they were vulnerable guys that thought they were so lucky to have her interested.....(she is quite good looking and dresses extremely well)..........the truth was she was renting a home, which she hated and didnt like her car and had two daughters that were always dressed in brand clothes......

She married a guy after 6 weeks of dating........we have seen her new house, the house this man owned at the time, and it fits perfectly with the image.....we have also heard that she has completely refurnished the house and all his furniture gone.....we know she is not truly in love him but hey.....she has the security, the house and her daughters get to wear brands and she is not struggling......

I think Terri is very similar to above and was looking out for her and her sons security and image....

Something however, if she did this, has really set that vindicative controlling side of her off....
Not yet, although I'm betting VSLM has to do with speed limits. That just leaves FOSS and NMCE.

I was going with First Offense....something

I'm good at this. Lemme try another!!!! :innocent:
I'm curious. Why does the media refer to J's last name as Moulton? Why doesn't he go by his adoptive father's last name, or his bio dad's last name? Why his mom's maiden name? Or is the media just confused?

I believe that TH recently had his name changed to Moulton
Hi Guys....have not read all the posts (31 pages now!) just the outline on her life.....

and wow.......I think she is my husbands ex wife!!! She even has red hair and blue eyes just like her....... reading that I could understand what she is like...sought of....because this woman is just like her....

It is all about security for them and their children and image is everything! They are manipulative in setting up what they want out of life and they use charm and sex to get it........and may I add are shallow.........I nearly gagged when I read about the balloons and flowers for the mother in law....that is what the ex wife use to do.......they come accross as so charming and just damn lovely.....but not of it is really the real them......

I agree totally with Smooth Operators post above, I think you hit the nail on the head..........

In regards to marrying Ecker it wasnt for money, but purely because he was taken with her, stable and a good guy........these women cant handle being single mums when there is a man they can control to give them the stability and the image they want to portray to the world.....basically what it comes down to is BEING A SINGLE MUM IS TOO HARD, for them....

My husbands ex wife is up to husband 3......before she married him she sent texts to 5 different guys, these texts werent sexual but they were very seductive and made each guy think he was special to her...(they didnt know of the others) one was to my husband to be.....they were vulnerable guys that thought they were so lucky to have her interested.....(she is quite good looking and dresses extremely well)..........the truth was she was renting a home, which she hated and didnt like her car and had two daughters that were always dressed in brand clothes......

She married a guy after 6 weeks of dating........we have seen her new house, the house this man owned at the time, and it fits perfectly with the image.....we have also heard that she has completely refurnished the house and all his furniture gone.....we know she is not truly in love him but hey.....she has the security, the house and her daughters get to wear brands and she is not struggling......

I think Terri is very similar to above and was looking out for her and her sons security and image....

Something however, if she did this, has really set that vindicative controlling side of her off....

revampz, my husbands' ex-wife is exactly like this also--but she has green eyes, 2 daughters and a son--but the red hair rules. She has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and is also bipolar. Has been in trouble with court, etc. more times than TH, but she is older. Always has several on on a string, must have perfect house, clothes, etc., very pretty,--"spends money like water." Went thru $100,000 of my husband's money in the year they were together. She has had five husbands--just married husband #5 after knowing him for 2 weeks--poor guy.

This number of charges together with the focus on image suggests a personality disorder to me--another piece of the puzzle who is Terri. In fact, I expected an arrest record like this given what we already know.
OT: I only found two for DDS.

June 1990, Washington County, Charge - VBRX, Plead Guilty

May 2006, Clackamas County, Charge - FUSB, Dismissed
So Terri has morphed from a recidivist traffic offender to child abductor/Lorelei-of-Skyline/perhaps murderess?

Is that the slope I should slide down?
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