Lies point us to the truth

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Rain on my Parade

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Sep 27, 2019
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Starting at the beginning ...
Susan Stine
Where was DS? He wasn’t mentioned as saying goodbye.

Interviewer: Boulder Police
Interviewee: John Ramsey
Date of Interview: April 30, 1997
Interviewed At: Boulder District Attorney’s Office
Case: Hasson/Ramsey
Case No: 96-423
JR: Uh, it was probably 8:30 p.m., quarter to nine when we left as I recall. And uh, we had gift baskets for the Walkers, for the Stines, for the Franks, and we left the White’s and we took a basket to the Walkers; as I recall Patsy went in and I stayed in the car; we drove to the Stines and did the same thing, uh, and debated on whether to go to the Franks or not, but it was getting late and that was a ways away, so we decided to go home. So we probably got home about nineish, nine-fifteen I think, drove in the back through the alley into the garage. Uh JonBenet had fallen fast to sleep. Uh, I carried her inside and took her upstairs and put her in bed, put her on her bed. Uh Patsy came up behind me, and then I went down to get Burke ready for bed, he was down in the living room, working on a toy he got putting it together, and tried to get him to go to bed because we had to get up early the next morning, but he wanted to get this toy put together, so I worked with him on that for 10 15 minutes probably; and then I took him up to bed and got his pajamas on, probably brushed his teeth, and then I went up stairs from there and got ready for bed. I read her a little bit. The lights went out around ten-thirtyish or ten-forty.

1997 April 30 - Taped Interrogation interview of Patsy Ramsey by Steve Thomas and Tom Trujillo in Colorado
NE Book Page 47:
Tom Trujillo: "Okay. Got home about 8:30, 9:00. What's the first thing you guys do when you got home that night? Actually, let me step back. Befofe you got home, you went over to.."
Patsy Ramsey: "Walkers and dropped off a little gift... and Stines and dropped off a little gift and drove home and JonBenet was asleep. She had fallen asleep in the car."
Tom Trujillo: "Did you have to wake her up to get her inside or..?"
Patsy Ramsey: "Well, she was just really zonked and John carried her up to her room... and, I, uh, you know, ran up behind him and, or in front of him, I can't remember. Maybe, or it might have been in front of him to turn the bed down. And he laid her down and I got her undressed and put her, I left her shirt on her and, uh, went to the bathroom and tried to find some pajama pants and all I could find was some, like long underwear pants... and put those on."
PR original statement to the police Dec.26th, 1996:
When Officer French arrived at the Ramsey home early that morning, Patsy told him that Jonbenet had gone to bed wearing a red turtleneck. When Jonbenet was found she was wearing a white Gap shirt (the same shirt she had been wearing the previous day).

Based on Schiller and Thomas’s summaries (see below) we can piece together these aspects of Burke’s account of that evening:

  • Jonbenet fell asleep in the car on the way home, but woke up to help carry presents into the house of a friend (the Stines).

  • When they got home, Jonbenet was still awake. She walked in slowly and went up the spiral stairs to bed, just ahead of Patsy.

  • Burke remained downstairs and played with a toy with John. He and John talked about how it was time for bed.

  • He didn't remember when he went to bed.

Was JB asleep? If so, when did she awake to eat the fruit cocktail?
Starting at the beginning ...
Susan Stine
Where was DS? He wasn’t mentioned as saying goodbye.

Interviewer: Boulder Police
Interviewee: John Ramsey
Date of Interview: April 30, 1997
Interviewed At: Boulder District Attorney’s Office
Case: Hasson/Ramsey
Case No: 96-423
JR: Uh, it was probably 8:30 p.m., quarter to nine when we left as I recall. And uh, we had gift baskets for the Walkers, for the Stines, for the Franks, and we left the White’s and we took a basket to the Walkers; as I recall Patsy went in and I stayed in the car; we drove to the Stines and did the same thing, uh, and debated on whether to go to the Franks or not, but it was getting late and that was a ways away, so we decided to go home. So we probably got home about nineish, nine-fifteen I think, drove in the back through the alley into the garage. Uh JonBenet had fallen fast to sleep. Uh, I carried her inside and took her upstairs and put her in bed, put her on her bed. Uh Patsy came up behind me, and then I went down to get Burke ready for bed, he was down in the living room, working on a toy he got putting it together, and tried to get him to go to bed because we had to get up early the next morning, but he wanted to get this toy put together, so I worked with him on that for 10 15 minutes probably; and then I took him up to bed and got his pajamas on, probably brushed his teeth, and then I went up stairs from there and got ready for bed. I read her a little bit. The lights went out around ten-thirtyish or ten-forty.

1997 April 30 - Taped Interrogation interview of Patsy Ramsey by Steve Thomas and Tom Trujillo in Colorado
NE Book Page 47:
Tom Trujillo: "Okay. Got home about 8:30, 9:00. What's the first thing you guys do when you got home that night? Actually, let me step back. Befofe you got home, you went over to.."
Patsy Ramsey: "Walkers and dropped off a little gift... and Stines and dropped off a little gift and drove home and JonBenet was asleep. She had fallen asleep in the car."
Tom Trujillo: "Did you have to wake her up to get her inside or..?"
Patsy Ramsey: "Well, she was just really zonked and John carried her up to her room... and, I, uh, you know, ran up behind him and, or in front of him, I can't remember. Maybe, or it might have been in front of him to turn the bed down. And he laid her down and I got her undressed and put her, I left her shirt on her and, uh, went to the bathroom and tried to find some pajama pants and all I could find was some, like long underwear pants... and put those on."
PR original statement to the police Dec.26th, 1996:
When Officer French arrived at the Ramsey home early that morning, Patsy told him that Jonbenet had gone to bed wearing a red turtleneck. When Jonbenet was found she was wearing a white Gap shirt (the same shirt she had been wearing the previous day).

Based on Schiller and Thomas’s summaries (see below) we can piece together these aspects of Burke’s account of that evening:

  • Jonbenet fell asleep in the car on the way home, but woke up to help carry presents into the house of a friend (the Stines).

  • When they got home, Jonbenet was still awake. She walked in slowly and went up the spiral stairs to bed, just ahead of Patsy.

  • Burke remained downstairs and played with a toy with John. He and John talked about how it was time for bed.

  • He didn't remember when he went to bed.

Was JB asleep? If so, when did she awake to eat the fruit cocktail?

ST Page 228

"By examining the condition of the pineapple in the stomach and the rate of digestion, Spitz put the time of death "about or before 1 A.M."

ST Page 304

"The critical pineapple evidence was discussed by another detective. "The $118,000 question is this: When and where was that fresh pineapple consumed?" he asked. There were three theories-that she ate it before leaving the house at 5 P.M., at the Whites', or after she returned home.

If the fruit was consumed before she left for the Whites' party, then given the rate of digestion that obviously stopped with her death, the evidence would indicate that she was probably killed shortly after she arrived home. This would have been the very outside edge of the time

ST Page 305

frame for the time of death. An intruder would have been incredibly bold to do it this way as the rest of the family prepared for bed. We knew pineapple was not served at the Whites' party, which ruled out the second option.

That would indicate that she ate it between the time she returned home about 10 P.M. and the time she died. But if that were the case, then she wasn't carried straight to bed, asleep, as her parents claimed. She ate the pineapple, it was digested, and then she was killed. This was the only way the evidence made sense.


ST Page 304

"The critical pineapple evidence was discussed by another detective. "The $118,000 question is this: When and where was that fresh pineapple consumed?" he asked. There were three theories-that she ate it before leaving the house at 5 P.M., at the Whites', or after she returned home.

If the fruit was consumed before she left for the Whites' party, then given the rate of digestion that obviously stopped with her death, the evidence would indicate that she was probably killed shortly after she arrived home. This would have been the very outside edge of the time

ST Page 305

frame for the time of death. An intruder would have been incredibly bold to do it this way as the rest of the family prepared for bed. We knew pineapple was not served at the Whites' party, which ruled out the second option.

That would indicate that she ate it between the time she returned home about 10 P.M. and the time she died. But if that were the case, then she wasn't carried straight to bed, asleep, as her parents claimed. She ate the pineapple, it was digested, and then she was killed. This was the only way the evidence made sense.

ST Page 304

"The critical pineapple evidence was discussed by another detective. "The $118,000 question is this: When and where was that fresh pineapple consumed?" he asked. There were three theories-that she ate it before leaving the house at 5 P.M., at the Whites', or after she returned home.

If the fruit was consumed before she left for the Whites' party, then given the rate of digestion that obviously stopped with her death, the evidence would indicate that she was probably killed shortly after she arrived home. This would have been the very outside edge of the time

ST Page 305

frame for the time of death. An intruder would have been incredibly bold to do it this way as the rest of the family prepared for bed. We knew pineapple was not served at the Whites' party, which ruled out the second option.

That would indicate that she ate it between the time she returned home about 10 P.M. and the time she died. But if that were the case, then she wasn't carried straight to bed, asleep, as her parents claimed. She ate the pineapple, it was digested, and then she was killed. This was the only way the evidence made sense.

So, I will conclude that JB was awake and consumed pineapple and fruit soon after she arrived home.
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Burke went to sleep and never woke up:
It has been pointed out by the mother of BR’s friend that both boys were early risers and she found it odd that BR was supposedly still sleeping at the time everything went down/people started trampling into the house. It’s suspicious to me PR nor Jr didn’t wake BR at 5:45 a.m. frantic and pressing him for anything he might have heard or saw. Then allowed him to sleep till 7am, asked him no questions, didn’t want police to question him, and then after insisting to all that “no no BR knows nothing he slept through everything.” This is the most ridiculous aspect of the R’s entire story from that morning. The first thing any parent would do in that situation is wake BR and say "Have you seen JB? Did you hear anything last night?" Even the R’s realized this was a weak point in their story, and they stumbled over it in the years afterwards. For three years they said "BR was asleep until 7:00", then they realized his 1998 police interviews had been leaked to the National Enquirer, so they suddenly announced "we thought he was asleep but he really wasn't".
And let’s not forget the 911 recording after PR thought she had hung up the phone:
Ok, according to the CBS special, the conversation goes:
911 Operator- Patsy? Patsy?
John- We're not speaking to you.
Patsy- What did you do?! Help me Jesus!
Burke- What did you find?
I want to point out that other people hear, instead of "what did you do?!" different versions of "How could you do this? Go to your room!". The "Help me Jesus" line never sat right with me, the inflection just doesn't sound right, so I definitely hear something more along the lines of "go to your room". Another interpretation I've heard is "how could you?" which also makes sense to me.
The main thing I'd like to point to and talk about is the inflection on Burke's question, "What DID you find?" Listening to the enhanced audio, it's pretty easy to hear that he stresses the word "did." By stressing the word "did," Burke's implied sentence becomes, "If you didn't find X, what did you find?" So what is he talking about? What is the X in that equation? An intruder? JonBenet herself? The murder weapon?
I agree absolutely, every single parent would wake up a sibling right away ( no matter what time at night) to ask all kind of question. The Ramsey knew exactly what happened and did not need Burke's help...
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I agree absolutely, every single parent would wake up a sibling right away ( no matter what time at night) to ask all kind of question. The Ramsey knew exactly what happened and did not need Burke's help...

I 100% agree also. As a mother to 4 children, waking up a sibling (or siblings) would be the first thing I/parents would do out of sheer panic. You'd press the siblings for any little bit of info possible. When a child is missing, not necessarily 'kidnapped', your main priority is to find them ASAP no matter what it takes.

Does anyone know if the R's had an explanation as to why they didn't wake Burke up to ask him if he heard anything? LE didn't find it suspicious at all? I can't remember reading much about it but I'm sorry if it's already been discussed.
I don't understand the bizarre coverup, with the crazy "foreign faction" letter.

If there was an accident, PR, JR, BR, whoever...just make up a normal story, JBR fell down the stairs. Whatever. It was the overly elaborate lie that made every thing so escalated.
I don't understand the bizarre coverup, with the crazy "foreign faction" letter.

If there was an accident, PR, JR, BR, whoever...just make up a normal story, JBR fell down the stairs. Whatever. It was the overly elaborate lie that made every thing so escalated.
I believe the indictment would explain the bizarre coverup.
I 100% agree also. As a mother to 4 children, waking up a sibling (or siblings) would be the first thing I/parents would do out of sheer panic. You'd press the siblings for any little bit of info possible. When a child is missing, not necessarily 'kidnapped', your main priority is to find them ASAP no matter what it takes.

Does anyone know if the R's had an explanation as to why they didn't wake Burke up to ask him if he heard anything? LE didn't find it suspicious at all? I can't remember reading much about it but I'm sorry if it's already been discussed.
He was awake. BR 1998 interview:
Burke on the morning of December 26th
DS: Do you remember waking up that next morning, you know, ready to go to Charlevoix?
BR: Um, I just remember my mom rushing in my room, flipping the lights on, looking around and rushing out [laugh]
DS: Okay, was mom upset?
BR: Yeah
DS: Had you ever seen mom like that before?
BR: No.
DS: Did it scare you?BR: Yeah.
DS: What did you do then?
BR: I just like laid in bed with my eyes open like, you know, sort of, thinking of what might have happened.
DS: Uh-huh. Did you hear mom and dad talking?
BR: I just heard mom like going psycho.
DS: Going psycho?
BR: Yeah. All like you know --
DS: (interrupting) Did you go down to see what was going on?
BR: No, just stayed in bed.
DS: Boy that must have been scary for you. That must have been real scary. What did you think?
BR: What just happened?
DS: And you didn't know?
BR: I didn't know, I just laid in bed freaked out.
DS: Why did it make you feel scared, when mom came rushing in there?
BR: I felt like something bad had happened. …
DS: Mom sounded really upset? She looked upset, what did she look like?
BR: When she was rushing in and rushing out, I was really worried.
DS: Was she breathing heavy?
BR: Yeah. She just looked upset.
DS: Was she talking loud or soft?
BR: Sort of like - oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh.
DS: How would you describe psycho?
BR: Like, like overreacting, cause I heard her downstairs, like oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, you know, so my dad was like okay, calm down. She was just like overreacting.
DS: So you could hear mom and dad talk downstairs. Did mom and dad ever say anything to you? Did you wonder what was going on and go down there and -
BR: My dad came up and got me and told me what happened.
DS: Now was this before the police came, do you think?
BR: I think they had called the police.
DS: Do you -
BR: It was after.
DS: Do you remember hearing your mom on the phone?
BR: No I don't think I could hear, cause I could just barely hear my parents downstairs from my room.
DS: Okay, how was dad sounding?
BR: He was sounding like, yeah, he wasn't going to like freak out. He was just gonna do what needed to be done. Like -
DS: So he was trying to be calm.
BR: Calm-ER, he was trying to be calm.
DS: Did you ever see mom like this before?
BR: No.
DS: Did it scare you?
BR: Yeah.
DS: I bet it did. What was going through your mind at the time?
BR: I was trying to think of what might have happened. So I thought maybe I'm wrong, or maybe my dad's wallet or something credit cards. But then I thought it was a little overreacting for something getting stolen.
DS: So you thought it was something more than -
BR: Something more than a possession.
DS: So what went through your mind then?
BR: Then I thought maybe JonBenet was missing, but that's not that likely, I mean- what are the chances of that happening?
DS: Who is the next person you saw?
BR: The policeman going into my room. No. It was either my dad coming in and turning off the lights, or a policeman coming into my room looking around... um. Wait, wait. It was my dad coming into my room and turning off the lights. And then there was the policeman coming in and looking around with a flashlight.
DS: Could you hear them talking?
BR: I just remember a small part when they were downstairs and my mom went downstairs, my mom was really nervous and my dad was trying to calm her down. And my parents called the police.
DS: Did you see that?
BR: No I just heard it downstairs.
DS: Did you ever peek downstairs to see what was going on?
BR: No.
DS: Did you ever leave your room...
BR: No.
DS: ...even for a little bit, just to see what was happening?
BR: No.
DS: (Pause) Why not?
BR: Cause I was so scared. Until my dad like came and tells me what to do. I'll just stay here.
DS: But you remember seeing your mom, do you remember seeing her rushing around downstairs?
BR: No.
DS: Okay. I interrupted you when you were saying what you had heard. And you were talking about your dad telling your mom to call the police or something?
BR: He was like okay, calm down, like we can call the police; let's call the police.
DS: You could hear that quite clearly from your room?
BR: Pretty clearly. In the distance.
DS: Do you know where they were in the house at that time when they were saying that?
BR: It sounded like around the kitchen.
DS: Why was that?
BR: Cause it was kind of coming from down the wooden stairs, the spiral stairs. That's where the kitchen is. I mean kinda where the kitchen is.
DS: What's the first time you can actually remember?
BR: When my dad came in, that I remember, knowing for sure what the problem was. And guessing previous to that.
DS: And what were some of your guesses?
BR: That something valuable had gotten stolen. Um, that JonBenet was kidnapped was one of my guesses.
DS: Really? Why did you guess that?
BR: Because I heard mom say ‘where's my baby?’
BR: I was kind of wondering if something bad happened -- Well, something bad happened, but what? I was trying to think of what … might have happened.
DS: So you were curious.
BR: Yeah.
DS: When you’re curious about something, what do you normally do?
BR: Try to -- find out -- what the answer is?
DS: Did you do that after mom came into the room?
BR: No, I figured somebody would probably come in and tell me. Or I would find out later in the day.
I don't understand the bizarre coverup, with the crazy "foreign faction" letter.

If there was an accident, PR, JR, BR, whoever...just make up a normal story, JBR fell down the stairs. Whatever. It was the overly elaborate lie that made every thing so escalated.

IMO they did the elaborate cover up to try to explain the sexual abuse of JBR.

Lets just for arguments sake say that they took her into ER and said she accidentally fell down the stairs. That would account for the head injury; but it wouldn't account for the obvious sexual abuse of JBR. (this also totally disregards the neck injuries)

So their cover up did work. Because the investigation of who murdered her took precedence over who sexually abused her. It muddied up all the waters just like R's wanted it to.

Also the "kidnapping ransom note" seems ridiculous. But look how much time it bought them. Almost 6 extra hours that they had their friends trampling all over evidence and cleaning the house. LE never caught on until JR "found" the body.

Lets face it; the plan worked. As ridiculous as it sounds reading it--it worked. So many things were done wrong by LE in that first 24 hours (and the next 6 months) and there was no coming back from it. Which again proves that many times LE treat rich people differently than middle class or poor people.
IMO they did the elaborate cover up to try to explain the sexual abuse of JBR.

Lets just for arguments sake say that they took her into ER and said she accidentally fell down the stairs. That would account for the head injury; but it wouldn't account for the obvious sexual abuse of JBR. (this also totally disregards the neck injuries)

So their cover up did work. Because the investigation of who murdered her took precedence over who sexually abused her. It muddied up all the waters just like R's wanted it to.

Also the "kidnapping ransom note" seems ridiculous. But look how much time it bought them. Almost 6 extra hours that they had their friends trampling all over evidence and cleaning the house. LE never caught on until JR "found" the body.

Lets face it; the plan worked. As ridiculous as it sounds reading it--it worked. So many things were done wrong by LE in that first 24 hours (and the next 6 months) and there was no coming back from it. Which again proves that many times LE treat rich people differently than middle class or poor people.

That sounds good but we have no idea what happened and when except the head blow came first. JB apparently wasn’t even looking at the offender when they struck her.

Had they stated she simply feel down the stairs there
would have been more contusions all over her body.

I believe IMOO that what came next was trying to wake her. Perhaps BR jabbed her w/his train tracks. Perhaps PR grabbed her by her collar and twisted it (or maybe that came first). Who knows? Somebody really lost their #*%# that night and the result was JB death.

Yes, she had prior sexual trauma (I call that abuse)! Yes, they would need to cover that up and they succeeded. I’m just saying that we have no idea what took place that night except a murder and the coverup by the R’s of their child/sister. Their reasoning (for whatever reason) is tragic! This is a terrible injustice and absolute proof our judicial system is broken!
Why the story about JB being asleep when they arrived home? Why say JB was zonked out and JR carried her up the stairs. Okay let’s assume he did that. First, there is the spiral staircase. I used to work at a building that had a spiral staircase in the back of the building and regular stairs in the front. I can tell you there is no way anyone could carry a child (unless they are an infant wrapped in a papoose) up those stairs and feel secure in doing so! I used those stairs numerous times a day. Given this, then we must picture that JR carried JB from one length of the house to the front staircase and then back towards the back of the house to place JB in her bed. That is along way to travel. Although, this isn’t the account they gave us. But let’s take it that he did. Why did BR’s recollection of that memory contradict his parents story; that JB walked up the spiral staircase with PR following behind her.
I wanted to start where the R’s story goes askew.
The Stine’s:
Let’s jump back to The 23rd of December. The Stine’s along with Doug were at the R’s Christmas party. DS was present at Christmas party.
Interesting that Susan Stine was the one that answered to the police through the intercom when the police came to the 911 hang-up call during the party on the 23rd. They are the same people who "housed and protected" John, Patsy and their son during the long four months while they got their lives back together.....and then she and her husband and son (DS) followed them to Atlanta after quitting their jobs only to have the job John promised her husband fall through. Anyone else would be upset; yet the loyalties run so deep that they continue to defend them including having Susan impersonate the CHIEF of POLICE! Interesting, no?

After the Whites party:
Did JB go to the Stine’s door. JR doesn’t remember.

The bonito papers: While driving home, Patsy stopped at the houses of friends to drop off gifts a gift basket for Susan Stine and perfume for Roxanna Walker. Burke accompanied her to the door of the Stine's residence, but John and JonBenet remained in the car as JonBenet had fallen asleep. Patsy also had brought along a gift basket for John and Barbara Fernie, but because it was getting late and JonBenet was already asleep, Patsy decided to deliver this last gift some other time. The family arrived home at 9:00 p.m.

We could say perhaps JB was initially chocked and hit on the head @ the Stine’s. Except for one small detail the pineapple and fruit cocktail that JB consumed. . What difference does it make whether JB arrived home from the White’s Christmas party asleep or awake? I can only come up with one logical explanation: RN/kidnapping scenario.

Then that will lead me to Christmas morning and BR bike and DS ... to be continued
Thanks! and waiting for more.
When did SS impersonate the Chief of Police?
2003-06-04: BPD Press Release: Unlawful e-mails sent under Chief Beckner's name

Wednesday, June 4, 2003
Contact: Mark Beckner, Police, (303) 441-4370
Jodie Carroll, Media Relations, (303) 441-3155
City Web site:

Unlawful e-mails sent under Chief Beckner's name

The Boulder Police Department recently became aware that someone was unlawfully sending e-mails using the name of Chief Beckner. On April 25, 2003, Rocky Mountain News columnist Charlie Brennan received an e-mail titled as being from "Chief Beckner" complementing Mr. Brennan for a recent column he had written on the JonBenet Ramsey case. According to embedded information within the message, the e-mail was sent from a MSN Hotmail account, The e-mail was then signed off with "Regards, Mark." Please see below message text:

From: Chief Beckner []
Sent: Friday, April 25, 2003 1:16 PM
Subject: Great articles!


Just want you to know I thought those two articles you wrote today were excellent. You got everything right, as you always do.

Thanks for all your support. Eventually, we'll be proven right.


Being skeptical of the message's authenticity, Mr. Brennan telephoned Chief Beckner to ask him about the message. Chief Beckner confirmed that he did not send the message. The Chief was alarmed that someone was apparently using his title and name without authorization to communicate about the JonBenet Ramsey case with members of the media.

Search warrants were obtained and executed for MSN Hotmail in California. According to MSN Hotmail, the account was established in 2000. The account creator provided information stating that the owner was "Chief Beckner" from "Boulder, Colorado," and furthermore, provided an accurate birth year for the Chief.

Further investigation led police to the Internet Protocol (IP) numbers from where the suspect had been accessing the account. Since early March 2003, all access to the account were from a single Netcom (now owned by Earthlink) dial-up account.

A search warrant was obtained and executed for Earthlink in Georgia. According to Earthlink's records, the account holder that has been accessing the e-mail account is Susan B. Stine, 5760 Long Grove Drive, Atlanta, Georgia. Susan Stine is known as a close friend of John and Patsy Ramsey and has been interviewed as a witness in reference to the Ramsey investigation.

The search warrants also yielded other messages that had been received by the account. A number of these messages indicate that the user had been attempting to convince others that he/she was Chief Mark Beckner. Others appeared to be nonsensical. Please note that investigators were able to confirm that the messages to and from Rocky Mountain News reporter Charlie Brennan and Rita Johnson were received/sent by those individuals. The other messages were not confirmed as received or sent by those parties.

At the request of the Boulder Police Department, members of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) went to Ms. Stine's residence in an attempt to interview her on June 3, 2003. However, she refused to talk with the GBI agent.

Chief Mark Beckner is alarmed by the discovery that his name and position as Boulder Police Chief has been used in an effort to communicate with others. "Given the history of the Ramsey case and the concerns we have had with information being distributed to the public, often times inaccurate information, this discovery is disturbing," stated Chief Beckner. "I want the media and public to know that if they have received communications from this e-mail address purporting to be me, that it is bogus. My official e-mail address is public and is"

Under Colorado law, Criminal Impersonation is a class 6 felony and Impersonating a Police Officer is a Class I Misdemeanor.

The Boulder Police Department and the Boulder County District Attorney's Office have agreed to issue a letter to Susan Stine advising her of the unlawful conduct and that the use of Chief Beckner's name in such a manner must cease immediately. The account has been frozen by MSN Hotmail.

The Boulder Police Department would like anyone receiving e-mail messages from any reported member of the Boulder Police Department to know that official e-mail addresses use the members last name and first initial followed by If you are not sure that a message is legitimate, please call the department member to confirm that they did in fact send the message. "We are concerned that there could be other messages out there reportedly from either me or other department members that are fake in an attempt to either receive information or communicate false information," stated Beckner.

On June 3, 2003, Chief Beckner did receive an e-mail from Susan Stine in which she apologized for using the hotmail account, describing it as a sophomoric prank and apologizing for any distress she may have caused.
A small foreign faction group member living in the Stine’s home 1996, drove DS, BR and JB to school and sometimes watched them. Would make sense this is where this idea came from to insert in the RN:

The Boulder Police Department failed to investigate, nor did they even know about, a Ramsey family friend who belonged to a suspicious foreign-oriented organization. The friend regularly provided care for JonBenet Ramsey, the six-year-old pageant beauty queen murdered on Christmas night of 1996 in Boulder, Colorado.

The perpetrators of the brutal rape, murder, and possible torture of JonBenet had left a three-page ransom note in the Ramsey house in which they identified themselves as representing a "small foreign faction". The murder has gone unsolved, with no viable suspects.

However, it has been learned that Colorado University student Nathan Inouye, who was a member of what would be considered a "small foreign faction", regularly baby-sat and drove JonBenet to school in 1996. Inouye belonged to the 29-member Asian Pacific American Coalition, called APAC, at Colorado University in Boulder.

APAC at Colorado was a liberal pro-active group of students who suspiciously disbanded their campus organization just weeks after JonBenet was murdered. APAC's stated goals were to advance the social and political well-being of Asian Americans. However, among the organization's concerns was its perception that violence and other serious crimes, including rape and murder, against Asian-American women were going unsolved and unpunished in the U.S.

For example, in reporting its list of activities and accomplishments to the University for the year of 1996, it wrote "Later that year APAC held a day of rememberance for Thingh Minh Lyh, a Vietnamese student in California who was a victim of racial violence. APAC members wore and passed out gray ribbons, and passed out flyers which described the incident."

Nathan Inouye, who in 1996 lived at the home of Glen and Susan Stine, had been hired by the Stines to provide care for their son Doug while the parents worked. The Stines, who were close friends of the Ramseys, were employed at Colorado University -- Glen as vice president, and Susan as a director. Their son Doug and Burke Ramsey, JonBenet's older brother, were also best friends. The Stines and the Ramseys lived five blocks apart in the upscale neighborhood and both houses were within walking distance of the University.

Inouye regularly helped baby-sit the Ramsey children, especially when the parents were out of town. He also regularly drove nine-year-old Doug, nine-year-old Burke, and six-year-old JonBenet to school as part of a carpool which included taking turns driving among the two mothers and himself.

Nevertheless, and despite what it called a thorough investigation of possible suspects not living in the Ramsey's house following the 1996 murder of JonBenet, the Boulder police, at least as of the year 2000, had apparently never even heard of Nathan Inouye nor the Asian Pacific American Coalition. These allegations are substantiated by the questions and responses between the Ramseys and a team of law enforcement investigators sent from Colorado to Georgia to interview the Ramseys in Atlanta in August of 2000. The Ramseys had moved to Atlanta in 1997.

In the offices of Ramsey attorney Lin Wood on August 28 and 29, the following discussion occurred with Patsy Ramsey:

DETECTIVE JANE HARMER (asking about the name "Nathan" mentioned in the Ramseys book "Death of Innocence"): "You mention a kid by the name of Nathan that was living with the Stines. Was he living with them prior to December of '96?"

PATSY RAMSEY: "Yes, he was."

DETECTIVE HARMER: "And at any time did he look after Burke or JonBenet?"

PATSY RAMSEY: "He would, on occasion, take them to school in the morning."

DETECTIVE HARMER: "Do you know anything more about him, his last name?"

PATSY RAMSEY: "Inouye, Nathan Inouye."

DETECTIVE HARMER: "Do you know how to spell that?"

PATSY RAMSEY: "I-N-O-U -- maybe Y-E or E."

DETECTIVE HARMER: "Is he a white male?"

PATSY RAMSEY: "He is an American, but of Japanese descent, I believe."

DETECTIVE HARMER: "How old is he?"

PATSY RAMSEY: "He has graduated now and is doing missionary work, I think. Susan would know exactly where he is, but at that time he was a college junior or senior."

ATTORNEY BRUCE LEVIN: "Mr. Wood, can you facilitate getting the information to us so we can contact him?"

ATTORNEY LIN WOOD: "I think we said yesterday, if you all make a hit list for me, so to speak, point by point what you want me to do, and we will do it."


John Ramsey's interview on August 29 immediately followed Patsy Ramsey's interview:

ATTORNEY BRUCE LEVIN: "Mr. Ramsey, your wife told us that there was a college student that was staying with the Stines, I believe, named Nathan Inouye?"

ATTORNEY LIN WOOD: "It was a reference in the book."

ATTORNEY BRUCE LEVIN: "Okay. Had you, prior to the murder of your daughter, had you any contact with him?"

JOHN RAMSEY: "Yeah. We would see him at their house. He would drive the kids to school occasionally in a carpool. Patsy would take them, sometimes Susan would, or Nathan would take them."

ATTORNEY BRUCE LEVIN: "Was there anything unusual about his conduct -- and I am asking for your contemporaneous impression, and then I'm going to ask you about the post-murder impression. Your contemporaneous impression of Mr. Inouye I assume was favorable if you let him drive your kids to school?"

JOHN RAMSEY: "Yes. He was a very, very kind, nice person."

ATTORNEY BRUCE LEVIN: "Keeping in mind you told us that you are suspicious of everyone, is there anything in particular about Mr. Inouye, using the power of hindsight, that causes you today to be particularly suspicious of him?"

JOHN RAMSEY: "Nothing specifically in terms of his actions or what he said. Have I eliminated him? No, I haven't. I thought about that from time to time, but I don't consider him of strong, strong interest."

When Patsy Ramsey, during her interview, mentioned that Nathan Inouye had graduated and is doing "missionary work", he was actually serving as an "environmental promoter" in Kingston, Jamaica as a member of the Peace Corps. After serving in the Peace Corps from 1999 to 2001, Inouye completed graduate work at UCLA in 2003 to get a secondary science teaching certificate and a masters in education. Inouye is now teaching science at a high school in California, his home state.


I said I would post more on the bicycle Christmas morning.
I’d like to point out here that the bike we see in the photo is green.

JB would have wanted a pink or purple bike; not a green one.
So, was this actually BR bicycle and if so where did it go? The brakes on the handle bars seem more like a bike for 9/10 year old then for a 6 year old to ride. What happened to this bike? Does this account for the bicycle tracks in the snow as some attest to?
Interesting indeed.

It always leads back to the bikes lol. I’ve spent so much time in the Ramsey bicycle situation rabbit hole that I could tell you what brand and model every bicycle in that house was. But still, where are all the freakin’ bikes? 400 plus crime scene photos and not a bike makes an appearance in any of them. For 20 years the Ramseys hid that Burke got a bike for Christmas that year. They never talked about it and left it out of all narratives. When asked about Christmas gifts in their interviews they always say JBR got a new bike for Christmas and never mention that Burke did, always mentioning his Nintendo and such.

For some reason after 20 years in September of 2016, when Paula Woodward’s book came out and on Dr. Phil, all of a sudden John says Burke got a bike, even though when he summarizes events in his previous books(DOI-TOSOS) he never mentions Burke getting a bike. Then on on Dr. P, Burke says we both got bikes. The bikes do seem to play a role in what happened that day/night. It seems John is always trying to account for a missing bike.

While in my rabbit hole I talked to Julie Poppen a little over a year ago. After a few emails, I asked her what her source was for Patsy buying two bikes at University bicycles before Christmas that year. She said she wishes not to answer.....typical.

Btw, Burke did get a bicycle that year. You have to ask yourself why for 20 years did the parents hide this?

Yes, why did they hide this?
Cottonstar, I sincerely hope you don’t mind be quoting you here but you have some seriously valid posts:
Au contraire. JR has the most to lose. BR, essentially, and at the least, legally, has nothing to lose from the truth coming out. If BR admits it or it’s somehow ever proven he did it, oh well. The law can’t touch him, he can claim it was an accident, and he doesn’t suffer to much fall-out. On the other hand, JR has everything to lose. 21 plus years of lies and deception to everyone. His reputation, his legacy, his wife. All gone. But, to him most importantly, his money is all gone, and with that will be the hundreds of legal cases that will follow. All of the money he stole from the tabloids, and all of the defamation lawsuits against Thomas, Wolff, CBS, Time Warner, and a slew of others would bury him. He would be asked to pay all that money back. All of this an I still haven’t mentioned the law coming after him for his role in the cover-up.

So, as you can see protecting the LIE is more important than protecting the TRUTH.

Back to the break-in situation. Back in April 2001, JR was mired in a defamation lawsuit and was the defendant against Chris Wolf. JR was nervous, for if he loses this case, he has to pay millions to Wolf, but also Wolf would have been able to prove Patsy wrote the note, and then it would have all crumbled down.

So, on the day of the Atlanta “break-in”, Lin Wood was on national television in the morning, on the TODAY show trying to drum up support for his client, going on about how the GJ voted to not indict them, blah, blah, blah. So, guess what? That same morning, breaking news!, someone broke into the Ramsey basement in Atlanta! Wow!. The kicker was, Chris Wolf was supposed to appear on Larry King Live that same night to tell his side of the story, and show Cina Wong’s devastating ransom note to Patsy writings comparisons. Well, JR’s break-in stunt cancelled Wolf’s appearance on LKL, and guess what aired instead? Yup! News of the Ramsey break-in, in Atlanta.

JR wasn’t protecting the truth when he staged the Atlanta break-in, he was desperate to protect his money, and the lie.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Yes, the lies ....
Ransom note
What type of kidnapper goes to a home to kidnap a child not only fails to kidnap, but leaves a ransom note and fails to call the next morning as detailed in the RN as directive?

What type of kidnapper goes to kidnap and does not already have a note written but instead uses the families notepad and bothers to put the sharpie & pad back in their rightful place?

What kind of kidnapper only asks for the exact amount of JR Christmas bonus that year; a measly $118,000.00? He was a millionaire. Who was privy to such personal information?

What type of kidnapper knows to leave the note on the back steps of the spiral staircase (inner workings of R home per JAR)? Yet somehow the RN finds its way onto the floor in the back hallway without any fingerprints and as reported: JR leaning over it to read it in his underwear.

What type of kidnapper is knowledgeable about small foreign factions? Nathan Inouye. APAC ~ SBTC ~ Victory?

There was an adequate size Attaché sitting below the wet bar where JR note pad was retrieved. Thinking ... did the writer see this and think yes; let’s put that into the note? Like the brown paper bag found under JAR bed = fibers found in JB bed. Let’s link everything together.
نتيجة بحث Google عن الصور حول
I haven’t found the original photo 17.7 but am looking for it. There was a scarf on that wet bar as well. JR personal item to JB was a scarf, why? He said the scarf found on the wet bar was a gift from Beth. PR gave out scarves as gifts to the gentleman friends and family (December 23 party). What is the significance here?
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