Laura Babcock Murder Trial 11.15.17 - Day 16

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May 9, 2009
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This is the Babcock murder trial discussion thread.

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:rose: Remembering Laura Babcock and waiting for Justice :rose:



You are not forgotten ... Rest peacefully, Laura
:rose: :rose:
Photo of burning bones challenged by defence

By Adam Carter, CBC News Nov 14, 2017


It's a photo that has been on screens and dissected for hours in the courtroom at the Laura Babcock murder trial in Toronto.

The photo shows an animal incinerator, owned by accused killer Dellen Millard, with flames erupting from its inner chamber.

Expert forensics witness Dr. Tracy Rogers testified in court last week that the objects seen burning in that photo look like human bones.

Yet the defence for the two men accused of killing and incinerating the 23-year-old Toronto woman spent a good part of Tuesday trying to cast doubt on that expert opinion.

CBC News has chosen not to publish the photo, which was found on electronic devices that were seized from Millard's home.
Jurors at Laura Babcock murder trial to hear more about 2 incinerators found on Millard farm
By Shannon Martin, CBC News Posted: Nov 14, 2017 7:01 PM ET

Jury members at the Laura Babcock murder trial will hear more evidence today about the incinerators — one homemade and the other purchased for $15,424 — found on accused killer Dellen Millard's farm.

Babcock, a University of Toronto graduate described by friends as fun-loving and vivacious, disappeared in early July 2012. No one has heard from the 23-year-old since, and her body has never been found.

CBC Live Blog

Live Blog Mobile
Nov 15 2017 10:01 AM
We are about to get underway at the Laura Babcock murder trial.

At the end of the day Tuesday, the jury saw photos from a police search carried out at Millard's farm in September 2013.
Officer Rhonda Haley showed the jury a series of images of a rusted upside down bin, mounted onto legs, outside a barn. Inside a garage, were two large canisters that she testified were welded together.

During opening statements on the first day of trial four weeks ago, the Crown read a text sent from Millard to his mechanic that read: "Soon I'm gonna want you to put together a homemade incinerator."
Sounds like Shaner is on the stand today. Jmo
The link for the live blog mobile doesn't work for me. Anyone else having that problem?

I called CBC to let them know but it doesn't appear to be fixed yet.

Thanks to those that can help with the tweets. :)
Nov 15 2017 10:10 AM Justice Michael Code has now arrived, we're just waiting on the jury.
We're about to get underway at the Laura Babcock murder trial. Just waiting on the jury and then we can get going with tweets and our live blog. #LauraBabcock
The link for the live blog mobile doesn't work for me. Anyone else having that problem?

I called CBC to let them know but it doesn't appear to be fixed yet.

Thanks to those that can help with the tweets. :)

The link is working for me. Unfortunately I'm at work and can't help with the tweets.
[FONT=&quot]Crown Ken Lockhart calls for the next witness, Shane Schlatman. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]We heard about him in court yesterday. He's one of Millard's employees, who ordered the animal incinerator from an agriculture company in Winnipeg, in June 2012.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Schlatman is 45 and works in the forestry industry. Prior to that he was a mechanic and bus driver.[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]Crown Lockhart points out Millard to Schlatman. Millard waves.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Schlatman says he worked for him personally in 2006, then hired on full-time working also for Millard Air.

[FONT=&quot]Schlatman says the plan for Millard Air at the time was to open a business to overhaul and maintain aircrafts.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]He says Millard hired him to maintain all the equipment that goes along with running the airport, not the aircrafts themselves. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Schlatman says he was at the hangar in Waterloo, Ontario mostly by himself.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Schlatman says he mostly took his orders from Millard, and they communicated frequently through text.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Schlatman says the two didn't social that much, Millard attended his wedding and he came over twice to watch UFC.[/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]Crown Lockhart points out Mark Smich in the courtroom. Smich is wearing a pink shirt.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]"That's Mark Smich, Dell's friend," Schlatman states.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Schlatman says Smich worked at the hangar in Waterloo, On, every now and then. Smich and his girlfriend, Marlena, would do odd jobs like cleaning - though Schlatman wouldn't call Smich one of Millard's employees.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Schlatman says the entire time he knew Smich, Marlena was his girlfriend. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Lockhart asks about Millard's girlfriend at the time, Christina Noudga. Schlatman says he saw her once or twice a month.[/FONT] idea if i'm doing this correctly but these are from Shannon Martin
[FONT=&quot]Crown Lockhart pulls up a photo on the large screens in the courtroom. It's Millard and Christina Noudga, their heads pressed close and their arms wrapped around each other.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Crown Lockhart pulls up a photo on the large screens in the courtroom. It's Millard and Christina Noudga, their heads pressed close and their arms wrapped around each other.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Lockhart now pulls up text messages between Schlatman and Millard. They refer to each other as Dell and Shaner. [/FONT]
From Lisa Hepfner:

"I knew them as Dell's vehicles," Schlatman says of the fleet. He and #Millard would occasionally socialize. "He's been to my house once or twice for a UFC fight. He went to my wedding, when I was married..."

Does this imply he’s no longer married? Curious tidbit of information. I wonder if his involvement with and loyalty to DM contributed to the downfall of his marriage.
Lisa Hepfner‏
20m20 minutes ago
Next witness is Shane Schlatman, #Millard's mechanic. Crown Ken Lockhart will direct the examination in chief.

Lisa Hepfner‏
19m19 minutes ago
Schlatman is on the stand. He is 45, he says after a moment to think about it. Grew up in Ontario. He seems cheery. #LauraBabcock

Lisa Hepfner‏
18m18 minutes ago
Schlatman works in forestry now (for the past year) but before that he was a mechanic, licensed since 2000. He also has worked as a truck driver.

Lisa Hepfner‏
17m17 minutes ago
Schlatman has identified accused Dellen #Millard in court as his former employer. Started in 2006, he believes, working just for DM at first and then also for MillardAir. "I kinda did everything. Fixed his vehicles, built what he wanted built, did some cleaning..." #LauraBabcock

Lisa Hepfner‏
16m16 minutes ago
Schlatman worked at least 40 hours a week for MillardAir. His title was GSE mechanic. "Ground Service Equipment, basically anything at the airport that didn't have wings on it." Oil changes, general repairs, electrical work. #LauraBabock

Lisa Hepfner‏
15m15 minutes ago
Which airport, Lockhart wants to know. Schlatman worked for #Millard at the Toronto airport for about a year and then at the Waterloo airport -- maybe in 2007, 2008 he thinks. #LauraBabcock

Lisa Hepfner‏
How many people worked for MillardAir? Schlatman figures 4, "maybe 5." He's not sure. The building at the Waterloo airport was a large hangar built for MillardAir -- before it finished they were in two smaller hangars. Thinks big hangar was finished in 2010 or 2011. #LauraBabcock

Lisa Hepfner‏
13m13 minutes ago
The plan for the building was for maintenance, overhaul and repair of aircraft. Schlatman has no experience with aircraft, he says. Lockhart wants to know how his job fit into MillardAir. He dealt with the airport equipment needed other than airplanes. #LauraBabcock

Lisa Hepfner‏
11m11 minutes ago
Schlatman went to the hangar every day, usually spent the day there by himself. Other employees would drop in "infrequently," #Millard would come once or twice a month. #LauraBabcock

Lisa Hepfner‏
10m10 minutes ago
Schlatman is confused by Millard and his father ("Mr Millard") It was Wayne Millard (Dellen's father) who would show up once or twice a month. Dellen, sometimes would be at hangar a couple times a week, and then would be gone for a couple weeks. They would text.
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