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How did Maria's murder go down?

  • Cesar committed premeditated murder; he alone covered it up.

    Votes: 9 10.8%
  • Cesar committed premeditated murder; he and Christina covered it up.

    Votes: 37 44.6%
  • Christina committed premeditated murder; she and Cesar covered it up.

    Votes: 3 3.6%
  • Cesar killed Maria on the spur of the moment; he alone covered it up.

    Votes: 6 7.2%
  • Cesar killed Maria on the spur of the moment; he and Christina covered it up.

    Votes: 17 20.5%
  • Christina killed Maria on the spur of the moment; she and Cesar covered it up.

    Votes: 10 12.0%
  • A friend of Cesar's killed Maria; he and Cesar covered it up.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A friend of Christina's killed Maria; he/she, Cesar and Christina covered it up.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • An unknown person killed Maria and buried the body in the Laurean's yard.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have no opinion at this time.

    Votes: 1 1.2%

  • Total voters
I also am in the camp that Cesar and Maria had a consensual relationship, at least at some point in time. The rape aspect I'm still unsure of (when/where/how etc)

Maria's death I think Christina committed spur of the moment, heat of the moment whatever one wants to interpret it as.

Cesare I believed helped cover it up for the sake of himself, Xtina, and their daughter. Reason being him going on the run, is because he was a mexican citizen and therefore could cross easily whereas she may have run into issues. He had family resources, (whether or not they helped him, he still had connections there if that makes sense) and probably spoke at least a bit of spanish, and looks wise he'd not "stick out"

I truly believe that if he had not been taken into custody etc, that at some point in time she would have went to meet him. Anytime in the near future? I doubt it, but at some point in time. I really felt that she'd go after him and attempt to resume their lives together.

Hell for all I know, she came home from the Xmas party early (remember Cesar WAS supposed to join ) to check on him, because IIRC he wasn't even answering his cell phone. Pulls up, sees Maria's car maybe - that starts the fire fueling, goes inside, and who knows what she saw or heard and just flipped out. Things got carried away and this is where it ended up at. Anger can be a powerful thing and can enable people to do things they wouldn't normally do.....Just my thoughts...
I had to vote no opinion at this time.Every time I think I've settled on what I think is what happened and I log on,someone has a new threory posted that changes my mind.

Christina seems more likely to me.It wasn't planned.The cover up is way too messy and dis organized.I've been stationed at Lejeune and if you want to hide a body,it's not going to be in your backyard.Way too many places where it would never be found.

CL as far as we know didn't show any violent tendencies towards Maria.That and he doesn't seem to be the sharpest tool in the shed if ya ask me.Christina was a woman who was/is wayyyyyyy pissed of at her husband and Maria.She also shows up to deliver the note with a lawyer.Why do you need a lawyer if you're innocent?Then again,why run to Mexico if you're innocent??
My mind hasn't changed...I feel he did it, pre-meditated it, and she helped cover it up. I say pre-meditated because of the timing of the burning of the bodies and the fact they were done that way at all. I guess I tend to think of a hasty burial for an accidental murder, but then's only my opinion.
Maria and CL were logistics clerks,not admin.She wouldn't have access to his personal info.I can see how she might not have known he was married at first.I've seen gys pull that routine first hand while I was in.Tell someone they're single,no wedding band and pics of the family.I personally couldn't do that even though I was single when I was in.
Maria and CL were logistics clerks,not admin.She wouldn't have access to his personal info.I can see how she might not have known he was married at first.I've seen gys pull that routine first hand while I was in.Tell someone they're single,no wedding band and pics of the family.I personally couldn't do that even though I was single when I was in.

Personally, I think she did know. Lisa who spoke out worked with him and Maria and Lisa knew he was married.... I bet everyone knew he was and it wouldn't even surprise me if Christina did bop into see him from time to time for a few minutes. And Lisa is the one that said Maria and Cesar's relationship began back in December 06. I am sure that LE has talked with her and many others by now.

Even Hudson seems to confirm it was an affair. His rendition of CSLs woes he specifically used the words "angry for cheating on her." That would also bolster his comment of "I loved her" and make more sense why he said that imo.

My mind hasn't changed...I feel he did it, pre-meditated it, and she helped cover it up. I say pre-meditated because of the timing of the burning of the bodies and the fact they were done that way at all. I guess I tend to think of a hasty burial for an accidental murder, but then's only my opinion.

I really don't know who did this crime.......but I do think the wife that still seems to be angry and raging about him cheating on her had more motive to do so.

I think what is hard for us to do is separate the two issues and the jury will have to promise to do just that.

1. There is the actual murder and whether it was premeditated or done in a heat of passion moment.

2. Then after the murder there is the disposal of the body. The second part proves nothing about the actual act of murder or if it was premeditated or not. Most killers dispose of the bodies in some form or another......from burying them in a shallow grave or discarding them above ground in a secluded place. The fire pit bonfires weren't done until Christmas Eve, Day and New Years from what IIRC.

The burying of Maria's body and where she was killed convinces me this was not a planned murder at all. No one would kill a victim in their own home, especially this victim with him knowing there were records attaching the two. The crime would have happened where there was no connection to his own personal property. The burying of her body there shows panic to me. He thought it would be too risky imo and thought he would be seen moving her body from the property. IMO he knew he had to remove it quickly from the house and this was the only private access he had.

I do definitely believe he cleaned up the crime scene and buried Maria......but the actual murder itself.......remains a mystery for me.

Maria and CL were logistics clerks,not admin.She wouldn't have access to his personal info.I can see how she might not have known he was married at first.I've seen gys pull that routine first hand while I was in.Tell someone they're single,no wedding band and pics of the family.I personally couldn't do that even though I was single when I was in.

Cesar and Maria were both personnel clerks in a logistics unit. She knew he was married.
I have lots of opinions about this case. There are so many angles with the players in this tragdy.

Christina is no angel in this at all. She waited hours before turning in letters that he had fled. She turned them into the military not local law enforcement. Therefore to delay it further. She confronted Maria at her job space. Angry about Maria ruining her life. Not to mention giving him money for his life on the run. In my opinion she had more to loose than him.
There is a big question as to Why she went to his section Christmas party without him.

The military is also having some major issues. They should have separated them. Why keep them in the same section/unit? Why not call local law enforcement that she was missing? When she was missing why not give local law enforcement Cesars name? They didn't learn his name til her car was found with the protective order in it. The truth is they dropped the ball.

I can't wait til they get him back here so we can here his side. If he did all this to protect his wife and now he is caught. He may change his tune. Life is a long time.
Christina is no angel in this at all. She waited hours before turning in letters that he had fled. She turned them into the military not local law enforcement. Therefore to delay it further.
Cesar had told her the day before the story about Maria and her being buried, even worse for her not reporting it the LE!

She confronted Maria at her job space. Angry about Maria ruining her life.
We don't know if that is fact, that's what Maria told her mother!

There is a big question as to Why she went to his section Christmas party without him.
That is puzzling, but not as big a question as why did Maria go to their house?

The military is also having some major issues. They should have separated them. Why keep them in the same section/unit?
I see no reason to have done anything other than what the Military did based on her history of taking petty cash, then lying about her dad accidently killing her little brother, and most of all not reporting anything for over a month.

Why not call local law enforcement that she was missing?
How could they have claimed her missing? She was murdered on the 14th-15th (Friday) and not due to report to base until Monday!

When she was missing why not give local law enforcement Cesars name? They didn't learn his name til her car was found with the protective order in it. The truth is they dropped the ball.
She was an UA status as far as the Military knew. She had left a note at Daniel's house saying she was leaving!
Her being confronted by Christine was a rumor at Camp LeJeune within 2 days of her body being found. How do we know she left that note. The keys to Durham's house were never found or returned. Her phone was found between the house she was living in and the base. If she was going to leave why would he have to kill her? He did an awful job of hiding body covering up crime at his house. Evidence everywhere. I think she was murdered and possibly the note and phone were planted to make it look like she fled. In my opinion. This case is talked about everyday in Onslow County. So much was leaked to media souces. I think that she should have been reported as a missing person to the local law enforcement the first day she was missing on Monday. Laureans name should have been given by the Military so at least he could have been questioned. Instead weeks went by. Lots of time to plan get away. She lived off base and disappeared from off base. Why not tell the local law enforcement. I am so saddened at the lack of concern at her disappearance it seems. I don't care if she didn't always make the right decisions in life but she deserved better.
Her being confronted by Christine was a rumor at Camp LeJeune within 2 days of her body being found. How do we know she left that note. The keys to Durham's house were never found or returned. Her phone was found between the house she was living in and the base. If she was going to leave why would he have to kill her? He did an awful job of hiding body covering up crime at his house. Evidence everywhere. I think she was murdered and possibly the note and phone were planted to make it look like she fled. In my opinion. This case is talked about everyday in Onslow County. So much was leaked to media sources. I think that she should have been reported as a missing person to the local law enforcement the first day she was missing on Monday. Laureans name should have been given by the Military so at least he could have been questioned. Instead weeks went by. Lots of time to plan get away. She lived off base and disappeared from off base. Why not tell the local law enforcement. I am so saddened at the lack of concern at her disappearance it seems. I don't care if she didn't always make the right decisions in life but she deserved better.

I highly doubt that Mary Lauterbach would start rumors and she is the one that stated Christina confronted her daughter. Why would she lie? Why would Maria lie to her mother about that?

I don't think it particularly matters when she left that note that day but the fact that she did. They are going to verify it of course but they have already said it looked just like Maria's writing, which they would have ample samples to look at.

There are questions that we cant answer. We do not know how her plans fell through or what heated argument may have happened because of that once she came back to tell Laurean. They both had been living under tremendous pressure since May 07. It was like a powder keg waiting to blow up imo.

I agree the hiding of the body shows panic and disorganization and makes me feel this was not a premeditated crime but something that erupted when Maria came to his home that day.

She was reported UA on that Monday by the Marine Corps. She was also reported missing and OCSD was notified on Tuesday.

Laurean did come in for questions. He told them that he wanted to seek his attorney's advice before speaking with them. The attorney called OCSD back and said he would not be talking to them. They cant force him to speak with them. Every citizen in this country has the same entitled right.

Whether they had done a BOLO on the first day it would not have saved Maria. They treated her as a Marine who had gone UA which is not an uncommon occurrences. Even her mother said that Maria had left on her own before. I do not fault the MC one bit. Not one thing ever happened under their jurisdiction and no one could have predicted that Maria would decide to go to Laurean's home.

You are right, she and Gabriel did not deserve this no matter what human frailties she had, like we all have in some degree or the other but I do see why they thought Maria had left on her own free will. Both of them deserved to live out their lives, goals and dreams.

Captain Sutherland stated that prior contact was made before going to his residence. We may never understand why she went there but she wasn't forced or kidnap because if so Hudson would have filed those charges immediately imo.

I do believe that he buried her, cleaned up the mess and got rid of the evidence however I still have many questions about what really went on there and who all was there and who :waitasec: did what.

It is my understanding that OCSD didn't have Laureans name until the car was found with the protective order in it. I believe that they knew from Mary Lauterbach there was an issue wth a sexual assult but they were unable to get up with her Command because of holiday routines. My comment about Christine was inresponse to Tomsgirl prior statement. It is my opinion that Christine did confront her at Maria's job space. It is also my opinion that she is more involved then is being portrayed. If you are from this area you know that is a common belief. IMOO the delays because of the holidays caused him to be able to escape to Mexico. Her death would not have been prevented but it sure would have not ended in a backyard barbeque possibly. I think that if the story had been aired on that Monday that she was missing her car would have been found sooner because the public would have aided in the search. It was handled very slowly and then when her body was found it became a media circus. The neighbors with their storys about the shovel and the party's. About him driving the car. I pray that he is brought to justice soon.
It is my understanding that OCSD didn't have Laureans name until the car was found with the protective order in it. I believe that they knew from Mary Lauterbach there was an issue wth a sexual assult but they were unable to get up with her Command because of holiday routines. My comment about Christine was inresponse to Tomsgirl prior statement. It is my opinion that Christine did confront her at Maria's job space. It is also my opinion that she is more involved then is being portrayed. If you are from this area you know that is a common belief. IMOO the delays because of the holidays caused him to be able to escape to Mexico. Her death would not have been prevented but it sure would have not ended in a backyard barbeque possibly. I think that if the story had been aired on that Monday that she was missing her car would have been found sooner because the public would have aided in the search. It was handled very slowly and then when her body was found it became a media circus. The neighbors with their storys about the shovel and the party's. About him driving the car. I pray that he is brought to justice soon.

Actually Sheriff Brown said to the media that when the person who reported Maria missing did not mention the sexual assault allegation.

DA: Laurean set to return to United States

District Attorney says extradition appeal denied

Marine Cpl. Cesar Laurean is due in Houston by the end of the week, according to District Attorney Dewey Hudson.
Hudson was notified by military officials that Laurean's extradition appeal has been denied and military officials expect Laurean turned over to U.S. by end of the week.
DA: Laurean set to return to United States

District Attorney says extradition appeal denied

Marine Cpl. Cesar Laurean is due in Houston by the end of the week, according to District Attorney Dewey Hudson.
Hudson was notified by military officials that Laurean's extradition appeal has been denied and military officials expect Laurean turned over to U.S. by end of the week.
Thanks Tonia, this is wonderful news, just hope there's no hang ups coming.
FRUSMC, I strongly believe they had an affair because she would have never gone to his house had they not. He tricked her into believing they would go away together..he would meet her in El Paso later. If someone rapes you I don;t think you would ever go to their house. He set it all up. I think. The murder, bus ticket, everything. And I also think he buried her on the 14th or 15th ...I remember reading reports of the neighbor saying he was burning on the if that is true..he burned her twice. That could be another reason why the smell wasn't so noticeable...short period of time at first then the big bon fire on the 24th....

Actually, it was a pig that was cooked over her. Awful, I know, but true.

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