Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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Sounds like LE has been secretly briefing the rest of the family, while keeping TH out of the loop and thinking she was "in" on everything.

Yeah, I think so too. I'm trying to envision LE having to brief the other three that all was not as it appeared with Terri. That must have been delicate. To say the least.
Calm before the storm... sounds like this statement was issued in advance of something big happening... I'm thinking that an arrest is imminent.

Well, Desiree said just the other day in the interviews that all she's been getting is the number of tips every day from LE. Now this statement says they've been fully briefed on the investigation. Kaine said he spent the day with investigators. I bet Desiree and Tony did too, and they all were brought up to date, and told next steps, and the reasons behind it.

Terribly sad all the way around.
Terri is now with her mother and her father. Her parents also took her older son under their care recently, when (for whatever reasons) he needed to leave the home. Her father seemed to know investigation details we did not. He likely knew them from her mother who was there all the time. Eventually, older son ended up with this bio-father. IMO, it seems the older son did not leave with the plan to join bio-dad - but it eventually happened that he did move to his bio-dad's.

IMO, - and I'm very much speculating - we may learn Terri's mental health has been deteriorating for quite some time. And her loved ones have all been aware of this. This would explain her father's frankness in the past few weeks. This would explain the family supporting her initially as they did. This would explain the "uniqueness" of Kyron's disappearance.

All things considered, I'm still open to the possibility that Terri did not do this to Kyron - however if she did not, something she did do caused it to happen.

All JMHO, and speculation.

she is? I thought her father was staying with her at the house :waitasec:
She's going to be arrested within days, I'm betting.

I sure hope she tells LE where she put him if she plans to do herself in beforehand.

Kaine surely has known something was up from the beginning. Why did he come home early from work that day?
What the heck does "complying with the law" mean in regards to Kyron and the baby? Could children's protective services have ordered Kaine to not allow the baby to live with Terri at this time, or maybe Terri knew they didn't believe her and kicked him out.

My guess is that a significant event related to the criminal investigation and involving SM will happen soon, and that LE wanted to make sure that the baby was not in the physical presence of SM when said potential event occurs.

Kaine has the right ("complying with the law") to remove a minor child from the physical presence of another adult who may be involved in a significant event.
Her parents may be there to keep her from doing anything irrational. I belive this would be the case, regardless if she actucal committed a crime, or was involved in the disappearence.

I wonder when police stopped spending the majority of the day at the Horman household?
The separation of TH and KH could simply be because TH had to finally confess her whereabouts after dropping Kyron off - she could have been caught cheating on her husband and he left her taking his little girl with him. Any good divorce lawyer recommends that you don't walk away from the house unless you want to loss it too. It doesn't necessarily mean she did anything to the little boy. JMO
I don't know why I am feeling so stunned, as I thought all along this could happen, but it seems different if it really is happening. I have to think that Terri had some sort of mental breakdown leading up to such an event if it turns out to be that she is guilty of this, and I am not one to make excuses for anyone, but it is so unimaginable. Just the thought of this happening on a Friday morning when a little boy was proud to go to school that day and then...I can't get my brain to go any further than that.

I honestly don't think she was having a breakdown back then. I think she's close to having one now, but back then I think she was as cool, calm and collected as one could be.

We have two threads discussing the same topic at the same time. I'm closing this one to move posts to the other one that is discussing TH moving out of the home. When this one opens again, please keep discussions about the family's statement. Thanks!
We have been fully briefed by law enforcement on the on-going criminal investigation.

We are in complete support of that investigation. We have asked the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office to facilitate releasing this statement for us due to their access to the media/flash news.

We understand that we have free access to the media but are limiting statements to the media to keep the integrity of the investigation intact.

Any actions taken by the investigation, or by us, are based on the best interests of Kyron and K. and comply with the law. Beyond this, we have no comment on the matter.

Desiree, Tony and Kaine
<snipped from article>
Please discuss the statement only here.

Discussions about KH moving out, etc. are for another thread. Thank you so much!
The overlapping was taking too much time. A new clean thread here: [ame=""]2010.06.28 - Family Statement Released #2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Wow. I'm surprised that they are no longer including SM. For a long time I pointed my finger at her and then recently started to waiver. I actually felt bad for her when she was not included. I really wonder where this is going and have a good feeling they really know far more then they are saying the way things are going with SM.
I just realized in light of this statement, than now I have to go back tomorrow morning and listen to all the bioparent interviews... again. :banghead:
does anyone else think that the statement is largely relating to the papers that would be filed later that day?????

In a phone interview, Desiree Young was asked if Terri knew they had written the statement. She said, &#8220;No, Terri didn&#8217;t know that we wrote this statement.&#8221; She wouldn&#8217;t comment as to why Terri wasn&#8217;t involved in the writing of it.
does anyone else think that the statement is largely relating to the papers that would be filed later that day?????

Clearly they anticipated today's activities would generate an astronomical amount of media attention and they wanted to make it very clear they are absolutely not available for comment.

I think this was a wise move on their part. Unfortunately, Terrie is going to be the one to get hounded by the press because they know where she lives. I couldn't imagine being in her position right now!
I just realized in light of this statement, than now I have to go back tomorrow morning and listen to all the bioparent interviews... again. :banghead:

I don't think they were at today's point then, at least not all the way. We all heard them differently, in that some people said they were supporting TH by their comments, others the opposite. I saw it more as an attempt to be neutral and not go beyond what facts or allegations LE had revealed, other than to tell anecdotes about Kyron or info about themselves. Even with that, as another poster pointed out then, a man convinced of his wife's total innocence could have expressed that in no uncertain terms, forget all the ambiguity, without revealing facts LE wasn't. If he believed it.
the first line really grabbed my attention...

Thay Have Been Fully Briefed by Law Inforcement on the Ongoing Criminal Investigation.

So... being fully briefed seemed to have an impact... on all three of them. ??
Hi all...I have been "listening in" for some time now and hoping for the best. I'm wondering if any one else feels like referring to a child's "best interest" gives an impression that said child may still be with us?

"Any actions taken...are based on the best interest of Kyron and K....and comply with the law."
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