DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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While I think the timing of Lee hiring an attorney is interesting, I feel anyone associated with this case would be a fool for not hiring one. Who the defense is going to throw under the bus is still up for grabs.

The way the public feels towards the A's is the A's doing and no one else. The public feels compassion and sympathy for grieving family members. How could one not? They don't in this case because the family members have acted like anything but a grieving family. The only people I see that act the way the A's do, are murderers or people covering up for one. Fact is, at least Cindy is being investigated for OJ. That in itself removes her from being compared to the typical grieving grandma. IMO, alot of people are confusing the A's with true crime victims and can't see beyond that. A victim stops being one the moment they commit a crime.

I strongly disagree. Perhaps the majority of the 'public' can't feel sympathy or at least, a level of understanding for them, certainly not all.
We don't know when Lee hired this attorney. All we know is that the other day is the first we have heard of it.
I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't hire the attorney a couple of months ago. Perhaps around the time Lee started
keeping a lower profile.
In any case, no matter when it was done, I think it was a wise move.
She's frustrated, she usually doesn't get like that.

:blowkiss: Brini

Thanks for your very kind words. But, I'm not really worthy of them.

You are a fine, brave, determined, strong woman who FOUGHT to survive a catastrophic terminal illness. It's MUCH worse than a terminal PHYSICAL illness, because it robs one of reality and poisons the perceptions. NOTHING is worse, IMHO. It robs one of the power to THINK.

I believe that if it happened to me, I would not have survived it. I don't think that I have your fiber. I think I would have curled up under the bed in the fetal position, and just calcified.

Another thing that I have always admired is that when you were totally crazy and self-destructive, you ensured the safety and well-being of your child. Nobody can do better than that! Saner people have not done as well, as you know.

AND, I'm glad that the party was a HOOT! :blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss: BACK ATCHA, GIRL!
you state that KioMarie said she met the "father" and yet, who told her he was the father? the same person you say we can't believe anything she says about LA and GA and SA.

I know it drives you crazy, but you don't know any more than we do, so even you are speculating. JMO

Of course! How many "fathers" have there been? At least four that we know of? The "tall, slim quiet guy could CERTAINLY have been another.

My private guess is that Uncle Rick is right, and KC got knocked up at a party. He believes that she doesn't have a clue who the daddy is, and doesn't much care, either.

However, there ARE people, here, who disbelieve everything that KC has said, UNLESS it fits their personal agenda or preferred image of KC as a victim rather than a victimizer.

And, I'm still wondering if the same people who prefer to believe that she is a sexual abuse victim of overpowering male relatives (hard to image CA and LA as powerful and menacing, esp. when the whole fam. seems afraid of Cindy) would still come to the same conclusions if she was older or ugly?

In other words, is this a romanticization?

I have had a sociopath who looks like a blonde angal out of Botticelli, on my caseload. No sexual abuse, nor has the patient alleged any.. But, people get sucked in, because of he beauty. They are willing and eager to believe ANYTHING but that that person is a rotten apple.
can you prove he's not?

Nobody HAS to prove he's not, especially him. The accuser bears the brunt of the evidence. Please post link. Thanks!

My guess is that if some seamy incest thing had come out of he DNA tests, it would become part of the case, and possible ramifications would be investigated by LE. Pretty sure that LE doesn't know who the father is, and doesn't much care. They certainly have all of the DNA tests. They know who killed the child, and the motive was clearly that Klee was in the way, that KC was jealous of Klee (as stated by both CA and JG), and thirdly that she was very angry at CA and displaced it on KC.

I think, since there is NO evidence of incest of sexual abuse and no LE interest, whatsoever, that there are some overheated sexual imaginations running wild. Sex is prolly more fun to think about than something as prosaic as resentment by a sociopath who did not want the responsibility of a child.

Just MHO.
LOL trust me when I'm not medicated I don't make much sense! Just ask my husband LOL!

But, under the medication, and beneath the wonky neurotransmitter situation, there is also a lot of good, solid common sense. And, as we know, common sense isn't really all that common!
Thanks for your very kind words. But, I'm not really worthy of them.

You are a fine, brave, determined, strong woman who FOUGHT to survive a catastrophic terminal illness. It's MUCH worse than a terminal PHYSICAL illness, because it robs one of reality and poisons the perceptions. NOTHING is worse, IMHO. It robs one of the power to THINK.

I believe that if it happened to me, I would not have survived it. I don't think that I have your fiber. I think I would have curled up under the bed in the fetal position, and just calcified.

Another thing that I have always admired is that when you were totally crazy and self-destructive, you ensured the safety and well-being of your child. Nobody can do better than that! Saner people have not done as well, as you know.

AND, I'm glad that the party was a HOOT! :blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss: BACK ATCHA, GIRL!

I know you are addressing OneLostGrl, but I have to say, that is so kind of you to say to her.
I totally agree............People, we have not seen ANYTHING YET !!

I think you're right, on this one, honey!

Betty Davis, from "All About Eve." "Fasten your seat belts. It's gonna be a bumpy night!"
You are absolutely entitled to your opinions-but IMHO, this represents the damned if you do damned if you don't mentality surrounding this case...these people had their lives upended from within their family unit and have had to play it out in front of the world. The protesters outside of their house served no purpose other than to tickle them into rage.

NOW, The Anthony's have also attempted to use the media to their own advantage and it has gone tragically wrong because they did not apply common sense, so in many many ways they have created a whole lot of the heat that is being applied to them. However, IMO, in the end they have paid the price for any possibly "wrongdoing." The story surrounding the murder of their innocent granddaughter get's uglier and uglier. They have to live with it long after the rest of us have moved on.

Peace to all of you...:blowkiss:

That's the very sad and nasty lesson.
Well that brings it around and back to the same issues surrounding George and Cindy having the same lawyer.

If they are partners, associates or some such business arrangement , that would raise the issues of conflict for Lee's Atty as well.


i used to think that the OJ trial was the worst, the craziest, and the most surrealistic.....Now, it looks orderly and rational, by comparison.

I'm almost sorry I (one of many) called OJ's lawyer's "tip line" and said, "It was Col. Mustard, in the Library, with the Candlestick!"
Two patners can generally access everything in a law office.

It is the access to opposing clients info which among other things, causes problems with conflicts.

It is not generally a good idea, for example, for 2 members of the same firm to represent the purchaser and the buyer, the landlord and the tenant, and so forth.

They are highly cautioned to avoid this potential for conflict.


Reminds me of my brother and father's discussions of the MGM Grand Fire. My dad was on the insurance carrier's team. I forgot who my brother represented. But, the painters, the upholsterers, the plastics manufacturers.. all God's chillun had lawyers.
While I think the timing of Lee hiring an attorney is interesting, I feel anyone associated with this case would be a fool for not hiring one. Who the defense is going to throw under the bus is still up for grabs.

The way the public feels towards the A's is the A's doing and no one else. The public feels compassion and sympathy for grieving family members. How could one not? They don't in this case because the family members have acted like anything but a grieving family. The only people I see that act the way the A's do, are murderers or people covering up for one. Fact is, at least Cindy is being investigated for OJ. That in itself removes her from being compared to the typical grieving grandma. IMO, alot of people are confusing the A's with true crime victims and can't see beyond that. A victim stops being one the moment they commit a crime.

Disagree that the only people who would behave like that are murderers. My family was closed system. They would have done ANYTHING to cover for my dad's alcoholism, mistresses, and tendency to hit my sister (I was the "good child") And, those are VERY pedestrian family secrets.

Some closed system families would do ANYTHING to promote an Ozzie and Harriet image.
Although it's a harsh accusation, I wouldn't discount sexual abuse outright.

Casey's promiscuity is very similar to that of someone I was very close to once. You would NEVER think there was anything going on in my friend's close-knit, loving family. My friend always wanted to cook and clean for her many boyfriends, wanted to take care of them, please them. But they were short-lived relationships. When she got one guy, she moved on to another. I could never keep track or understand it because she seemed to be so in love one minute and then hit on a different guy the next.

My friend is not mentally ill (at least, not that I know of), but she and Casey are very similar in many ways.

It eventually came out that both my friend and her sister were sexually abused by their father.
I know you are addressing OneLostGrl, but I have to say, that is so kind of you to say to her.

Thank you! But, it's more a recognition of her strength than kindness. I believe that she's the better woman, and admire her for it. She's survived what would have killed many of us, and now has a happy marriage and stable family.
Thanks for your very kind words. But, I'm not really worthy of them.

You are a fine, brave, determined, strong woman who FOUGHT to survive a catastrophic terminal illness. It's MUCH worse than a terminal PHYSICAL illness, because it robs one of reality and poisons the perceptions. NOTHING is worse, IMHO. It robs one of the power to THINK.

I believe that if it happened to me, I would not have survived it. I don't think that I have your fiber. I think I would have curled up under the bed in the fetal position, and just calcified.

Another thing that I have always admired is that when you were totally crazy and self-destructive, you ensured the safety and well-being of your child. Nobody can do better than that! Saner people have not done as well, as you know.

AND, I'm glad that the party was a HOOT! :blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss: BACK ATCHA, GIRL!

Aaaaw you are so sweet! Ya know, I think you'd surprise yourself- it's amazing the strength people find when they never even knew they had it in 'em! :blowkiss:
Disagree that the only people who would behave like that are murderers. My family was closed system. They would have done ANYTHING to cover for my dad's alcoholism, mistresses, and tendency to hit my sister (I was the "good child") And, those are VERY pedestrian family secrets.

Some closed system families would do ANYTHING to promote an Ozzie and Harriet image.

Very common in this kind of family.
Lee has LEFT THE BUILDING...again. This will be interesting. I still haven't made up my mind about him but I am very curious to see his true colors!
A thought dawned on me last night. Maybe George and Cindy were not covering up for Casey afterall? MAYBE they were covering up for Lee? The mere thought of their entire household being deceased or incarcerated would be motive enough.

Remember, that thought occured to us all in the beginning. What I would like to know is the following:

1. What woods was George seen a few months back walking outside of and then saying he was looking for a site for a fundraiser or gathering? Was it the same woods that Caylee was found?

2. Why has Lee been so adament to not provide DNA? Did he help Casey dispose of Caylee?

3. Did Lee end up taking a lie detector test or did he refuse that, as well?

These are some troubling thoughts. What are your opinions?
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