Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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5. What plans do you have for Kyron when he comes home?

Aside from the fact that he is never leaving the house again, vacation, camping, fishing and all of the things that he loves to do. We are going to focus on spending everyday making sure that he is happy, just as we have done before this happened.

BBM. The comment about "never leaving the house again" sounds almost like Kyron needs to be punished for something. It would be nearly impossible for this boy to never leave his house again. What kind of life would that be?

I'm sure that Desiree is suggesting that they would be keeping an eye on his every move from now on if or when he is found, but saying that Kyron will never leave the house again sounds odd. jmo
I am sorry, but, I find it comical to read a report like that from a newspaper... the format Q & A ...
5. What plans do you have for Kyron when he comes home?

Aside from the fact that he is never leaving the house again, vacation, camping, fishing and all of the things that he loves to do. We are going to focus on spending everyday making sure that he is happy, just as we have done before this happened.

BBM. The comment about "never leaving the house again" sounds almost like Kyron needs to be punished for something. It would be nearly impossible for this boy to never leave his house again. What kind of life would that be?

I'm sure that Desiree is suggesting that they would be keeping an eye on his every move from now on if or when he is found, but saying that Kyron will never leave the house again sounds odd. jmo

I don't find it odd at all, I'm sure I'd feel the same way, only I might phrase it " never out of my sight again "
5. What plans do you have for Kyron when he comes home?

Aside from the fact that he is never leaving the house again, vacation, camping, fishing and all of the things that he loves to do. We are going to focus on spending everyday making sure that he is happy, just as we have done before this happened.

BBM. The comment about "never leaving the house again" sounds almost like Kyron needs to be punished for something. It would be nearly impossible for this boy to never leave his house again. What kind of life would that be?

I'm sure that Desiree is suggesting that they would be keeping an eye on his every move from now on if or when he is found, but saying that Kyron will never leave the house again sounds odd. jmo

I didn't take it badly. Sounds like something I would say. She's never leaving the house again, as I feel our house is safe, comfort, family, love.

I already say I'm going to lock my girls in their room till they are 21...well maybe 30.( I have an almost 5 year old and almost 11)
This both broke my heart and made me smile. I think it's cute that he likes both comfort foods and more adventurous cuisine. You gotta love a kid who will not only eat sushi, but actually likes it. What a great kid.

I'm wondering why it would be helpful for us to know Kyron likes Mac & Cheese and Sushi.

Here's a question I would have asked:

"Can you use Facebook in Prison?"
5. What plans do you have for Kyron when he comes home?

Aside from the fact that he is never leaving the house again, vacation, camping, fishing and all of the things that he loves to do. We are going to focus on spending everyday making sure that he is happy, just as we have done before this happened.

BBM. The comment about "never leaving the house again" sounds almost like Kyron needs to be punished for something. It would be nearly impossible for this boy to never leave his house again. What kind of life would that be?

I'm sure that Desiree is suggesting that they would be keeping an eye on his every move from now on if or when he is found, but saying that Kyron will never leave the house again sounds odd. jmo
and she followed it by Vacation camping fishing etc. SHE DID NOT MEAN LITTERLY and IMO it was obvious she didn't mean litterly.
I'm wondering why it would be helpful for us to know Kyron likes Mac & Cheese and Sushi.

Here's a question I would have asked:

"Can you use Facebook in Prison?"

tough audience. LOL.

Likely, knowing about Sushi & Mac & Cheese is only helpful if it causes yet another awareness article to be written about Kyron. IMO.
Favorite foods mac & cheese and sushi, strawberry birthmark on forehead, allergy to bees... seems to me this would have been good information to have out there about 26 days ago. JMHO ~
The only thing I get from this is personalizing Kyron so if a abductor reads this then he might return Kyron. Or they are just keeping Kyron in the news. Honestly these messages all remind me of the PC, when they never answered anything. I'm glad Kyrons face is still out there, and we are looking, but in reality It would ease my mind and heart if LE has it figured out. I've seen some great LE work over these years, and I want to add them to it.
Just to clarify: I absolutely know that Desiree didn't intend for her comment to be taken literally and that, if we had seen and heard her say it, she probably would have been smiling :) or ;) The written answers are open to interpretation, for sure, and everyone will derive something different from her remarks.

I really wish that Desiree had done a one-on-one with a reporter so that we could get a sense of what this mother of missing Kyron is thinking. The questions would have been known ahead of time as they were in the email, and Desiree would have planned how to answer them. jmo
The only thing I get from this is personalizing Kyron so if a abductor reads this then he might return Kyron. Or they are just keeping Kyron in the news. Honestly these messages all remind me of the PC, when they never answered anything. I'm glad Kyrons face is still out there, and we are looking, but in reality It would ease my mind and heart if LE has it figured out. I've seen some great LE work over these years, and I want to add them to it.

But if they are personalizing Kyron for an abductor why are they asking Terri to cooperate? I just don't get it. ITA that it is just like the PC's and nothing of real value as to solving this is being said.
I can see them wanting to add to what we know about Kyron but I don't see how any of this helps in finding him and I thought that was what it was all about. I see these little Q&A sessions as something that LE approved so they (LE) can be left in peace to try to figure out what the #$^% happened to Kyron and divert attention away from LE, as some (like me) are questioning if this case has moved forward an inch since the earliest days. I think that LE has focused on Terri H. from day 3 or 4, if not earlier, and is stuck there, waiting for some evidence to back their suspicions or a confession, which is now even less likely with Terri's attorney on the scene. While I am sure LE is open to other scenarios, to me it is clear the focus is on Terri and (sorry to say) to me it is clear that Kyron is probably not alive.
But if they are personalizing Kyron for an abductor why are they asking Terri to cooperate? I just don't get it. ITA that it is just like the PC's and nothing of real value as to solving this is being said.

I don't know. Unless they are letting Terri remember who Kyron is.

I'm not blaming Terri quite yet. I need evidence. I'm just brainstorming....
But if they are personalizing Kyron for an abductor why are they asking Terri to cooperate? I just don't get it. ITA that it is just like the PC's and nothing of real value as to solving this is being said.

Maybe because they think TH knows the abductor? :waitasec: I don't necessarily believe that's what happened, but just throwing it out there.
Desiree was speaking to Terri, IMO. And while she has been convinced by others, (LE, Kaine) that Terri is involved in what happened to Kyron, she is not allowing herself to believe that this translates to Kyron is gone. Desiree spoke because her Kaine and D's do not, in my opinion, believe Kyron is alive.
I still think much of what is being said and done is happening the way it is for a reason. Terri has essentially "lost" her biological child right now. Kaine has her, at an undisclosed location and she can't have contact with her.

Desiree is the one who made the statement at the presser and the one who implored Terri to cooperate.

From one mother missing her biological child to another.

I think they are just continuing to apply pressure to Terri in hopes she will crack one way or another.
If this drags on throughout the summer...I would think that local parents may loosen their tongues and will want to know a bit more about how sure LE is about what happened here before those school doors open again.

I also think that many people want to believe that each word and act revealed to the public has meaning...'cuz if it doesn't, then what? It's back to either Terri did it, or LE has no clue.
I don't know. Unless they are letting Terri remember who Kyron is.

I'm not blaming Terri quite yet. I need evidence. I'm just brainstorming....

I am not blaming her yet either. I have yet to see any evidence of her doing anything other than possibly (according to unknown sources) showing deception on the poly's and that could be for any reason as we all know. I am also 'brainstorming' but it isn't working well for

Maybe because they think TH knows the abductor? :waitasec: I don't necessarily believe that's what happened, but just throwing it out there.

Which is possible. I wonder about drugs. Specifically ones that would help her lose her extra weight. Only because I am trying to figure out why she might know who the abductor is and why she would not disclose that same info. Like you I don't necessarily believe it but it might fit what we know.
Shoot anything fits what we know because we really don't know anythibg do we?
I don't find it odd at all, I'm sure I'd feel the same way, only I might phrase it " never out of my sight again "

I totally agree with you. It's becoming exhausting reading the Kyron board around here because every.single.thing Kyron's parents do and say is being picked apart and seen as "odd" or whatever. Yet I read over and over how details about TH shouldn't be judged too harshly because it's just a "source" from the paper, or we don't know all the facts yet, and after all this is a victim friendly website.
I'm not trying to pick on anyone, really. I just feel all sides in this case should not be judged too harshly or picked apart until LE makes an arrest and/or names a POI. It's fine to discuss the case of course, but there are real human beings involved here and they have flaws for sure, but that doesn't make them guilty of Kyron's disappearance.

My post above was not directed at one particular poster. Please..don't think that. I love all my websleuthing brothers and sisters and respect all POV on here, but I had to get that off my chest. And judging a person or people in these types of cases too quickly is something I've done on many occasions but had to eat some crow
If think this whole Q&A Response "email" is eerily contrived. (Quite frankly, it sounds more like a press kit from BP.) But I think that my opinion is only because... we're all a little disappointed simply because of our strong desire to know what they think are thinking about TH, more than how they are spending their current days or what they plan to do when Kyron is found.

5). Any concerns/questions about the community getting so involved and wanting to search themselves?

Any individual search efforts should be coordinated with MCSO. If not, they could be detrimental to the ongoing investigation.

To me, this says a lot. I understand how important it is to avoid doing anything that would jeopardize Kyron's safety, but to me, this statement says it's just a little more important to preserve the ability to prosecute the bad guy than a sending out a call to the public to actually find Kryon. It gives pause to many questions... because if that is true, where preserving the investigation is primary and spurring people to get out there and find Kyron is secondary, it makes me think they know a lot more than they are revealing.

Is that such a bad thing? Not if it means they know Kyron is OK, but not being released by the perpetrator. In which case, this whole Q&A was, in fact, designed to help bring him home.

But if we believe what we are being lead to believe... that they and LE truly do not know a gosh-darn thing about who took him, nor do they do know where he is, then the past two days have been an utter waste of opportunities in the grand effort to find a missing little boy.
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