Let's talk about the letters

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LISK Liaison, Verified Forensic Psychology Special
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Feb 16, 2006
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The recent CBS 48 Hours Mystery: The LISK posted two letters from CPH to their site. ( link ) As with his appearance in the various news reports, the content of the letters seemed rather odd. Therefore, I think they are worthy of further scrutiny. With this in mind, I have uploaded the letters with my own thoughts along with a video remix of his various news appearances ( letter 1, letter 2, video remix ). That said, let's talk about the letters.
The recent CBS 48 Hours Mystery: The LISK posted two letters from CPH to their site. ( link ) As with his appearance in the various news reports, the content of the letters seemed rather odd. Therefore, I think they are worthy of further scrutiny. With this in mind, I have uploaded the letters with my own thoughts along with a video remix of his various news appearances ( letter 1, letter 2, video remix ). That said, let's talk about the letters.

Thanks for this, shadow! Your notes on the letters mirror my own impressions almost exactly.

Also, I actually had never seen any of the CPH car interview, I had only seen stills, so it was good to finally see some footage.
Thanks for putting those letters up there! My t.v. is puny, (believe it or not, as most people today have huge t.vs!) and there I was with it on pause, right up at the screen, squinting with reading glasses on, trying in vain to read the letter!!! So now I know what it said...thank you!

That's just downright weird. I mean, it really is. I myself haven't thought much about this guy so far, but what on earth does he mean that he called them because the boyfriend and/or driver requested it?!!! That makes no sense, and anyone with half a brain writing that would be aware it makes no sense.

I have to say too that while I do believe one has to be careful not to judge someone by appearances, how they talk, etc...(you could see anything you want to in anybody, let's face it) I nonetheless feel creeped out by him. There is something disingenuous about his manner in the video you posted - the way he seems to be striving to be casual and light. It may well be there's some plausible explanation - maybe he's even some sort of do-gooder who just stuck his nose in, trying to "help" but ending up in a pickle, and is embarrassed. Or not...!
Thank you for this. At first I thought he was just being framed but after reading these... it seems very suspicious.
I, too, had pondered the framed angle. The letters however def confirm he not only called the mother but called the sister as well. Which is why I purposefully included Dormer's "that's been pretty much debunked" comment along with the scrolling text of the good doctor admitting the calls, when I put together the video remix.

As for dissecting the letters? More to follow.
Familiarity v Formality

The first thing that really stands out is the familiarity in sharp contrast to the overall formal tone of that letter. He refers to the pimps (bf+driver) as Alex and Mike, as opposed to Mr. Diaz & Mr. Pak. Moreover, he calls MP, Mike as opposed to Michael. This level of familiarity conveys a tone of camaraderie.

Calling Card

Next up, he states that he gave the pimps (bf+driver) his "calling card" ... which is odd, bc calling cards are generally left when an individual is not at home. That is, the visitor leaves the "calling card," not the visited.

Now, had they been the ones who left a "calling card" the "I returned the call as requested" might make some sense. However, he clearly indicates they spoke IRL... that he even "encouraged them to follow up with the police."

There is also term, "calling card," in and of itself. This term has different meanings within various contexts. From old school etiquette to phone cards to hollywood-ized SK signatures to, imnsho, evidence of someone who is trying to pretend they actually know how to write a formal letter.

Many things, of course, can be inferred. I'll infer muddying the waters may be his goal.

Returned Call

He states "he returned a call as requested" yet does not clarify to whom and by whom. Again, leaving the interpretation up to the reader. Moreover when someone is returning a call, that generally means they're calling someone who called them. Yet, he refers to a single call to the family. That he was just trying to be supportive. He then proceeds to engage in blame shifting... putting the onus for the so-called "inaccurate reports" back on the family.

Btw, notice the singular reference? Call as opposed to calls? Prevarication at its (not-so) finest!


The rest of this letter is, imho, pretty much inconsequential. He sets up his alibi, engages in implied collusion, tries to present himself as being the ever helpful good samaritan, yada, yada...
Overall Tone

This letter is notably less formal... even perhaps a tad frantic. Why might that be? My guess is that Moriarity confronted him about the calls (note the plural) and told him LE would be going on record for the show. And she was also pressing him about the treatment center bit.

This is arguably one of those "caught with your pants down in the media spotlight" moments. He can no longer dance around the subject of calling the family with his highly inappropriate affect and smug non verbals. So, he has to come up with something.

3 Call Revelation

His credibility is hanging in the balance at this point. And he knows it. He attempts to recover by claiming he *and* his wife (notice how he repeatedly includes her?) dug out old phone bills. And.... duh-oops! he made not only one call but three! One to the bf/pimp, one to Shannan's mother and one to Shannan's sister. Each 4 minutes long.

Of course, he still denies telling Shannan's family that she was at his place and that her pimp/driver picked her up the next day. At this point however, his denial is, well, in a word, moot. The revelation of the 3 phone calls just killed him. Credibility-wise, that is.


The good doctor proceeds to engage in feigned ignorance (why oh why would you consider me to be a POI?) and emotional blackmail (I have gone over and above the call of duty, in spite of my medical issues), indirectly implying that he is a victim. Of course, there's a problem with this approach. He still hasn't explained why the pimps (bf+driver) would ask him to call in the first place.

ETA ~ notice how he refers to Shannan's mother as Mrs. Gilbert, and AD as Alex? Again suggesting they know each other.
If you check out the bit that we're not supposed to see, you'll note the good doctor listed return address is [redacted] "Oak Beach Association."

Now, check out page 9 of the May 5, 2011, Suffolk County Legislature Public Saftey meeting minutes ( link, h/t [ame=http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6880243#post6880243]goathairjones[/ame], emphasis added, mine ):

Of course this whole case started with the disappearance of Shannon Gilbert which occurred on May 1st -- almost a year ago, a few more days -- and Shannon Gilbert was a young woman who advertised on Craig's List. On the day in question she left her home in Jersey, took a train into Manhattan where she engaged in one, maybe two tricks, and she had a driver who was contacted by an individual in the Oak Beach Association and she was taken there at approximately two o'clock in the morning.

Imnsho, the good doctor regularly uses MP's & AD's services to arrange "escorts" for OBA parties that take place at various locations in and around Oak Beach. Moreover, Shannan was but one of their "stable girls" so to speak. This would explain the familiarity between CPH and the pimps (bf+driver). It would also explain, to some degree, why they might ask him to call Shannan's family. Whether he was actually involved in Shannan's disappearance or not, imnsho, at the rate he's going, he's digging himself into a huge, huge, hole.

That said and aside, has anyone else noticed the good doctor's skin discoloration (most notable in the car interview)? Iow, can poison ivy cause that sort of thing? Or is it remnants of a sunburn? Vitiligo?
i suppose it is possible that MP and the bf did ask CPH to call Shannan's family. the only way i see it as being possible though would be if MP could place CPH at JB's the night Shannan went missing.
shadowraiths, Thanks for bringing up the Drs. skin discoloration. I noticed it too and wondered about it. I thought vitaligo but perhaps it could be from poison ivey. I do know that too much cortisone cream can cause thinning of the skin. The dr's skin appears pasty and stretched. I wonder could this be an effect from prescription drug use?


If you check out the bit that we're not supposed to see, you'll note the good doctor listed return address is [redacted] "Oak Beach Association."

Now, check out page 9 of the May 5, 2011, Suffolk County Legislature Public Saftey meeting minutes ( link, h/t goathairjones, emphasis added, mine ):

Of course this whole case started with the disappearance of Shannon Gilbert which occurred on May 1st -- almost a year ago, a few more days -- and Shannon Gilbert was a young woman who advertised on Craig's List. On the day in question she left her home in Jersey, took a train into Manhattan where she engaged in one, maybe two tricks, and she had a driver who was contacted by an individual in the Oak Beach Association and she was taken there at approximately two o'clock in the morning.

Imnsho, the good doctor regularly uses MP's & AD's services to arrange "escorts" for OBA parties that take place at various locations in and around Oak Beach. Moreover, Shannan was but one of their "stable girls" so to speak. This would explain the familiarity between CPH and the pimps (bf+driver). It would also explain, to some degree, why they might ask him to call Shannan's family. Whether he was actually involved in Shannan's disappearance or not, imnsho, at the rate he's going, he's digging himself into a huge, huge, hole.

That said and aside, has anyone else noticed the good doctor's skin discoloration (most notable in the car interview)? Iow, can poison ivy cause that sort of thing? Or is it remnants of a sunburn? Vitiligo?

That bit of info. from the minutes is VERY interesting. It makes it sound like Shannan didn't book the appt. herself, but that MP did. That could explain a few things.
I was struck by the "bring the Gilbert family closure" at the end of the 1st letter, only to read "we hope Shannan is found alive" at the end of the second letter. Don't these phrases kind of contradict each other?

I am several threads behind in this case so forgive me if this doesn't make any sense but I'll share my impressions anyway.

"When I first heard the name of a person named Shannon Gilbert she was already missing."

He repeats the word name/d twice, giving it importance. It would be simpler to say, "heard about Shannon Gilbert" or "heard about a person named SG", but he doesn't, he says "I first heard the name of.... IMO this makes it sound like he might have heard of or met the person before but he didn't learn her real name before she disappeared.

I never "treated" her.
Why is treated in quotes? Just what kind of "treatment" is he thinking about? In the other letter he says "rendered medical care of any sort" which is a different register.

"I greeted the people looking for her by chance."
Minimizing, they didn't seek me out, I didn't seek them out, it was just a pure accident that I said hello.
"I recall the first people were Mike and Alex."
This does sound like he knows Mike and Alex but it also makes me think who were the second people? (Her family, presumably, but it just strikes me an odd way of phrasing it. I met Mike and Alex first, or something.)

Wonder what Mike and Alex told him about SG's disappearance. If I was told that a call girl disappeared while seeing a john in my neighborhood I probably wouldn't hand out my cards to her pimps. Not to diminish the importance of the missing person because of her profession but I don't want anything to do with pimps (I'm shy like that) and in case it leads to a murder investigation I wouldn't want the police to find out her pimp has my contact information. It could be difficult and embarrassing to explain. (As the good doctor's case has shown here...) If I know nothing the pimps being able to call me wouldn't help anyway.

"I returned a call as requested" in one letter and "During my conversations with them [Mike and Alex] they asked that I call the family." in the other letter? Is that a contradiction? Did Mike and Alex ask him to call the family or did he return a call, meaning that he was called first by the people he called? Why does he refer to the brief exchange following his accidental greeting as plural "my conversations with them"? Why would Mike and Alex ask him to call the family if he doesn't know the missing person or anything other of importance and why would he agree? The strangest thing IMO.

"Since I had never met Shannon it obviously did not have anything to do with permission to treat her."

Okay but what did it have to do with? I don't know if I trust this because it's not really a statement that the call didn't have anything to do with permission to treat her, it's just an inference that it can't have had because he's told us he doesn't know Shannon.

"I was supportive and that was all."
I would feel intrusive calling a family of a missing person just to say that I know nothing, but good luck. Anyway, how come he's sure that was all? In the other letter he says that it is hard to remember what the call was about.
"We assumed Shannon must have returned home"
Who is we and why does he switch to we after being in first person singular throughout the paragraph? Is it perhaps because "I" didn't assume that but that's what "we" he and his wife talked about? He refers to his wife several times in the letters, implying unity. He and his wife checked the phone bill, he and his wife pray for the family.

In the other letter
"There is only one bill which has calls documented to Kingston New York. It shows that I spoke with Alex ... at 7:20 pm and at 7:25 pm I called... at his request and spoke with Mrs. Gilbert."
Does he mean that he called Alex first before calling Mrs. G? Why? To ask for Mrs. G's number? IMO his phone bill probably doesn't show that he called her at his request.

"the exact content is difficult to remember"
You know, if something like this happened to me and I just happened to be calling a missing person's family at the request of her pimp, it would tend to stand out from the ordinary course of affairs and I would remember what we talked about.

The call to the sister is the same day he says he met the family distributing posters. I'm thinking it's not a coincidence.
"At no point where we dismissive however we emphasized the need to follow up with the police departments involved we parted on friendly terms."
This sentence is a grammar mess and stands out from the rest of his writing, like he's stopped himself in mid thought and continued in different directions without checking if what he wrote makes sense first. . Any significance?
"I am perplexed as to why, almost a year later, I became a person of interest to the family and the media."

The emphasis on the almost a year later is a bit odd here. As if it would have been understandable had he become a person of interest at once but it's strange that it was delayed. How does he know the family didn't suspect him until a year later? Why did he find himself having to answer their questions to the best of his ability on Mothers Day 2010 if the family didn't think him interesting at all? And wasn't his involvement mentioned in the media quite soon after the bodies were found and the media got more interested in Shannon Gilbert's story?

Mentioning graduations and his daughter's job is irrelevant unless they took him away from home when SG disappeared and he says he was home that night, sleeping. He's just projecting a family man image here.
"Frankly, since I am not a suspect it would be a waste of time and resources."
Waitasec, didn't he just say he's a person of interest? I'd have thought it's close enough to a suspect to justify the use of resources to clear him. (Not that I blame anybody for not taking a polygraph since they aren't too reliable.)
He says he welcomed cadaver dogs at his home, why didn't he object to that as a waste of resources since he's not a suspect, and why did anybody even suggest that cadaver dogs should be in his home, since he's not a suspect?
If you check out the bit that we're not supposed to see, you'll note the good doctor listed return address is [redacted] "Oak Beach Association."

Now, check out page 9 of the May 5, 2011, Suffolk County Legislature Public Saftey meeting minutes ( link, h/t goathairjones, emphasis added, mine ):

Of course this whole case started with the disappearance of Shannon Gilbert which occurred on May 1st -- almost a year ago, a few more days -- and Shannon Gilbert was a young woman who advertised on Craig's List. On the day in question she left her home in Jersey, took a train into Manhattan where she engaged in one, maybe two tricks, and she had a driver who was contacted by an individual in the Oak Beach Association and she was taken there at approximately two o'clock in the morning.

Imnsho, the good doctor regularly uses MP's & AD's services to arrange "escorts" for OBA parties that take place at various locations in and around Oak Beach. Moreover, Shannan was but one of their "stable girls" so to speak. This would explain the familiarity between CPH and the pimps (bf+driver). It would also explain, to some degree, why they might ask him to call Shannan's family. Whether he was actually involved in Shannan's disappearance or not, imnsho, at the rate he's going, he's digging himself into a huge, huge, hole.

That said and aside, has anyone else noticed the good doctor's skin discoloration (most notable in the car interview)? Iow, can poison ivy cause that sort of thing? Or is it remnants of a sunburn? Vitiligo?

I wonder if his skin discoloration has to do with the horrific accident he had years ago. The accident that claimed his leg. I wonder if it was as a result of scabbing and the skin never came back the same color.
Skin discoloration could be a variety of things. As I have aged I have some spots that get very brown/slightly reddish. This past year the allergies have exacerbated. It is as if I have a very bad case of poison ivy the dermatologist told me (which I don't), I am not to go outside without long sleeves, pants, gloves and hat, and am to come in immediately and wash the clothes and shower. (Of course I don't do that.) Any pollen that touches my skin creates a rash that itches and burns, without the steroid ointment it starts to ooze and swell like crazy. Then I get a big scar, the skin is literally scarring itself into big pits. The scar is, of course, discolored. I have been given steroid shots and pill routines for this, until I was given the ointment to put on the first sight of a tiny red dot, which is how that mess begins.

So, I posted this yesterday then deleted as it did not fit anywhere. Does the DR have a supply of steroids? His poison ivy stash? I know a 68 year old lady with balance issues that can seemingly barely walk, but when it is bad and she gets steroids, she could run as fast a 20 year old, lift, reach, pull, you name it.
The letters blatantly show distancing. What first sticks out afterward is the phone calls to mother AND daughter. Where did he get BOTH numbers. The knowledge of the BF and Driver, and the excuse that THEY asked him to call the mother. Note, not the daughter. Of course the alibis, sleeping with wife, going on trip with daughter.

You guys have more covered, but I also noted a nervousness, that would make sense being a suspect. But the nervousness makes the DR ramble and express more/change more than is necessary, especially with a wife and perhaps colleagues/friends to advise.
To me, this pattern of calling the families, "playing telephone" does tie Shannan's case to the other cases. That plus the request to the last victims to not bring a cell phone, after Shannan's disappearance, to me says it all.
If he called Alex, how did he get his number? He only says that he gave them his contact details, nothing about them giving him their contact details.
I'm going to bring my post from other thread over to this one because I want to add something to it.

Here's my original post:

Now I'm going to put my linguistics student/English teacher hat back on (please, no jokes about being cunning ):

I could understand his use of the term 'mean' when describing these murders if English was not his first language, or if he was autistic,or of limited intelligence, or younger than 12. Since he doesn't appear to fall into any of these categories, then there's no rational reason why an educated person speaking his native tongue would choose this adjective. The most common adjectives that we would use in English to describe this situation would be: horrible, awful, scary, terrifying, disgusting, vicious, savage, deranged, etc. 'Mean' is something an average person would use to describe kids who have spray-painted graffiti on a building, or to describe that stereotypical old-man on the block who yells at kids when they ride their bikes across his grass. It would not be used by 99.99999% of the native English-speaking population to describe murders.

Thank you for mentioning the bit in the letters where CPH describes this story as being 'important'. If this was an important story, would one call it 'mean'? Not in my opinion. They'd use words like 'horrific', 'terrifying', or a phrase like 'deadly serious' when talking about the events of this "important story". MOO.

Adding on:
In addition to the strange use of the term 'mean', I also think it's extremely weird that in 2011, a native-English speaking educated adult would use the term 'calling card' instead of the more common and appropriate 'business card'. This isn't Victorian England and we simply don't leave 'calling cards'. In fact, the typical connotation of that term in 2011 is that a calling card is a sign left behind by someone (it's usually associated with serial killers) for others to know that that particular person was responsible for something. We just don't use that term interchangeably with 'business card' any more. I've never, ever encountered someone using that term when they were referring to their business card. Usually they'll just say, "here's my card" or "could I have one of your cards?" I also think that his misspelling of Shannan's name after he initially spelled it correctly is very suspicious, IMO.

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