Lets find the house that PI was digging and filming

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I could be wrong but I think the PI was working on clues he received via KC. And he was looking for a body. Not staging.

Dominic Casey told Hoover that Caylee was dead and they were going to look for the body. Why would they go back to the abandoned house 2 days in a row if it was only for "staging". Doesn't make sense to me.

What does make sense is that someone gave him a tip via KC.

I wonder if LE will swarm the house now. Something is there. I wonder what? I think Mr. Casey needs another shakedown.
I thought the staging scenario was being related from the news story.

No, it was not factual, it was an OPINION offered by someone the reporter interviewed. The reporter just found out about the house a few hours ago, she certainly hasn't had time to substantiate any kind of factual evidence that it was staged. The comment was offered as someone's assumption. So much good sleuthing has been done here, let's not ruin it with putting out FALSE information.

There would be no motivation for the defense attorneys, the PIs or anyone else I can think of to "stage" a scene. The neighbor said the family moved a YEAR ago.... long before Caylee disappeared... and that would be EASY to prove due to mail deliveries, shut off of water, electric, trash, or cable services, etc. There was no Z. F. G. name involved, no way to show a connection to Casey -- as she never gave that house or address to LE. It makes much more sense that they were just following up on someone else's suspicions. If a nasty mess of a house like that was in my neighborhood, I might have called in a tip just to hopefully call attention to it and get some LE or other city official out there to condemn the property and get it cleaned up!
I am so impressed with everyone here. I have never encountered anything like websleuths, and I have been on the internet from it's birth. Great job! Thank you also for being so considerate of one another. That is so rare on the 'net. Giant Kudos to you.
Remember how Casey was talking to some realtors, and searching for a place to live.....I wonder if she spoke to someone about this house, and somehow found out the names of people who live there, and that they went back to PR....This could be the story that she is telling her parents.....It sounds as if they still believe what Casey is telling them. Especially the email that cindy sent 3 days ago.
I don't know whether to tag this bunch of sleuths as a pack of pit bulls or just plain old "persistant". Either way, well done!! Great information sleuthing and great foot sleuthing. Michelle, you are brave to have gone out there. It was for all the right reasons. Hopefully this doesn't leave the guilty party or parties any wiggle room. NEXT!!!!
An innocent person could have possibly been implicated and /or blamed for something they did not do. :mad:
Yes. And this would be unusual how for the A fam or Casey to do?! :furious: We keep seeing over and over how willing they are to blame someone else for this.

I could be way off base for thinking they could use this location as a place to move her body...but wouldn't it make sense? It does have all the right connections to the fake nanny kidnapping story of Casey's and if Caylee was found there...it would bolster the defense case. Add to it other planted evidence...you have one hellova dump site!
No, it was not factual, it was an OPINION offered by someone the reporter interviewed. The reporter just found out about the house a few hours ago, she certainly hasn't had time to substantiate any kind of factual evidence that it was staged. The comment was offered as someone's assumption. So much good sleuthing has been done here, let's not ruin it with putting out FALSE information.

There would be no motivation for the defense attorneys, the PIs or anyone else I can think of to "stage" a scene. The neighbor said the family moved a YEAR ago.... long before Caylee disappeared... and that would be EASY to prove due to mail deliveries, shut off of water, electric, trash, or cable services, etc. There was no Z. F. G. name involved, no way to show a connection to Casey -- as she never gave that house or address to LE. It makes much more sense that they were just following up on someone else's suspicions. If a nasty mess of a house like that was in my neighborhood, I might have called in a tip just to hopefully call attention to it and get some LE or other city official out there to condemn the property and get it cleaned up!

The house doesnt look too bad from the front. Maybe thats why nobody really complained. And if KC drove around to the back and no one saw her maybe thats wht no one called in any tips..My HEAD is spinning....
There was no Z. F. G. name involved, no way to show a connection to Casey -- as she never gave that house or address to LE. It makes much more sense that they were just following up on someone else's suspicions.

It surely seems strange that he was digging through dirt ... in this location. It seems that someone may have told him specifically to look here for something.
That would answer at least that questions.The second question is when did someone stop living there if it was empty. If Casey used it to stash Caylee, dump stuff or just a place to go to when she left the A's there is no way anyone was living there at the time for her to be able to do that. She also would have had to have been very quiet and not use any lights if she was using that place at night for anything. If the place was empty and the neighbors saw anything knowing the place was empty they would have been calling the police. At least I would think so. You would not be able to enter an empty home without someone seeing something and calling where I live.


Casey could have been posing as a realtor. The neighbors would have probably been delighted to have someone working to sell the abandoned house. She could have come and gone as she pleased with the neighbor's blessing.
Great job folks, I am de-lurking too for a moment. Been in the background silently looking myself but great job and kudo's to those who put it together.

Seeing how close this is makes me wonder if the cell phone pings we thought were coming from her sneaking back to the A's house were actually pinging from here. It would most likely be the same cell tower.

So she could have been here rather than home. Which would also fit into the time of death scenario. She pinged at the A's while she was here doing the deed?
The house doesnt look too bad from the front. Maybe thats why nobody really complained. And if KC drove around to the back and no one saw her maybe thats wht no one called in any tips..My HEAD is spinning....

I would NEVER have guessed from the front of the home, that the backyard looked like that...
anyone else think MAYBE Anthonys/PI were going to PUT caylee's remains at this house IF he had actually found them in the woods?
I would NEVER have guessed from the front of the home, that the backyard looked like that...

You have that right. I would have never guessed it was is a neighborhood like it is. It looks from the back like it would be out in the sticks somewhere to be in such bad shape and no one complaining. All that stuff wow!
The items in those garbage bags alone would tell if someone had been occupying this residence within a years time. The meter being gone is a clue to the MR himself that he didn't have to check this home since that was his route. correct?
I just can't believe LE hasn't been all over that house already. Wouldn't they ask Hoover to show them the location immediately?
have the LE searched the place yet? or do they know about it?
wow, just wow, I go to work, come home and find you guys have solved a mystery without me GO WS's!!!!!!!

(not that I think I would have been much help, but I would have been cheering everyone else on!)
Maybe staging a search to use at trial....Like they were "really" doing an investigation

Then it must have been a shocker when she was actually found there.

I don't know, in the video DC did actually appear to be looking for something, and it was for a couple of days. If it was a set up, I would have thought it all be done in one day. The search may not have been careful or through but I believe he was searching. I think that he wasn't getting his info from KC, but maybe from someone who had taken the cryptic comments from KC and figured out where the scenes were and what was at each site. That is why he wasn't able to find the exact sites.

I do remember the comment KC made that was something like "they haven't even found her clothes yet". If she was trying to set up someone for the murder of Caylee, then I would guess that Caylee's clothing will be found in the house. I think what they (PI's) were looking for was one of the crosses that KC allegedly bought- because since the reciepts have been found it would prove that KC had been there after the date that Caylee was killed.
It has been empty about a year...the owners went back to Puerto Rico. The neighbor thought we were interested in buying the house! Anyway, the cameraman and Kathi entered the backyard and...I followed! Hey...I wasn't giving up my "exclusive" for WS! The yard was completely overgrown with Pepsi machines *everywhere*!! I've never seen so many! You could clearly see in the house through the back sliding door. Lots of rubbage throughout the yard. Two sheds. A large flatbed truck.

I took photos and video. It started raining and I had my son with me so I had to go before Kathi was finished. She very kindly asked me to not post anything about this so that she could get the exclusive. I was happy to do so. It just about killed me, but I was happy to do it. She was extremely gracious and if she hadn't been there I wouldn't have gone into the back yard at all.

I'm running through this super fast because I have to take my daughter to gymnastics. I'm sure I've missed a ton of info. Feel free to ask questions. Oh, here is a link to my PB account (photos only, no video yet): http://s17.photobucket.com/albums/b100/marellano/Caylee/?albumview=link


I wonder who has been mowing the yard?

And, since the neighbor seemed so "helpful" don't you imagine she has kept track of coming and going at the house?

Why would people abandon a house they owned? That is just leaving money on the table unnecessarily. Same for the Pepsi machines, they have to be worth something.
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