Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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We have two "friends" that we don't see much anymore....I was always amazed at how the wife could not see the hubby was drinking...daily, hourly this day I guarantee you she is in so much denial that she would never ever admit it...but the rest of the people they know are very aware...and she is a stay at home mom....where does he hide it? Dunno, but apparently she has never looked....I highly doubt they sleep together as she has been "sickly" (a term used in the south,lol) all her long life. IMO

It would always make her appear well, less than could you not know or did he drink so long that she assumed that was his natural behavior.....weird.

Denial is huge... HUGE!! It happened in my life with my sister married to a pedophile. Denial. Is. Huge.
I'm more interested in the part where it seems TH took the truck and project to school on Thursday.. Does this mean the picture of Kyron was taken on Thursday?

If so why did she wait until the afternoon of the next day to post pictures?

Apparently the photo was taken on Friday morning. Because TH also took a picture of Kyron's friend with his project that morning. So it has been reported, anyway, that there are witnesses to her taking the photo that morning.
I am still uncertain how Terri drinking herself to sleep 5 years ago has anything to do with Kyron being missing today. I should hope no one holds against me the summer after my husband died when I don't remember much but that I really liked Beltian White beer, in quantities I can't calculate with digits provided me by God.

I can't figure out what it has to do with anything that Terri took steroids or ESA stacks or anything else when she was building her body for a competition. It's done all throughout that industry and ........what does it have to do with Kyron being missing today?

Desiree doesn't like that Terri lied about .. how she and Kaine met? What? Is that worse than having an affair while she's 8 months pregnant? Did Terri worm her way into Desiree's life and THEY were ...... er, friends....and Terri took Kaine away? It's bizarre, to say the least. But the innuendo hangs over Desiree and Kaine because they're open about the relationship. (insert crazy eye smiley thang here)

This is more than a father and mother attempting to get their child returned to them; this is as has been written many times before me, a smear campaign. I have the feeling that when Terri DOES start to defend herself, these two will hope that their groundwork of haterade will be sufficient to protect them. Defame her enough before she says a word and well, what do you have but someone bitter enough to say just about anything. I for one am quite unmoved by this tactic of Desiree and Kaine's. For all the world, it is as though they are protecting THEIR secrets.
Well, my husband is a real stickler for taking only the recommended dosage. If I try to get him to take 800 mg of Motrin or 3 aspirin for particularly bad pain, he acts like I'm trying to kill him with a drug overdose.

Mine too... it's like he doesn't believe me until I remind him that in the Marine Corps they gave him 1000 mg ibuprofen. LOL Just because it's not in 1 pill and in 4 doesn't mean it's evil. Or wrong. I understand the recommended dosages tho! Can't pound 1000 mg of ibuprofen on a regular basis...
I just mail ordered a big box of compassion. I was running low, and this case requires copious amounts daily.

How in the world did Kyron navigate all this crap?

Kyron, get down here.
Here, color this.
Smile Kyron. Click. upload, attach, send.
Smile Kyron. Click. upload, attach, send.
Kyron, watch your sister.

I wonder if the 5 e-mail daily photo reports to Desiree were all smiling lies too.

By the way - is that a weird relationship?
To document stuff daily for the non-custodial parent and e-mail 5 x daily.

I've never thought about it. No blended family experience.

It seems very considerate when you think about it. But if you think about it a little more - that frequency - it seems almost needy on Terri's part?

I guess it could be a norm of blended family communication between mom & stepmom - in this day and age with e-mail and digital pix and texting and all that good stuff?

Wondered what those with experience thought of Desiree's descriptions of the frequency of e-mail communication with Terri?

I missed the window with mine - there was no e-mailing or/texting babysitters from work back in my babies' day...

Maybe TH was really screaming "I'm working hard here. Someone pay attention to me. Appreciate me!"

The #1 rule of dysfunctional families--smile, look like the perfect happy family in public.
Before we reopen this thread, please review this post from our administrator in Kyron's forum. wrote this awhile ago and I kept it because it is the long version of "attack the post and not the poster". After some time goes by and many get a chance to read it, we will open the thread again.

I have never understood the concept of being afraid to voice an opinion, especially here on a discussion board. I cannot answer for all boards as this is the only crime discussion board I'm a member of where I'm also privy to the behind the scenes stuff, but I can state categorically that nobody has ever been banned from posting here based on their opinion. People certainly HAVE been banned for the manner in which they express themselves, and we will continue to do that no matter what side they pick, if any. If you come on here and call the members who disagree with you a mob of koolaid-drinking sheep who just want to be in the majority, and when told to not do it you respond that you have the absolute right to post that way because you are right and everyone else is wrong, you're going to get the boot and your point of view has nothing to do with it.

From a logical standpoint the number of people that hold a particular view is totally irrelevant to the process used to substantiate that view. With that in mind, [an example is] if someone were to come on here and try to argue that Casey is innocent because Caylee never existed and was just a figment of everyone's imagination, they would be immediately challenged with the ample evidence of Caylee's existence. So that fact that a post is challenged does not automatically mean that the challenge is invalid. Nor does it mean the theory posted is invalid.

In my professional live I live in a world where, on a regular basis, people from outside come in to look at my work and question what I am doing, so I am used to justifying my decisions and actions without taking offense. I'm not an attorney, but I've paid a few attorney bills in my time and I understand the adversarial system - you've got to either be able to back up your position to the trier of fact OR convince your opponent that they will not prevail if they push it if you think can't back it up. Like poker. The same thing works here on the board - if you feel strongly about your position, post it and defend it. You may be right.

The moderators here are not in a position to pad the world's corners for the meek. We are all known here only by a random name we have chosen unless we chose to reveal more about ourselves. Anyone here can take a position they feel is true and back it up with facts and passion as long as the TOS is followed - which in general is that you give others the respect that you would expect to receive.

People leave this board every day. People join this board every day. There are lots of crime discussion sites out there, and if someone feels they can only express themselves through profanity, belittling and insult there are lots of places where they can do that. .

There are a lot of people posting here who have been touched by crime. Some talk about it openly, some I just know about from private conversations. This board is biased, and it's no secret - it's in the mission statement. We are here for the victims, the innocents, the ones who have been hurt by the evil that is criminal behavior. The anger you will see expressed on these pages against players such as criminal defense attorneys is based on the knowledge that, in our system, they can consider their day a success if an individual that actually committed the criminal acts with which they have been charged is found "not guilty" because they can pick apart the efforts of the police. But that's how our system works, and if I was ever unjustly accused I'd want to be afforded the best opportunity possible to clear my name.

I hold my fellow posters in very high esteem. It pains me when they attack each other. I don't care if they attack me, I'm tough and I can take it. But before anyone launches an insult at a fellow poster, realize what that really means - it means you don't think you are able to argue your point, so maybe you would be better served reflecting on your position and the weaknesses in it.
I just mail ordered a big box of compassion. I was running low, and this case requires copious amounts daily.

How in the world did Kyron navigate all this crap?

Kyron, get down here.
Here, color this.
Smile Kyron. Click. upload, attach, send.
Smile Kyron. Click. upload, attach, send.
Kyron, watch your sister.

I wonder if the 5 e-mail daily photo reports to Desiree were all smiling lies too.

By the way - is that a weird relationship?
To document stuff daily for the non-custodial parent and e-mail 5 x daily.

I've never thought about it. No blended family experience.

It seems very considerate when you think about it. But if you think about it a little more - that frequency - it seems almost needy on Terri's part?

I guess it could be a norm of blended family communication between mom & stepmom - in this day and age with e-mail and digital pix and texting and all that good stuff?

Wondered what those with experience thought of Desiree's descriptions of the frequency of e-mail communication with Terri?

I missed the window with mine - there was no e-mailing or/texting babysitters from work back in my babies' day...

I wrote a lovely eloquent post in response to this, then the thread closed. I lost my post. :cry: I've been sitting here for over three hours and I can't bring myself to retype it.

Suffice it to say: My Crazy Mother (tm) would totally act like this (especially, click click, weird relationship, needy). No diagnosis of TH expressed or implied, YMMV.
Huh? Did I hear that right? That there was no actual diagnosis of PPD....
Thats not how Kaine put it when the news first came out. He specifically said that he was told by the docs to keep a close eye on her for 6 months after having Baby K. :waitasec:

Now he's saying that terri told him that she had PPD and was on some type of med for it.

Terri Horman was put on medication for the depression, and her doctor told Kaine to keep an eye on her to make sure she was OK, he said. But she wasn't OK.

"She's had a lot of emotional outbursts," he said. "I think it's still with her. I don't know if it's postpartum or something else."

I was just supposed to watch her closely for a six-month period, which I did do,” he said. “And after the six months, things seemed to be OK

And he knew she was abusing OTC meds, but only found out about her drinking later....Hmmmmm.

Interesting tidbit from desiree re PPD "....not calculating, you know, manipulating other people into this scheme to harm other people and you know....a year after the depression and all that."
(Oh, duh, just realised this is probably in reference to the MFH).

Then Kaine says: "I think it had a lot to do with... so, I think that... the show and the drinking started to change her demeaner. I think the post partum depression furthered that. I don't think it was the cause of her going off but I think it made it worse, and then as a result of, like Desiree said, it's not gonna go on for years. but as she was probably getting past that, I think she was already in a different state of mind by then. Moreso than before. Much moreso than before".

BBM-What show? Her body building? And I don't think they seem to get how it works. PPD or any other mental illness can lead to self medicating, which Terri seems to have been doing with alcohol and OTC meds. Possibly even rx meds if Kaine has no idea was meds she was taking.

But if she was" drinking herself to sleep every night", how did he not know about it? I know alcoholics hide their bottles, rinse out their mouth to disguise the smell etc, but being drunk is pretty obvious.

Weird how there's a long pause when asked if baby K asks about her Mom. The "no" is an instant response then long pause, and "she's a new kid... she's a whole new kid now".Followed by Desiree saying "Yeah, she is"
Methinks Terri wont like that one bit. DY is obviously spending time with baby K.
And she's different how? Were there other red flags with baby K too?

Another Hmmm.....Kaine refusing to explain how he and Terri met. I think we now know the answer to that one.

Kaine: "Yeah I'm just not gonna get into it. We...ah....Desiree and I have talked a lot about it. Uhm we understand that, ah, we both have our interpretations of the past, and, and ah, we ah, interpretation we have right now is that we're working to find him and we're doing it together. We're just not delving into that information just because it's, we're very focused in one direction right now, and we're unified in that."

Desiree: "Yeah, the only intent by even answering that question was to clarify my relationship with Terri and...all of....."(reporter speaking over her)

Reporter : "There was no hiring of Terri, you guys were never friends"...
DY:" No
Reporter: "You were obvioulsy not happy with Terri, as anybody would be in that situation. I get it."

Reporter asks about how she got 350 grand to pay for atty- Desiree jokes with rporter about it and tells them to print it when the find out.

Reporter: "Uhm, Was Terri taking steroids?"
Kaine:"Ah, again, not to my knowledge....but.... what she says and what she was doing can be very different. You guys saw her transformation. She went from 185 pounds down to 123 pounds, so there's probably a lot you can read into that".
Reporter: "How long....from when to when did she do that?"
Kaine: "From January to April was the weight loss...."
Reporter: "Oh! you're kidding me!
Reporter: "In one year?"
Kaine: " Yeah, four months
Reporter: "And that was 2005?"
Kaine: "Yeah"
Reporter: And she competed for one contest?
Kaine: "Yeah"
Reporter: " And That was it?And that was the end of her body building?
Kaine: "Yep"
Reporter: "Thats a really peculiar....."
Kaine: "I know, like I said, I don't have any information that I can really help you with because, I don't know everything she was doing 'cause I found out alot about after the fact.
Reporter: "How tall is she"?
Kaine: " 5 -6 I think, 5-5."

So Kaine knows EXACTLY how much Terri weighed, but didn't have a clue what meds she was on? :waitasec:
And if we as outsiders can 'read into what her weight loss means', then why couldn't he? He lived with her for goodness sakes! How can he know so little about who she is and what she does?

RE: Terri's older son.

Reporter: "Why was J sent to Roseberg...if we know"
Kaine: "Well he spends the summer with his Dad, and so he was up because of what was happening,and he was a here for a week, and then he went back down, and I think based on the media frenzy at the time it was decided it was best if he wasn't here. Just to get him out of that ah...out of that environment.

Reporter: "And how was your relationship...."

Kaine "With J? I think it was good." (pause)

Reporter: "Some of Terri's friends told a reporter that the two you butted heads a little bit."

Kaine: "Uhm, Ah...two men in the house. [laughter from a female] Uhm, teenage boy and a father. Ah you know I can't really take it much further from there. I know that if anything, I think that, uhm, him and Terri butted heads more often, and I was the mitigator of the situation."

Desiree: "yeah, yeah...Honestly, from a third party perspective, uhm, Kaine, had an , uhm, more structured.....ah parenting type of style....As opposed to Terri. And I think sometimes when you have a different parenting style as your co-parent, that it sometimes can, you know give you a little challenge with that sort of thing."

Kaine:"eh, eh, and I don't know if it helps , and it's a little off track, and I don't want to go into her son as much, but I think, if, he would say the same thing. And he's told me that before.. You know that if circumstances- You know ,if something happened,something really bad happened he would come live with me if, if he could. So I know what they're saying, but, you know, if you talk to the kids, its like 'yeah, okay we butted heads', but it's the typical, you know....
He's 16 and wanting to do his own stuff and I'm trying to be a Dad to him , and goin' okay here's what you can do and here's kinda your boundaries and when he oversteps we have differences of opinon. It's expected. You know.... pushes the buttons.
We don't have the 16 year old filter turned on yet- It's typical stuff, uhm, but I don't think what he and Terri were going through was typical. And when I'm stepping in with my step-son to play mitigator with his natural mom, when you start to pull all the step and natural stuff out- that to me speaks volumes as well.
So I know they have their opinion, but there's a lot of things I had to do in order to help that relationship between the two of them".

Like what? What did he do to help the r/ship between Terri and her son? And what was it about the r/ship between mother and son that was not 'typical'?
I'd be more interested to know if terri and kaine butted heads over the 'different parenting styles', and if there was ever talk of a divorce prior to this.

~Paraphrasing now~
So the new arrangement of Kyron spending 6 weeks during summer vacation at Desirees and Kyron not wanting to go home, started last year. And DY has him every other weekend. Kaine would call only once or twice a week when Kyron was with his mom.

I don't think Kaine or Desiree had anything at all to do with kyrons disappearance, but I'm not feeling the same amount of sympathy for them I did in the beginning.
Don't get me wrong- I feel really bad that their son is missing, but I don't like that they air Terris dirty laundry, while hiding their own. And that their answers seem to be self-serving. Not a whole lot of this audio was dedicated to the search for kyron....And that definately bothers me.

And Desirees joking and laughter just doesn't sit right with me....I've noticed it a few times now. I know sometimes you have to laugh to stay sane, but.... Heck! What do I know? I'm not in their situation.

I just want Kyron found. Every day I log in, and expect to see some major break in the case....and it's the same old thing. He said, she said, but isn't talking now.
Wherever you are lil man, there are so many people praying for your return.
Yeah, I really am not liking all the contradictions and I think Kaine is deflecting like crazy and shouldn't be, as no one is attacking him. He already has the sympathy vote but he may start to lose it if he keeps saying things that don't jive with what he has said before.

It may not be relevant to the case but he has made me want to know really badly how he and Terri met. What on earth is the big deal? And I am not even wanting to know all of this other stuff, but he has made me very curious about that.

I think the Intel e-mail shows just how paranoid Kaine is/was about anything getting out about his family. It is okay if it gets out as long as he gets to tell it.
There are many things that bother me about the audio interview, some of which I've addressed, and some of which others have addressed, but the more I think about Kaine's (and Desiree's) comments about baby K, the more I find the comments inexplicable and unrealistic. A guardian ad litem posted in this thread or perhaps the presser thread, I'm sorry I can't remember which or your name, but in her experience even abused children missed their parents.

My expertise is not in psychology, but as an undergrad, I took several psychology classes and did a fair amount of research into parent-child relationships. In my research, I was amazed by the forgiveness of children when it came to their parents, and my research was into extreme cases of abuse. A lot of times children don't even realize they are abused until they are much, much older. All they know is what is at home is "normal," and sometimes it is not until they are exposed to normal that they realize their home life or how they are being treated is abnormal.

Having said that, I find it difficult to believe that baby K is not asking for her mother. Terri was with baby K day in and day out. At minimum, she fed her and tended to her most basic needs, which is everything to a child that age. Then I got to thinking about the assertion that these pressers by Desiree and Kaine are designed to rile Terri, and even some who support this notion assert that certain things are being said, stretches of the truth, to intentionally rile her. Then I began to question what things might be a stretch of the truth. There are things Desiree and Kaine are saying and asserting that are contradictory or that simply don't make sense to me.

Sometimes, when I picture Desiree and Kaine's reasoning, assertions, proclamations, accusations, the media speculation, the misreporting, the contradictory statements, I see an ouroboros and think it's no wonder Kyron can't be found.
It makes me sick that they are saying Baby K is a new child. I think that is horsecrap. And again how the heck does DY know that she is a new child, she only had her own child Kyron 6 days a week. She did not spend anytime with baby K.
There are many things that bother me about the audio interview, some of which I've addressed, and some of which others have addressed, but the more I think about Kaine (and Desiree's) comments about baby K, the more I find the comments inexplicable and unrealistic. A guardian ad litem posted in this thread or perhaps the presser thread, I'm sorry I can't remember which or your name, but in her experience even abused children missed their parents.

My expertise is not in psychology, but as an undergrad, I took several psychology classes and did a fair amount of research into parent-child relationships. In my research, I was amazed by the forgiveness of children when it came to their parents, and my research was into extreme cases of abuse. A lot of times children don't even realize they are abused until they are much, much older. All they know is what is at home is "normal," and sometimes it is not until they are exposed to normal that they realize their home life or how they are being treated is abnormal.

Having said that, I find it difficult to believe that baby K is not asking for her mother. Terri was with baby K day in and day out. At minimum, she fed her and tended to her most basic needs, which is everything to a child that age. Then I got to thinking about the assertion that these pressers by Desiree and Kaine are designed to rile Terri, and even some who support this notion assert that certain things are being said, stretches of the truth, to intentionally rile her. Then I began to question what things might be a stretch of the truth. There are things Desiree and Kaine are saying and asserting that are contradictory or that simply don't make sense to me.

Sometimes, when I picture Desiree and Kaine's reasoning, assertions, proclamations, accusations, the media speculation, the misreporting, the contradictory statements, I see an ouroboros and think it's no wonder Kyron can't be found.

I wonder if it's her age and what age the GAL who posted is experienced with. In my limited experience, toddlers don't necessarily dwell on what has become of people -- even their primary caregivers. In the situations I'm aware of, they are very adaptable. My ds had an ft nanny from when he was a baby/toddler. They were VERY close and she doted on him no end. She treated him like her own son, and then some, to the point I was worried about my daughter feeling like the serious second fiddle. When she left for another position when he was almost 4, I was extremely concerned for my son. But he was fine. If I mention her or she comes up in conversation, he recognizes who I'm talking about and is positive about her, but he is in no way devastated. And I'm sure he doesn't even think about her unless I bring it up. Kinda sad, but true.

Also, I think if there is a lot of drama expressed in front of the children regarding custody issues, they are more likely to develop feelings about it. That is typically the case with the GAL situations. Bad parents tend to involve their children directly in the disputes, so loyalties are made important to those poor kids. fwiw, some of my experience is GAL, too.
Another Hmmm.....Kaine refusing to explain how he and Terri met. I think we now know the answer to that one.

I wonder if it was via chatting on the net? It COULD be that he doesn't want to talk about it as they think TH might have gotten involved with someone else via the net, and that someone has (or knows the whereabouts of) Kyron?
Maybe Baby K is like a different child because it's quiet and more mellow around her. Maybe there was a lot more fighting and drama going on than we know before Kyron went missing.(meaning between KH & TH)

I'm sure there is lots going on now, but maybe not around the baby.
One phrase Kaine said really really bothered me, about TH's friends hiding her frame of mind ? What did he mean exactly by this ? That they don't agree with him ? or Desiree? about her frame of mind ? Seems a strange thing to say when early in the investigation everything was normal till after Kyron's disappearance, then it became after the baby was born. Now she was drinking, doin meds, etc...

Oh and also about that latest friend Dede ? They don't know her well, but she is smug and not cooperating ?
Is she one of the friends that are hiding TH's state of mind ?

Im confused just writing this out.

Im continually amazed at how much can be written about a person and yet she has never spoken "TH" Im talking about.

I can see Im gonna have a hard time sleeping. I get really preturbed when one accuses another of the same thing they do.
In my world contradictory statements are lying as well.
Hmmmm . . . how to put this? I think they're being human -- often illogical and not always pretty. I can understand why they've got to believe this "history of Terri" they're putting out. (If I thought someone killed my child, my interview would be, "Freaking murderous freak!!! I never trusted that shady whackjob killer beeotch!")
But I don't really think this helps much in understanding Terri or Kyron's disappearance.
Please, please, please....Kaine and more interviews. You are damned if you do, and damned if you don', just don't. To many, you are no longer seen as victims. You're seen as tormentors of Terri who caused her to do whatever you believe she did to Kyron.
The excuses for whatever you believe to be her suspicious actions are coming fast and furious. I'm afraid that Kyron is being left behind with the focus on you and the zeal to defend Terri. God Bless you both....and Kyron.
I think some of their remarks are meant to provoke a reaction

in Terri, especially the ones about baby k.
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