Lets find the house that PI was digging and filming

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Here are photos of the house I was speaking of, not sure at all if it could be it or not.




Interesting, I see a lot of junk, anyway to get a side view?
To check for disturbed soil, which indicates a burial place.

Or to actually have the rod contact a buried solid object. Anything that creates some resistance or total stoppage of the poker tip as he slowly pushes it into the soil.
I can't make out much in the video posted on WFTV so I hope there's a better version out there somewhere. I can see black and white garbage bags and other things I can't make out. My heart nearly stopped when you said pink blanket. Is there one really? In the thread about psychic things I posted that while I'm not a psychic, my mind kept seeing her behind a tree. In what I heard as Caylee's words it was "the tree with the sunshine on it." (I know, zillions of 'em, but appropriate for a two-year old). I also heard "look for the pink blanket." Yikes!


This version is much clearer. The pink blanket (or what appears to be one) is shown at about 7:33 in the video, and is in the center upper portion of the screen. As Theonly1 stated, there also appears to be lots of "stuff" in that immediate vicinity that could be Caylee's.

Try viewing it in "high quality" rather than normal. Not sure if it makes much of a difference, but worth a try.
To check for disturbed soil, which indicates a burial place.

Or to actually have the rod contact a buried solid object. Anything that creates some resistance or total stoppage of the poker tip as he slowly pushes it into the soil.
To check for disturbed soil, which indicates a burial place.

Or to actually have the rod contact a buried solid object. Anything that creates some resistance or total stoppage of the poker tip as he slowly pushes it into the soil.
..."I don't know where she is..." = the bag & remains drifted a bit in the water and/or predators. Maybe moved no more than 20 feet, but, more than Casey woulda been wiling to look IF she ever returned to the site...as has been suggested may have been needed in order to move the volume of stuff that appears to be related to the case.

That DC was probing the ground (looking for change in density) almost suggest his info put him in the right spot, but, perhaps the body & bag were simply covered over w/ soil (e.g. potting soil from G&C's) vs. an actual clandestine grave/burial. So..."I buried it" perhaps took on a different meaning to Casey vs. DC et.al. He certainly had enough confidence in the location to probe the ground for a grave in that exact location.

Theonly1...I can get youtube from here so I gotta wait hours to see what you're seein'...anyway you'd be willing to post a still-frame or two???? Purdy pleazzz?

ETA: Sorry...I'm OT...

Bond, what do you want me to just do a screen capture of the GR video in a certain couple of points? Which areas interest you the most? The water body/fence? The box and maybe stroller inside one building? the woods?Which areas? I can email you more if you tell me what parts.
Attached is a screen shot from 7:34 in the GR video.

The circle is around what I took to be the possible blanket that Theonly1 pointed out. I also put an arrow pointing at something that I'm not sure of. Looks like a piece of cloth hanging from a stick/branch? May be marking something :confused:


  • GR_SS_1.JPG
    127.4 KB · Views: 181
For those not familiar with Orlando, that area has recently been developed and is now called Baldwin Park.

Did you see the video Debs posted of the barracks being searched? Do you know what streets those buildings would be located near?
Ugh... Just lost my post... Trying again...

I just looked at the Geraldo video until I was cross-eyed so forgive me if this is incorrect.

Are we talking about ONE house or TWO?

Here are my observations about the property being searched in the beginning of the Geraldo video:

- There is a warning sign used during road construction near the plastic bag that Casey is opening at the very beginning of the video. It is leaning up against the building.
- There is a large porch attached to the building with old-style, very thin wood spindles on the railing. There is a Pepsi vending machine on porch. There are overgrown plants and weeds in front of the porch.
- There are several box trucks on the property.
- Property is located adjacent to a body of water.
- There are at least 2 other buildings: a small white shed and a larger, house-like white building with what appears to be a large column in front.

IMO, it looks to me like these buildings are very old (pre-1920) and the property was used for some sort of construction-type business in its last use.
I watched the Geraldo video on youtube, and when you stop it at about .55 seconds into the geraldo video, you can see the sign that is behind DC's head....I have stared and changed the settings and all I can seem to make out is $43,???

so property/house for sale for $43,??? something....the 3 could possibly be a 5 but not real sure....

I will keep looking and changing the settings to see if I can get a better look at it.

I think that military housing could be part of what used to be a Naval Training base. It was sold several years ago (late 90's, I think) and was developed into a subdivision known as Baldwin Park. There are still some old buildings there, though (it was a large area) that were used for firefighter training, I believe. This subdivision is close to Fashion Square Mall. It used to be quite rundown (basically abandoned) until Baldwin Park was developed.
Does anyone remember when the protesters were at the A's, in the early days of the CAM, that it was reported that search dogs/cadaever dogs were being used to search properties adjacent or close to the A's home???
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WFTV had in it's article from yesterday the following quote:
Private investigator Jim Hoover shot the video of the Anthonys' private investigator, Dominic Casey, on November 15 and 16 at the scene where Caylee's remains were discovered a month later. Dominic Casey can also be seen at a nearby abandoned house moving things, cutting, digging and prodding.


So now we have figured about that via tape timelaspe that cannot be more than 22 minuets away but how far would 'nearby' be. Any idea based on these words.
To me, now living in a small city , less than 3 square miles, I would take that as meaning 10-15 minuets. But I grow up in a rual area and back then nearby could be more than 30 minuets.
Anybody from the local area that would have a better handle on what a local TV reporter would mean by 'nearby'?
bolded by me

WFTV had in it's article from yesterday the following quote:
Private investigator Jim Hoover shot the video of the Anthonys' private investigator, Dominic Casey, on November 15 and 16 at the scene where Caylee's remains were discovered a month later. Dominic Casey can also be seen at a nearby abandoned house moving things, cutting, digging and prodding.


So now we have figured about that via tape timelaspe that cannot be more than 22 minuets away but how far would 'nearby' be. Any idea based on these words.
To me, now living in a small city , less than 3 square miles, I would take that as meaning 10-15 minuets. But I grow up in a rual area and back then nearby could be more than 30 minuets.
Anybody from the local area that would have a better handle on what a local TV reporter would mean by 'nearby'?

Check out post #1 on this thread. It has to be 14 min or less.
I think I'm going to have to drive over there and get a handle on what is in the surrounding areas. That abandoned property would stick out like a sore thumb if it is in relative proximity to the area where she was found. Especially with the elementary school so close. The majority of that area is developed -- either housing or businesses -- so a rundown building with trash and soda machines sitting around would be pretty obvious.

I'm tempted to drive over there tonight when my husband gets home (which should be any minute...). I can hear it now: "Honey, can you watch the kids while I drive around town trying to find an old abandoned building?" The sad thing is that he won't even blink an eye!
Are there any still shots of the location that I can take with me when I go over there? Shots of things that would help me identify the location?

That video makes me sea-sick..I have a hard time watching it.
I think that military housing could be part of what used to be a Naval Training base. It was sold several years ago (late 90's, I think) and was developed into a subdivision known as Baldwin Park. There are still some old buildings there, though (it was a large area) that were used for firefighter training, I believe. This subdivision is close to Fashion Square Mall. It used to be quite rundown (basically abandoned) until Baldwin Park was developed.

There is a video of TES searching currently abandoned military housing in September. Not saying it is the same place, but they did say they searched that location because she made a call from there. The report said the area had several abandoned properties. The naval base from what I read yesterday encompassed four locations, and not all of them have been redeveloped yet.
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