Let's List Evidence That Ties Casey To The Crime Scene...

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In Cindy's deposition with the state pdf p. 346 at above link, she says the last time she saw the rectangular bag was in Caylee's room with stuffed animals in it. The last time she saw the round bag it had been stored in the garage inside a black plastic bag on a shelf. It had previously held the play balls but Cindy kept buying more balls and they no longer fit in the round bag so she stored the balls in a shed in the backyard in different bags and put the round bag up in the garage. Whew, of course it took about 7 pages to get Cindy to reveal this much so I could have misunderstood. But I do think it's very telling Cindy states that the round canvas bag was stored inside a black plastic bag which is the same way Caylee was found. :(

Bingo! LE or anyone else didn't need to know about the balls, etc. The dang thing was stored in the garage, with nothing in it. That was the answer to the question, everything else was noise. Blah!

Something else confuse me. She says the black bag was torn. That LE must have torn it. IF she had seen the tear in the black bag, she would have 'fixed' it.

If the round bag was on the scene, then how would Cindy know the bag it was stored in had a tear in it that she didn't know about? Was the black bag still found in the garage??
How can there be any forensic evidence when KC waited 31 days before admitting her daughter was gone, then the hurricane came, then she got arrested, then she did nothing but lie to LE, then she got a lawyer who told her not to talk, then the body (excuse me, remains) were found 6 months later?!

Please don't tell me that this whole case will boil down to forensics...

I think the defense will try to make it that way. Saying that there should be more pointing to ICA if she was guilty. Yet what is found, only points to ICA.

I also think that the State's witness will be expecting this. And will be planning on how to clearly explain that the 31 days, combined with months in the environment took care of much of the evidence. Even go so far as painting a picture that the longer it took to find the hidden body, the better it would be for the killer. Which would also point out how Mommy dearest was no help in finding the body. Totally blowing up in the face of the defense.
How can there be any forensic evidence when KC waited 31 days before admitting her daughter was gone, then the hurricane came, then she got arrested, then she did nothing but lie to LE, then she got a lawyer who told her not to talk, then the body (excuse me, remains) were found 6 months later?!

Please don't tell me that this whole case will boil down to forensics...

i want to say dont fret, pattymarie, b/c IIRC there wasnt much, if any at all foresenic evidence in snot petersons case( the anchors were about the closest thing if i can remember correctly, but please correct me if i am wrong, it HAS been awhile.) like in this case a lot of "circumstancial" evidence.. they too couldnt tell how laci died, but guess what? snots on death row.. as will be KC, i hope. if she walks, ....:banghead:
i want to say dont fret, pattymarie, b/c IIRC there wasnt much, if any at all foresenic evidence in snot petersons case( the anchors were about the closest thing if i can remember correctly, but please correct me if i am wrong, it HAS been awhile.) like in this case a lot of "circumstancial" evidence.. they too couldnt tell how laci died, but guess what? snots on death row.. as will be KC, i hope. if she walks, ....:banghead:

One hair is all there was in the Scott Peterson case..
Bingo! LE or anyone else didn't need to know about the balls, etc. The dang thing was stored in the garage, with nothing in it. That was the answer to the question, everything else was noise. Blah!

Something else confuse me. She says the black bag was torn. That LE must have torn it. IF she had seen the tear in the black bag, she would have 'fixed' it.

If the round bag was on the scene, then how would Cindy know the bag it was stored in had a tear in it that she didn't know about? Was the black bag still found in the garage??

Wonder whose prints were on it....?????
I believe it will come down to forensics as well, but not by placing her at the scene of the crime but by determining the approx time of death. If they can confirm that Caylee was already dead when KC faked a phone call from her daughter, the inmate is toast. Period. That is the the coldest, most horrible act that KC committed (aside from the slaughter of her trusting and loving daughter). I have said it before. The only reason KC could have for doing such a ghoolish thing would be to want everyone to believe that Caylee was alive and therefor KC could not have killed her.
I don't think it is going to come down to forensics completely. I do however believe that the forensic evidence they do have does help the procecution and I don't believe all the evidence has been released?

I think by opening the trial with the 911 calls would be ideal. It establishes the Zenaida Fernandes Gonzales kidnapping story. It points out that Caylee had been missing for 31 days. That Casey claims she was looking for her. That she had just spoken to an alive Caylee earlier that day. And most importantly that it "smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car." It's a very powerful call that will set the pace of the trial.

The cars forensic findings should be laid out early on. The forensic evidence found at the actual scene until later in the trial. Only because before December 11th, 2008 the car was the strongest piece of evidence they had against Casey. It shows the reason why Casey was originally charged with murder. They'll want the jury to KNOW that Caylee was already deceased before Cindy made those 911 calls.

I really would love to know how the SA is going to line-up the witnesses? I think that would tell us a lot.

Under Florida's Sunshine Law, how is it determined what evidence is released to the public and what remains withheld? And when does the defense get to see evidence that hasn't been released to the public?
31 days, smell in trunk, KC on the lam, remains recovered close to home with duct tape, laundry, heart sticker and garbage bags identical to those found in the A's home. What also connects KC to the crime scene is the overwhelmingly transparent public lie-a-thon by the A's. There is no question as to who is guilty. Fingers crossed for a sound panel of jurors.
This case will be based on much more than forensics. If ICA is comfortable
with the knowledge Caylee's body was trashed and lay for months leaving
only her bones (along with the Duct tape) she is in for a big surprise.

I want to see her and Cindy sit there while the prosecution lays it all out
and they can't open their mouths. No lying, excuses or accusations toward
other innocent people. It will be all about Caylee and what ICA did to her.
This case will be based on much more than forensics. If ICA is comfortable
with the knowledge Caylee's body was trashed and lay for months leaving
only her bones (along with the Duct tape) she is in for a big surprise.

I want to see her and Cindy sit there while the prosecution lays it all out
and they can't open their mouths. No lying, excuses or accusations toward
other innocent people. It will be all about Caylee and what ICA did to her.


ITA! I really want to see how ICA reacts to hearing all of her "friends" talk about what a liar and thief that she is. I want to see her face as the detectives lay out exactly what they feel the evidence shows that ICA did to that poor little baby girl, and then show the still shots of her wrapped around TL at Blockbusters, as carefree as can be, and then the shots of her at Target, spending AH's money on the sunglasses and hoodie, and then her being arrested in those same items. I don't know how it is in Florida, but here where I live, someone who is listed as a witness will not be allowed to sit in the courtroom until closing arguments. If this is the case there as well, CA and GA will miss out on all of the details that the SA has pieced together that will prove ICA and only ICA committed this heinous crime. jmo
One hair is all there was in the Scott Peterson case..

AND the many many lies and the suspect compoter searches. Also, IIRC there was something to the effect of Scott's own mother advising him to 'deny, deny deny'. It was not used in the trial I don't think but it was out there all the same.

ITA! I really want to see how ICA reacts to hearing all of her "friends" talk about what a liar and thief that she is. I want to see her face as the detectives lay out exactly what they feel the evidence shows that ICA did to that poor little baby girl, and then show the still shots of her wrapped around TL at Blockbusters, as carefree as can be, and then the shots of her at Target, spending AH's money on the sunglasses and hoodie, and then her being arrested in those same items. I don't know how it is in Florida, but here where I live, someone who is listed as a witness will not be allowed to sit in the courtroom until closing arguments. If this is the case there as well, CA and GA will miss out on all of the details that the SA has pieced together that will prove ICA and only ICA committed this heinous crime. jmo

Didn't JB file something early on that would prevent her previous felonies from being used at the murder trial?
This case will be based on much more than forensics. If ICA is comfortable
with the knowledge Caylee's body was trashed and lay for months leaving
only her bones (along with the Duct tape) she is in for a big surprise.

I want to see her and Cindy sit there while the prosecution lays it all out
and they can't open their mouths. No lying, excuses or accusations toward
other innocent people. It will be all about Caylee and what ICA did to her.

Get ready for the huge gasps when the State shows photos of Caylee as she was found.........:(
Under Florida's Sunshine Law, how is it determined what evidence is released to the public and what remains withheld? And when does the defense get to see evidence that hasn't been released to the public?

The defense has to see everything before the trial because the laws in FL prevent any last minute Perry Mason maneuvers.
You know, I've never quite been sure about that one. I think that the heart sticker itself smacks of KC, but the sticker sheet they photo'd, with the insistance that it was the source of the sticker on the duct tape . . . well that's the part I can't quite swallow.

When the photos came out, I studied the sticker & the sheet over & over & over again. I'm not at all convinced that they are of the same source. The shape isn't quite the same. JMO.

BBM - Really? I thought they were a great match, remember the one on the duct tape sat underwater for 6 months! I thought it was interesting that only 1 sticker was missing from that sheet and IMO they are a match.

Something ICA said when Caylee was found... in a bag with her blanket (one that matched the linens in her bedroom).

LE had not revealed the blanket yet, but her murderess knew it was there!!
BAEZ ties Casey to the crime scene and dumpsite. He stated in one of the first few hearings that she was the only one that had access to the car. Since Caylee was decomposing in the car, removed and dumped, her body is the direct link that ties Casey from the initial stages of decomposition to the dumpsite.

I must say that I just about fell off my chair when I heard Baez make that statement. A far better approach might have been to say nothing or that someone else might of had access, but he locked her in that day (with Casey present), as the only one that had access to the car. She did not protest or correct him.

ITA! I really want to see how ICA reacts to hearing all of her "friends" talk about what a liar and thief that she is. I want to see her face as the detectives lay out exactly what they feel the evidence shows that ICA did to that poor little baby girl, and then show the still shots of her wrapped around TL at Blockbusters, as carefree as can be, and then the shots of her at Target, spending AH's money on the sunglasses and hoodie, and then her being arrested in those same items. I don't know how it is in Florida, but here where I live, someone who is listed as a witness will not be allowed to sit in the courtroom until closing arguments. If this is the case there as well, CA and GA will miss out on all of the details that the SA has pieced together that will prove ICA and only ICA committed this heinous crime. jmo

BBM - I don't know how this will work, but ICA is allowed to have her "support group" in the courtroom, since I doubt there are many folks who still support her, outside the compound; it may mean CA & GA are allowed in the court during witness testimony. But IDK that as a fact. I read it sometime back regarding a trial in FL -

I'm thinking C&GA are going to have a much shorter Christmas card list next year, after they hear what all ICA's friends really think of her!!
Didn't JB file something early on that would prevent her previous felonies from being used at the murder trial?
I didn't think the check fraud or it's related evidence was going to be allowed into the murder trial either. :waitasec: MOO
I didn't think the check fraud or it's related evidence was going to be allowed into the murder trial either. :waitasec: MOO

It depends. No her previous felonies cannot be brought up as a matter of evidence in order to convict her of this crime. But that does not make them completely unmentionable. She is a convicted felon, so that may be used to impeach KC herself and her credibility should she choose to take the stand in her own defense. Plus some elements of those crimes do factor in to the timeline of Caylee's murder. So it may be hard to keep them completely out. Also post conviction, all bets are off, and the previous felony convictions become fair game for use in the sentencing phase.
I could swear I remember c. saying that the bag had hung on the wall (corner) containg stuffed animals etc.It stuck with me because we had one for my grandson but it was made of net.I read it 'way back when.

IIRC Caylee's room had a pastel(ish) pink or purple mesh, multi-tiered hanging bag in her room with smaller - stuffed animals too.

It was not a sturdy tote type, it looked like it was intended for just the purpose it served, holding/displaying small light weight toys.

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