long weekend break: discuss the latest here #113

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Since when are jurors not allowed to sit outside?

More like how about the looky loos stop hanging around trying to get photos and autographs of Juan Martinez, who is in the middle of prosecuting a death penalty case.


I'm surprised we haven't heard about some nutjob Jodi supporters with "Free Jodi" signs like the CA trial. :what:
What I found more bizarre was the defense witness, ALV. mouthing something to JW and then JW asking to approach the bench. Looks like ALV mouthed "Are you going to..." and then her hand blocked her face, so I could not make out any more.

The witness has to cue the attorney? It is very apparent that ALV knows the line of questioning and what to anticipate.

She mouthed "I need to go to the restroom!":floorlaugh:
My understanding is that she contacted the bishop IN ARIZONA after she had moved to Yreka and after Travis was murdered, for the purpose of finding out what he knew.

She would never have gone to the bishop and confessed while Travis was still alive because her bishop would then have promptly contacted Travis' bishop and Travis would be called in.

The fact that Travis went to his bishop and confessed after JA moved back to Yreka means that he 1)promised not to see her again, and 2) was put on probation (possibly disfellowshipped which means can't receive communion or bless people)...but he wasn't excommunicated because he came forth voluntarily. If he sinned again, he would certainly be excommunicated unless there were mitigating circumstances (such as being tied up and forced).

We see this in his behavior when he did not follow through on his plans to visit JA in Yreka. He was sincere in his repentance.

When you understand that Jodi might not have known Travis had been to his bishop, you begin to see how the motive was accelerated for the murder. She shows up and he rejects her sexual advances. Over the following hours she learns that Mimi Hall has replaced her on the Cancun trip. She already knows he wants to get married but perhaps thinks the secret travels/sexcapades are going to continue regardless-- until she finds out he has been to the bishop without telling her.

In Mormon culture, it is considered a betrayal to go to the bishop and confess without giving your partner the opportunity to do the same thing concurrently, and thereby avoiding a perpetrator/victim view of the fornication. If you each go to your separate bishops at the same time, or both go to one bishop, it goes much easier on you If you say you are setting a wedding date, it will go very easy on you. Chances are you will not even be disfellowshipped.

With Travis putting his membership in jeopardy if he has sex with JA again, that clearly points to JA's motive to fake a sex scene to go with the phone sex in order to blackmail TA into silence. At this point, she knows she will not remain his girlfriend or his dirty little secret because he is not going to give up his membership for her--no way. That would ruin him at PPL as well. And his ability to sell a book would be nil. An excommunicated person sometimes can't even get work in Utah and some parts of Idaho and Arizona.

Her only chance to continue to prey on Mormon men and meet wealthy ones who don't know her low class morals and social status, is to silence Travis. He foolishly has threatened to expose her to all their friends for the things she has done and the stalking, etc. He knows she is a sociopath but somehow does not know they are DANGEROUS. If he follows through with his threat, she is back to living off tips in her grandmother's extra bedroom.

This is why he had to die. He refused to be silenced and she knew one foolproof way to maintain her ability to continue the Mormon/PPL goldmine she discovered and that was to kill him.

I am sure jealousy was a factor but survival as a female bombshell predator feeding on these virginal returned missionaries was paramount, imo.

This is such a great post!!

I'd love to hear your theory on what happened between 1pm and 5:30pm on June 4th. Can you share with us how you think the whole thing went down?

For somebody who was so full of joy, all the pics of Travis (alive) from that day are very somber looking photos. And the two nude photos of him on the bed look like they caught him off guard. He's not looking at the camera at all in the first one, and then in the second one he is sort of looking her way but has a look of shock on his face.

I just don't believe that on that day he was a willing participant to whatever the hell was going on.
In today's world of hand washing and purell, would you want to take anything he hands you in court? I feel for the lady that marks the exhibits, and am waiting for a witness ask for gloves to handle what ever handed them. Can you imagine him sticking his hand out for a handshake and it's refused?

I mean it's been months now that everyone has seen it, and he's still is picking away on national television.

... and making adjustments :puke:
I don't post usually but I have been following along and reading the great information here. I started watching the trial sometime into JA's testimony so I have went back and watched the trial from the beginning and today I am on day 16, she's on the stand and I am just not understanding how this could even be happening. How can anyone believe the crazy story she tells and is there anyone to back up any of these supposed trips and events and is there not another woman anywhere that had any sort of sexual interaction with TA? I just don't believe any of it. I really think she made most of it up in her mind, she had to. Yes I think they did "it" but nowhere near as much as she claims and yes she was used but she kept it going. Did they really travel as much as she claims? Also her moving around and living with guy to guy just sounds strange to me, will we possibly be hearing from any of these guys? I really hope JM has some people from her past that can give more background on how nutsy this chic is.
On the last thread, there was a lot of discussion about the Hughes' emails to and from TA. I rewatched the testimony by Chris and Skye Hughes as well. I am confused as to why they would respond to Nurmi's emails that were obviously a fishing expedition. If they were truly Travis' friends, why did they speak to JA about Travis causing him to tell them they had crossed the line? Why would they believe Nurmi's insinuations that TA was a pedophile and respond?

Of all the things in this trial, this has me most concerned. Could their emails be enough to derail the conviction of JA? I know we are only hearing them characterized and not quoted, but will their words characterized by ALV be the coup de gras for the defense.
She's none of those either that you listed. ;)

She is a licensed family and marriage therapist
She's a consultant and qualified expert (legal distinction, not mine) who I believe was originally to be called as a mitigation specialist. Covers a wide variety of professionals who are often hired to work with the defense or prosecutor.
I also wanted to expand on my previous post (in the locked thread) about no woman revealing that they had had sex with Travis (if that is true, I don't know for sure). If it really was the case that Travis was a virgin, or in the least very inexperienced sexually, don't that give the balance of power to JA, at least according the ALV's definition?

I cringed, during JA's testimony, when she made it clear that he was obviously very experienced in giving female oral pleasure. That stood way out to me. I knew it would be used in her defense...as it (her remark) was just too obvious and out-of-place.
My understanding is that she contacted the bishop IN ARIZONA after she had moved to Yreka and after Travis was murdered, for the purpose of finding out what he knew.

She would never have gone to the bishop and confessed while Travis was still alive because her bishop would then have promptly contacted Travis' bishop and Travis would be called in.

The fact that Travis went to his bishop and confessed after JA moved back to Yreka means that he 1)promised not to see her again, and 2) was put on probation (possibly disfellowshipped which means can't receive communion or bless people)...but he wasn't excommunicated because he came forth voluntarily. If he sinned again, he would certainly be excommunicated unless there were mitigating circumstances (such as being tied up and forced).

We see this in his behavior when he did not follow through on his plans to visit JA in Yreka. He was sincere in his repentance.

When you understand that Jodi might not have known Travis had been to his bishop, you begin to see how the motive was accelerated for the murder. She shows up and he rejects her sexual advances. Over the following hours she learns that Mimi Hall has replaced her on the Cancun trip. She already knows he wants to get married but perhaps thinks the secret travels/sexcapades are going to continue regardless-- until she finds out he has been to the bishop without telling her.

In Mormon culture, it is considered a betrayal to go to the bishop and confess without giving your partner the opportunity to do the same thing concurrently, and thereby avoiding a perpetrator/victim view of the fornication. If you each go to your separate bishops at the same time, or both go to one bishop, it goes much easier on you If you say you are setting a wedding date, it will go very easy on you. Chances are you will not even be disfellowshipped.

With Travis putting his membership in jeopardy if he has sex with JA again, that clearly points to JA's motive to fake a sex scene to go with the phone sex in order to blackmail TA into silence. At this point, she knows she will not remain his girlfriend or his dirty little secret because he is not going to give up his membership for her--no way. That would ruin him at PPL as well. And his ability to sell a book would be nil. An excommunicated person sometimes can't even get work in Utah and some parts of Idaho and Arizona.

Her only chance to continue to prey on Mormon men and meet wealthy ones who don't know her low class morals and social status, is to silence Travis. He foolishly has threatened to expose her to all their friends for the things she has done and the stalking, etc. He knows she is a sociopath but somehow does not know they are DANGEROUS. If he follows through with his threat, she is back to living off tips in her grandmother's extra bedroom.

This is why he had to die. He refused to be silenced and she knew one foolproof way to maintain her ability to continue the Mormon/PPL goldmine she discovered and that was to kill him.

I am sure jealousy was a factor but survival as a female bombshell predator feeding on these virginal returned missionaries was paramount, imo.
Oooh, THIS is good.

Totally agree. I suppose there are some guys/boys in this world that have abstained from that behavior but I find it extremely difficult to believe anyone who says they have never masturbated. First thought...liar.

Your point about becoming compulsive is spot on, IMO. Arias introduced him to a deviant side and he probably became totally engulfed (pun intended) like a 13-year old teen.
Which would be like he WAS... Never having had the experiences before.

I think she took the stereo and DVD to make it look MORE like an actual robbery. She needed that gun. Paw Paw would have noticed his gun missing, she couldn't just take it. She could have just used the DVD any time at her grandparents house. I dunno...just another possibility :smile:
She might have just given the DVD to Darryl's son, or sold it ??? I cannot figure JA out. We will never know what really happened on that fateful day.
Wonder if she sent the tape to the BF to 'keep'.....


Don't cry, Miss Arias. No jury will ever convict you. And we can mark your words on that.​
:facepalm: Let's hope we are right about them CONVICTING her.

Remember when those magazines came out? She couldn't of got out of that court room any faster. LOL

I just want some alarm to go off when cross starts of this witness.

"It’s no surprise Jodi is suffering from “migraines” today given what is likely to be an explosive cross from Juan Martinez. Back in October, Jodi fought relentlessly to have LaVoilette’s notes from their meeting deemed a “work product”, arguing that it could be self-incriminating.

Remember that during the pre-trial hearing on August 8, 2011, LaVoilette exposed yet another Arias lie by stating that Jodi told her Travis masturbating to pictures of young boys on his laptop – directly contradicted Jodi’s previous story of seeing them on his bed.

This sent Martinez into a frenzy where he immediately requested to see ALL of LaVoilette’s documents & notes, which would likely expose yet more lies to therapists/psychologists who evaluated her."
Let's hope the DF team will soon be :truce:

Thanks for that -- hadn't seen it before. Boy, she sure loves to hear herself speak. It's news to me that Travis proposed "a lot" of times. I don't believe that - especially knowing some of the e-mails/texts he sent. Travis wanted her out of his life, and IMHO, certainly didn't want to marry her.

Is she delusional much!


Why yes, yes she is.
Wishing all of you WS's a very Happy & Safe Easter weekend! :)

So nasty. I worked for someone once who had that habit. It became a huge thing for me, because EVERY TIME I would walk into his office, his finger was up his nose, so I always looked away or down or whatever. It was gross. I believe it was just a habit. But come on....you are a grown man. NASTY.

Years ago I had a boss (around 65) who would wet his pants at work. I don't think Depends were on the market yet and he probably would not have worn them anyway. He had alot of money and most likely health insurance so I never understood why he did not get whatever was broken fixed. When I first started working there I was told "Andy wets his pants." Actually we never talked about it after I was informed. It was just how Andy was. Funny looking back on it now!
For me I think it is the bigger picture of not wanting ANY Excuse for the defense to find for mistrial. Whether blaming media, JM, or them saying that jurors are hearing things. I think most of us on this site are very protective of JM and also don't want to see some technicality allow JA to get her way...

On another note if this is a juror I am surprised that the media is not trying to follow this person or that the person isn't being exposed to people with 'kill Jodi' signs or people trying to yell their opinions to them....

The cautiousness in me would just like to see precautions taken to not allow any gray area.

The thing is they have no grounds....it does not stop them from trying but there are no grounds. So a mistrial will not happen because legally nothing has happened to cause it. The judge already knows this.

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
My understanding is that she contacted the bishop IN ARIZONA after she had moved to Yreka and after Travis was murdered, for the purpose of finding out what he knew.

She would never have gone to the bishop and confessed while Travis was still alive because her bishop would then have promptly contacted Travis' bishop and Travis would be called in.

The fact that Travis went to his bishop and confessed after JA moved back to Yreka means that he 1)promised not to see her again, and 2) was put on probation (possibly disfellowshipped which means can't receive communion or bless people)...but he wasn't excommunicated because he came forth voluntarily. If he sinned again, he would certainly be excommunicated unless there were mitigating circumstances (such as being tied up and forced).

We see this in his behavior when he did not follow through on his plans to visit JA in Yreka. He was sincere in his repentance.

When you understand that Jodi might not have known Travis had been to his bishop, you begin to see how the motive was accelerated for the murder. She shows up and he rejects her sexual advances. Over the following hours she learns that Mimi Hall has replaced her on the Cancun trip. She already knows he wants to get married but perhaps thinks the secret travels/sexcapades are going to continue regardless-- until she finds out he has been to the bishop without telling her.

In Mormon culture, it is considered a betrayal to go to the bishop and confess without giving your partner the opportunity to do the same thing concurrently, and thereby avoiding a perpetrator/victim view of the fornication. If you each go to your separate bishops at the same time, or both go to one bishop, it goes much easier on you If you say you are setting a wedding date, it will go very easy on you. Chances are you will not even be disfellowshipped.

With Travis putting his membership in jeopardy if he has sex with JA again, that clearly points to JA's motive to fake a sex scene to go with the phone sex in order to blackmail TA into silence. At this point, she knows she will not remain his girlfriend or his dirty little secret because he is not going to give up his membership for her--no way. That would ruin him at PPL as well. And his ability to sell a book would be nil. An excommunicated person sometimes can't even get work in Utah and some parts of Idaho and Arizona.

Her only chance to continue to prey on Mormon men and meet wealthy ones who don't know her low class morals and social status, is to silence Travis. He foolishly has threatened to expose her to all their friends for the things she has done and the stalking, etc. He knows she is a sociopath but somehow does not know they are DANGEROUS. If he follows through with his threat, she is back to living off tips in her grandmother's extra bedroom.

This is why he had to die. He refused to be silenced and she knew one foolproof way to maintain her ability to continue the Mormon/PPL goldmine she discovered and that was to kill him.

I am sure jealousy was a factor but survival as a female bombshell predator feeding on these virginal returned missionaries was paramount, imo.

I absolutely agree with this. I think this had much more to do with him exposing her to everyone than her being in love with him and jealous. I still really want to know what that text was about that he called her a sociopath in.
Personally, I think the biggest moment in the case is yet to come. Remember the testimony about Matt McCartney?

Martinez said that the only time Arias may have told the truth was in a phone conversation with McCartney. According to Martinez's questioning, Arias called her ex-boyfriend, Matthew McCartney, in the hours immediately after she left Alexander's house when she said she stood on the side of the road washing blood off of her hands with bottled water.

"You were lost. You called Matt. He was a friend, an ally, someone who would not betray you," Martinez said.

"He betrayed me," Arias answered.

Arias told news reporters in September 2008 that McCartney would never betray her.

"With regard to the phone call you made to him, you didn't think he wouldn't betray you," Martinez said.

"Right," she said.

I'm thinking that any testimony from McCartney about that phone call could potentially mean the end for Jodi and her bag of tricks!
On the last thread, there was a lot of discussion about the Hughes' emails to and from TA. I rewatched the testimony by Chris and Skye Hughes as well. I am confused as to why they would respond to Nurmi's emails that were obviously a fishing expedition. If they were truly Travis' friends, why did they speak to JA about Travis causing him to tell them they had crossed the line? Why would they believe Nurmi's insinuations that TA was a pedophile and respond?

Of all the things in this trial, this has me most concerned. Could their emails be enough to derail the conviction of JA? I know we are only hearing them characterized and not quoted, but will their words characterized by ALV be the coup de gras for the defense.

Probably because Jodi lied both times.
I have a question -- self defense is a plea, but saying one has mental issues (PTSD, for example) is not an acceptable plea for killing someone. It is either self-defense, or manslaughter, or murder (of some degree) -- correct? So why is the DT spending so much time on JA possible PTSD or DV victimhood or anything else?

Lots of people have PTSD or lived through DV and don't kill someone. It isn't a legal defense (is it?). So why are they spending so much time on the topic since it has no bearing on whether or not JA committed murder, manslaughter or self defense?

Am I "missing" something?

They are attempting to show JA as a battered woman. This is to mitigate the killing & overkill by having an expert tell us that she "snapped" due to all the violence she suffered at Travis' hand.

The PTSD is to explain her non-explanation of the killing--especially the stabbing, since it was so horribly brutal and heinous. She "can't remember" due to PTSD and trans-global amnesia or whatever.

In other words, Jodi HAD TO kill Travis.:furious:
IN the David Lohr upload here http://youtu.be/vE_Ue5rF8QM?t=14m20s (14:20) Jodi and the detective are talking about the fact that Jodi / Travis had a sexual relationship, Jodi says Travis got mad when she suggested discussing with bishop, as he had already had problems with this in the past ....
Personally, I think the biggest moment in the case is yet to come. Remember the testimony about Matt McCartney?

Martinez said that the only time Arias may have told the truth was in a phone conversation with McCartney. According to Martinez's questioning, Arias called her ex-boyfriend, Matthew McCartney, in the hours immediately after she left Alexander's house when she said she stood on the side of the road washing blood off of her hands with bottled water.

"You were lost. You called Matt. He was a friend, an ally, someone who would not betray you," Martinez said.

"He betrayed me," Arias answered.

Arias told news reporters in September 2008 that McCartney would never betray her.

"With regard to the phone call you made to him, you didn't think he wouldn't betray you," Martinez said.

"Right," she said.

I'm thinking that any testimony from McCartney about that phone call could potentially mean the end for Jodi and her bag of tricks!

I also wonder about Matt's involvement BEFORE she did the murder when she was getting that third gas can in Salinas. She met up with him for a reason--maybe something connected to the murder.
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