Live MSM coverage on Baby Lisa 18 October 2011

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BBM ITA and I don't think they are smart enough to disappear baby Lisa and hide a body from the FBI and LE. Not when mom was drinking and dad was at work. I think if the parents were involved that baby would have been found by now.

I had the same perception about the lead players in the Haleigh Cummings case as well in the beginning. Now I never let myself look at someone and say they aren't smart enough. Those people down there proved me wrong. JMHO.
If LE can put pressure on her brother maybe that would break this wide open. I think if he was involved and arrested or brought in to be questioned DB would come unglued.
Look when a cell phone is missing on any normal circumstance you call your phone to see if someone took it or to locate it. This woman never called her phone....I'll tell you what, why my husband was on the phone with 911, I would have been calling those CELL phones, I would have woken up every house in the neighborhood to barrow their phone to do it. Nothing would have stopped me.

How can you call them if you hve no phone? Except the work phone.
Damn---Dad: a "pumpkin lamp."

IMO, no burglar, kidnapper here.
Originally Posted by frankie069
Please help me here, is it my imagination or does DB seem to not care at all that Lisa is missing.. I am so lost with her. She is a true sociopath..

I thought the SAME thing; I believe I said it somewhere yesterday (these boards move super fast!). It seems like she's in no rush to find her child because she already knows what happened.

I vowed never to get so emotionally invested in a case ever after the Casey Anthony verdict, but DB is a real piece of work.

ETA What kidnapper / burglar turns on ANY light, let alone a pumpkin lamp? WTF???
How can you call them if you hve no phone? Except the work phone.

Well what about the neighbor that was over there earlier drinking wine? Your BABY is missing, what would stop you from running over and waking your neighbor up? :banghead:
If LE can put pressure on her brother maybe that would break this wide open. I think if he was involved and arrested or brought in to be questioned DB would come unglued.

I'm starting to wonder how much control she has over her brother and Jeremy. Maybe they're afraid to say anything against her. I do think that the brother should be questioned more, though.
How can you call them if you hve no phone? Except the work phone.

Supposedly the father did have a work phone and used it to call 911. So they could have tried to call their missing cell phones using his work phone.
Ummmm.......wait.................hold up

What happened to "the phone bill wasn't paid and they wouldn't allow calls out - but could receive calls bit? BTW I've never heard of a cell being shut off where you can get a call but can't make one. Never.

Next up - the lights in the house.

My Sprint cell plan does that. If I am late sending in my payment then they 'restrict' my cell's service. We have 4 cells on the family plan. Mine is the master phone and when my bill is overdue, if I go to make an outgoing call, I am sent straight to the payment center, and cannot make the call. But people can call me and the other 3 phones still work. I think it stays that way for 2 or 3 days before it shuts off all together. But I always get it paid before the cut off.
Look when a cell phone is missing on any normal circumstance you call your phone to see if someone took it or to locate it. This woman never called her phone....I'll tell you what, why my husband was on the phone with 911, I would have been calling those CELL phones, I would have woken up every house in the neighborhood to barrow their phone to do it. Nothing would have stopped me.

I would have called thinking maybe the kidnapper would answer and I would be able to hear my baby and promise them my left leg if they brought her back to me!!! I would have told the kidnapper just about ANYTHING to get my baby back.

But that would be IF she was actually kidnapped.

Either not very bright or lying - or BOTH! OY!!!!
I thought the SAME thing; I believe I said it somewhere yesterday (these boards move super fast!). It seems like she's in no rush to find her child because she already knows what happened.

I vowed never to get so emotionally invested in a case ever after the Casey Anthony verdict, but DB is a real piece of work.

I know, same here. I never wanted to do that again and well this case has hit me almost as hard.. I cant say just as hard yet.. Caylee has a special place in my heart and I loathed CA. This woman is coming very close though. I am going to feel the same way when they find this baby.. Do you realize we seem to be more upset that than mother.. and father for that matter.
Normally, if I can't find my cellphone, I will call it from my house phone. If I can't find my portable home phone, I call my home phone from my cellphone.
A burglar would not have turned on a lamp or a 'pumpkin' lamp. She turned those on, or her husband. wow, this is too much, WTH?

Also doesn't make sense to me turn the pumpkin lamp on to "stage" something either. I think that the pumpkin lamp was on all night - the others? not sure - neighbor (guess the one that was there drinking with her) told DB that she (DB) had turned them out - wondering how much the neighbor had to drink and how good their memory is?

Also - I think LE knew about the drinking from the beginning. They knew about the neighbor being there as early on it was discussed that a neighbor was there with a child and the kids were watching a DVD. I would assume that LE questioned that neighbor early on.
DB is buying for time, the longer Lisa is out there the longer DNA will degrade and that is what she has learned from following other cases I bet. MOO
Haleigh Cummings is still missing, no sign of her.

The Skelton boys, Gabriel Johnson, Kyron, Hailey Dunn, Aaliyah Lunsford, the Schepp girls, Zahra was not even fully recovered...

The list of missing children whom have not been recovered is exhaustive yet none of the presumed perpetrators in those cases is what I would call a criminal mastermind.

It's heartbreaking so many have not been laid to rest.
THESE PARENTS DIDNT CALL THE CELL PHONES...???? WHAT??? This gets more and more unreal each day... They have a why would we do that attitude... They seem to not care about these phone calls at all.. DB said the police are SUPPOSED to lie to you... Holy cow..

I just shook my head.

Did BD not call the cell phones because they were shut off for non-payment?
Well what about the neighbor that was over there earlier drinking wine? Your BABY is missing, what would stop you from running over and waking your neighbor up? :banghead:

That was another major red flag for me when she said that she has 'not really talked about that night' with her neighbor. ARE YOU KIDDING ME????

The first thing I would have done is run over there and asked her everything I could think of about the parts I could not remember. The neighbor was supposedly the last person besides the mom to be there when the baby was there in the home. Why in the world wouldn't she talk it over with her?
Your post sparked a thought . . . I have worked with many mothers who truly enjoy being pregnant when their children are infants. When their child(ren) grow and begin to individuate, not needing their mother's constant attention . . . the Mother distances themselves from the child. Eventually and essentially neglecting their toddler's needs while the Mother begins feeling a stong urge to get pregnant again. I have seen many Mother's who love having infants but loathe having toddlers. Just speculating on whether this might be a factor in this case.

This could also explain why there wasn't an abundance of recent pics released by the family to the media. Maybe there just wasn't any. Maybe that sliding door pic was truly the only recent, close-up(ish) picture the family could dig up.

Perhaps the stay-at-home "photographer" may have taken a ton of pictures when Lisa was a cute cuddly little infant, but had a lost interest now that she was a bit older, and harder to handle. I know everyone is different, but I'm around Debbie's age, and someone asked me for a pic of a specfic week or month, they'd be flying off my computer and cell phone. Perhaps Debbie just didn't have very many pictures to give? Just a thought...
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