I am confused about this being good for the defense. If she's innocent, maybe a she'll have civil suit against them, but there's plenty of ammunition of her own actions to counter that. The defense brings up DY and KH as smearing bullies, they bring up her suspicious timeline and actions. If she's guilty or innocent and they go to a criminal trial and all the defense has is two bullies made her look guilty but her timeline can't be determined or verified, and her sexting and other actions come up, still not good for the defense. I just don't see how this could possibly be good for the defense. If the only defense here is character assassination, that will only open the can of worms that is TH's life too. No defense attorney would want to do that, especially with what TH has done since Kyron went missing. I hope he has more than just character assassination at a civil or criminal trial, or TH is certainly not going to get a favorable verdict in either case. Am I wrong here or just misunderstanding how this audio could be good for the defense?
I am not defending the audio, btw. I am just thinking it doesn't help anyone, least of all poor Kyron.