Live MSM coverage on Baby Lisa 18 October 2011

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...And babies CHANGE so much in those first 12 months, their little faces mature, get more hair, etc.

Does anyone have an insight as to what this says about her parents? I mean are they showing her baby pictures because this is how they want to remember her? Could something have happened in recent months where pictures were not taken as often?

Your post sparked a thought . . . I have worked with many mothers who truly enjoy being pregnant when their children are infants. When their child(ren) grow and begin to individuate, not needing their mother's constant attention . . . the Mother distances themselves from the child. Eventually and essentially neglecting their toddler's needs while the Mother begins feeling a stong urge to get pregnant again. I have seen many Mother's who love having infants but loathe having toddlers. Just speculating on whether this might be a factor in this case.
Just watched more of Megyn Kelly's interview on Fox around 1:00. My immediate reaction is that the mother acts very arrogant and has a smart-alec attitude. Dad seems zoned out and totally disengaged from anything going on. Both are completely inappropriate behaviors for this type of case, IMO. I know there's no 'right way' to behave, but when your child has been missing for two weeks, behaving in a disrespectful and arrogant manner isn't right.

Mom's answers seem rehearsed and planned-out, she answers very quickly and has a surly tone. Dad never makes eye-contact with anyone, ever.

Well at least she stopped crying all the time.
Probably possible sightings. Lisa has a gerber baby look, I have no doubt that many people think they may have spotted her.

She sure does. Just your typical baby. I think it would be virtually impossible to recognize her as opposed to some other baby.
Mom's attitude now is very distance from that baby, IMO. She has moved on, and it's obvious.

What a change in personality from the first few days of this tragedy. Big change.

Like two different people. MOO
..............A ha! and the lies continue. We now have the first anti-depressant to emerge. I suspect we will find out about more meds soon. She has a flat affect...said this from day one. She has serious problems. Flat affect = mental problems.

...........I will sit here and wait for the next bag of meds to appear. Effexor? That's nothing, just wait. What else? Soon a list of medications will appear. She is a liar and nothing she has said should be taken as truth.

It's an anti-depressant. I take it with no problems. It's one of those you have to gradually build up your dosage and also wean yourself off of it before stopping completely.

ETA ... I also have a prescription for a very low dosage of Xanax which I take on occasion. I've never been a big drinker but the most I've had while on these types of meds is a couple glasses of wine when I am home for the evening. I do not have any children in my home. I would not drink while caring for my grandson but that's just me.

It is also used to treat anxiety disorders. And, you are not supposed to drink while taking it. You aren't supposed to take it when pregnant or breastfeeding. I wonder if she just started the medicine.
Is there proof (like a prescription) that she was actually taking the medication, or is DB just saying she was on medication?
I didn't hear her say what the name of the anti-anxiety medication that she stated she took earlier in the day. Do we have a confirmation that "effexor" was said? To my knowledge, "effexor" is an anti-depressant, not anti-anxiety Rx.

Side Effects;

What side effects can this medication cause?

Venlafaxine may cause side effects. Call your doctor if any of the following symptoms are severe or do not go away:


weakness or tiredness






stomach pain






dry mouth

change in ability to taste food

loss of appetite

weight loss

uncontrollable shaking of a part of the body

pain, burning, numbness, or tingling in part of the body

muscle tightness




hot flashes or flushing

frequent urination

difficulty urinating

sore throat, chills, or other signs of infection

ringing in the ears

changes in sexual desire or ability

enlarged pupils (black circles in the middle of the eyes)

Some side effects can be serious. If you experience any of the following symptoms or those listed in the IMPORTANT WARNING section, call your doctor immediately:




difficulty breathing or swallowing

chest pain

fast, pounding, or irregular heartbeat


unusual bruising or bleeding

small purple spots on the skin

eye pain or redness

changes in vision

fever, sweating, confusion, fast or irregular heartbeat, and severe muscle stiffness


problems with coordination

hallucinations (seeing things or hearing voices that do not exist)

coma (loss of consciousness for a period of time)
I didn't hear her say what the name of the anti-anxiety medication that she stated she took earlier in the day. Do we have a confirmation that "effexor" was said? To my knowledge, "effexor" is an anti-depressant, not anti-anxiety Rx.

It treats anxiety and depression.
Also interesting that she says didn't plan the pregnancy and that JI was more excited about it then she was. JMOO

That could be taken either way. When I found out I was pregnant I wasn't happy AT marriage was on the rocks, my husband was floundering around professionally, incredibly abusive verbally, emotionally and would disappear for hours on end. I knew having a baby would tie me to him for forever and that he would never be even a half a$$ed dad. It took my own father hours of convincing me not to terminate my pregnancy. I cried continuously throughout my pregnancy.

Surprisingly for someone that didn't want a child, wife or a family...he was THRILLED I was pregnant.

Of course the moment my daughter was born my life changed and I couldn't ever imagine my life without her. It took me 3 more years to leave him and it took her 12 years to cut him out of her life. The lack of a loving, involved father is hard on her.

Don't be so quick to judge.
According to the manufacturer or Effexor (venlafaxine hydrochloride), drinking alcohol while using the medication is not recommended. This is because drugs like Effexor and alcohol act upon similar chemicals in the brain. The concern is that Effexor will increase the effects of alcohol -- whether this is increasing depression symptoms or affecting motor skills.
They NEUROTIC we will be!!!!!!!:rocker:

When my daughter was sick around 11 months (some viral thing according to ER) I would set my alarm clock at 2 hour intervals and wake up to check on her through the night. My husband thought I had lost my mind! LOL

I think that means you are a good mom... I did the same thing though.. Hey being a mom is a hard job but its a job.. a full time one. You dont kill your kids because you are done with the job. (I know, we dont know if she did but I am on that side of the fence.)
Down and dirty cliff notes of the MF interview clip on Fox

On Fox . . . replaying clips . . . is it possible you had a blackout? Yeah, it is a possiblity. Last time saw daughter 6:40, possible did not check on her @ 10:30. Question failed on poly . . . do you know where she is at.

Mark Fuhrman . . . if it looks like duck, sounds like a duck, probably a duck. Only thing concern is the victim. She went to store and got wine, she simply expands timeline to include 4 hours now, includes other people who were not suspects or people of interest. Suspects create . . . .
People drink doesn't make criminals . . . told LE last time she saw daughter @ 6:40 . . .

MF - I don't believe anything comes out of her mouth....combo of all these things . .. she now admits she was drunk. Tag words: baby was fussy, cranky, not lying down or go to sleep when supposed to. People do strange things when they drink
How can you have a blackout when last 2 weeks describe baby as asleep and healthy, now 2 weeks later change story. OJ Simpson . . . in his book "if I did it" said if I did it I was probably blacked out.
If she doesn't say she was blacked out or incapacitated in some way, she has to explain what happened during that time. Whether injured, killed, no matter what . . . this woman needs to explain.
It is an SNRI. It regulates serotonin and norepinephrine - chemicals in the brain.
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