Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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I am sure there must be a thread or two or three...but in any event, she is a friend who moved in with Terri for 1-2 weeks when Kaine took the baby and left. And then it was discovered that she was working nearby on June 4th, on a big landscaping job, and seems to be unaccounted for, for a period of time, possibly overlapping with TH's 90 minutes of driving around. She was called to the grand jury but her lawyer said they did not have any questions for her at that time, and we have never seen or heard of her being called back again. That is about the basic story, anyway...oh, and she was one of 3-4 women who bought and/or used throwaway phones with/for Terri.
Weird. I've read negative comments about her, and I did pick up some discussion on her alleged time away from the gardening job. I think when I first got here, I may have read a theory that Terri handed Kyron off to her. And then recently, someone suggested that Terri put her own cell phone in DS' car (or DS took Terri's truck) to Sauvie Island.

Where is Kyron? Wish I knew.
It has never been clear to me why J was sent away before Kyron went missing. I heard it was because J couldn't get along with Kaine--but also it was because he couldn't get along with Terri. For awhile there was a theory that Terri was made to send him away, and maybe she did something to Kyron as a form of revenge against Kaine for that.

The fact that J is now living with Terri again supports the idea that it was Kaine he couldn't get along with. So, maybe Terri did disappear Kyron for revenge.

Or, if it's true she'd been planning this for awhile, maybe she wanted J living elsewhere to make ultra sure that he didn't come under suspicion for the crime.


I think you are spot on...BBM

"I've never seen Kaine cry until Kyron went missing," J said, adding that his mother was hysterical.

As the investigation dragged on with no clear indication of what happened to Kyron, the family fell apart.

On June 26, Kaine moved out and took K. He filed for divorce and got a restraining order to keep Terri from seeing him or her daughter.

J said he misses his little sister — and would like to see Kaine as well.

"He was like a dad to me," J said. "I lived with him for eight years."

Kaine hopes to talk to J again soon.
I think much of Terri bringing J. back home may have to do with the fact that she was trying to get visitation with the Baby. It softens her image a bit to not have her son living elsewhere.

What I had missed in that article as many times as I had read it is that Terri changed J's name back to her maiden name in January.

It is in one of those little gray boxes. I always skip over those.

Ecker's parents remember J as being a curious and lively child. Horman legally changed his last name from Ecker to Moulton in January this year.
I think much of Terri bringing J. back home may have to do with the fact that she was trying to get visitation with the Baby. It softens her image a bit to not have her son living elsewhere.

What I had missed in that article as many times as I had read it is that Terri changed J's name back to her maiden name in January.

It is in one of those little gray boxes. I always skip over those.

Ecker's parents remember J as being a curious and lively child. Horman legally changed his last name from Ecker to Moulton in January this year.

I think that there's more to this story than is being told, grandmaj. I'm saying this with the belief that I'm not breaking the rules--since Jxxxs' stepmother who's married to his biodad has been mentioned in articles in the MSM, and since her FB is open, I'll paraphrase and not copy direct quotations:

She says that she is so glad to have her children with her, and she mentions J by name. Before J came to live with her and Ron, there were three kids in their home. After J came to live with them, there were four.

She mentions numerous times in October and November that the four kids live with them, and that it's difficult on their one income to support them all. And she has boucoup photos of J that tend to give the impression that he's still in the home.

She seems to adore J, and I think it's a good thing that he has the stability that she can give him.

I really believe that J is still staying with his biodad and stepmother. I think that he's with them much more than just on weekend visitation.
Terri's parents could have guardianship of the teen and still be getting child support. If neither the bio dad or the adopted dad could handle him or fight to keep him, that is pretty bad IMO. Or, it could be that he asked to go back to the grandparents' home and the men couldn't afford a big legal fee. If both men support Terri after being married to her, then that could be another reason.

His bio father has no say in where J lives. He signed away his rights when he allowed the step father to adopt him. He wouldn't have a leg to stand on if he tried for custody.
I think much of Terri bringing J. back home may have to do with the fact that she was trying to get visitation with the Baby. It softens her image a bit to not have her son living elsewhere.

What I had missed in that article as many times as I had read it is that Terri changed J's name back to her maiden name in January.

It is in one of those little gray boxes. I always skip over those.

Ecker's parents remember J as being a curious and lively child. Horman legally changed his last name from Ecker to Moulton in January this year.

Yeah, that burned my biscuits. He was good enough to take his money month after month but not to have the boy keep his name. Aside from the horrible things she may have done with Kyron she turns my stomach just for the way she treated her ex husband, obligating him to child support while not allowing contact.
His bio father has no say in where J lives. He signed away his rights when he allowed the step father to adopt him. He wouldn't have a leg to stand on if he tried for custody.

I don't think he would have to try for custody if Terri just sends J over to live with him. The only one who might squawk would be the guy who has been paying support all these years, and since he hasn't seen J in many years, I doubt he will protest.
I think that there's more to this story than is being told, grandmaj. I'm saying this with the belief that I'm not breaking the rules--since Jxxxs' stepmother who's married to his biodad has been mentioned in articles in the MSM, and since her FB is open, I'll paraphrase and not copy direct quotations:

She says that she is so glad to have her children with her, and she mentions J by name. Before J came to live with her and Ron, there were three kids in their home. After J came to live with them, there were four.

She mentions numerous times in October and November that the four kids live with them, and that it's difficult on their one income to support them all. And she has boucoup photos of J that tend to give the impression that he's still in the home.

She seems to adore J, and I think it's a good thing that he has the stability that she can give him.

I really believe that J is still staying with his biodad and stepmother. I think that he's with them much more than just on weekend visitation.

Maybe J had to move back with Terri or Terri might have had to give up the child support from Number Two who never sees the child.

When J was living elsewhere in the months before the disappearance...was Terri still taking the money that should have gone to her son's care?
If she changed his name back to Moulton, wouldn't that render all legal paperwork null and void re: child support?
January 2010 she changed J**'s last name to her own maiden name.
February 2010 she sent J** to live with his grandparents while Kaine was away.

At some point ?? she told Desiree that Kyron should move in with DY and TY.

What the heck was she doing? Clearing the house out of children? That's all so weird.
January 2010 she changed J**'s last name to her own maiden name.
February 2010 she sent J** to live with his grandparents while Kaine was away.

At some point ?? she told Desiree that Kyron should move in with DY and TY.

What the heck was she doing? Clearing the house out of children? That's all so weird.

Would you add that to the premeditation thread? I think it speaks to that as well. :)
If she changed his name back to Moulton, wouldn't that render all legal paperwork null and void re: child support?

No. He's still the same child. The child support is still due. (to her)
January 2010 she changed J**'s last name to her own maiden name.
February 2010 she sent J** to live with his grandparents while Kaine was away.

At some point ?? she told Desiree that Kyron should move in with DY and TY.

What the heck was she doing? Clearing the house out of children? That's all so weird.

Not if you just had a baby and you want it to be all about her...
No. He's still the same child. The child support is still due. (to her)

In order to change his name, his birth certificate would have to be changed, correct? I was just thinking the legal paperwork for the child support would have his old legal name and not his new legal name thus requiring it to be amended or changed or something, which might have occurred anyway? I don't know. I was just more curious than anything.
FWIW, I am a stay at home mom with no income of my own, but our finances are kept "separate" in that my DH has a certain amounted deposited each paycheck into an account that I control. He pays most of the bills from our main account, while I take care of groceries, and things that are expenditures rather than bills.. .ie.. I take the kids to buy new shoes and pay with "my" funds, he pays the cable bill, the mortgage and about dozen other things.

I don't know how much our utilities cost.. he doesn't know how much we spend on milk and cookies. He knows how much I have per month but not how its spent specifically.

We do it this way b/c he is an engineer and will get obsessive about keeping track of every penny so he'd nag me about abbreviations on receipts "it says you spent 4.99 on GBR- BOYS NT what was that?" I'd be like.. "um... don't know.. uh... socks? " (thinking frantically what cost 4.99?) After one too many arguments about receipts we decided to have separate accounts. As long as we're not eating cheerios for every meal and the kids are dressed appropriately for weather conditions, he is fine to let me manage the funds that cover those expenses without having to know the specific details. But if you asked him how much I spend on .... (I don't drink, so not booze) let's say coffee... he'd say I have no idea.

So, I'd be accurate if I said "I have no money of my own" because I don't, all that I have control over is designated and comes from my DH. On my own, I'd have nothing unless I took it from him.
It's important to remember that Terri and Kaine lived together unmarried for 5 years (I still wonder what the impetus was to get married). During that time, Terri worked at various jobs (most of them in the restaurant business) and received child support for J. Plus, she presumably had money left over from the lawsuit settlement against Chubby's and the lawsuit money from the car accident. I imagine that they probably still carried on the same way after marriage to a certain degree with separate accounts.
It's important to remember that Terri and Kaine lived together unmarried for 5 years (I still wonder what the impetus was to get married). During that time, Terri worked at various jobs (most of them in the restaurant business) and received child support for J. Plus, she presumably had money left over from the lawsuit settlement against Chubby's and the lawsuit money from the car accident. I imagine that they probably still carried on the same way after marriage to a certain degree with separate accounts.

I have wondered that many times as well....what was their motivation to get married after 5 years?
I have wondered that many times as well....what was their motivation to get married after 5 years?
was it the pregnancy?? does that possibility "work" with how old baby K is? ((ie: I forget when exactly they got married and exactly how old the baby is....having a blonde moment))
They moved into the house on Sheltered Nook in January of 2007.
They were married in 2007 (around April-ish is my guess).
Baby K was conceived around Valentines Day in 2008 :) and born in November of 2008.
She started getting unemployment sometime in 2008.


Kaine's dad married them in Hawaii, which makes me wonder if Kaine's dad is either a pastor of some type or a judge? If a pastor, then perhaps Kaine was the one who was pressuring Terri to get married. And I suppose it is entirely possible that Terri did get pregnant by Kaine before baby K, and she miscarried. However, in an earlier article it was said that Kaine and Terri had mutually decided to not have any more kids and that Kaine was surprised at the pregnancy with baby K. It was also stated in that article that Terri was overjoyed at being pregnant with baby K, so who knows.
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