Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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The other thing that was said in one of the interviews that led me to believe that "things are not what they seem" was in response to the question about why the family had not spoken out in the first three weeks that Kyron was missing. Desiree said something about "we never thought that it would get to this point or that Kyron would be away this long." :waitasec: WTF? They thought that Kyron just took himself on a little vacation but that he wouldn't stay away this long? I don't know - something just doesn't pass the sniff test with me.

This is one of the reasons that I'm not on the "Terri did it" bandwagon yet. I think there's more going on here than meets my Bette Davis eyes ;) And, just in case you've wondered, I do have BD eyes.

Weirdly enough, I'm getting Anthonyesque vibes here. I'm thinking they really thought that TH had just hidden him somewhere to punish them. I don't think they ever dreamed that she would actually take it further and murder him. They probably kept telling themselves, if we can put enough pressure on her, she finally tell us where he is. They got the police involved, and they've been steadily tightening the noose. It hasn't worked. I think reality finally sank in that he's probably dead and TH is not going to tell them where his body is.

The Anthony's did much the same to Casey, and she never revealed where the body was. They thought if they applied enough pressure, she'd give and tell them where Caylee was. Cindy even called the police, and that didn't produce Caylee either. Heck, she said in court yesterday she still believes Caylee is alive.

Now, the A's are the total opposite of Kyron's parents (they refused to work wtih LE, Kyron's parents have worked with them all along), but I think the motivation for not speaking out sooner is the somewhat the same. Until Cindy smelled that car, Casey was just keeping Caylee away from her to punish her. We don't have a smell in the Kyron case, but we have a woman not talking, and acting crazy. And the odds are really low that Kyron is not alive.

So yes, it was weird they didn't talk, but no, I don't think that means something else is going on here. I think they just wanted to believe the best, that this was a hiding of their son rather than the murder of their son. IMO.
The other thing that was said in one of the interviews that led me to believe that "things are not what they seem" was in response to the question about why the family had not spoken out in the first three weeks that Kyron was missing. Desiree said something about "we never thought that it would get to this point or that Kyron would be away this long." :waitasec: WTF? They thought that Kyron just took himself on a little vacation but that he wouldn't stay away this long? I don't know - something just doesn't pass the sniff test with me.

This is one of the reasons that I'm not on the "Terri did it" bandwagon yet. I think there's more going on here than meets my Bette Davis eyes ;) And, just in case you've wondered, I do have BD eyes.

I think there is A LOT more going on here than meets any eyes, including your BD eyes :p. Like I said I think we are still on this rollercoaster for a bit.
The wording strikes me as odd too, what the heck did they think? WHY did they think it would have taken a shorter amount of time?? I am so confuzzled. It is almost like they know where he is and had really expected him to be home by now. Almost as if Terri has the key to unlock him and send him home??
Weirdly enough, I'm getting Anthonyesque vibes here. I'm thinking they really thought that TH had just hidden him somewhere to punish them. I don't think they ever dreamed that she would actually take it further and murder him. They probably kept telling themselves, if we can put enough pressure on her, she finally tell us where he is. They got the police involved, and they've been steadily tightening the noose. It hasn't worked. I think reality finally sank in that he's probably dead and TH is not going to tell them where his body is.

The Anthony's did much the same to Casey, and she never revealed where the body was. They thought if they applied enough pressure, she'd give and tell them where Caylee was. Cindy even called the police, and that didn't produce Caylee either. Heck, she said in court yesterday she still believes Caylee is alive.

Now, the A's are the total opposite of Kyron's parents (they refused to work wtih LE, Kyron's parents have worked with them all along), but I think the motivation for not speaking out sooner is the somewhat the same. Until Cindy smelled that car, Casey was just keeping Caylee away from her to punish her. We don't have a smell in the Kyron case, but we have a woman not talking, and acting crazy. And the odds are really low that Kyron is not alive.

So yes, it was weird they didn't talk, but no, I don't think that means something else is going on here. I think they just wanted to believe the best, that this was a hiding of their son rather than the murder of their son. IMO.

Someone has posted in the past week or so that this did smack of KC. Maybe, due to her fondness for true crime she thought she could follow KC but improve on it so that she would not get caught. Of course this theory leads you back to discussions of her mental health and I am not going there today.
My guess is that they all assumed she would be arrested within a few days of his RO and filing for divorce, making her move-out date irrelevant. If the sting had gone as planned, she'd already have moved out.
ITA with you that LE thought the sting would be more productive. It also totally fits with the "15 minutes to pack" and get out of the house statement of Kaine to fox12 moo moo moo (I grew up in Amish country in Ohio... and one moo is not enough... cows like to be in a herd :)
"Her actions continue to paint the picture of the person she has become." quote from Kaine Horman


She's another person now?

I am not trying to be snarky. I just really really really want to know the history of this alleged transformation of Terri Horman. And when they drop these little nuggets, it makes me curiouser and curiouser and also a little bit crazy and generally annoyed with all of them. If you know what I mean.

Because ALL of them are responsible for judging what was best for Kyron & his brother/sister, and deciding with eyes open to empower and trust Terri Horman, with all her quirks and lies and vanity and voracious sexual appetite and muscles and faults, as the 70% (est.) intimate caretaker of these tender-aged children.

So, I wanna know. Exactly what kind of person has Terri become? And exactly what kind of person was she before? And when did this change happen? And why didn't any of the 3 other parental units pay attention and take action?

I know it might be insidious and complicated by time and distance and poor communication and challenging family dynamic. But I STILL want to know how this deceitful, selfish, narcissistic murderous version of Terri slipped by the 3 other parental units relatively unnoticed.

Because, frankly, it feels disingenuous - this publicly invented one-sided impressionistic painting of the newly morphed-to-evil Terri Horman. When they throw out these little nuggets like this quote ... well, I just happen to believe these 3 other parents are educated, intelligent, and so much smarter than this half-baked transformer-Terri story they are selling us.

Something does not ring completely true about the story thus far, IMO. I guess I smell more cover-up.

At the end of the day, the other factors in the family dynamic that created this perfect storm may not be entirely material. Certainly, nothing in that family dynamic excuses the fact that Kyron has been lost to his family. Nothing. might help explain it.
So, I wanna know. Exactly what kind of person has Terri become? And exactly what kind of person was she before? And when did this change happen? And why didn't any of the 3 other parental units pay attention and take action?

I think like a lot of people who realize at some point they're living with an abuser (or crazy person, or narcissist, etc), you have clues and red flags, but you love them or maybe you're just comfortable with the life you've built so you dismiss or excuse or justify each individual red flag as it happens. Oh, she's pregnant and it's the hormones. It's just post-partum depression. She's just overwhelmed with the kids. It's just a bad time of the month. And so forth.

At some point something might break - as it has here - and cause you to REALLY look at those red flags as a pattern. And for us, from the outside, we "met" TH as this suspicious hypersexual inappropriate woman who may have wanted to have her husband killed. We saw all the red flags AND their resulting craziness all at once. Probably over years, without knowing all the facts, they weren't as alarming.

I think Terri WAS becoming something different in Kaine's eyes before Kyron disappeared. I also think she was revealed to be a different person entirely from the woman he believed he'd married once Kyron vanished and LE started informing Kaine about her actions.

So maybe when Kaine says she "has become" a different person, he's speaking of his perception of her. I'm guessing he didn't know pre-June that she was the sort of person who might have him killed. Now he must adjust his image of her in his mind. His mind is now changing the Terri-picture to include this new knowledge and his vision of her is changing almost daily. In his mind she's "becoming" a different person. Though perhaps intellectually he'd realize she was always this person, he just didn't know it.
I think Kaine is just seeing what perhaps he might have missed before. He was probably at least partially aware of certain traits of Terri's that were warning signals, but not seeing them as danger signals. He also may be a man who hates confrontation and hoped that things would fix themselves, if there were issues at home. I doubt he felt that Kyron would become a victim of anything that might be brewing within Terri.

I think he and Desiree both fear the worst and may be starting to also realize that Terri is not going to confess to anything. If she does, I for one will be shocked. The only scenario I can imagine Terri confessing to anything is if she is presented with irrefutable evidence of her leaving the school grounds with Kyron. At that point, she might try to concoct a terrible accident and say she panicked, hid his body etc...
You know, I hate to say this because I support KH, DY, and TY, but what if TH pulled this on them before? What if she had Kyron missing for a few hours or a few days, and then brought him back with a ready made excuse of why he was missing? I know in the Casey case, it really seems like she did this once before for a few weeks with Caylee (not killing her, just keeping her away from Cindy).

Of course, TY is police, and I can't imagine why he would just let something like that go. But it would explain that odd wording, like she's done this before and we're sure she'll just bring him back. Only this time, that didn't happen. Or maybe she threatened to take him before, but didn't do it. Certainly, they think her capable of at least taking him and hiding him for some reason, and I don't think it's just because she's unstable.

I swear, it's like there's this big piece of the puzzle that once we see it, I think we'll all go ohhhhhhhhhhh, now I understand! At least I hope so.
So, I wanna know. Exactly what kind of person has Terri become? And exactly what kind of person was she before?

Kaine answered some of these questions when KGW asked him about it:

"Terri was a good person when we first met and for several years (I’d say up until 2008). She was always about children (teaching) and helping them grow and develop. Her attitude was always about those types of things first, her own self not even being a priority close to that. I believe that this is the Terri that everyone else saw and got to know as I did"

"There were some signs of emotional distress here and there over the past year and a half but not enough of that directed at any one person to conclude she would be capable of anything even remotely close to events of the severity we have all seen"

read more here:

Also, I know someone who was married to a woman that was bi-polar and suicidal. He knew somewhat about what she was capable of doing, but when she actuallly committed suicide he was absolutely shocked and broken. Nothing could have prepared him for that no matter what "signs" he may or may not have seen. I think that you want to see the good in the person you're married to, that you love, and sometimes in certain cases as we're seeing here, Terri was not the woman Kaine married. Or maybe postpartum psychosis is the problem that has made Terri become this person.. I really don't know. And quite simply, people can change for good or for worse.

Another thing, I think in general women tend to see through certain behaviors more than men do. For example, when I know someone is being deceitful or insincere and I talk to my husband about it, he tends to not see it the way I do. My husband tries to see the good in everyone and he takes things at face value. But I, as a woman, I'm always "reading between the lines" so to speak hehe. Anyways I'm babbling now but I think I got my point across :smile:
I think like a lot of people who realize at some point they're living with an abuser (or crazy person, or narcissist, etc), you have clues and red flags, but you love them or maybe you're just comfortable with the life you've built so you dismiss or excuse or justify each individual red flag as it happens. Oh, she's pregnant and it's the hormones. It's just post-partum depression. She's just overwhelmed with the kids. It's just a bad time of the month. And so forth.

If TH is a sociopath, that would explain a lot, IMO, because she would have no conscience and no empathy. Yet everyone around her would be a normal human being who perceives her as being normal, too. Sociopaths bank on being perceived as normal, and I think that is what helps them get away with what they do.
Im deeply disturbed, what happened that TH wanted KH dead ? Hormones? I doubt just hormones. And KH still wearing his wedding ring ? WTH ??
I would bet on justifying his actions. People always need to justify their actions when they do something that is not considered acceptable. They always find excuses, some more creative than others.

I'm reminded of Ronald Cummings who allegedly took up drug trafficking with his ex-wife to find out what had happened to his daughter while in her care...:waitasec:

I bet it's justifying after the fact too, because his friend was making his excuses earlier and she said (paraphrased) that he's very sorry that he screwed up and after a couple of hundred raunchy messages he realized he shouldn't be doing this because he's Kaine's friend.

It doesn't sound like he thought he was trying to do a favor to Kaine by finding his son IMO.

She's another person now?

I am not trying to be snarky. I just really really really want to know the history of this alleged transformation of Terri Horman. And when they drop these little nuggets, it makes me curiouser and curiouser and also a little bit crazy and generally annoyed with all of them. If you know what I mean.

Because ALL of them are responsible for judging what was best for Kyron & his brother/sister, and deciding with eyes open to empower and trust Terri Horman, with all her quirks and lies and vanity and voracious sexual appetite and muscles and faults, as the 70% (est.) intimate caretaker of these tender-aged children.

So, I wanna know. Exactly what kind of person has Terri become? And exactly what kind of person was she before? And when did this change happen? And why didn't any of the 3 other parental units pay attention and take action?

I know it might be insidious and complicated by time and distance and poor communication and challenging family dynamic. But I STILL want to know how this deceitful, selfish, narcissistic murderous version of Terri slipped by the 3 other parental units relatively unnoticed.

Because, frankly, it feels disingenuous - this publicly invented one-sided impressionistic painting of the newly morphed-to-evil Terri Horman. When they throw out these little nuggets like this quote ... well, I just happen to believe these 3 other parents are educated, intelligent, and so much smarter than this half-baked transformer-Terri story they are selling us.

Something does not ring completely true about the story thus far, IMO. I guess I smell more cover-up.

At the end of the day, the other factors in the family dynamic that created this perfect storm may not be entirely material. Certainly, nothing in that family dynamic excuses the fact that Kyron has been lost to his family. Nothing. might help explain it.

Have you ever met a person who you thought might be a little off?

But, nobody is all bad. So they keep doing good things with a few bad once in awhile.

You want to be a believer in the best of people.

But then something happens, and the pieces fall into place.

You just didn't see all of the pieces.

You only saw what they wanted you to see or what you wanted to see.

I think Kaine isn't ready to admit that she may have been that bad to begin with.

Or if she is mentally ill, maybe she has changed over time without treatment.
Kaine answered some of these questions when KGW asked him about it:

"Terri was a good person when we first met and for several years (I’d say up until 2008). She was always about children (teaching) and helping them grow and develop. Her attitude was always about those types of things first, her own self not even being a priority close to that. I believe that this is the Terri that everyone else saw and got to know as I did"

"There were some signs of emotional distress here and there over the past year and a half but not enough of that directed at any one person to conclude she would be capable of anything even remotely close to events of the severity we have all seen"

read more here:

Also, I know someone who was married to a woman that was bi-polar and suicidal. He knew somewhat about what she was capable of doing, but when she actuallly committed suicide he was absolutely shocked and broken. Nothing could have prepared him for that no matter what "signs" he may or may not have seen. I think that you want to see the good in the person you're married to, that you love, and sometimes in certain cases as we're seeing here, Terri was not the woman Kaine married. Or maybe postpartum psychosis is the problem that has made Terri become this person.. I really don't know. And quite simply, people can change for good or for worse.

Another thing, I think in general women tend to see through certain behaviors more than men do. For example, when I know someone is being deceitful or insincere and I talk to my husband about it, he tends to not see it the way I do. My husband tries to see the good in everyone and he takes things at face value. But I, as a woman, I'm always "reading between the lines" so to speak hehe. Anyways I'm babbling now but I think I got my point across :smile:

Thank you for bringing this here. I saw that and all I could think is what on earth could have happened in the last 18 months that she could have gone from being all about the children and not even making herself a priority to being accused of wanting him and possibly his son dead? How could a person lead a normal, even admired life to being suspected of the worse? I have had many babies and I know that pregnancy and post partum caused me to chage at times in not a good way but to undergo a total personality change? No signs of personality disorder to this? I don't believe it's all true, a lot of this in in hindsight. We do know that a previous husband accused her of being unfaithful so obviously she may have had some history of lack of character. Did something push her over the edge? I am confused I can only imagine how the people that have known and loved her may feel.
How could Terri seemingly be so sane and normal for the first four years of their marriage/life together, and then just begin to turn into...a monster. I just don't get it. People do not become sociopaths in their mid-thirties, it is more likely to manifest as a child or a teenager. I have not heard anyone from her past indicate she was anything more or less than your average woman. It has to be more than PPD and less than sociopathy. There had to have been a reason she wanted Kaine dead, if she did. It could have been her belief or knowledge that Kaine was having an affair-women have killed for that reason before. But it is a big leap from that, even, to doing away with his child. I think that would be a first, in a world where there is nothing new under the sun.

She's another person now?


Some kind of mental health disorder might be part of it. That's how I felt when depression entered my family: it was like another perso had come to stay. Maybe the PPD, maybe something else, something that causes a decline but since it's a disease you can always think that this therapist or that drug, this book or that group is gonna make her better and things are going to be all right again, and maybe you see some danger signs but what are you going to do, throw her in the street? You'd like to help but maybe you don't know how, or maybe you did something and it seemed to be working for a while.

Unless she used to be violent or make serious threats I do think that it is a bit unfair to blame the other family members for not knowing that she harbored murderous thoughts against Kyron or Kaine (if it's true she did) because it's so out there. I remember us all here on WS being gobsmacked when the MFH plan came out in the open because it was so, well, unbelievable, that you wouldn't believe it about your own relatives unless you have really good reasons to.

She's another person now?

I am not trying to be snarky. I just really really really want to know the history of this alleged transformation of Terri Horman. And when they drop these little nuggets, it makes me curiouser and curiouser and also a little bit crazy and generally annoyed with all of them. If you know what I mean.

Because ALL of them are responsible for judging what was best for Kyron & his brother/sister, and deciding with eyes open to empower and trust Terri Horman, with all her quirks and lies and vanity and voracious sexual appetite and muscles and faults, as the 70% (est.) intimate caretaker of these tender-aged children.

So, I wanna know. Exactly what kind of person has Terri become? And exactly what kind of person was she before? And when did this change happen? And why didn't any of the 3 other parental units pay attention and take action?

I know it might be insidious and complicated by time and distance and poor communication and challenging family dynamic. But I STILL want to know how this deceitful, selfish, narcissistic murderous version of Terri slipped by the 3 other parental units relatively unnoticed.

Because, frankly, it feels disingenuous - this publicly invented one-sided impressionistic painting of the newly morphed-to-evil Terri Horman. When they throw out these little nuggets like this quote ... well, I just happen to believe these 3 other parents are educated, intelligent, and so much smarter than this half-baked transformer-Terri story they are selling us.

Something does not ring completely true about the story thus far, IMO. I guess I smell more cover-up.

At the end of the day, the other factors in the family dynamic that created this perfect storm may not be entirely material. Certainly, nothing in that family dynamic excuses the fact that Kyron has been lost to his family. Nothing. might help explain it.

You said it much better than I could! Thank you! These are some of the same thoughts I'm having.
WHY did not one of them see this side of Terri before? Especially Kaine, since he lived with her.
I'm having a hard time buying into all this for some reason.
"But, nobody is all bad. So they keep doing good things with a few bad once in awhile.

You want to be a believer in the best of people.

But then something happens, and the pieces fall into place.

You just didn't see all of the pieces.

You only saw what they wanted you to see or what you wanted to see."

I have lived this...
Separated now from my husband of many years ( who still insists that he loves me, and that I am his wife), because I suspected things but had no proof....
and when I found proof I needed... it was so much worse than anything I suspected.

Not criminal - not abuse...but still a very harsh reality.


it can happen..even to intelligent, sensitive educated people

"You only saw what they wanted you to see or what you wanted to see".
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