LDS Theories -- Relations to LeBarons/Chenoweths

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Given the inter relatedness of many of the people involved, it could be that FLEK is related to the families via one reason or another but not obviously connected to or involved with the most famous lebarons that we have information on... I have come across many people with similar surnames and the same sort of appearance online that I haven't mentioned due to TOS.

Blue22, I certainly mean no disrespect to any of the people involved, but the resemblance is striking. That has us down this rabbit hole...

I remember a few months back when a little girl was murdered in Texas (Alanna Gallagher) and many of us noted the striking resemblance to unsolved murders of girls in the area. Some were convinced they were connected, yet a 17 year old was arrested for her murder.

I have a strong resemblance to a woman 3 doors down, but I look nothing like my siblings. I have been on walks and people come up to me, as if I'm her. MANY people resemble other who have nothing to do with them.

I have learned to not put much investment into resemblance. But, people are certainly allowed their opinions.

Also, consider...if those DIRECTLY related to the murders (not to the crime, to be clear) never had to change their names...why would someone who has no direct link have to change theirs. Let's not forget, she changed her name before, and in areas this group had no ties.

**For what it's worth, she does not have a resemblance to anyone I know.
I'm not saying it's a big deal. I just think people are treating it as sensational. It's not. I feel badly that events in their life take turns like this on here.

I have no interest in discussing this with them. Why would I? It's really silly for me to call or get coffee, just to satisfy my (or stranger's on the internet) curiosity about a woman's identity. It's crude (IMO) actually. Do you really think they want to be another news story? They lost parents, uncles, and cousins.

It's irritating that people take a serious situation, and try to turn it salacious.

With all due respect, blue22..... If you are not a verified insider, or one of the parties being discussed, then much of what you say is more of a 'character reference' for the family. While character references can be worthy of consideration, they do not 'make or break' investigations or trials for a plethora of reasons.
Let me say, my shock was that I logged into websletuths and saw chatter about people I care about.

Like I said, I was having to really backtrack to make sure the thread was about the Lori Kennedy case. (I couldn't remember her name. I had followed her case in 2011, but hadn't thought of it too much after that.) I had not come across the thread before, and I was backtracking in my shock of finding familiar names on here. In the other thread, her name was not even mentioned. I couldn't be sure it was about her. I have driven that intersection many times through the years, I was curious if it was about her. I have no idea how to even become verified. I don't know her real identity, obviously. However, I am very close to surviving Chynoweth's...and family of Irene Spencer. (Who I have never met, but have heard many lovely stories of.)

Without getting too deep, ask yourself why Lori would move TO Texas in 1988 without her identity already changed...the very year many were murdered? If she was running from them, she did a good job of running TO them, without a current identity change. Many people had to be in protective custody for MONTHS, yet she moves to Texas with a current identity, and with no protection?

No, I don't know her real identity. However, I know who was protected because of being in harms way, and who was not. That woman (who I do not recognize, and my friends have NEVER mentioned...even when it was news here) would have been in protective custody, if she was in enough threat to run from the group. Even my friends were able to go on and live normal lives after, and never had to hide again, and kept their birth names. The group was very small in numbers at that point (mostly consisted of families and a few non family) and past members were in danger, were all counted for and protected. (Members that could have been in danger, that is.)

Yes, most people who are in hiding move AWAY from those who they are hiding from, that would be common sense.
Blue, on a site like this you are always going to have theories that are almost 100 and others that are way off.

As I mentioned previously, I'm not learning a thing about FLEK, but lots about these two family groups.

If you feel that the theories on this thread are way off, then don't take it too seriously. Probably harder for you because you know people related to these families.
Yes, most people who are in hiding move AWAY from those who they are hiding from, that would be common sense.

Unless, considering the crimes committed, you figure the one area the people you're hiding from are likely to stay far away from is the area where they're wanted for murder. Maybe you stay close to an area your comfortable with? Then you meet someone and you stay because that's where your new family is...

We don't know where FLEK was before showing up in Texas. She may have never been anywhere near the locations of her fake identities save for brief trips to get things accomplished with the courts involved. We also don't know how closely she is related to these families. Ervil had, what, 50-60+ children that we know of? Who knows how many others.

The fact is the resemblance is strong and the timing of the new identity coincides with some key events, and it is what we talk about in this forum until it is ruled out. The resemblance isn't just facial - it is the long fingers and limbs, the somewhat Marfanoid appearance, that speaks to common genetics more than simple facial similarities.

Mostly, I keep going over it here in the hopes that Agent Velling will see our discussion and either gain some insight he needs to crack the case, or finally pursue some serious genome sequencing to do some surname inference or otherwise leverage one of the ancestry / family tree DNA databases to start narrowing down who FLEK was...
I would also add to this line of discussion, and remind everyone that we don't even know if she stayed in Texas after the name change. There is a BIG gap between when she arrived and when she got married. There was supposedly one boyfriend that Velling or someone in LE spoke with that knew her as a dancer somewhere in Texas and there is not even a time period stated. Again, she got the Texas I.D. when? And then didn't get a Texas drivers' license (that we are aware of) until 1997, almost 9 years after her first appearance in Texas as FLEK. She may have had multiple I.D.s and may not have even been living in Texas after receiving that first Texas I.D. So, when it is speculated as to why she would or would not stay in the Texas area if she was hiding from certain people, we have to keep in mind that if she was hiding from people in Texas, she may not have even been in Texas at all during that time. Yes, she lists alot of places in Texas that she allegedly worked at during certain time periods, but I don't recall ever reading anywhere that any of the information on her resume was ever verified. We don't even know if she ever even filed a tax return that identifies where, if ever, she worked. Yes, she applied for a passport in 1990. That also doesn't mean she was actually living in Texas at the time. She got around pretty quick between Idaho, Nevada and Texas to set up the false I.D. to begin with. There was nothing stopping her from crossing boarders again during that time gap.

This is speculation like everything else unless or until proven otherwise. I for one, would like to know if tax returns were filed during those years or if any employment from the resume was verified. At least if we knew she was actually in Texas during that time, that bit of speculation may be put to rest and we can begin to better understand why she may have stayed in Texas.
Unless, considering the crimes committed, you figure the one area the people you're hiding from are likely to stay far away from is the area where they're wanted for murder. Maybe you stay close to an area your comfortable with? Then you meet someone and you stay because that's where your new family is...

We don't know where FLEK was before showing up in Texas. She may have never been anywhere near the locations of her fake identities save for brief trips to get things accomplished with the courts involved. We also don't know how closely she is related to these families. Ervil had, what, 50-60+ children that we know of? Who knows how many others.

The fact is the resemblance is strong and the timing of the new identity coincides with some key events, and it is what we talk about in this forum until it is ruled out. The resemblance isn't just facial - it is the long fingers and limbs, the somewhat Marfanoid appearance, that speaks to common genetics more than simple facial similarities.

Mostly, I keep going over it here in the hopes that Agent Velling will see our discussion and either gain some insight he needs to crack the case, or finally pursue some serious genome sequencing to do some surname inference or otherwise leverage one of the ancestry / family tree DNA databases to start narrowing down who FLEK was...

docbh, I don't know anything about FLEK, so I can't rule out a possibility of her being connected to LeBaron in whatever ways. Hell... I can't rule out her being related to the current President of the U.S.A.
If people feel they are on to something, then by all means keep at it. No one will find out who FLEK is if they don't keep digging.

I think the poster that I was responding to is reacting the way he/she is, because she has a personal connection to those two families. It's easier for everyone else because they don't have a personal connection. That is why I said if you don't agree with a theory, don't sweat it.

I doubt that any of us would like the idea of internet strangers digging up our personal information and then associating us with criminals or suspect persons. It's always easier when we are the one's who are not being sleuthed or our friends and family.

I won't speak out against those who are looking for information; as long as they are NOT posting info that would breach privacy laws and legislation, slandering innocent people, or mentioning under age children, then so be it.
docbh, I don't know anything about FLEK, so I can't rule out a possibility of her being connected to LeBaron in whatever ways. Hell... I can't rule out her being related to the current President of the U.S.A.
If people feel they are on to something, then by all means keep at it. No one will find out who FLEK is if they don't keep digging.

I think the poster that I was responding to is reacting the way he/she is, because she has a personal connection to those two families. It's easier for everyone else because they don't have a personal connection. That is why I said if you don't agree with a theory, don't sweat it.

I doubt that any of us would like the idea of internet strangers digging up our personal information and then associating us with criminals or suspect persons. It's always easier when we are the one's who are not being sleuthed or our friends and family.

I won't speak out against those who are looking for information; as long as they are NOT posting info that would breach privacy laws and legislation, slandering innocent people, or mentioning under age children, then so be it.

In my research... I do A LOT of adoption searches, in addition to my genealogy. I learned very early on to 'walk softly'. In my travels, I have discovered some pretty intense secrets that would/could put most soap operas to shame. But the key to my success as a researcher is in the respect which I have earned from my clients and peers. I do a constant balance of what is relevant to "the greater good" and now it pretty much comes naturally to me.

My rule of thumb....IF 1) it isn't what I was commissioned to look for, 2) no one is being hurt or unnecessarily or impacted negatively, 3) my search has not been commissioned out of spite or ill-intent, or 4) a person or family's dignity could be compromised..... then I walk VERY softly and leave as little tracks as possible to respect the "time continuum".

I recently was involved in a high profile 'sort of case'. This means that I performed my search (took about a month), and in the end, my findings were highly unflattering to the subject. Several media outlets were wanting a copy of my report and to interview me. I refused because they wanted to sensationalize and denigrate the individual. In the end, my research has remained unpublicized. That is why it was a 'sort of a case'.

My point here, is..... the Chynoweths, LeBarons, or anyone of the like has nothing to worry about with me. My intent is to figure out who FLEK is....and part of that process is unravelling her existence, backwards.

There is a very legitimate chance that she was a former member of some sort of polygamist family, whether she was from the Le's or Ch's remains to be seen.
I won't speak out against those who are looking for information; as long as they are NOT posting info that would breach privacy laws and legislation, slandering innocent people, or mentioning under age children, then so be it.

Right, I think we are all sort of on the same page. I didn't mean to imply my reply was directed at you, I was jumping off the why hide in Texas connection.

I think at this point barring any new evidence or DNA testing not sure we will get anywhere. Maybe Agent Velling will have some spare time thanks to the shutdown and throw us a nugget of new info...
i mean really anyway, I am only passing info that was actually ALREADY in the books written by the family members! I am not telling any family secrets. Rena, Irene and the others have already done that with the books. Not like they were super innocent people with squeaky clean records for us to accidently tarnish. Im not here to judge, but I mean, Rena, flat out admitted to murder in her book...geez. How could being linked to an identity theft person be harmful to her, lol..honestly I dont care about what they did, I am only iterested in FLEK. :)
Somebody who has been reading about the Lebarons, please help me out here as I may be onto something. Was there an "Andre" Lebaron involved in this whole mess? And what would be his approximate age?
Somebody who has been reading about the Lebarons, please help me out here as I may be onto something. Was there an "Andre" Lebaron involved in this whole mess? And what would be his approximate age?

Not sure of Andre LeBaron, but I am certain there was an Andre/Andreas Zarate (associated to Bud Chynoweth's family, I believe).

For researching LeBaron's births in Idaho, this is what I got from putting Idaho and Utah as the city.

You can change the city.

Narrowing down FLEK's possible date of birth ... would then give you her parents names.. and for Idaho some 1960 births are listed and last known, if there are any female names around the 1960ish point, one could research the names in hopes of finding more info or perhaps find a fit to FLEK. +record_country:"United States"" +record_subcountry:"United States,Utah"

For researching LeBaron's births in Idaho, this is what I got from putting Idaho and Utah as the city.

You can change the city.

Narrowing down FLEK's possible date of birth ... would then give you her parents names.. and for Idaho some 1960 births are listed and last known, if there are any female names around the 1960ish point, one could research the names in hopes of finding more info or perhaps find a fit to FLEK. +record_country:"United States"" +record_subcountry:"United States,Utah"

I think FLEK's parents would have been born in the mid to late 30s so I'm not sure the 1940 census helps us if she was born in the late 50s or in the 60s. Not sure I see where you're headed here, and not sure we shouldn't be searching Chynoweths. The path I was chasing recently was a path where I considered another way people change their names. I was searching to also find a connection to Boulder City, NV. Another way people change their name is through marriage. Records in that area show a LK divorcing. I'm still tracking that down. Is it possible that if members of this family were helping each other go underground that a male member would legally marry a female member in order to continue the name change chain? I know that sounds "out there" but the timing of this one's subsequent divorce is kinda weird.
I think FLEK's parents would have been born in the mid to late 30s so I'm not sure the 1940 census helps us if she was born in the late 50s or in the 60s. Not sure I see where you're headed here, and not sure we shouldn't be searching Chynoweths. The path I was chasing recently was a path where I considered another way people change their names. I was searching to also find a connection to Boulder City, NV. Another way people change their name is through marriage. Records in that area show a LK divorcing. I'm still tracking that down. Is it possible that if members of this family were helping each other go underground that a male member would legally marry a female member in order to continue the name change chain? I know that sounds "out there" but the timing of this one's subsequent divorce is kinda weird.

I didn't think researching the LeBaron's was done. I too agree, continue with the Chynoweth's as well. We do not know who FLEK was. While I was searching the website I noticed some births from the sixties...which would still fit FLEK.
Thanks! SK
Disclaimer: in the above family tree post: I am not familiar with Vonda whites family so I am not positive this is hers.. Anyone have insight?

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I didn't think researching the LeBaron's was done. I too agree, continue with the Chynoweth's as well. We do not know who FLEK was. While I was searching the website I noticed some births from the sixties...which would still fit FLEK.
Thanks! SK

Sorry, I didn't catch the ones from the sixties!

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