Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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She could be innocent but I do not personally believe that it's a huge feat to "outsmart" the investigators. It's clear that if she did it she didn't cover her tracks well enough not to be suspected right away. She just managed to hide the body and shut up, and lots of people are capable of doing that, sadly.

I am not sure what to think about accomplices because it's so hard for me to fathom why anybody would help. But if there are accomplices they're not doing Terri some huge favor staying quiet, it's in their own best interests to hide their involvement.
There are so many cases on Charley Project, where someone has probably gotten away with murder simply because they hid the body well. I don't like to think of these people as being "smarter" than LE. I think a better word to describe Terri, if she's guilty, is lucky.
But what if she has told them all she knows? I know that 99% of this board have "convicted" her, but I am just not so certain she could not only "outsmart" the FBI, Secret Service, etc. but also manage to keep the alleged "associate(s)" many think she had also quiet for 19 months. Desiree has made it clear she believes Terri is guilty, I don't think she really just wants to chat with Terri for old-times sake. She wants TH to confess and tell her where Kyron is; if TH truly doesn't know, I doubt Desiree would ever believe her. I'm not even sure Desiree could change her opinion if someone else was eventually proven to have taken him, nor am I sure that some others could either. JMO

If she had an ounce of mercy, I think that a conversation would do a ton of good to help Desiree to see where Terri is- if she is innocent.

Why silence yourself? Why not plead that you are innocent?

I don't want it to be her, but if it looks like a duck and acts like a duck.....

In the interest of Kyron, I really hope it wasn't Terri who disappeared Kyron.
PS- I don't think that it would take much to outsmart LE either, just the right terrain, right time, and a few CSI episodes.

In that terrain, someone could leave a body and not be able to find it again.
I know lots of people have hidden bodies too well for LE or anyone else to find and managed to elude justice...but in this case she also had to remove him from a crowded school and no one has ever said they saw her do so. In other cases, the possible perps, parents, the child missing from home, where they have total control of the environment...that is what makes this different for me. JMO
I know lots of people have hidden bodies too well for LE or anyone else to find and managed to elude justice...but in this case she also had to remove him from a crowded school and no one has ever said they saw her do so. In other cases, the possible perps, parents, the child missing from home, where they have total control of the environment...that is what makes this different for me. JMO

We don't know what people saw. The witnesses aren't talking. They haven't said they saw a stranger take Kyron either. If that were the case, I think we would have seen a composite drawing and alerts. Nope. Either people saw NOBODY--not even a stranger--take Kyron, or they saw something fishy with Terri and are complying with LE's instructions not to talk.
Thats just it, I'm baffled that he left the school and we, the public, don't know if he was seen or not. Not by Terri or anyone else. Or alone. So there you have it. Back to square one. That doesn't make her any less guilty or innocent.
Actually Desiree has done something clever here. I didn't read the comments but the "anonymous note from Mexico" comment has me thinking. If someone else did do something to Kyron and she read this letter publicly and that person just sends her an anonymous note telling her where his body is, she will get closure. And the guilty person can pawn it off on Terri.

I think Terri is going to be fine. She was fat when all this went down and she was a red head. All she has to do is lose weight and dye her hair and she's going to look completely different.
JVM is showing the conversation with Desiree on the 2nd half of her show right now...I think it is the bit taped last week, not live, JMO
In fact it could be a taped show from a few months sure. Desiree says it has been over a it has been over 18 months, so hard to tell when taped.

ETA: Must be an old tape from last summer, saying he has been missing 13 months, which would be last July.

Poor Desiree, she goes from saying she just wants to talk to TH to saying she just wants TH to suffer...
Poor Desiree indeed, I would imagine that she would say those things, as she moves through the five stages of grief. She has had lots of time to do so now, although I would imagine that every day brings new realizations and new level of grief.
Poor Desiree indeed, I would imagine that she would say those things, as she moves through the five stages of grief. She has had lots of time to do so now, although I would imagine that every day brings new realizations and new level of grief.

What was odd was she said the two different things, about just wanting to talk to her and just wanting her to suffer, in the same interview that was shown today. I think she tries to maintain her composure at first, to try to get TH to talk to her, but she can't keep it up and by the end of the conversation her true feelings come out...JMO
Not sure about this, but, didn't Desiree say at one point that Terri wanted Kyron to go live with her (Desiree) but Kaine would not allow it?

Yes -
and the most interesting tid-bit to that story
is that James was removed from the home while Kaine was out of town....

this could have played out a number of ways:
1. Terri goes behind Kaines back and removes James against Kaines wishes..why?
2. James leaves on his own - runs off, etc. and now it is being used as ammunition to get a story going.
3. Kaine was asked to leave the home while James moved out with the help of Terri's parents who seemed to frequent the home on the weekends...I like this one...but why?
I know lots of people have hidden bodies too well for LE or anyone else to find and managed to elude justice...but in this case she also had to remove him from a crowded school and no one has ever said they saw her do so. In other cases, the possible perps, parents, the child missing from home, where they have total control of the environment...that is what makes this different for me. JMO

right Cluciano -
what narcissistic sociopath - 'in their right mind' - would subject themselves to such a dynamic and unpredictable venue for playing out such an horrific crime as this...??????

it truly makes no sense
and still has me baffled.
If she had an ounce of mercy, I think that a conversation would do a ton of good to help Desiree to see where Terri is- if she is innocent.

Why silence yourself? Why not plead that you are innocent?

I don't want it to be her, but if it looks like a duck and acts like a duck.....

In the interest of Kyron, I really hope it wasn't Terri who disappeared Kyron.

BBM: Yes ... WHY has Terrie remained silent ... and WHY has Terrie not proclaimed her "innocence" ?

Because IMO Terrie is GUILTY ... and Terrie's SILENCE is "HURTING MY EARS" ...

If you are "innocent" and being accused of a crime, it seems to me that an innocent -- and "normal" person would be "screaming from the rooftops" -- "I am innocent" !

Terrie will NEVER "speak" -- especially since she lawyered up ... and the FACT that she is not even fighting to see her daughter IMO "screams" that Terrie definitely is hiding "something" about Kyron ...

My heart goes out to Desiree ! I just don't know how she keeps it together ...

:praying: that Kyron will come home for the New Year !

MOO ...
I watched this show too. Desiree said, and I'll paraphrase that she and Kaine are together on bringing Kyron home, but she is upset with him for not telling her what was going on in that house. I felt she had issues with them 'morally' and she tried not to
give JVM any dirt and turned it into a 'drinking problem'. She claimed that she was finding out about what was going on from the police and it bothered her. She felt one or both of them should have told her so she could have taken Kyron out of there.

In her open letter to Terri she tried to appeal to Terri by saying things like 'I know what you were going thru, I've been there before' and I'm the one person that would understand....

My heart went out to Desiree; she just wants her son. I don't think she can wait until March to get more info, and I have to agree with her on that. But I think she is trying to
rattle someones cage to get more info. It was very interesting posturing.


I don't want to cast any aspersions, so I want to state up front that I'm not accusing Kaine of doing this. But it occurred to me that one way to interpret this statement is if Kaine had an affair. THAT would be something really unique the two women shared, his having cheated while being married to each of them. It would be something only Desiree would also have gone through. Many people tragically lose their children, or lose custody of their children. But only Desiree and Terri have been married to Kaine. It would be something that, if you believe Terri was responsible for trying to set up a MFH, and if you believe she did something to Kyron, would really explain where Terri's anger was coming from.

Also, hypothetically, Terri would only need to to have THOUGHT Kaine was having an affair. I can see Terri really wanting to vent about an affair of Kaine's, especially if it was what prompted all these actions that would hurt Kaine. That need to vent could prompt her to want to talk. But even if my theory is true, I don't think she will.
IMHO....I think Terri was the one having an affair with the landscaper so that she could manipulate him into killing Kaine....

Also, Kaine disputes Desiree's version of events of how their marriage ended. Obviously, both of them see things differently. But I don't think it's entirely fair to accept Desiree's version without giving Kaine's version any merit. The truth is always somewhere in the middle anyway, and it's obvious that they were not communicating well by that point.

I believe that Terri disliked Kyron because he was Desiree's child with Kaine. Kyron was also a focus of Kaine's attention and love.....and money, as his only child for several years. Terri wanted everything for herself. I think she got pregnant to ensure a continued income for herself, and to further bind Kaine to her, and to take something away from Desiree as the mother of Kaine's child. Now Terri also had a baby by Kaine, so Desiree was not that special anymore. Desiree is a beautiful woman, and I think Terri was jealous of her in so many ways.
I believe Terri also saw Kyron as an intruder into her plans, and as competition. I also believe her anger at Kaine stemmed from battles with him about Kyron, and about her drinking. I think she planned to do away with Kaine, and get his life insurance money, his property, and SSI for Kitty. Kyron would go to Desiree, and Terri would be all set until she found a new man. No divorce to cut her out of the money....
When that didn't work, Terri planned to get rid of Kyron because he was an obstacle to her plan of being Kaine's one and only, along with Kitty, who would then be Kaine's only child. Desiree would be out of the picture, and Terri would be queen of the castle.
I don't believe Terri has the capability to feel love, or to understand it. But she does appreciate money and status, and the comfort of having a man to provide financial security. That's what her marriages were all about....she was always financially motivated, not motivated by real love.
IMHO....I think Terri was the one having an affair with the landscaper so that she could manipulate him into killing Kaine....

Also, Kaine disputes Desiree's version of events of how their marriage ended. Obviously, both of them see things differently. But I don't think it's entirely fair to accept Desiree's version without giving Kaine's version any merit. The truth is always somewhere in the middle anyway, and it's obvious that they were not communicating well by that point.

I believe that Terri disliked Kyron because he was Desiree's child with Kaine. Kyron was also a focus of Kaine's attention and love.....and money, as his only child for several years. Terri wanted everything for herself. I think she got pregnant to ensure a continued income for herself, and to further bind Kaine to her, and to take something away from Desiree as the mother of Kaine's child. Now Terri also had a baby by Kaine, so Desiree was not that special anymore. Desiree is a beautiful woman, and I think Terri was jealous of her in so many ways.
I believe Terri also saw Kyron as an intruder into her plans, and as competition. I also believe her anger at Kaine stemmed from battles with him about Kyron, and about her drinking. I think she planned to do away with Kaine, and get his life insurance money, his property, and SSI for Kitty. Kyron would go to Desiree, and Terri would be all set until she found a new man. No divorce to cut her out of the money....
When that didn't work, Terri planned to get rid of Kyron because he was an obstacle to her plan of being Kaine's one and only, along with Kitty, who would then be Kaine's only child. Desiree would be out of the picture, and Terri would be queen of the castle.
I don't believe Terri has the capability to feel love, or to understand it. But she does appreciate money and status, and the comfort of having a man to provide financial security. That's what her marriages were all about....she was always financially motivated, not motivated by real love.

I like the way you think.
IMHO....I think Terri was the one having an affair with the landscaper so that she could manipulate him into killing Kaine....

Also, Kaine disputes Desiree's version of events of how their marriage ended. Obviously, both of them see things differently. But I don't think it's entirely fair to accept Desiree's version without giving Kaine's version any merit. The truth is always somewhere in the middle anyway, and it's obvious that they were not communicating well by that point.

I believe that Terri disliked Kyron because he was Desiree's child with Kaine. Kyron was also a focus of Kaine's attention and love.....and money, as his only child for several years. Terri wanted everything for herself. I think she got pregnant to ensure a continued income for herself, and to further bind Kaine to her, and to take something away from Desiree as the mother of Kaine's child. Now Terri also had a baby by Kaine, so Desiree was not that special anymore. Desiree is a beautiful woman, and I think Terri was jealous of her in so many ways.
I believe Terri also saw Kyron as an intruder into her plans, and as competition. I also believe her anger at Kaine stemmed from battles with him about Kyron, and about her drinking. I think she planned to do away with Kaine, and get his life insurance money, his property, and SSI for Kitty. Kyron would go to Desiree, and Terri would be all set until she found a new man. No divorce to cut her out of the money....
When that didn't work, Terri planned to get rid of Kyron because he was an obstacle to her plan of being Kaine's one and only, along with Kitty, who would then be Kaine's only child. Desiree would be out of the picture, and Terri would be queen of the castle.
I don't believe Terri has the capability to feel love, or to understand it. But she does appreciate money and status, and the comfort of having a man to provide financial security. That's what her marriages were all about....she was always financially motivated, not motivated by real love.

You wrote a very well articulated post, and it sounds like a very plausible theory. I believe that Terri Moulton Horman is a narcissistic sociopath, and that she is 100% responsible for little Kyron's disappearance. I believe that he is likely in the Dixie Mountain area that was previously searched, but possibly on Sauvie Island within a half mile of an area that was already searched. I sincerely hope and pray that Desiree and Kaine receive the closure they need very soon.
BBM: Yes ... WHY has Terrie remained silent ... and WHY has Terrie not proclaimed her "innocence" ?

Because IMO Terrie is GUILTY ... and Terrie's SILENCE is "HURTING MY EARS" ...

If you are "innocent" and being accused of a crime, it seems to me that an innocent -- and "normal" person would be "screaming from the rooftops" -- "I am innocent" !

Terrie will NEVER "speak" -- especially since she lawyered up ... and the FACT that she is not even fighting to see her daughter IMO "screams" that Terrie definitely is hiding "something" about Kyron ...

My heart goes out to Desiree ! I just don't know how she keeps it together ...

:praying: that Kyron will come home for the New Year !

MOO ...

My sentiments exactly.
Yes -
and the most interesting tid-bit to that story
is that James was removed from the home while Kaine was out of town....

this could have played out a number of ways:
1. Terri goes behind Kaines back and removes James against Kaines wishes..why?
2. James leaves on his own - runs off, etc. and now it is being used as ammunition to get a story going.
3. Kaine was asked to leave the home while James moved out with the help of Terri's parents who seemed to frequent the home on the weekends...I like this one...but why?

Another interesting tidbit to the story--why did Terri have James' name legally changed from Ecker, (his adoptive father's name), to Moulton just prior to having him removed from the family home and just months before Kyron disappeared?
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