Letter to Publix - can you think of anyone else?

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Aug 29, 2008
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On Nov. 8 & 9th Texas Equusearch will be in Orlando, Fl., searching the woods for the remains of Caylee Anthony. Approximately 8000 people are expected to participate. As a former Publix employee, I know how good Publix is at donating to worthy causes. Therefore, I am asking if you would be willing to donate refrigerated bottled water to Texas Equusearch for this endeavor. It is a strictly volunteer organization, so any help would be greatly appreciated. You can contact them by calling 1-877-270-9500. Thank you for any assistance you can provide.
On Nov. 8 & 9th Texas Equusearch will be in Orlando, Fl., searching the woods for the remains of Caylee Anthony. Approximately 8000 people are expected to participate. As a former Publix employee, I know how good Publix is at donating to worthy causes. Therefore, I am asking if you would be willing to donate refrigerated bottled water to Texas Equusearch for this endeavor. It is a strictly volunteer organization, so any help would be greatly appreciated. You can contact them by calling 1-877-270-9500. Thank you for any assistance you can provide.
I know that Walmart donates for causes too. At least in the midwest they do.
I just Emailed Subway and Domino's:

Nov. 8 & 9 Texas Equusearch, a charitable organization, will be leading a search of 8000 people, searching the woods in the Orlando area. They will be looking for the remains of 3 year old Caylee anthony. I am writing to ask if you would be willing to provide them with lunch. It would be a tax deductible donation for you. You can contact Texas Equusearch by calling 1-877-270-9500. Thank you.
Wow - 8000 is alot of people - how are these numbers being projected?
8000 is what Leonard P. said tonight on the Nancy Grace show. I just Emailed the following to Tim Miller of TES:

I've taken the liberty of Emailing Publix, Domino's, and Subway to ask for food and beverages for your Nov. 8 & 9 search. Sorry, I didn't think of asking for your permission before I did this. I included your telephone number in my Email. I hope there will be a positive response to provide food and beverage for all of you searchers. Thank you for everything you do.
I included TES phone number so that they could call them.

Let's all try to get these searchers some food and beverages!

Have you called TES to see if they would like your help with this? Frankly, I don't think anyone should be soliciting help for TES without asking them first.
This is how it's done. My hat is off to everyone taking the initiative. It takes a tremendous amount of food to keep the energy level up.

Just remember that food like sandwiches has to be wrapped individually or the Board of Health will block it from being served.
Have you called TES to see if they would like your help with this? Frankly, I don't think anyone should be soliciting help for TES without asking them first.

I think Gram is trying to help. If you know something that she doesn't it would be nice of you to PM her to let her know.
I Emailed TES which I posted above. Ya know, ya don't get anything without asking.
I Emailed TES which I posted above. Ya know, ya don't get anything without asking.

Thank you Gram! I think it's great that you took the initiative to reach out like this. Searchers get hungry and there can never be enough food. :blowkiss:
I believe all the help that TES can get for these 2 days of searching whether it be volunteer's, money, food, or beverages would be greatly appreciative.

PPl are sending kc money in jail and money to the "help find caylee fund", so why cant ppl get together food and drinks for the volunteers by venders that like to help out and unlike the A's i dont believe Tim M would dispose of any help unlike the A's did with the stuffed toys.

I also think Tim would appreciate the effort that ppl have given him to help with other missing ppl he would appreciate as well, TM DOES NOT PROFIT from any of this so the little extra items that could be donated to help is wonderful

I think its great what your doing gram keep up the great work!

God bless you! I think it's a fantastic idea for us Websleuthers to do what we can to help.

Is there someone who lives in Orlando that can help on that end?

I would definitely contribute a few bucks to help as a group.

Sorry to disagree with the other poster, but this is how things are done, and from the heart.

Let us know what LP says. He has been really good about returning contacts.

Thank you Gram! I think it's great that you took the initiative to reach out like this. Searchers get hungry and there can never be enough food. :blowkiss:

This is very true. Socre8 that started this thread was a searcher in August so she knows how it works. Sometimes, there is food and drink that shows up just in the nick of time when groups of searchers were coming in for some rest and replenishment. It's all donated and half the time, you don't know what you're going to get but it doesn't matter. It gets consumed in no time flat and they're right back out there. This is a wonderful way to contribute to the search especially if you cannot physically be there. :clap::blowkiss:
also when TM was here the very first time to search ppl from ws also notified business of the orlando area to donate as well and there was never nothing said by TM or TES about this so i again feel he is ok with it
also when TM was here the very first time to search ppl from ws also notified business of the orlando area to donate as well and there was never nothing said by TM or TES about this so i again feel he is ok with it

It is absolutely OK. (hated to use that word again, but it is). Gram2, thank you for doing this.
It is absolutely OK. (hated to use that word again, but it is). Gram2, thank you for doing this.

you no if I recall there is a thread somewhere with alot of the business in that area with the addresses and phone numbers that someone looked up i'll try and find it and bump it up.

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