Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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That's rather amazing in 2010 in a city known to be very liberal...LOL!

What kind of hours do these state stores maintain??


Well, it's a state law, and the state is quite conservative... it's just an old mindset, but having lived in California too, I sort of like it up here. Much tamer!
The state sets the rules on prices, promotions, even decor, as well as hours. Most stores have to close by 7, aren't open holidays or I said, plan ahead. :D
Here is the transcript.

HORMAN: Yes. Those were all events or times that occurred after he was missing already. And during those weeks that followed, that process we went through, the investigative process, it`s -- let`s face it.

It`s a grueling process and it`s your ability as a parent or family member to be ruled out, to be ruled out as a suspect, to be ruled out as having any involvement with whatever has happened. And you have every ability to work with them, to clear yourself.

And as soon as that started to go south, as soon as she was refusing to cooperate, lots of suspicion arose, and I -- I stood by her as long as I could until I couldn`t stand by her anymore. Then we had to leave for our own safety. And I think that we did everything that we could. I mean we - - there was other people who stood by her as long as they could as well, until we just got to the point where the behaviors didn`t match what we thought was going on.

And, yes, those were definitely either goose bumps or just those twinges in the intuition that say, ok, enough is enough. We`re kind of past the point of being reasonable in our support here. We need to take a different path.

Lots more at link.
I really doubt that Kyron is alive. I think these are just two heartbroken parents in different stages of grief. I know that I could not accept that my child was gone until I absolutely had to. I would stubbornly hold onto hope. Dealing with a parent with a terminal illness, I clung to every shred of hope that I could, all logic aside. It was easier to try to have hope and believe things may turn out okay than to face that gaping maw of horror. There were times when my confidence slipped and I knew it was not going to be okay, then I went back to the easier place of trying to hold on to hope again. My relatives and I all went through similar feelings, all at different times.

I imagine losing a child like this is very similar. And, I bet it feels good and right to speak to Kyron the way Kaine did, even if he knows subconsciously that Kyron is no longer with us - he still feels that Kyron can hear him.

The thing is, the logistics do not point to Kyron being hidden for so long. Dede and TH have been watched, likely surveilled every step of the way, for a long time now. So, we know it is unlikely that they are holding him somewhere without help and it's unlikely they are in contact with a third party who is holding him. Then, there is the issue of a third party. Once you start adding more people to the mix, it become much more likely that someone will talk or slip up. That's why I tend to doubt conspiracies.
Moreover, where does one hold a kid for so long without some sign of it? It happens but it is extremely rare for such a thing to go on unnoticed.
Also, the person caring for Kyron needs to work, to be able to provide for him, etc. Which makes stashing him even harder.

Finally, there's TH. The clues point to an imbalanced and vicious person who saw Kyron as the object of her misery and who saw killing him as the way to be free. "Kyron was there, he was a part of it and saw everything", or however Desiree said it, I didn't view this quote as signs of some cult activity or anything more complex than a little boy who obeyed the woman who helped raise him, who trustingly kept quiet and went along with whatever plan she had to get him out of the school unnoticed and who calmly got out of the car and walked into the woods to see whatever TH told him would be there, only to find himself strangled to death, or clobbered over the head and left to rot.

I cannot imagine the pain this family will go through for the rest of their lives. It's so evil, so senseless, so unnecessary. But I also think it's very simple, what happened to Kyron - the same thing that happens to too many lovely children at the hands of their parents or their parents' new guy or new girl. :twocents:

Like you, I could not give up on my child until presented with tangible evidence. I also note that some credible people seem to think there's a chance he's still alive.

Short of giving up hope entirely, I'm still hoping that he is being held and is alive. If this is so, I don't think Terri had much if anything to do with whatever happened to him. It would most likely be a pedophile who has created a whole new life for him, ala the Shawn Hornbeck, Elizabeth Smart, Jaycee Dugard cases. As horrible as it is to think anything like this might have happened to Ky, I think it's the best hope we have that he's still alive.

If that turns out to be the case, it just means that Terri was living her horrid life and doing the damage that she did ... but not the disappearance.
Like you, I could not give up on my child until presented with tangible evidence. I also note that some credible people seem to think there's a chance he's still alive.

Short of giving up hope entirely, I'm still hoping that he is being held and is alive. If this is so, I don't think Terri had much if anything to do with whatever happened to him. It would most likely be a pedophile who has created a whole new life for him, ala the Shawn Hornbeck, Elizabeth Smart, Jaycee Dugard cases. As horrible as it is to think anything like this might have happened to Ky, I think it's the best hope we have that he's still alive.

If that turns out to be the case, it just means that Terri was living her horrid life and doing the damage that she did ... but not the disappearance.

Interesting that you mention Jaycee Dugard, because today while thinking about this case, that's where my mind went. Could Kyron become the next Jaycee?

If a stranger creep pervert like Phillip Garrido took him, imagine what he's telling him now....... See Kyron, no one's looking for you anymore.....they think you're dead. They think your step mother killed you. Hahaha, fighting amongst themselves, like usual right? They're looking at the bottom of rivers and streams and ponds. You may as well just be happy here with us, in our little comfy cottage full of angels that speak to us from that little black box in the corner.


Yeah, I sure as ****e hope that LE is right in this one!!
Houze/Bunch stated at a Hearing that J. was living with Terri at the parents house. He corrected Rackner when she stated he lived with her ex.

Wanted to provide link. ETA

During the hearing, Bunch corrected Rackner, who suggested that Terri Horman's son J was living with his father. No, Bunch said flatly, J is living with his mother.

It has never been clear to me why J was sent away before Kyron went missing. I heard it was because J couldn't get along with Kaine--but also it was because he couldn't get along with Terri. For awhile there was a theory that Terri was made to send him away, and maybe she did something to Kyron as a form of revenge against Kaine for that.

The fact that J is now living with Terri again supports the idea that it was Kaine he couldn't get along with. So, maybe Terri did disappear Kyron for revenge.

Or, if it's true she'd been planning this for awhile, maybe she wanted J living elsewhere to make ultra sure that he didn't come under suspicion for the crime.

This is what Kaine says about that.

Meanwhile, Kaine continued pointing fingers at Terri in the saga that has become the couple's public divorce. He said that it was Terri, not himself, who sent away Terri's oldest child – a teenager named J – to live with his grandparents. Kaine defended his role by saying he was away on a business trip at the time, and provided Js' departure as an example of children already leaving Terri's home before Kyron disappeared.

I read another article where he said it was on his first night in CA. and Terri and J. had a fight.

So I'm a little reluctant to believe it was Kaine that sent him away.
Houze/Bunch stated at a Hearing that J. was living with Terri at the parents house. He corrected Rackner when she stated he lived with her ex.

Wanted to provide link. ETA

During the hearing, Bunch corrected Rackner, who suggested that Terri Horman's son J was living with his father. No, Bunch said flatly, J is living with his mother.

Oh jeez, don't make me look for the link that says that J has spoken to his mother on the phone but hasn't seen her in a while.
Oh jeez, don't make me look for the link that says that J has spoken to his mother on the phone but hasn't seen her in a while.

I remember that. I think that was before this court hearing...... Rackner stated that J. was living with his father and she was very much corrected. Court hearing was in late Sept I believe.
It has never been clear to me why J was sent away before Kyron went missing. I heard it was because J couldn't get along with Kaine--but also it was because he couldn't get along with Terri. For awhile there was a theory that Terri was made to send him away, and maybe she did something to Kyron as a form of revenge against Kaine for that.

The fact that J is now living with Terri again supports the idea that it was Kaine he couldn't get along with. So, maybe Terri did disappear Kyron for revenge.

Or, if it's true she'd been planning this for awhile, maybe she wanted J living elsewhere to make ultra sure that he didn't come under suspicion for the crime.

I tend to have a different take on J living with Terri now. In the
interview, J mentioned that his mom must be kind of "lonely." He also mentioned that living with Tarver was okay, 'cause he and his mom "moved around a lot." Honestly, his comments made me sad. I think he's probably with his mom because he feels sorry/responsible for her. And, staying with his mother makes her "look better" from a defense attorney point-of-view.

J was surely "in trouble" with Terri before he moved, since he admitted to cutting class and his grades had dropped drastically. (If Kyron was to be disciplined for less than perfect behavior, I imagine she was not kind to J when his grades dropped.) And, sadly, TH probably didn't think that her behavior/tension in the home might be a contributing factor.

The tension in the home must have been very troubling for a 15 or 16-year-old. He surely recognized that his mom wasn't the same, especially if she was falling asleep on the couch, etc.

In reality, J's life will probably be more negatively impacted if TH is charged and/or convicted in Ky's disappearance. Baby K will still have a father. J is like a nomad with no home and no permanent male figure.
I remember that. I think that was before this court hearing...... Rackner stated that J. was living with his father and she was very much corrected. Court hearing was in late Sept I believe.

You are right. That story was in August and the hearing was in Oct. I believe.
It has never been clear to me why J was sent away before Kyron went missing. I heard it was because J couldn't get along with Kaine--but also it was because he couldn't get along with Terri. For awhile there was a theory that Terri was made to send him away, and maybe she did something to Kyron as a form of revenge against Kaine for that.

The fact that J is now living with Terri again supports the idea that it was Kaine he couldn't get along with. So, maybe Terri did disappear Kyron for revenge.

Or, if it's true she'd been planning this for awhile, maybe she wanted J living elsewhere to make ultra sure that he didn't come under suspicion for the crime.

Above BBM....BINGO!..jmo
Here you go Dairy

This article was in August.

I'm guessing for whatever reason, J. is now back with his mother at the grandparents according to her attorney at the hearing in Sept.

Hard to keep up but I remember we were all surprised because we heard he had moved out before she moved in.

oooops sorry Dairy I was finding the link when you posted. :)
Call me cynical but I wonder if the child support has anything to do with her decision?

LOL DairyGirl....You beat me to it.It's my opinion that child support has everything to do with it!!!:angel:
I tend to have a different take on J living with Terri now. In the
interview, J mentioned that his mom must be kind of "lonely." He also mentioned that living with Tarver was okay, 'cause he and his mom "moved around a lot." Honestly, his comments made me sad. I think he's probably with his mom because he feels sorry/responsible for her. And, staying with his mother makes her "look better" from a defense attorney point-of-view.

J was surely "in trouble" with Terri before he moved, since he admitted to cutting class and his grades had dropped drastically. (If Kyron was to be disciplined for less than perfect behavior, I imagine she was not kind to J when his grades dropped.) And, sadly, TH probably didn't think that her behavior/tension in the home might be a contributing factor.

The tension in the home must have been very troubling for a 15 or 16-year-old. He surely recognized that his mom wasn't the same, especially if she was falling asleep on the couch, etc.

In reality, J's life will probably be more negatively impacted if TH is charged and/or convicted in Ky's disappearance. Baby K will still have a father. J is like a nomad with no home and no permanent male figure.

Thank you for this insight, Tink56. It certainly paints a picture of J as a tragic figure and I will certainly add him to my prayer list. If Terri sent him away, but he's still standing by her and trying to help her--it's heartbreaking! But so in line with what kids can and will do for their parents, no matter what. Sometimes it's shocking that the kid is more loyal and dedicated to the bond than the parent is.
I remember that. I think that was before this court hearing...... Rackner stated that J. was living with his father and she was very much corrected. Court hearing was in late Sept I believe.

Grandmaj, thank you for all the links & information you've posted on this thread. You are helping me get caught up. I especially appreciate knowing more about the dynamic between Terri and J. I suppose it's true in all crimes, but in this crime it's really jumping out at me: one case, so many victims!
I honestly don't think you can go by the parents, as most parents in this situation have said they believe their child is alive, for years, or decades even. What else can they think? But Desiree showed a crack last week, after she read whatever it is she read.

I agree that the chances of some elaborate conspiracy are slim by this point, I don't believe all concerned would be keep quiet, someone would want the better deal. Terri does not strike me as someone who would trust anyone else, not to mention who would put their trust in her hands?

Two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead, they say...
Can someone please save me a lot of time, and point me to discussions on DeDe Spicher and her possible involvement? I did a search but too many threads came up. TIA!
Terri's parents could have guardianship of the teen and still be getting child support. If neither the bio dad or the adopted dad could handle him or fight to keep him, that is pretty bad IMO. Or, it could be that he asked to go back to the grandparents' home and the men couldn't afford a big legal fee. If both men support Terri after being married to her, then that could be another reason.
Can someone please save me a lot of time, and point me to discussions on DeDe Spicher and her possible involvement? I did a search but too many threads came up. TIA!

I am sure there must be a thread or two or three...but in any event, she is a friend who moved in with Terri for 1-2 weeks when Kaine took the baby and left. And then it was discovered that she was working nearby on June 4th, on a big landscaping job, and seems to be unaccounted for, for a period of time, possibly overlapping with TH's 90 minutes of driving around. She was called to the grand jury but her lawyer said they did not have any questions for her at that time, and we have never seen or heard of her being called back again. That is about the basic story, anyway...oh, and she was one of 3-4 women who bought and/or used throwaway phones with/for Terri.
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