Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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Right. Has anybody mentioned a babysitter? I don't recall. This baby and babysitter stuff keeps coming up. Unresolved?

With all due respect, what difference does it make if the baby was with a baby sitter? I assume someone was watching her. It seems clear that she wasn't at the science fair or someone would have said something. And I am sure TH would have taken a picture since there are so many of her. She may have a regular baby sitter. I know I did when my kids were small. It could show premediatation that she didn't bring her baby or just that she had plans for afterwards and it was easier not to drag a baby around with her. I just don't see the relevence. I highly doubt the baby was alone.
Maybe the baby was at a babysitter for just part of the day (say, 7:45-noon). No one, absolutely no one (including Terri) has mentioned that she had the baby with her when she took Kyron to school. And we know that Kaine left before they went to school. So the baby had to be with somebody.

No one has said she did not have the baby with her either. Why haven't we heard about any babysitter? They would be part of the timeline... :waitasec:

Babysitter extremely relevant to timeline. If there is one.
With all due respect, what difference does it make if the baby was with a baby sitter? I assume someone was watching her. It seems clear that she wasn't at the science fair or someone would have said something. And I am sure TH would have taken a picture since there are so many of her. She may have a regular baby sitter. I know I did when my kids were small. It could show premediatation that she didn't bring her baby or just that she had plans for afterwards and it was easier not to drag a baby around with her. I just don't see the relevence. I highly doubt the baby was alone.

Well, it is relevant to know where the baby was, alone or not. Where was the baby? is the point. It may make a difference and is not an odd question at all. Pretty central.
personally i still dont think its 'blatantly obvious'.

i have a seroius problem with everything going on here. we're getting a lot of lip service about finding kyron from everyone and yet, nothing. 31 plus days now.

alledgedly our cell pinged on that island and yet they have found nothing.

i see alot of stuff about her dui 5 years ago and her possible roiding and possible ppd and whatevelse.

i hear she alledgedly attemped to hire her landscaper to kill kaine. actually, if my theory is correct, i do believe this is true.

the landscaper then waited till after kyron was gone to come forward. and why did he come forward?

we have the dad acting strange, that is jmo, of course, but to me these q & a's are more bizzare then an ozzie guillen press confrence.

im not huge on conspiricy theories (although i am a jfk nut) but i think you guys would call me nuts if i gave otu what i think is REALLY going on here.

so. We don't know who you are. But if it's really nuts we will have to get a search warrant and find out who you are just to keep the world safe.
Yes, this is what I was thinking too, specifically HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). I think perhaps a parent or guardian could release medial info about a minor in their care but maybe not. And perhaps LE cannot have access to that info either, without a warrant. I'm too lazy to look up the specific law right now, but I can check at work tomorrow.

I work with confidential information, a lot of which falls under HIPAA--basically, if any document we have has the slightest bit of medical info--from blood type to stubbed toe to died of a heart attack--it is handled in such a way that only people who are allowed to have access to HIPAA info can see it, and that is just for in-house use. You need special authorization to see that info outside the agency, unless one chooses to supply that info to a third party oneself. We would have no right to do so. I imagine a criminal investigation would be different, but LE would still need a warrant.

they could get a warrant or they could just ask the legal father to get the info. No biggie.
Well, it is relevant to know where the baby was, alone or not. Where was the baby? is the point. It may make a difference and is not an odd question at all. Pretty central.

I am sure she had a baby sitter or another mother that maybe she traded baby sitting with. That's a given when you have small kids. The only relevence I can see is maybe a baby sitter can speak of her demeanor when she came back to pick up the baby. That could be interesting.
<snip>Unless there is a *problem* parent, the office would be kid-centered and supply info to those introducing themselves as parents in general.

Yes, someone I know who works in a medical practice mentioned this to me. They do flag certain parents--we're talking the truly nutty/dangerous ones, not just rude or annoying. I can't remember the details but I think they do keep certain info from problem non-custodial parents. Sorry, it's late, maybe someone who actually works in a medical practice can enlighten.
D@m we have to hammer away so hard to get to some of this detail, eh?
Pretty hard to kidnap and (hurt? perhaps) a kid with a toddler on board. Also, very noticeable. Seems like somebody would have noticed the baby at school, if not her. So weird. So mysteriously addicting...

Hmmm, does anyone know if the windows on the truck were tinted? Could she have mildly sedated the baby, put it in the backseat of the truck cab, and left the baby in the truck for the 'few minutes' she was in the school?
I would think they've got the doctor appointment thing well in hand. They had the parents cooperation, etc.. The answer was evasive. Don't know why they even bothered answering it.

Would anyone like to see the list of questions they didn't answer?
I am sure she had a baby sitter or another mother that maybe she traded baby sitting with. That's a given when you have small kids. The only relevence I can see is maybe a baby sitter can speak of her demeanor when she came back to pick up the baby. That could be interesting.

Where the baby was and who the baby was with, whomever it may be, it extremely relevant, IMO and I'm guessing LE would be darn interested in this as well. Who, where, why. That facts.
personally i still dont think its 'blatantly obvious'.

i have a seroius problem with everything going on here. we're getting a lot of lip service about finding kyron from everyone and yet, nothing. 31 plus days now.

alledgedly our cell pinged on that island and yet they have found nothing.

i see alot of stuff about her dui 5 years ago and her possible roiding and possible ppd and whatevelse.

i hear she alledgedly attemped to hire her landscaper to kill kaine. actually, if my theory is correct, i do believe this is true.

the landscaper then waited till after kyron was gone to come forward. and why did he come forward?

we have the dad acting strange, that is jmo, of course, but to me these q & a's are more bizzare then an ozzie guillen press confrence.

im not huge on conspiricy theories (although i am a jfk nut) but i think you guys would call me nuts if i gave otu what i think is REALLY going on here.

I would like to know what you feel is really going on :)

our cell pinged :waitasec:
I am sure she had a baby sitter or another mother that maybe she traded baby sitting with. That's a given when you have small kids. The only relevence I can see is maybe a baby sitter can speak of her demeanor when she came back to pick up the baby. That could be interesting.

Babysitter = TIMELINE!!!! :Jumpie:

Sorry to repeat myself, but up where I'd written that I messed up the quotes & all.

Does anyone know how verbal Baby K is? At 16 months, my impression is that most children understand a lot more than they can say. They can say clearly maybe 10-20 words and have maybe that many more that their primary caretakers can understand (for instance, waa-wa for water).

But a precocious talker could easily have a much larger vocabulary and be able to communicate more clearly.

And a somewhat delayed talker might not be able to communicate much at all.

To remember what is considered in the realms of "normal" for children of a certain age, I know it's kind of like this. At 12 months, they could say 1.2 word sentences At 16 months, 1.6 word sentences.

In other words, an average 16 month old may say 2 word sentences sometimes. 3 word sometimes and one word sentences sometimes. It would average out to 1.6. Ex: Daddy me wawa.

I took normal language development about 25 years ago and the memory is foggy, but it is close to that.
they could get a warrant or they could just ask the legal father to get the info. No biggie.

Indeed, but what about revealing that info to a third party, i.e. half the entire bloody world, that is to say, us? Would that fall under HIPAA, that even the parent of a minor cannot reveal medical info to outsiders? Seems like a drop in the bucket considering how much other information is out there, but I'm trying to think of all the angles because the answer was kinda weird. (I lean toward a LE strategy reason, not a "Dad is a space case" or LE is incompetent reason.)
personally i still dont think its 'blatantly obvious'.

i have a seroius problem with everything going on here. we're getting a lot of lip service about finding kyron from everyone and yet, nothing. 31 plus days now.

alledgedly our cell pinged on that island and yet they have found nothing.

i see alot of stuff about her dui 5 years ago and her possible roiding and possible ppd and whatevelse.

i hear she alledgedly attemped to hire her landscaper to kill kaine. actually, if my theory is correct, i do believe this is true.

the landscaper then waited till after kyron was gone to come forward. and why did he come forward?

we have the dad acting strange, that is jmo, of course, but to me these q & a's are more bizzare then an ozzie guillen press confrence.

im not huge on conspiricy theories (although i am a jfk nut) but i think you guys would call me nuts if i gave otu what i think is REALLY going on here.

You could post your theory on the theory thread. Then we could all off constructive critique. :dance:
ok here goes. god help me. :(

maybe landscaper dude went to kaine 6-7 moths ago and that's why landscaper dude wasnt worried she would carry out the plan. maybe kain told landscaper dude he'd handle it. maybe kaine set this whole thing up to get back at her. maybe that's why he forgot to mention the bee stings for 27 days. whoever he has holding kyron might find it helpful now.

maybe that's why there so convinced kyron is alive
He also specifically mentioned he "grabbed some food"
Perhaps he is just recounting details.

I took it as an answer of sorts to did she upload the picture of the science fair from home....yes, she was on the laptop.
"Dr. Bones, I'm Kaine Horman, Kyron's father. When was Kyron scheduled for an appointment?

Thank you."

*hang up*

This is operating under the assumption that Kaine knows about Dr Bones. What if he only knows about the eye doctor, Pediatrician and dentist and Kyron did not have an appointment with any of them in June?

What if she WAS taking him for some type of evaluation without telling Kaine and as a result none of them even know this doctor exists. Yes, you can do that. I have a friend who's little boy was schedule for surgery by his Dad and Step Mom... before she found out about it. Especially if Kyron actually called her Mom, no one would have thought twice. You just go in and say you are his Mom, they don't ask for a birth certificate when you go to a new doctor.

What if she isn't telling them who the appointment was or wasn't with?

What if the paperwork given to the teacher did not have a dr's name on it, but was simply information to fill out? They could still be trying to figure out what doctor, based on generic paperwork the teacher was given. They could still be unsure if there WAS an appointment with a new doctor, or if it was made up. With Kyron's case in the media, they probably aren't going to give out that information on the phone. They would need Kaine's proof of ID.

Or, it could simply be part of the investigation. But generally that is what Kaine says if that's the case. So I don't think he knows.
not to mention the whole 'bee stings' thing 27 days later

Yes! To me, thats very important information - especially if the initial thought was that they thought he wandered off (which is the impression LE gave with the intense ground search around the school). To not make that clear early on of his being missing, I have to ask, why? Just like kids who need medicine or have medical issues, they generally let the public know. So why did it take them so long to mention the bee allergies?
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