Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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Yes, and DY agreed. This is very telling IMO. If this statement is true is reasonable to wonder about abuse/neglect. Kaine was not very observant about what was going on in the home, IMO.

I'm not sure how that can co-exist with Desiree's description of baby K as "the apple of Terri's eye". In fact, it was one of the primary points people used to tear into Terri and use as proof that she had to be guilty was that she seemed inordinately interested in her daughter to the neglect of Kyron. No pictures of him on FB, etc. but tons of stories and pics of the baby.
I am in England. I have followed this case for 6 weeks or so. Before that Haleigh and Caylee. Because of the time difference some days its very late...especially the last few weeks since Kyron has disappeared. I dont drink but if i did i could drink a bottle a night and my husband wouldnt know as hes in bed... so i dont see it as strange what Kaine said.

The difference is "Kaine knew" ....
So sorry if this is off topic and in the wrong place but did they mention anything about this Doctor appointment? I have read KH was marked absent and all. Just when I think TH is innocent yet wierd I keep going back to the doctor's appointment. I have not been able to listen to the audio. Have the police verified the dr appt thing or "no comment"? Thanks.

Praying for KH to come HOME!!!
Good catch!

In fairness they found out Kyron was missing around 4 on the Friday. J got there the Saturday so it would have been less than 24 hours i guess. But yea her mum said he was away for the weekend camping.
They talk about how it can be tough when Kyron had issues with transition. Interesting that DY does not talk about how he would cry all the time to live there??

Forgive me if this is a repeat, I haven't finished reading yet. It's been speculated that Kyron may have AD/HD ("paperwork" to teacher for dr.'s appointment, working on teaching him to listen and follow directions). Just wanted to throw out there, as a person with AD/HD, that trouble with transitions is one of the symptoms. (Can't... go... cook... dinner... must... read... threads... first...) We don't know if Kyron had attention issues but it might explain the crying when leaving one parent's house, vs. abuse, neglect, etc. I also don't know if the transition thing is normal at that age and stage of development. JMHO
As echoed by others before, another interesting thing is the picture this provides about the closeness, or lack thereof, between TH and KH. Not knowing that your significant other is getting drunk every night, or close to, for six months suggests that the two of you are never going to bed at the same time, sleeping in different areas of the house, not giving a goodnight kiss, etc.

KH also notes that while he kind of knew her routine, he didn't know for sure what she was up to day to day. That suggests a developed lack of communication that ran over time (i.e. distance in the relationship). The possibility of a "secret life" or hidden personality can often sprout from said distance, and if she were to do something out of the norm she would be less likely to suffer any consequences because only she would know about it anyway. I mean, I knew these two didn't have the greatest relationship in the world but it doesn't sound like they had that normal talk that we all know, about how our day went, almost ever.

About the weight loss. It is a lot, but not out of line. Some women can in fact get very muscular without steroids. It depends on your body type. She might have used them, or not.

On the aspirin/Advil stuff. Back then in 2005, Ephedra was still legal. It gave you lots of energy and the ability to work out longer. Body builders use an ECA stack. Ephedra, caffeine, aspirin. You could buy this in a capsule form, you didn't have to take them separately. The Advil would be for the sore muscles. The Ephedra is no longer legal to sell. I have been around many that used steroids. I used to work at the Olympic Center. (don't get me started on steroid use and athletes, you don't want to know). It will make their faces break out and some will get angry easier, but it doesn't make people kill that wouldn't otherwise. Doesn't sound like she was doing any of this for too long.

I agree with the above post so much. This interview makes me angry.

Kaine has said there were no issues in the marriage. Since then we have found out they spoke of divorce, she was taking meds for something, but he has no idea what, she didn't have PPD, but earlier he told us 'they' told him to just watch her for six months. Who did? Why? For what? I have not been able to forget him saying she showed no signs of an unusual amount of violence. That really bugs me.

She had a major drinking problem dating back to before they were married. I agree, you don't live with someone that is drinking themselves to sleep every night and not know it, normally. She was the one that has been driving Kyron to meet DY. Why? And with her history of drinking? Wow.

Did this woman have no money of her own at all? She couldn't afford to buy herself booze, but had to sneak around in others homes and steal theirs? Huh? What is she, 16?

There were no problems, but her son had to move out because he couldn't get along with her and she was on meds, for something, whatever I guess. As others have pointed out, Kaine's answers totally contradict what has been said in print and by J's father about when he moved and why. Nothing Kaine says ever makes any sense. Why is this? What is wrong with this man?

He was living with her for weeks after Kyron went missing. In all that time, he never asked her to explain why she didn't bring home the project? Where she was that day? Why her answers failed the LDT? Her needing the truck and not having picked up the project is a huge red flag and he ignored it completely? Why? She even emailed DY about asking when to pick it up. Why on earth did none of these people confront her about this in the first few days? Are they all afraid of her? Why did they never talk to her about what she was doing that day? This is just stupid.

There is being disconnected and being disconnected in your relationship to the point of absurdity. I am of the mind that Kaine falls in the latter group.

This is just sick and senseless. This was clearly a very dysfunctional relationship on many levels. He was her husband and the father of these children. Him constantly saying he doesn't know, didn't know, never noticed is no excuse for anything. Ignorance is no excuse in the eyes of the law, nor with me.

I am losing respect for these people more every day. They don't seem to ask the LE anything, don't know anything, can't make sense at all when they do try to explain anything. I think that them saying they have faith in LE in this is just based on hope and nothing more. They dragged DD out in the press over nothing but hunches? What?

I have more doubts than ever that there will ever be answers or an end in this case. That breaks my heart. And I really feel bad that Kyron had to live in this mess of a family, with Kaine not noticing anything about anyone, ever and a SM that is, well, we don't even know what.

As always, just MOO. But, this interview really has me angry.
PPD was not diagnosed that Kaine or DY knew of. Terri told Kaine she had PPD and she was taking medication for *something* - but Kaine didn't know if the meds were for the PPD Terri claimed to have.

DY isn't buying the PPD very much.

Kaine says if there is PPD, it was only something that added to her other problems (drinking, lying, etc).

oh dear
I wonder if that was a lie that TH told Kaine
maybe he didn't hear anything directly from the dr., only Terri?
Okay then. Please pass me the sugar - I just listened to an extra large bottle of bitter pills.

This interview makes me want to scream. :scream:

Anyone else?

In today's interview, per Kaine, Terri begins acting strangely in 2005 including her alcohol problems and her arrest for DUI. And that year she was losing 40? lbs in 4 months for the "show". :eek: Was Kaine rooting for her in her passion, her discipline and her acheivement? :thumb: Oh, too bad, reporter forgot to ask. But Kaine offers that was when she probably started acting weird. :doh:

The years pass, Kaine has no idea what Terri does all day or where she goes, had no reason to know until now. :doh: She does her thing and he works. :treadmill: He doesn't really know her friends, including Dede, who was maybe an every 6 month type visitor and participated in giving Terri the 40th birthday party. :birthday:

He guesses now that Terri has been drinking herself to sleep for some time. :martini: . She might still be on some kind of PPD medication too :waitasec:- at least she was - but only her doctor knows for sure. :doh: Other people say the liquor goes missing when Terri visits. :rolleyes: However, he's never noticed the liquor disappearing around his house. *shrug*

BabyK is now a changed child. :baby: What a relief for the baby to have no mommy now. :sunshine: Desiree agrees "ya ya, she's (baby) totally changed." :dance:

Kaine mediated the difficulties between Terri & her older son, disciplined and provided rules & structure for Terri's 16 year old son. :whipper: Desiree understands, you see, Terri had a different parenting style than Kane. (Whoa - there's a big hint.) Terri's older son told him he will come live with Kaine whenever in the future he may need to.

Oh, and Kaine can see how strange Terri's behavior was now, in hindsight. :doh:

Reporter: Shame on you. Way to drop the ball buddy. Such lost opportunities. :trout: No questions about how Terri & Kyron got along? A few questions how Terri & her own son got along? None about Terri & baby? Kaine & Desiree practially THREW him the question - about the baby doing better - but no follow up. No- What do you see different in the baby? How is she doing better than before? Huh? Why? :slap:

Okay maybe once again, the questions were submitted in advance approved & rehearsed?

JMHO, Terri taking care of 3 kids, throwing weird signals out all over the place - including signs of depression. And these other two parents not really caring much about how the caregiver is doing. Both are busy working. One is busy holding permanent grudges and trying not to show it. :innocent: Were neither interested in Terri as a person playing the highly critical care giving role within the family unit?

I am sure Kaine and Desiree have no idea how shallow their ongoing selective and regularly changing storytelling makes them come across. And I realize they both very much believe they have reason to feel angry towards Terri. Desiree's has built up 8 years of bitterness - I can't imagine how she feels now. But frankly, this interview about how Terri deteriorated before their very eyes and so they are sure she's done this to Kyron - it's all her fault ... comes across as almost vicious - a bit beyond the pale...and makes Kaine & Terri both look self-serving and wholly insensitive toward the person they entrusted for 7 years to help raise their child. I'm sorry. That's not a marriage. That's a live-in nanny service.

Oh, and nothing like marriage counseling by National Media proxy, and (how convenient) without the problem spouse participating. What a great idea. :Jumpie: Why didn't I think of that?

Moo Moo Moo (no more smilies allowed).

I'm tellin' ya, ah needs some sugar!!
Looking at the big picture of this interview is important I think.

It comes out at the same time as a tour of Kyron's Medford home.

It sounds like it is a press pool project since he is asking other reporters questions like this is something the press has agreed on.

From the picture where Kaine is just staring at Desiree it looks like they are in someone's home.

All the talk is about T.

T's best friend was caught coming out of the Grand Jury yesterday.

Press conference today.

Kaine and Desiree sitting in one of their homes and the baby is probably there, just talking about her. This has to be tearing up T.

I wonder if it was setup to get a response from her.
In fairness they found out Kyron was missing around 4 on the Friday. J got there the Saturday so it would have been less than 24 hours i guess. But yea her mum said he was away for the weekend camping.

I wonder if J has ever been questioned by the police. You think? I mean really questioned. I thought of this in the very beginning of Kyron missing when I first suspected his stepmom that maybe they should check with the older stepbrother that Mom could have promised him anything having to do with spending a lot of money on him for him to take Kyron somewhere and keep him. I wonder if it would be legal to give J a LDT. I wonder if his adopted father would agree to it (I know he lives with his bio father now but the adopted father would have the say-so, besides Terri).

Just a thought since everyone close to Kyron (referring to family) and/or living in the same home should be extensively questioned.
The difference is "Kaine knew" ....

Actually, I was struck by the fact that friends with whom TH and KH had stayed, now are coming forward to KH that the liquor supply was reduced after TH and KH left. KH said this was after 2005.

What an awkward situation for the friends to have had that knowledge all this time and not feel able to openly discuss it with the KH.

The idea of a TH being a secret drinker might explain baby K's new attitude and the head butting TH did with her 16-year-old. Of course, we are hearing only one side of the story, but I was told long ago that all addicts lie. This might explain a number of her behaviors.
THANK YOU Emma Peel.
Good Lord. It is beyond creepy.
Kaine is in love with Desiree, I think. It is a weird three way thing going on now..I wonder what Tony thinks.
Anyone can lose 60 pounds in 3 or 4 months if they go on a strick schedule of protein drinks, the right diet, exercise and lifting weights. Basically we are talking about 5 pounds a week for 3 months or 3.75 pounds a week for 4 months.

I've known people who've done it, but it's not healthy and one in particular ended up in renal failure.

But she looked good in a bathing suit :(
Just to clarify, that is not the same type of steroid as is used in body-building and other sports. Prednisone, dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, etc. are glucocorticoids, not anabolic steroids. The side effects are quite different, in fact long term use of prednisone and the like can cause muscle tissue breakdown.

True on the muscle wasting. But they do frequently cause mood swings aka, roid rage.
Okay then. Please pass me the sugar - I just listened to an extra large bottle of bitter pills.

This interview makes me want to scream. :scream:


I think this is what DY was getting at early on when she said that she had been holding back on speaking more frankly, because (paraphrasing) she didn't want to air any animosity, or come across as spiteful. At this point, seven weeks out, she has finally gotten to the point where her guard is down and she doesn't see any reason to keep restraining herself. JMO
Hi Patty G..I know for a fact muscle weighs more than fat... TMH did not bulk up like that in three or four months with just regular exercize, protein drinks and the right diet.....Stimulants were involved....JMO

Hence the need to drink......Uppers keep you up,downer (alcohol) to bring you down to sleep. (also DUII doesnt always mean alcohol) JMOO
Okay then. Please pass me the sugar - I just listened to an extra large bottle of bitter pills.

This interview makes me want to scream. :scream:

Anyone else?

In today's interview, per Kaine, Terri begins acting strangely in 2005 including her alcohol problems and her arrest for DUI. And that year she was losing 40? lbs in 4 months for the "show". :eek: Was Kaine rooting for her in her passion, her discipline and her acheivement? :thumb: Oh, too bad, reporter forgot to ask. But Kaine offers that was when she probably started acting weird. :doh:

The years pass, Kaine has no idea what Terri does all day or where she goes, had no reason to know until now. :doh: She does her thing and he works. :treadmill: He doesn't really know her friends, including Dede, who was maybe an every 6 month type visitor and participated in giving Terri the 40th birthday party. :birthday:

He guesses now that Terri has been drinking herself to sleep for some time. :martini: . She might still be on some kind of PPD medication too :waitasec:- at least she was - but only her doctor knows for sure. :doh: Other people say the liquor goes missing when Terri visits. :rolleyes: However, he's never noticed the liquor disappearing around his house. *shrug*

BabyK is now a changed child. :baby: What a relief for the baby to have no mommy now. :sunshine: Desiree agrees "ya ya, she's (baby) totally changed." :dance:

Kaine mediated the difficulties between Terri & her older son, disciplined and provided rules & structure for Terri's 16 year old son. :whipper: Desiree understands, you see, Terri had a different parenting style than Kane. (Whoa - there's a big hint.) Terri's older son told him he will come live with Kaine whenever in the future he may need to.

Oh, and Kaine can see how strange Terri's behavior was now, in hindsight. :doh:

Reporter: Shame on you. Way to drop the ball buddy. Such lost opportunities. :trout: No questions about how Terri & Kyron got along? A few questions how Terri & her own son got along? None about Terri & baby? Kaine & Desiree practially THREW him the question - about the baby doing better - but no follow up. No- What do you see different in the baby? How is she doing better than before? Huh? Why? :slap:

Okay maybe once again, the questions were submitted in advance approved & rehearsed?

JMHO, Terri taking care of 3 kids, throwing weird signals out all over the place - including signs of depression. And these other two parents not really caring much about how the caregiver is doing. Both are busy working. One is busy holding permanent grudges and trying not to show it. :innocent: Were neither interested in Terri as a person playing the highly critical care giving role within the family unit?

I am sure Kaine and Desiree have no idea how shallow their ongoing selective and regularly changing storytelling makes them come across. And I realize they both very much believe they have reason to feel angry towards Terri. Desiree's has built up 8 years of bitterness - I can't imagine how she feels now. But frankly, this interview about how Terri deteriorated before their very eyes and so they are sure she's done this to Kyron - it's all her fault ... comes across as almost vicious - a bit beyond the pale...and makes Kaine & Terri both look self-serving and wholly insensitive toward the person they entrusted for 7 years to help raise their child. I'm sorry. That's not a marriage. That's a live-in nanny service.

Oh, and nothing like marriage counseling by National Media proxy, and (how convenient) without the problem spouse participating. What a great idea. :Jumpie: Why didn't I think of that?

Moo Moo Moo (no more smilies allowed).

I'm tellin' ya, ah needs some sugar!!

Exactly and Exactly ............and it won't let me use any smileys. booooooo

1. Terri has drinking problem
2. Baby K has not asked for her mom and she's now a completely different child?

I have to admit that is a HUGE wow to me too! IF this child is acting like a completely different child, and Desiree seemed to be in agreement, THEN hmmm hmmmmuh hummm.
Okay then. Please pass me the sugar - I just listened to an extra large bottle of bitter pills.

This interview makes me want to scream. :scream:

Anyone else?.........
..... That's a live-in nanny service.


I think you might ask a nanny once in a while, "and how was your day?" "what did you and the kids do today?" :shakehead:

I will join in the screaming with you :biglaugh:
I have to admit that is a HUGE wow to me too! IF this child is acting like a completely different child, and Desiree seemed to be in agreement, THEN hmmm hmmmmuh hummm.

I suspect in a week or two baby K is going to be a very different child, and not in a good way. I have seen friends' children (these friends are mothers, and have to travel for a week or two at a time for their jobs) act angelically when teh mothers are gone not because their moms are a bad influence, but because they trust their mothers, trust them enough to show them their worst behavior. So when mom gets home, there is some bad behavior and then back to normal. I am guessing that babyK is on her best behavior right now as she does not trust this situation, the situation that keeps changing. I could easily be wrong, and probably am. I would just be interested to see if this keeps up.
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