Lee Anthony's CMA reference?

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In the middle of his speach and through my tears I seriously began to wonder who he was actually speaking of, CMA stands for all three of the Anthony women, however, I am giving him the benefit of the doubt that he was speaking of Caylee, although I found it unusual. It could very well be that he called Caylee CMA. When my husband addresses cards to me he writes PGR, my initials, instead of my name and also calls me by my middle name which no one else in my life does. We don't know what LA's spoken relationship was with Caylee. It could be a "pet" name only they shared. I'm going to choose not to read anything more into it, until it is proven to be something of relevance.
I was shocked and dismayed at how this family used the memorial for their granddaughter to get messages out to Casey (and to the public, as well)
I think she gave up the right to decide how the public proceeds when she left her baby's body like a sack of trash, not telling where she was, not telling what she knows. Lie, after lie, after lie. Well KC you made your bunk now lie in it by yourself all the way to the state pen for the rest of your natural life.

The A's know all of this but still (very obviously) maintain their support for KC even during this beautiful memorial for MURDERED little Caylee Marie.

Honestly, it seemed to me, at times, the memorial was not for a MURDERED child but one that DIED from an illness or a car accident or anything but a BRUTAL act of violence. :confused:
I believe that LA used that pulpit to send KC a message that he misses her, loves her and will never break his promise to her. Why else would he not say Caylee Merie like his parents? This strange love between Lee and KC makes me wonder exactly what kind of a relationship they really had.

ditto ditto ditto...
LA may have known it would throw everyone off.....I mean he has never really been known to be cooperative. But reading eveyone's post, it is really hard for me to decide, because everyone has a good point of view. I do agree with pattymarie that the family used this memorial to get messages out to Casey and the public which I find 'bad judgment'.
Man, I am more confused after reading here. I so wanted to take from this memorial some compassion and belief for/in this family. I will try to think LA was talking to Caylee. By using "C.M.A.", there could have messages to both. Time will tell. Time.
I seem to remember somewhere along the way early in this saga that Lee made a statement that he promised Caylee he would find her. I am going to go back through his statements and some video but it may take a while. Am I crazy?? Does anyone else remember this? That was the first thing I thought about when he said that today.
The fact that the murderers initials are the same as the victims would make me (even if I were the brother) make sure I clearly stated the name of the victim instead of a generic abbreviation that could be applied to all. It was Caylee's memorial, not everyone with the letters CMA as their initials. JMO! When my mother passed away I didn't refer to her as AD thoughout her service. Doesn't make any sense to me.
I've heard LA speak a number of times over the last several months, and I've heard him refer to "Caylee" multiple times. He isn't dumb, and he had to know and intend that it would seem cryptic to many and attract notice by many if he never said Caylee at her very own memorial service, but made such an impassioned expression to "CMA." I know people nitpick, but this doesn't seem an example of that. It just seemed quite odd and off to me, though I don't doubt that LA loved Caylee.
Hmm, well I missed the memorial. Have seen a few snippets on HLN. By any chance did anyone notice GA or CA's facial expressions during LA's speech? Did it change any when he would say CMA? Ok, now I'm off to try to find the video of LA's speech.
I was shocked and dismayed at how this family used the memorial for their granddaughter to get messages out to Casey (and to the public, as well)

Me too. I was almost expecting it, but it still shocked me. Pretty stupid of me.
We can all judge this family but until we have walked in their shoes no one can truly say how they would react. For any of you that are mothers, put your self for one second in Cindy's shoes....she gave birth to Casey, is still her mother. A mother always looks for the good in their children. Would it really be so easy to turn your back on a child you truly loved even if they did the worst thing imaginable? A mother's love is unconditional. I have faulted Cindy for many of her actions but today as I watched this family grieve, I got a better understanding of what they must be going through. I hope this service helps them to heal.

And for the record, Lee's words tugged at my heart. I really believe he was referring to Caylee.
I seem to remember somewhere along the way early in this saga that Lee made a statement that he promised Caylee he would find her. I am going to go back through his statements and some video but it may take a while. Am I crazy?? Does anyone else remember this? That was the first thing I thought about when he said that today.

Wow! Thanks! I'll wait for this.:confused:
I seem to remember somewhere along the way early in this saga that Lee made a statement that he promised Caylee he would find her. I am going to go back through his statements and some video but it may take a while. Am I crazy?? Does anyone else remember this? That was the first thing I thought about when he said that today.

But she has already been found.....so how could he keep that promise...present tense.
Don't know what Lee was trying to say or to whom, but it came off very muddled and confusing. I am glad that he was wearing a bracelet because on live stream it looked at if he was kissing his hand. Very strange dude - angry and arrogant.
When LA is speaking he speaks in the present tense. If anyone has a doubt about who he was speaking to listen to his words again.
That's what I was thinking, a promise/message to Casey. I've only seen him emotiional with Casey, and he was very emotional. Just when he repeated it over and over, CMA, CMA, CMA. I couldn't help but think it was some sort of code.

For just a minute put yourself in his shoes, you have a very small, very tight family with a lot of issues. But they are still your family and you love them. You're young, you moved out right after your niece was born, but when you visit your family it is very obvious your family's life revolves around your niece. You never had much exposure to babies but your little niece is really cute and really funny, you enjoy the time you spend at the house more than you have in years because of her. Over the 2 years 9 mos of your niece's life you've been watching your sister mess up more and more. You even try getting her to straighten up because she's really making your parents miserable with the lies and stealing. You want her to get it together for her daughter if for no other reason.

Just before your niece's 3rd BDay she disappears off the face of the earth, you know you're sister is lying through her teeth about everything. You're watching your parents die a little every day while your sister continues to manipulate them even from jail.

Why with all that Lee has been through for these last 7 1/2 mos would he be sending some funky code to his messed up sister? She has destroyed all their lives. He is devastated by what he knows KC has done, he wants her to pay just like everyone one else, he wants Caylee to know he will do everything he can to give her justice.
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