LHP's Book Preview

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My goodness. I am all but speechless after reading that! I have 2 questions: Had Darnay imbibed too much New Year's tipple when he released that and Did Patsy usually walk around the house carrying a Maglight?
Truthfully, I don't quite know what to say. I was so anxious to hear about the Ramsey family from an insider and I still am.

No surprises whatsoever in the status of their marriage. It is so painfully obvious that there was no warmth, affection or real friendship in their marriage.

I look forward to the rest of the book.


I really don't think it was necessary to include the private details of Patsy's problems with performing oral sex, and the "taste" of John, etc. We, the public don't need to know that. The points LHP was trying to make could easily have been made without those gory details. Even I feel humiliated for Patsy.

I am a little disappointed that LHP included that. AND......ewwwwwwww :sick:
My opinion of LHP just went down more than a few notches. Anyone, no matter how unsophisticated, should know that type of information should be kept private. I find it hard to believe Patsy would even share such feelings with her housekeeper. I don't have the impression she and LHP were close friends.
Shylock said:
Wandering around the net this morning I see that Tricia over at FFJ has posted the first chapter of LHP's book, sent to her by Darnay Hoffman. It's an interesting bit of reading and LHP was even nice enough to include her secret for great pot roast!


Personally, I think it is a hoax.

"In fact, I am one of only three people who knows the answer to the terrible question: "Who killed JonBenet Ramsey?" -- That is lawsuit city, IMO. -- And I bet it resluts in a settlement at best.
As far as it being a hoax the email really did come from Darnay and it was sent to many media outlets.

I am stunned to say the least. I don't know who would publish this book unless it's a vanity thing.

I use to like pot-roast. I will never cook nor eat pot-roast again.
LOL, this is too much! It pretty much implicates LHP as either the killer or one very intimate with the killer. Sounds like she had that "a" down,and every other detail of the murder. The confession,ONLY I KNOW WHO THE KILLER IS. Okay,Keenan etal go get her,swab the whole damn clan. The killer appears to be among'em!
I think Darnay has given Lin Wood his 2004 Christmas present. But I'd always wondered who wrote LHP's 'open letter to Patsy" in the tabs. Now I know it was Darnay's wife.
Maxi said:
My opinion of LHP just went down more than a few notches. Anyone, no matter how unsophisticated, should know that type of information should be kept private. I find it hard to believe Patsy would even share such feelings with her housekeeper. I don't have the impression she and LHP were close friends.

I don't doubt that LHP and Patsy became friends and while maybe not close the way we perceive close friends, I would think Patsy might feel more comfortable talking about sex with LHP than her "upper crust" friends due to the graphic nature of her questions.

But that doesn't excuse LHP from writing about it. That was low

There are conflicting reports as to who actually authored this book. Supposedly, Darnay's wife is the officially listed author although he denies this, but who actually did author this book? I hope the rest of the book reads better than the first chapter or LHP's credibility will be shot down even further than it has been after that first chapter. This chapter should be in one of those dime store sex novels

Darnay, what are you thinking???????????????????? Are you thinking??????
LHP's motive for revealing such things must have been to get back at Patsy and John for implicating her in JonBenet's murder...but imo, it backfired big time and made LHP look bad instead. It's obvious that LHP didn't actually write the chapter that Darnay so proudly sent FFJ, but she must have shared the info with the hack who actually did write it. It's nothing but tabloid trash. Anyway, LHP doesn't KNOW who the killer is any more than we do.

Well, off I go to toss a pot roast into the oven. Not.
Wow I was shocked at LPH's discription of Ptas and John's sex life ugh :silenced:

Socks :)
SisterSocks said:
Wow I was shocked at LPH's discription of Ptas and John's sex life ugh :silenced:

Socks :)

Personally I thought it was a much bigger "ugh" when she referenced her own sex life.
Has everyone forgot the initial interviews with LHP?
Patsy was concerned about her sex life,it seems she was surgically castrated,was
not medically able to take replacement hormones,therefore had no drive.
LHP made suggestions,it was not known at the time what they were,however it seems very clear now.
I believe at that time LHP was suggesting dirty movies as a cure-all to Patsy's sex-life.


I think Darnay may be using LHP as bait to reopen his Grand Jury secrecy case. Wasn't his win ultimately set aside?

Later, when appearing before the Boulder grand jury investigating the murder of JonBenet Ramsey, I spoke…

I told the grand jury that in my opinion…

I also told the grand jury…

By way of example, I told the grand jury that…

I told the grand jury that since…
I'm surprised none of you have commented about the literary style, (or more appropriately the lack thereof). Who wrote this garbage, a third grader? Anybody ever heard the expression "plot development"? What we should be reading is something like: 'My name is LHP - this is an introduction to who my family and I are - this is how we became involved in one of the greatest murder mysteries of all times - this is what happened to us because of it - and this is what I believe really happened based on what I know.'

Instead, we get the entire book in about four paragraphs so LHP can get her revenge for being thrown under the Ramsey bus. She wastes no time as she comes out blasting with both barrels while screaming "Patsy, you're a bum f*#k who murdered your own daughter!"

But honestly, isn't this "par for the course"? This entire case has been one stupid episode after another, driven by more incompetent buffoons then I ever expected to gather in one place. And after his prior performances, should we really have expected anything sensible from the likes of Darnay Hoffman?

After this, there should be NO DOUBT in anyone's mind that Darnay Hoffman is the moron's moron. And if his wife had anything to do with this, all that can be said is "birds of a feather..."

What happened to FFJ? When you go there, you get a page that states "you are not authorized" to view.

Have they gone down? Experiencing problems? I find it odd after they were the first to put LHP's first chapter on the web. Could it have anything to do with that? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Anyone know?


Just now saw your post. What literary style? There is none. As far as Darnay Hoffman, I can't help but wonder if he is being paid by the Ramseys behind the scenes and then they split the proceeds of various lawsuits. Yeah, it's gotten that bad
It was deliberately "dumbed" down,to fit the impression that most have of LHP.
I have no mouth to scream with..what the hellis that?
Her mouth has been open with garbage spewing since the day she realized she
could get about a nickle a word.
sissi said:
It was deliberately "dumbed" down,to fit the impression that most have of LHP.
I have no mouth to scream with..what the hellis that?
Her mouth has been open with garbage spewing since the day she realized she
could get about a nickle a word.

I don't think most people feel that LHP is "dumb". She may be uneducated but that does not by any means make a person "dumb". Due to her lack of education, I'm sure those around her are "helping" her to help them make a living. There are many "educated" people who are really dumb and many more uneducated people who are quite bright regardless of their writing or speaking skills. I think she is being used. Yes, she may be angry at Patsy and rightfully so, but I have to wonder who put that book together for/with her. They are the people who are giving her a bad rap. I am an "educated" person, but wouldn't have the slightest idea of how to put a book together and get it published, etc.

I think the "I have no mouth to scream with" is referring to the gag order placed on those who testified before the grand jury.

As far as spewing words for nickels, perhaps she was being coached to imitate Patsy, Lin, et al. After all, they make much more than a nickel a word. At least LHP deserves the compensation for all the mean remarks made about her and her family, not to mention the tire tracks from that bus rolling over her again and again, and let's not forget what some people will drag her daughter into on the world wide web. They are the shameful ones.

As far as spewing garbage, these are the things that the grand jury ASKED her about and these are the things that count in the grand scheme of things, so she actually is more knowledgeable about this case than most of us.

If you want to hear garbage spew, turn on any TV and listen to the likes of Lin Wood.
I find it hard to believe this isn't a hoax. There is nothing in this chapter (other than the details of the sex chats) that couldn't have been learned from various media reports. The author seems to try to touch on each point as if it gives him/her some authenticity. Where would someone find a publisher for this drivel?
Maxi said:
I find it hard to believe this isn't a hoax. There is nothing in this chapter (other than the details of the sex chats) that couldn't have been learned from various media reports. The author seems to try to touch on each point as if it gives him/her some authenticity. Where would someone find a publisher for this drivel?

Does anyone know if it has actually been published? Perhaps this was thrown out to see the public's response and then depending on that, decisions to change the content, etc. will be made as well as whether or not it actually gets published.

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