LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette; 19 May 2012 - #22

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Aug 19, 2008
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Michaela (Mickey) Shunick
Missing from Lafayette LA -- 19 May 2012

[ame=""]Thread #1[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #2[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #3[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #4[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #5 [/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #6[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #7 [/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #8[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #9[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #10[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #11 [/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #12[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #13[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #14[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #15[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #16[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #17[/ame]

Thread #18
Thread #19
[ame=""]Thread #20[/ame]
[ame=""]thread #21[/ame]

• [ame=""]Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette; 19 May 2012 * Timeline & Media Links ONLY *[/ame]

• [ame=""]BayouBecky's videos[/ame] of Mickey's possible routes homeward

• KATC Twitter feed

• Website: Find Mickey Now

• Lafayette Police Department updates

• Facebook link: Find Mickey Shunick Now

• If you find and post new info here on the discussion thread, please also post that link on the Time Line & Media Links *
• When new names - people, locations - enter the picture, please post them on this link's #tags, thanks.
• Please do not sleuth individuals who have not been mentioned in MSM either as persons of interest or as suspects by LE.
• Choose the links you post wisely; don't link to sites which feature bizarre speculation, etc.

(And much thanks to queenofcorona, who started the original thread!)

verified posters: Insiders: queenofcorona and chicken fried; verified PI: A.C.I.

A few additional reminders:

  • Leave the snark -- and the rumors --at the door.

  • Treat other posters with respect.
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  • Remember: you can disagree with a post and address it, but you do NOT attack the poster.
(Originally posted by wfgodot with a few minor changes added by bessie.)
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It is wonderful to see so many new members (many locals!) interested in helping locate Mickey. Your dedication is appreciated.


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[ame=""]See this Link to the Verified Posters: Professionals and Insiders.[/ame]

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Hi all! I have come over to the thread and read a little bit everyday but it would be impossible to keep up with everything. This is my first post here and I want to simply share my thoughts. I mean no offense to anyone.

Typically when LE doesn't have the victim and/or a perp they only share enough information to the public in hopes that someone has seen something unusual and will come forward. They would be looking for someone that saw the accident or abduction, someone acting unusual for example: not showing up for work, hiding, selling, cleaning a vehicle, basically changes in a persons usual routine. It's totally possible they have a POI and have survailence on the POI hoping that they will lead them to where she is. They very well may have other video also, but don't feel it would be useful to the investigation to release it to the public.

When Mickey first came up missing, my thoughts lead me to someone from outside of Lafayette coming into town to party and hit on girls or guys. Although, I'm not at all ruling out this may be an abduction, I keep going back to the drunk driving scenerio.
Initially you would think that if someone was drunk and hit her they would just leave the scene. It's hard to tell though what a person might do if they were intoxicated or panicking. It's possible also, that if there were more than one person in the vehicle there may have been a moral discussion going on and it was decided that they couldn't just leave her there.

The evidence indicates that the perp made it all the way out to WB to dispose of the bike. So, they obviously went that direction because it was on the way home or to dispose of evidence. They could have dropped the bike there that night or at a later time. Either way, it was "most likely" done at night.

I always try to be careful not to get stuck in one place. What information can I obtain from disecting the photo of the vehicle? For me, the only useful information is the make/model/color etc. If I even look at that photo for a short period of time, my eyes begin playing tricks on me. The pixels and lighting can make things look like they are there that really are not. Photoshopping can mislead things. If I find myself getting stuck, sometimes it's good if I take a break, clear my head and start over from the beginning. Again, these are just my thoughts and opinions.
Carrying over from previous thread:

Why don't they release the damn videos? Anyone know?

One theory: perhaps the "other" view of the DWTIQ contains some sort of distinguishing feature which could be easily altered by the driver of said DWTIQ. And, in this scenario, rather than tip off said driver, LE parses the info to the public while, behind the scenes, local area LE searches for that specific truck.
Finally got some time to get caught up from yesterday, and to do some playing around with Google Maps Street View. In investigating potential routes MS may have taken/deviated onto, I noticed that directly across from the parking garage on St. Landry, there's an office complex which houses, amongst other things, the Azar clinic (intersection of St. Landry & St. Louis). There's a little obscure driveway/alleyway there between buildings, including a nice, healthy bush/shrub out near the street.

I don't like the looks of it. It looks like the perfect set-up spot.

And directly atop the neighboring building (whose sign reads "Laser & Surgery Center of Acadiana") is a surveillance camera, which is apparently aimed down that alley towards the back of the property.

Has this all been thoroughly searched? (video footage, search teams, dogs, etc.)
In trying to conjure up other scenarios of how to get MS off her bike, I got to thinking abut rope. Could one literally lasso a person on a bike? Sure they could, right? I am NOT saying I think this happened! I am just wondering if it is even a plausible scenario. Perp could be on foot or in a vehicle in that scenario. Then, use the same rope to tie up the victim?
Probably just a crazy idea...right?
Hi all! I have come over to the thread and read a little bit everyday but it would be impossible to keep up with everything. This is my first post here and I want to simply share my thoughts. I mean no offense to anyone.

Typically when LE doesn't have the victim and/or a perp they only share enough information to the public in hopes that someone has seen something unusual and will come forward. They would be looking for someone that saw the accident or abduction, someone acting unusual for example: not showing up for work, hiding, selling, cleaning a vehicle, basically changes in a persons usual routine. It's totally possible they have a POI and have survailence on the POI hoping that they will lead them to where she is. They very well may have other video also, but don't feel it would be useful to the investigation to release it to the public.

When Mickey first came up missing, my thoughts lead me to someone from outside of Lafayette coming into town to party and hit on girls or guys. Although, I'm not at all ruling out this may be an abduction, I keep going back to the drunk driving scenerio.
Initially you would think that if someone was drunk and hit her they would just leave the scene. It's hard to tell though what a person might do if they were intoxicated or panicking. It's possible also, that if there were more than one person in the vehicle there may have been a moral discussion going on and it was decided that they couldn't just leave her there.

The evidence indicates that the perp made it all the way out to WB to dispose of the bike. So, they obviously went that direction because it was on the way home or to dispose of evidence. They could have dropped the bike there that night or at a later time. Either way, it was "most likely" done at night.

I always try to be careful not to get stuck in one place. What information can I obtain from disecting the photo of the vehicle? For me, the only useful information is the make/model/color etc. If I even look at that photo for a short period of time, my eyes begin playing tricks on me. The pixels and lighting can make things look like they are there that really are not. Photoshopping can mislead things. If I find myself getting stuck, sometimes it's good if I take a break, clear my head and start over from the beginning. Again, these are just my thoughts and opinions.
Excellent post (too excellent to snip), and I "work" that similar way.

Very initially, I thought "DUI/accident + coverup"...then thought "someone observing her, maybe over time (distinctive look)".

We all bring uniqueness to the table and have our weak and strong points.

I'm a huuuuge fan of brainstorming and teamwork.

Sometimes someone may be instrumental without even realizing it...if so, hopefully whomever gets the reward will share. ;) I say that half-kidding and in my own twisted sense of humor that helps me cope with Mickey (and many others) being missing or worse.

You never know how the Universe may conspire by bringing the rite people and the rite thoughts together...
Going to start here now that there is a new thread. To escape the camera, which I'm certain that Mickey didn't even know was there at 216 Landry, and she wasn't captured on camera going through the City Hall lot, (not that we are aware at least), she could have taken Brashear, to Cherry. There is a barrier at those two streets, both of which she could have crossed but anyone persuing her in a vehicle couldn't, which would have forced him to go around back onto University, further down than a camera would have caught him. This is my theory.


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Carrying over from previous thread:

One theory: perhaps the "other" view of the DWTIQ contains some sort of distinguishing feature which could be easily altered by the driver of said DWTIQ. And, in this scenario, rather than tip off said driver, LE parses the info to the public while, behind the scenes, local area LE searches for that specific truck.

You mean like a large decal in the back window? I'm not sure what I'm seeing here, but it doesn't look like a fleurs de lis to me or a bike wheel (as others have suggested).

a few people have been asking why there are no photos further down St. Landry St. there are no cameras further down. there is a 'black hole' from where she was spotted until bertrand, then from johnston st to congress. in a little while i will go take some more pictures of the area in that direction and point out the cameras like i did on the downtown side.

i have been studying the truck picture, has anyone else noticed there are only side bars under the front doors? and it does not appear to have a bed liner. what looks like a black boarder on the far side of the bed is actually the gutter drain on the other side of the street. also, that 'light source' under the nearest headlight, at first i thought it was just a reflection of some sort, but if you examine it closely, look at the street. the light is illuminating the street.

anyone have any thoughts on those observations?
Carrying over from previous thread:

One theory: perhaps the "other" view of the DWTIQ contains some sort of distinguishing feature which could be easily altered by the driver of said DWTIQ. And, in this scenario, rather than tip off said driver, LE parses the info to the public while, behind the scenes, local area LE searches for that specific truck.

I was also thinking the other video may contain images which would definitely link the driver to MS. Perhaps LE was hoping he/she would come forward voluntarily just thinking they were coming in as a witness and not a POI to the commission of a crime. IMO.
In trying to conjure up other scenarios of how to get MS off her bike, I got to thinking abut rope. Could one literally lasso a person on a bike? Sure they could, right? I am NOT saying I think this happened! I am just wondering if it is even a plausible scenario. Perp could be on foot or in a vehicle in that scenario. Then, use the same rope to tie up the victim?
Probably just a crazy idea...right?

I can't see using a lasso, but I could see using a baseball bat. Quick blow to the back of her head and she'd be knocked unconscious. Then the perp wouldn't need to worry about subduing her.
I need to back away from the truck.

I think it may have been a neighborhood person/persons and MS was probably targeted. Although a vehicle was likely involved at some point, I don't think it's the core of the crime.

It's terribly aggravating that the truck hasn't been reported as located, but LE has got to be working with 1000 times more information than I have or will ever have.
In trying to conjure up other scenarios of how to get MS off her bike, I got to thinking abut rope. Could one literally lasso a person on a bike? Sure they could, right? I am NOT saying I think this happened! I am just wondering if it is even a plausible scenario. Perp could be on foot or in a vehicle in that scenario. Then, use the same rope to tie up the victim?
Probably just a crazy idea...right?

Once when I was out riding my bike a group of boys rolled a skateboard out into the road. I hit it and took a sudden tumble. I had road rash scars for many years after that fall.
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