Lets find the house that PI was digging and filming

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Above bolded by me.
Don't forget about the pastor who had a long first visit with KC. IIRC it was about 4hrs long. I am trying to find the exact date of that visit. I found it odd that KC refused a visit from this pastor after Caylee's remains were found. I am only theorizing, but suppose KC confided to the paster and no one else, and she is blaming him for leaking info that lead to the finding of Caylee's remains, therefor she is refusing a visit from him out of anger towards him? I just can't figure out any other reason as to why all of a sudden she does not want a visit from this pastor...especially after her daughters remains were found?

or, or she could have fed him all her bs then felt "shameful" when caylee was found, it would be very different from what she told him. (i know kc and the word shameful may not go together.)
Honestly I can see kc there. Did you see the pix of her with one guy on bed with her and one on the floor? It was a mess. I see her there as a place to just hang out, no work, lazy, just pass out and sleep. Text and talk on phone, alone time. CA is the neat freak, I see kc crashing anywhere at anytime with anyone, IMO

and lee said she was messy and disorganized as well.
New here, I must say you guys rock! Took forever to read thru posts, but have to post a few comments and thoughts I have. This place seems to hold some very important information. I'm shocked LE hasn't swarmed this house, for the mere fact the DC was there, looking for who knows what on who knows who's request/tip. KC has been in/around this house. A simple sweep for prints I would think would confirm this. This house is a prime location for her to use while "waiting" for the clear to go back to the Anthony home after G & C left for work. IF they used the Hopespring to Surburban Dr outlet to leave for work, she would be able to comfortably see them leaving and know when the coast was clear to return. Also, fast forward to after Caylee's remains were left in the woods, from the rear of that home, it would seem that the site was in view from this home, and certainly the traffic going past Hopespring on Suburban would be limited and easy for her to monitor.

She has a connection to this house, knew the name Gonzales. I would be curious to the previous owner's other occupants of that house and their connection to her. (ie: possible classmate etc)

In looking at Marellama's pics (kudos by the way), one photo in particular stood out at me. It would be the one of the charred lattice. It indicated it was close to something burning/on fire. I have no doubt in my mind that even if KC didn't "burn" Caylee, she would have her clothes and most belongings. That house has a 50 gal drum out back, which is commonly used to burn trash.

Thanks for listening to my thoughts and am curious what you think. Thanx!
Now I've been thinking....I don't know if this has already been said but here goes....
What we know is that Caylee was double bagged, wasn't it a white trash bag wrapped in a black trash bag (if I remember correctly)? Just a thought....what if Caylee was actually killed at this location (where WS'ers uncovered white trash bags) and put into the first trash bag which was white. Then one of those times when KC is seen backed into the garage, Caylee was placed in the second trash bag which was black (from the A's home)? I know when GA went to the towyard the guy tossed a WHITE trash bag because it had pizza and maggots in it. NOW could that be one of the same trash bags from this house? Some of us was curious as to why this trash bag would be in the trunk of her car. That made me think about a time when some friends and I were partying over at my aunts house (she was out of town) and we bagged up all our trash to get rid of the evidence that showed we were there partying (beer cans, liquor bottles, ya kow). Well we couldn't put it with the rest of the trash (my aunt would notice it) so I put the trash bag in my trunk so I could dispose of it at a different location. Well needless to say, from all the drinking, I forgot the bag was in the trunk...finding it several days later.
My point is this...what if this white trash bag came from this house and KC put it in her trunk to dispose of later in a different location and just simply forgot about it.
LE needs those white trash bags!!!!!
Does anyone remember in the jail house tapes with Lee, he asks Casey something about the food delivery people and the wholesale distributors.
Somebody brought this to my attention today but I don't recall the conversation, does anyone? Could have something to do with the soda machine seen in the back yard of this house.

IIRC Wasn't it that LA, during one of the recorded jail house visits, was telling KC that the "P" soda company, the same one with those soda vending machines at the house, was sponsoring one of the fundraisers and KC really reacted when he said that to her.

Could it be LA back then was trying to see if this house was important. Did he know that those machines were at the house and did he know that she might have been using it as a place to get away from the house and CA.

Maybe she had confided in him that she was hanging out there even before Caylee went missing.
Excellent point Suspicious....and they need the prints on that box!
Now I've been thinking....I don't know if this has already been said but here goes....
What we know is that Caylee was double bagged, wasn't it a white trash bag wrapped in a black trash bag (if I remember correctly)? Just a thought....what if Caylee was actually killed at this location (where WS'ers uncovered white trash bags) and put into the first trash bag which was white. Then one of those times when KC is seen backed into the garage, Caylee was placed in the second trash bag which was black (from the A's home)? I know when GA went to the towyard the guy tossed a WHITE trash bag because it had pizza and maggots in it. NOW could that be one of the same trash bags from this house? Some of us was curious as to why this trash bag would be in the trunk of her car. That made me think about a time when some friends and I were partying over at my aunts house (she was out of town) and we bagged up all our trash to get rid of the evidence that showed we were there partying (beer cans, liquor bottles, ya kow). Well we couldn't put it with the rest of the trash (my aunt would notice it) so I put the trash bag in my trunk so I could dispose of it at a different location. Well needless to say, from all the drinking, I forgot the bag was in the trunk...finding it several days later.
My point is this...what if this white trash bag came from this house and KC put it in her trunk to dispose of later in a different location and just simply forgot about it.
LE needs those white trash bags!!!!!
It's possible...I can't remember where I read this but TL was surprised about the trash back that KC had left in the car...He said that it was garbage from his appartment. So I think that the garbage she left in her car originated from there. (She may have thrown it in the car as an "excuse" if anyone noticed the smell.) Regarding what bags were used for Caylee's disposal, I hope LE is able to track the source down!
Ok I can't really help with the other things but this one... I got some info. :)

I went down to Baton Rouge for a cousin's wedding last fall. While there I found out that some shady folk my grandma didn't really like had moved back into the house they had abandoned on property she used to own adjoining her home. She had sold it to them years ago and they had moved out (apparently moving to the jail house for a while) but were suddenly back. Problem is, they had no money (or maybe credit) to get the utilities turned on, and were apparently running a generator for a while, but gas was $4+ a gallon at the time.

Apparently eventually they got desperate and these people ran an extension cord to my grandma's outdoor outlet and a hose from her outdoor faucet. They moved some things around so it wasn't obvious, but when confronted they admitted they had been using the electricity for a long time. Depending on where the neighbor's outlets are, it could be very easy to rig up some basic electric in that house. There are cords going right in the side of the sliding glass door (not saying those are electric, just pointing them out).

I think that's the back of a TV we see there on the floor. And I think someone just hung out in here. I am intrigued by the bike because that makes me think it could be a neighbor kid.

Hmmmmmmm ... when you mentioned a 'generator' ... I was thinking about how she kept stealing 'gas' from the shed. Ya think maybe?
Could someone tell me in what pic is the area that DC was using the garden trawl. Please.....I don't know how to use blinkies!
IIRC Wasn't it that LA, during one of the recorded jail house visits, was telling KC that the "P" soda company, the same one with those soda vending machines at the house, was sponsoring one of the fundraisers and KC really reacted when he said that to her.

Could it be LA back then was trying to see if this house was important. Did he know that those machines were at the house and did he know that she might have been using it as a place to get away from the house and CA.

Maybe she had confided in him that she was hanging out there even before Caylee went missing.

im sure kc would have benefited from change in a soda machine since she even would take quarters from caylee's little bank.
IIRC Wasn't it that LA, during one of the recorded jail house visits, was telling KC that the "P" soda company, the same one with those soda vending machines at the house, was sponsoring one of the fundraisers and KC really reacted when he said that to her.

Could it be LA back then was trying to see if this house was important. Did he know that those machines were at the house and did he know that she might have been using it as a place to get away from the house and CA.

Maybe she had confided in him that she was hanging out there even before Caylee went missing.

Where is it on the jailhouse tapes? I must've missed something.
I just can't help but think that this is a defense plant, this 8718 abandoned house, otherwise LE would have been all over it. And the neighbors would not have been able to keep it secret if LE had already been there.

LE wouldn't want to give any credibility to a Gonzales(z) connection at all, because of the reasonable doubt inference. JMO

I agree. And like "missmykids" when I viewed these pics I got this feeling that this house has nothing to do with what happened to Caylee. I don't think Caylee was ever at this house. A defense ploy of distraction most likely. MOO

Whoever went out to this house and got all these pics to post: you are awesome!
It's possible...I can't remember where I read this but TL was surprised about the trash back that KC had left in the car...He said that it was garbage from his appartment. So I think that the garbage she left in her car originated from there. (She may have thrown it in the car as an "excuse" if anyone noticed the smell.) Regarding what bags were used for Caylee's disposal, I hope LE is able to track the source down!

OK I must've missed something. Was he sure that this bag was from his house because that would make no sense to me as to why his trash from his home would be in her trunk. Why not throw that bag away with the rest of his trash? Why take it with her. Do you know what was found in the trash bag? I'm curious now as to what was actually found in the bag from her trunk. Maybe he uses these generic brand trash bags as well and THOUGHT that was the same bag from his apartment. I just don't know. Could you point me in the right direction to finding out about the trash bag found in the trunk?
IIRC Wasn't it that LA, during one of the recorded jail house visits, was telling KC that the "P" soda company, the same one with those soda vending machines at the house, was sponsoring one of the fundraisers and KC really reacted when he said that to her.

Could it be LA back then was trying to see if this house was important. Did he know that those machines were at the house and did he know that she might have been using it as a place to get away from the house and CA.

Maybe she had confided in him that she was hanging out there even before Caylee went missing.

I have been looking for that specific conversation and have not been able to find it. Still listening to the audio.. :confused:
Does anyone know exactly what was found inside the white trash bag that was recovered from the trunk of KC's car? I'm just wondering..
My apologies.

It was the other big soda name "C" I believe that LA mentioned to KC.

I am still trying to listen to the tapes but did a search on when the jail visitation videos were released and found that "C" brand being discussed.
I'll provide the link if I don't fall asleep first relistening to LA drone on and on.
i dear say, there could be a lot of evidence in that house...cough bodily fluids cough cough...
I know! That's why it's making me crazy that LE hasn't gone over the place with a fine tooth comb. Those posters that say maybe they LE's already been there obviously have never seen a scene that has been throughly searched. We would be able to tell in a glance.
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