long weekend break: discuss the latest here #114

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Oh I posted earlier about that, I kinda thought she may have been the one to make the *advertiser censored* comment.

And the bad hair cut one. That was from a female. I could see her being the forperson of this jury. Hate to see her go if she has to, she seems very intelligent and informed. Many of the question had the same tone and seem able to see through the fog and BS.
KatieDDJ is beautiful, smart, kind and getting the attention if DD/HLN. Jodi Ann must be absolutely beside herself. :floorlaugh:

I can hear Jodi now......"I'll get you my pretty".
She said she turned down a case to be in court. In my book, that makes her a fake and a fraud.
Are you referring to Alyce?

If she wanted to be in court it's because she rakes in $300/hour.
Got some activity on the case history:

Filing Date Description Docket Date Filing Party
3/31/2013 MOT - Motion - Party (001) 4/1/2013
3/31/2013 OBJ - Objection/Opposition. - Party (001) 4/1/2013

Weren't there two aggravating factors cited making this a murder 1 case - the heinous/cruel nature of the crime and the added burglary? Is the new motion contending the offending juror indicated to the judge her belief in a third aggravating factor for which the DT claims there's not enough proof?
I hold several degrees and that doesn't ensure that I know more in reality than any marriage or family counselor, etc. Being in the trenches has its merits. I've learned over the years that it's not the letters behind the name that make a person knowledgeable.
When I finally sought help in the second of my abusive relationships I didn't filter my search by the degree held by the practitioner. I wanted to know their area of practice, i.e., Narcissistic Personality Disorder.... JMO

I tend to agree with the assessment that ALV is not the kind of expert one would want to count on to give testimony of this nature, and it's not solely due to her lack of terminal degree. I concur that the work in the trenches has its merit, but only when it is supported by continued education and scholarship.

Ms. Violette's resume leaves much to be desired, imo. Her appointments as adjunct professor do not include the course titles she taught, number of credits, frequency, nor the level of the course, (graduate/undergraduate/professional). While I believe it is an honor to hold the position she has with the US Dept of State as far as representing this county, I don't think it puts her at the cutting edge of developing knowledge about DV victims and perpetrators. For five years there has been nothing new to add to her cv under "professional background."

Her many speaking credits demonstrate that she has been working the lecture circuit for some time. What is not clear, however, is why none of these many presentations has ever been published. In my field when one attends a conference and presents a paper it is with the intention (or hope,) to one day publish that work or a version thereof. Even more concerning is the amount of repetition over the years in the speeches delivered.

The list under "conferences" must be events that she attended but at which she did not present. There are no dates given for these or for the community service/in service trainings. IMV these lists are impossible to assess meaningfully.

Her major employment in 2009 and 2008 was as a consultant and an expert witness. It is unclear where her energies have been focused since then, since she has not published since 2009.

I'm not saying she's a sluff or that she's not an expert. There are different standards for different fields, obviously. She's won many awards and is clearly respected for what she does. I think that some careful questions from JM could clarify whether her opinion reflects the most recent thinking on DV.
And the bad hair cut one. That was from a female. I could see her being the forperson of this jury. Hate to see her go if she has to, she seems very intelligent and informed. Many of the question had the same tone and seem able to see through the fog and BS.

Oh, gee I hope the author if the bad haircut and *advertiser censored* questions would NOT be the jury foreman. The best foreman would be someone who is a little less snarky and a bit more non-offending. A born salesman would make a great foreperson - someone who knows how to speak to everyone with respect, influence people, and close a deal. A sharp tongued person who cannot speak well to both sides of the argument would make a horrible foreperson, IMHO!!
Weren't there two aggravating factors cited making this a murder 1 case - the heinous/cruel nature of the crime and the added burglary? Is the new motion contending the offending juror indicated to the judge her belief in a third aggravating factor for which the DT claims there's not enough proof?

Based on the minute entries, there was only one aggravating factor found by the prior judge and that hasn't changed. I don't remember what it was. However, the motion you're talking about is to prevent Juan from referring in his questions/closing to aggravating factors other than that one in particular. Nurmi stresses actual or anticipated references to the crime being senseless (or a synonym of that, I'm not positive senseless was the exact word) and to the fact that Travis was naked (vulnerable/defenseless). I don't think this motion has anything to do with the juror motion. jmo
Considering how bad the nude photos of JA were that we saw: I had to wonder what was so much worse about the two with held that they weren't shown. She is just nasty!

My opinion is that Jodi took her own nude photos with the timer. The look on her face is of quickly getting into position before the timer went off, it was not a facial expression of posing.
It appears that Travis is asleep and woke up to the photo taking.

Jodi made sure to mention on the stand, that she did not know how to set the timer. Right there tells you she is making that up to cover up for the timer photos. What professional photographer can't figure out how to set a timer...

On another note, today, someone on HLN asked Mark Eiglarsh why Jodi did not just kill Travis when she arrived at Travis's home. She came with a gun and knew a roommate was home. She could not kill Travis with a gun with a roommate nearby.
I love the way Nurmi waits until 2:30pm Monday to file this damn thing. I really think the DT will stall and stall and stall. Anything to prolong this circus. Dear God, keep the jurors calm, cool and able to withstand any and all BS the Defense throws at them. Fight the good fight.

when will we know witch jurors will be actually deliberating?
Based on the minute entries, there was only one aggravating factor found by the prior judge and that hasn't changed. I don't remember what it was. However, the motion you're talking about is to prevent Juan from referring in his questions/closing to aggravating factors other than that one in particular. Nurmi stresses actual or anticipated references to the crime being senseless (or a synonym of that, I'm not positive senseless was the exact word) and to the fact that Travis was naked (vulnerable/defenseless). I don't think this motion has anything to do with the juror motion. jmo

Thanks, Karmady. I hope others aren't as confused as I. If I were a juror, I would find the additional aggravating factor below had been proved:

"The offense was committed in a cold, calculated manner without pretense of moral or legal justification"

I tend to agree with the assessment that ALV is not the kind of expert one would want to count on to give testimony of this nature, and it's not solely due to her lack of terminal degree. I concur that the work in the trenches has its merit, but only when it is supported by continued education and scholarship.

Ms. Violette's resume leaves much to be desired, imo. Her appointments as adjunct professor do not include the course titles she taught, number of credits, frequency, nor the level of the course, (graduate/undergraduate/professional). While I believe it is an honor to hold the position she has with the US Dept of State as far as representing this county, I don't think it puts her at the cutting edge of developing knowledge about DV victims and perpetrators. For five years there has been nothing new to add to her cv under "professional background."

Her many speaking credits demonstrate that she has been working the lecture circuit for some time. What is not clear, however, is why none of these many presentations has ever been published. In my field when one attends a conference and presents a paper it is with the intention (or hope,) to one day publish that work or a version thereof. Even more concerning is the amount of repetition over the years in the speeches delivered.

The list under "conferences" must be events that she attended but at which she did not present. There are no dates given for these or for the community service/in service trainings. IMV these lists are impossible to assess meaningfully.

Her major employment in 2009 and 2008 was as a consultant and an expert witness. It is unclear where her energies have been focused since then, since she has not published since 2009.

I'm not saying she's a sluff or that she's not an expert. There are different standards for different fields, obviously. She's won many awards and is clearly respected for what she does. I think that some careful questions from JM could clarify whether her opinion reflects the most recent thinking on DV.
Thank you for this post. You are very precise.

Alyce has her "product" and that's alllllllll that she sells. She is "the" expert witness to pay when you have a client that might benefit from being viewed as a victim.

Careful questions from JM will show that JA’s actions make her the abuser and Travis the abused.
Unless someone sets her straight on those emails I would say ALV will believe the worst because I think she believes Jodi when Jodi said Travis broke her finger. If ALV has not been watching the trial as she has been told, then it's highly unlikely that she knows about the statement Jodi gave to Flores where she shows how her Flexon Tendon was cut when she tried to grab the knife from the ninja. I did love how what ALV said in the beginning applied more to Travis than it ever would have to Jodi. jmo

Someone should tell her the only person that kicks is Jodi. She kicked her mother, a dog, and Im sure Travis did not kick her and break her finger. If you want to know what Jodi is up to, then listen to what she qccuses others of doing. simple.
Oh my stars, I am so glad I missed it. :facepalm:

She looks like a "staff intern" dared to go on screen!
I expected more... (as if I would have a clue what any would look like!)
Thanks, Karmady. I hope others aren't as confused as I. If I were a juror, I would find the additional aggravating factor below had been proved:

"The offense was committed in a cold, calculated manner without pretense of moral or legal justification"


You're welcome. I wish I could remember what the actual aggravating factor was. I remember I was surprised that only one was found. The jury CAN'T find additional aggravating factors afaik. Which is why the defense is objecting to evidence that suggests any of the others apply.
I'm punishing myself for sins in a previous life by watching the "bold accusations" (read: totally obvious) of HLN after dark.

They ran that ancestry.com commercial with a black guy who ends talking about his great grandfather being born a slave but ending up a businessman.

However, before that he says "As an African-American I was afraid where my family tree would lead, but I went anyway..."

Can someone explain to me what the :banghead: that is supposed to mean?
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