long weekend break: discuss the latest here #113

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Right! It's just pure crazy! For the past few weeks I've been thinking that if JA said it, it is a lie. Now I'm beginning to agree with people who have theorized that she uses a kernel of truth and switches the characters around.

when i watch ja talk about any subject it is exhausting trying to figure out if anything she says is true. when ja was testifying and she was asked a question, before the answer she would pause and say well. i thought lie. jmo
K, who is Katie Barnes?

Also, Travis was supposed to go to Yreka May 24th to watch her sing the national anthem at the races? A day before the angry texts?

re: Interrogation Video 13
I just want to give a quick shout out to two people.

First David Lohr: Thanks for giving us an unedited version of the interrogation with Det. Flores. Refreshing not to have to see the HLN clips of what they want us to see.

Second Det Flores: The talent, patience and skill you displayed in a very taxing interview. Thanks.

And to Tiger Balm for uploading and linking ALL of these tapes and posting them in the Timeline/Media thread.




I opened a new topical thread linked right here for discussion of these videos.

Guys, one advantage to having a FORUM instead of just general discussion threads is that we can easily find info later when we are looking for it. Important stuff gets buried in general discussion threads and it makes it nearly impossible to find later if you are looking for something.

PLEASE MOVE ALL DISCUSSION OF THE UNEDITED INTERROGATION TAPES TO THE THREAD LINKED ABOVE. I'm not going to move what has already been discussed here so if you made a point here in this thread that you want to make sure is "heard" by others, make sure you re-post it in the new topical thread.

Thanks you guys! This is great for the long weekend! Good stuff!
Care to elaborate? I ask because I've had this strange feeling (intuition?) about the recovered photos. I can't figure out what, exactly, is bothering me about those images. I just feel like something is 'off' and not as they appear to be. It could be that she is the sole picture-taker and he didn't take any of the photos, or they were taken at a different time, or...?

Oh yeah, what about the camera bag? Anyone else find it strange that the camera bag was left in the common-area outside of Travis's bedroom? It was left wide open and on the floor; like it was thrown down in a hurry, after grabbing the camera out of it. A brand new expensive camera and the bag was discarded like that? Travis was way too meticulous to have just tossed the bag down like that; especially, with a brand new camera!

Another thought: they (supposedly, "they") were taking photos with his new camera, yet didn't attach the strap? Why not?

Some other observations:
#1 Jodi was on the stand what, 18 days? Never had a migraine.
#2 I was watching a true crime show (forgot who the guy was who murdered his dad and disfigured his mother) anyway...even though the dad was mortally wounded and dying, he got out of bed and tried to make his lunch somehow not even realizing he was bleeding. Not sure if he was in such a state of shock his brain played tricks on him or what. Travis was leaning over his vanity. Was it that he didn't want to bleed on the floor. Bless his heart! BBM I agree. How perfect Travis kept his closet spoke volumes. He was cleaning the carpets. He definitely took good care of his possessions. Not sure how many men keep their closet that neat. (Even women for that matter!)
#3 Travis was most likely sitting on the floor with his right side towards the opening of the shower when she stabbed him in the chest. She seems to use her left hand more than her right. I don't see how she stabbed him at the angle that was shown on JVM. The shower wall is a pretty tight space so she couldn't have brought the knife back very far before stabbing him. Not sure if this is making sense. It is hard to explain without a diagram.
I was just thinking about how much ALV pi$$ed me off when she was talking about how DV is inaccurately portrayed in movies.

EVERYTHING is inaccurately portrayed in movies.

So friggin' dumb.

I hope the jury feels the same.

She pi$$ed me off too when she tried to make very minor things into 'abuse.' She said that the killers father once said her breast were too small and he compared her booty to one of her friends. Is that it? Is that the extent of the child abuse?

After my mom divorced, when I was in kindergarten, she hired her younger brother to babysit us after school. He raped me for a few years before I finally stood up to him. Funny thing though, NONE of my ex boyfriends were slaughtered by me.

I hope the jurors were as miffed as I was hearing those minor incidents being given as evidence of some kind of major family dysfunction.

It was also very annoying to hear the doctor talk about TA 'not calling her ' for 3 days, and using that as an 'abuse of power.' What a crock. That is normal dating behavior. Sometimes your new potential bf does not call you for awhile.
It's ALL good cop.
I would like to see some bad cop. Break Jodi down. Call her an idiot - worse planned murder ever. Call her a murderer. Call her too ugly to keep a man. Why aren't they berating her?
She was jealous/mad/and stalking him through various means, she got a gun and knife, she planned this out, drove to his house unexpected. She murdered the man. Caught him totally off guard which is the only way she could over power him.

I don't care what he said on tape, I don't care what magazines he enjoyed in life, or what color socks he preferred. He was murdered without provocation. I don't care if he was a player, if he could not commit, if he didn't know what he wanted in life...we don't kill people for that even if that was true. She drove 1280 miles to do it. She was not in danger, not in any way shape or form. The only thing she was in danger from was all her filled gas cans should she crash the rental on the way...

Bringing over from the last thread (even after being here for 17,000 years, I still don't know how to do that the right way).

Originally Posted by Pink Panther
It's really bothering me that the DA has made it sound like JA and TA were together for so long. According to JA, they were "official" for 5 months. That's not a long time at all. I am now thinking that this is part of her lie as well. I'm not sure that they were ever even exclusive/"official". I think it's what she wanted but not what they had...


I agree. Thinking back, why should we even believe they were ever official? Maybe he started using her for sex almost immediately?

I thinks he was probably attracted to her initially but quickly became acutely aware of the nasty crazy lying under the surface.
I agree that the DT is making their relationship out to be more than it actually was. In her mind, it was more than it actually was. I have a hard time believing that Travis used JA for sex. I don't know a polite way to say that it seems more to me that he took her up on what she was putting in his face. Who converts to a new religion in such a short time, has sex with someone in such a short time, and moves to a completely new city to be so close to someone they've known such a short time. JA latched onto Travis and he couldn't shake her off IMO. After seeing the photos of her bedroom at her grandparents and then the photos of Travis' house, things made more sense to me. She thought he was her meal ticket. Once she set her sights on him, he didn't have a chance. It's scary that people as sick as she is are out there in the world with the rest of us.
I'll spend my day catching up I guess! So much to read.

I was watching the video of Nurmi whining about Juan Martinez posing with fans outside. Arias turns back and looks at someone in the gallery. Is it her way of saying FU to Katie? Why does she frequently look back and also look at the Prosecutor? She's becoming increasingly fidgety? She will have to try very hard to not go beserk during Rebuttal.
It's ALL good cop.
I would like to see some bad cop. Break Jodi down. Call her an idiot - worse planned murder ever. Call her a murderer. Call her too ugly to keep a man. Why aren't they berating her?

Judge Judy would set her right oh in about a minute!
I know a lot of you didn't watch ALV's testimony on the first day but something she said really stood out to me - Not only because I love all dogs. She talks about a UCLA student that came to her for help because he had kicked his puppy to death and knew that he needed "help". She may have said this not knowing that JA did same when she was a freshman in HS, however, I don't think that fact is in evidence yet. Dr. Drew talked about this on his show 3/28 about "Doggie Boy". In one of the tapes, JA said that event "changed her world" and never saw that dog again and went on to say that she "apologized to dogs"..... Did this open the door for Juan Martinez? Here is ALV's testimony from her Day 1 - Scroll the slide bar over to between the CC and the Wheel to hear it.....

I was watching some of the youtube video of the trial. I have two questions about Gus S. Who was in the car with him? and why did he refuse to devulge who it was? Hopefully someone knows cause I totally missed it!
It's ALL good cop.
I would like to see some bad cop. Break Jodi down. Call her an idiot - worse planned murder ever. Call her a murderer. Call her too ugly to keep a man. Why aren't they berating her?

All that good cop got the closest that we will ever know to what really happened that day. Now, she gets the "bad cop" in the courtroom to deal with.

Some of you don't seem to understand that the State vs. Jodi Arias trial is NOT the only case Judge Stephens presides over! She is on the bench hours BEFORE the media is blasting the dirty laundry newsfeed to us (yeah...her day starts early...on the bench-those in the courthouse know she is hearing cases *well* before the cameras for 'jodi' start rolling.....

We get delayed ---yes...but guess why? Someone else is fighting for their case--is it a media sensation? No. Does that make it less important? ...............No, of course not!!!!!
Even our almighty Juan has other clients at this time--active cases! He's working on other cases too! This is not a reality show for these people....this is their JOB!

We have to stop at 430 AZ time? Guess why....because Nurmi requested it .....ON THE RECORD! If it helps stay any future appeals .... awesome.


I'm tired of the bashing.

You all know I am in this for Travis. For righteousness. And for truth. But I hate the circus this is turning into. It will be a detriment to the outcome...


I have a hard time believing that Travis used JA for sex.

I SO agree with this and this is why - He did NOT seem like the kind of guy who would get oral sex, wave by and leave. That doesn't sit right with his other behaviors. I mean, this is the guy who went and bought her cinnabons and gave the recipe and put it on her car and a coupon and yadda yadda yadda. Know I didn't believe that just from her mouth, but heard it through another channel, Abe? Not sure, anyway. This is the guy that ASKED women if he could kiss them. Wow!

It just doesn't sit right. He seems to me like he would have been very gentle until SHE revved it up into fantasy, dress up, and rougher sex.

Sorry, just had to vent!
I SO agree with this and this is why - He did NOT seem like the kind of guy who would get oral sex, wave by and leave. That doesn't sit right with his other behaviors. I mean, this is the guy who went and bought her cinnabons and gave the recipe and put it on her car and a coupon and yadda yadda yadda. Know I didn't believe that just from her mouth, but heard it through another channel, Abe? Not sure, anyway. This is the guy that ASKED women if he could kiss them. Wow!

It just doesn't sit right. He seems to me like he would have been very gentle until SHE revved it up into fantasy, dress up, and rougher sex.

Sorry, just had to vent!

JA said that the Cinnabon thing was real.....we don't know if it ever happened. I don't know any guy who would give a recipe on perfumed paper. Anything she says must be run through a BS filter first.

To be fair....they were friends with benefits really or booty calls. I don't think the candy incident happened or that it happened the way she described. They used each other for sex and both were seemingly ok with this..although JA somehow thought she could change his mind.

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Does anyone know who is on Juan Martinez's current witness list and if anyone has been added to that list, who that is?
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