Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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It is not a crime to be blindsided by a conniving lying cheating sexting narcissistic possibly murderous spouse. :banghead: QUOTE]

I think Kaine saw some problems, but assumed they were between Terri and himself, and that Kyron was not a part of any of it. I think that after he got out of the relationship, he was better able to see how truly dysfunctional it had been. And as more information comes out, he may continue to be shocked.

When my child was 8, I met a man who managed to conceal the reality of what he was until we were married. Then I learned he had issues with compulsive lying, and alcohol abuse. As time wore on, he "became addicted to" prescription pain medication (TODAY I believe his addiction may actually have predated my meeting him). He was always trying to take advantage of people and refused to get a job. However he seemed to be a GREAT stepfather, so I put up with a lot more than I should have for the sake of a child who had already lost ONE father.

The marriage lasted 2 years. Almost 5 years later, I learned he'd been sexually abusing my child almost from the day we met, until I left him for totally unrelated reasons. It NEVER crossed my mind that he was doing that, since he constantly accused the landlord (behind his back) of being a pedophile. Turned out he was right too. The guy is currently serving 53 years.

I told my immediate family, and several of them claimed they had "always known" about this, or that it was "pretty obvious" to them. Yet nobody called (during the marriage) my child's bio-dad to tell HIM what was going on so he could remove her, and nobody ever called social services, child protective services, or mentioned their suspicions to me.

As they say... hindsight is 20/20.

I believed it the moment I was told, but until that time I "had no idea." I am putting that in quotes becasue I DID know he was a jerk and a bad person, and maybe I should have considered this possibility but found it too hard even to contemplate. It never crossed my mind, but was so obvious in retrospect.

He's now serving 15 years of a 60 year sentence (45 years suspended), and after denying it in court and trying to make us look bad, he wrote a letter to the judge six months after his conviction, confessing.
I can't imagine how agonizing that thought would be. The pain Desiree is in is absolutely excruciating. moo mho

I'm sure the pain to both Kaine and Desiree finding out about these emails is equally excruciating.
I'm sure the pain to both Kaine and Desiree finding out about these emails is equally excruciating.

From what I understood, Desiree is expressing her DOUBLE hurt in discovering that Terri could openly hate her child, and Kaine could not have known about it. In Desiree's opinion, at least the way I understood that, she's upset that Kaine didn't tell her the truth about how bad things were in the house.

I can't imagine having someone tell me my child was openly hated.
Poor Kyron, such a victim of the adults in his life. Someone should have thought about Kyron above all else. Yes, if Terri did this, she is the one to blame, but it still seems as though Kyron's daily life and comforts were not a priority for those who should have been making it one. I wonder why Desiree did not feel she could challenge Kaine legally? And why Kaine would not even consider allowing Kyron to live with his mom?
IMO, because Kaine put all these allegations in his divorce papers against Terri for the divorce, of which, seems to be biting him in the butt now that Desiree is on the Today Show.

If all these emails were JUST shown to Terri within the last few days, where the heck have these emails been for the last 6 months?

Just because Desiree is just now seeing them DOESN'T mean LE hasn't had them the last 6 months.
Break out your discussion into the other threads or open a new one

Some chatter about a possible interview tomorrow. Keep an eye out for a link but we may not know until it happens. Desiree's appearance on the Today show wasn't announced ahead of time, right?

Also heard something about KATU news at 5:00 but watching now and haven't seen anything so far.
Covering it now.....

It was a very quick 2 min. interview with Kaine. I'll try to paraphrase

He stated again that Terri is a master of lies and deception. He said he understands that people feel the need to blame him for not intervening or thinking that something horrible could happen. He said if it makes people feel better to blame him, go ahead...just get back out there and keep looking for Kyron after you do that. (or something like that?)
He also said it's been quite some time since he and Desiree have spoken but he hopes that is resolved soon with the holidays approaching. That was about it....
Maybe if he's on Good Morning America tomorrow there will be more.
Good answer, Kaine, on the go ahead and blame me statement. Maybe if Terri would have had that attitude in the beginning, she wouldn't have looked quite so guilty.
It's good that Kaine is going on GMA. Keep Kyorn's name and face out there. I'm also glad he is taking some responsibility over this matter but reemphasizing how important it is to not give up looking for his son. I really want to know what he thinks Terri did with Kyron.
Posting for reference. Interview Thursday November 19 on KATU.

Kaine: There was no way to know son would disappear
Story Published: Nov 18, 2010 at 11:53 PM PST

Transcribed from video. Slightly different from what's printed in the article.

Kaine: We’re, we're dealing with someone who I, I referred to earlier as a professional at misdirection and deceit.

That, that’s exactly what she’s all about, and sitting here and trying to blame an individual for that, aside from the individual who carried out whatever happened to Kyron that day – you know, I just, it, it’s, it's unnecessary.

It doesn’t need to be done, but, you know, I understand that if it helps people to put blame on me for this then go right ahead if it makes you feel better as long as you get right back out and start looking for him then that’s fine, but I don’t hold myself responsible, and I’m not going to hold myself hostage for the thing, for this event that happened to him.

Kaine: I know that she’s extremely upset. I don’t know that it’s necessarily at me or at anyone else in particular.

We’re all having a hard time with this.

I'm just, I'm just, I’m just chalking it up to it's just one of those really difficult times that we’re going through right now.

It’s, you know, getting close to the holidays.

We’re all, we're all up... really emotional about this, and, you know, as far as how our relationship is doing, it’s fine.

We haven’t spoken for a little bit longer than normal but that's, that will be rectified here shortly with the holidays coming up, and kind of getting past some things.

I’m not worried about it at all.

He mentions working with a therapist and I would venture he is verbalizing the "tools" the therapist has given him... just to cope in whatever way he can.

The man is a skeleton of himself. That speaks volumes too.
Wow, Kaine's willing to take blame on him as long as people keeping looking for Kyron. Bless that man. How many other people, even in different cases, have been willing to do that? Not many I know of. It speaks to the kind of man Kaine is, a man who loves his son and wants his son to be found. It speaks of a innocent man being tortured by what has happened.

Can't say the same for Terri. Nope. No way, no how. There is no comparison here. If anything, what Kaine said only makes Terri look worse. Where is her willingness to sacrifice herself for the sake of a beloved child? She won't even put herself through the fire for her own flesh and blood.

Bless you Kaine. Stay strong and keep up the faith. I hope this appearance on GMA does him some good.
you know, I understand that if it helps people to put blame on me for this then go right ahead if it makes you feel better as long as you get right back out and start looking for him then that’s fine, but I don’t hold myself responsible, and I’m not going to hold myself hostage for the thing, for this event that happened to him.

I'm really sorry for him. It must be hell with the holidays coming up to be going through all this.

He's a victim, not a perpetrator. :furious: It's sad that he has such survivor's guilt but people want to pile more on him.
I watched this interview. I did not transcribe it.

It was mentioned by the reviewer that Terri was hiding alcohol in soda cans.(and I think water bottles) This, of course, is something you often do not find out until you are left alone in the house after the other person has left.

He talked about the emails, adding to "the pile" of evidence. He refused to elaborate on the emails wherein Terri spoke of wanting to hurt Kyron...but he did confirm them. He mentioned that she would ask him to help her with a diet..track it or something...then he sees the email where she tells people HE was "on her" about her weight. He reiterates what a master Terri is at deception.

As I stated on another thread, I do think that Desiree in her pain...occasionally lets slip something that is tormenting her that she has heard from LE. I'm curious to read her interviews again in this context. I think she has given us perhaps some of the only insights we have into some of the evidence in this case.

The phrase I keep coming back to is..."Kyron saw it all."
Can someone transcribe this for those of us who can't watch it at work? Thanks.
Posting for reference.

Transcription - Good Morning America interview of Kaine - Friday, November 19, 2010

Reporter: How do you handle the day to day of this, of having no breaking news in this case?

Kaine: Well, it's tough. It hurts the same almost as the first day that he went, that he went missing.

Reporter: Desiree says she can't support the choices that you are making.

Kaine: We're in a really tough, long, emotional situation. I know that she's extremely upset. You know we haven’t spoken for a little bit longer than normal but that's, that will be rectified here shortly with the holidays coming up, and kind of getting past some things.

Reporter: Have you seen the emails that are being talked about where Terri allegedly talks about hurting Kyron?

Kaine: Yeah, well, I, I've seen them. Yes.

Reporter: What is in those emails?

Kaine: I'm not gonna talk about it. It's information that's supposed to be confidential to the investigation, and...

Reporter: Did they only solidify your belief that Terri's responsible?

Kaine: Everything that we see moving forward just adds to the pile.

Show the April 6 email to a friend (not one from LE shown Kaine/Desi) obtained by KATU.

Reporter: Is there any truth to what she said?

Kaine: Oh I don't think so at all. She's the one who approaches me about, hey can you help me with getting my diet dialed in because I feel like I'm out of shape and stuff like that so I help her, and then what does she do? She turns around and tells people that it's me saying she's fat.

Reporter: I've heard everything from that Terri was mad at Desiree, Terri was mad at you, Terri was angry with Kyron. What's the reality?

Kaine: The reality is we don't know.

Reporter: Does it hurt when you're blamed for things?

Kaine: You know, honestly, no. I came out and sat with, we sat with you and I told you what, four months ago, that I felt responsible for things that happened. We didn't stand a chance. We're dealing with someone who, I referred to earlier as a professional at misdirection and deceit, and if it helps people put blame on me for this? Then go right ahead if it makes you feel better as long as you get right back out and start looking for him, then that's fine.

Statement from Stephen Houze, Terri's attorney:

We are unable to respond. To do so would be a violation of clear ethical standards. There are matters currently pending before an Oregon court concerning Miss Horman.
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