long weekend break: discuss the latest here #114

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carnnell, did you see her demonstrate the flying nun move? She actually turned her head to the left to get the right trajectory.

But it is all nonsense anyway, I realize. :)

Yes I watched it. Of course, I immediately poo'd poo'd it away. I didn't notice the turning of her head though because I had poo'd poo'd it.

Yet, if he made contact with her like she "she said" then she would be under Travis in some form meaning the bullet couldn't go downward, the bullet would continue to right to left either straight or upward.

Still visualizing, the incline is steep from the right side of the eyebrow to the left cheekbone (if one makes a straight line slightly left).

Detectives can (according to law) and do lie to suspects. I think he was using that and the statement that neighbors saw her to get her to confess. Otherwise, we would have heard those two items in State's case in chief. IMO
would this not be something that Juan could bring in on rebuttal, showing how many miles she drove on a given day?
I know , but seriously.
"I have a picture. You were there."
"You and THAT mole right there."
no... let's dispute this for 3 more hours after you show my face on my naked snapshot.

Yes, and maybe that's where the psychopath or sociopath element comes into play.
She cannot judge how normal people will act or interpret her actions, and cannot just be normal, because she isn't.

So she's always acting and calculating what a normal innocent person might do.
And often miscalculates--no genius there.
Yes, and maybe that's where the psychopath or sociopath element comes into play.
She cannot judge how normal people will act or interpret her actions, and cannot just be normal, because she isn't.

So she's always acting and calculating what a normal innocent person might do.
And often miscalculates--no genius there.

She was practically begging for Flores to tell her how she was acting that made her seem guilty or not like a normal person she just couldn't get it!! She wanted to know so bad so she could act a different way but has no ability to gauge her behavior versus expected/innocent behavior and that's just perplexing... She was acting so obviously "wrong"

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Yes, and maybe that's where the psychopath or sociopath element comes into play.
She cannot judge how normal people will act or interpret her actions, and cannot just be normal, because she isn't.

So she's always acting and calculating what a normal innocent person might do.
And often miscalculates--no genius there.

Yes, and she even *asked* Flores what a normal person would do. In the Jul 15 2008 questioning, he said I know what a criminal acts like vs. an innocent and you Jodi, are not acting innocent.

And Jodi is like, why? because I am not crying? He says no its not that, and she says what would a normal person act like?

She has said it on a few other occasions. She really does know she is not normal, and doesn't understand how normal people think/act/feel.
well, it would show her stops if she turned the car off, maybe show where she ditched the weapons......like her first stop after leaving TA's house....

:seeya: ok got cha!

I have a question;
When they start today, will the first order of business be to address the juror issue? Will they go to chambers or in the open? What can we expect this morning? TIA.

Aggravating factors for the DP. There had to be a determination early on about what aggravating dp factors were. The court found only one and, apparently, that was based on the State's shot-first theory at the time. When the State changed it's theory to stabbed first, the defense asked the court to re-visit the aggravating factor and the court found that the aggravating factor existed regardless of which was first. There's a list of aggravating factors posted above by DebinGa, I think.

IIRC the aggravating circumstance they went with was felony burglary.
She was practically begging for Flores to tell her how she was acting that made her seem guilty or not like a normal person she just couldn't get it!! She wanted to know so bad so she could act a different way but has no ability to gauge her behavior versus expected/innocent behavior and that's just perplexing... She was acting so obviously "wrong"

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Yes I think to be a successful psychopath or sociopath you have to be very intelligent (or very connected). I guess JA is neither.

Problem also is in choosing who and what to emulate. And she's gotten into a pickle where, one arrested, there isn't much to pick from as far as emulation of other's behavior.
Morning peeps! I just got caught up......the night crew was BUSY!!! Ready to get the ball rolling again, wonder what today will bring?

OT but they are saying on the news that there has been an arrest made in my local "Eastern Shore Arsonist" case. 77 fires set in my county since November last year. So I will be jumping all over the place during trail today......and somehow have to make time for work, too!
I think he was trying to trick her, like he had in several other ways. She did fall for a few things, like he said something about a neighbor seeing her. I don't think anyone did, or there would have been testimony already. But her answer was to the effect of, well they knew me as a blond, so IMO, admitting she dyed her hair so she wouldn't be recognized.

Yes, that was classic. "Wait a miiiinute. How could the neighbours have seen me if my hair was brown instead of platinum blonde and i was driving a totally different car! I planned that all out ahead and it was foolproof!" LOL
OldCarGal said:
My opinion is that Jodi took her own nude photos with the timer. The look on her face is of quickly getting into position before the timer went off, it was not a facial expression of posing.
It appears that Travis is asleep and woke up to the photo taking.

Jodi made sure to mention on the stand, that she did not know how to set the timer. Right there tells you she is making that up to cover up for the timer photos. What professional photographer can't figure out how to set a timer...

The main technical difficulty I see with the timer/tripod theory is the second full-length nude photo of JA--the one with her right thigh in the air--which, in my judgment, could NOT be taken with an ordinary tripod, because the perspective in that photo is too "up and over" her body for a tripod to replicate. A man can stand at the edge of a bed and take that shot, but a camera on a tripod cannot. The legs of a tripod constrain the camera to the center of the tripod, a good foot from the edge of the bed. If you have a tripod, try it and you'll see what I mean.

I just tried it with a professional tripod and I couldn't get closer than 18 inches from the edge of the bed and that's still not far enough over the bed to capture someone lying on it from that overhead angle. Remember you have to get high enough and in far enough to get the shot.

But looking at her braids in that shot reminds me...is that the edges of her braids making the splayed shadows just south of her foot in the accidental photo snapped at 5:32:16? Offhand it looks like it to me.

Also, just found confirmation in an evidence photo of the bathroom hallway that the main tile we see in the dragging photo is the first full-size tile, right-hand side, in the bathroom hallway just off the bedroom. In the evidence photo showing evidence markers #8 and #9, the #9 marker just barely touches that particular tile. Which has absolutely no relevance beyond just trying to figure out where the camera was at the point(s) the final two accidental photos were taken. If a movie included a plot line that a killer's foot accidentally took incriminating photos of a murder, nobody would believe it.
I could never understand why women continue to wear heels that kill their feet. I still have some of mine but never wear them. I like the flats. It's harder to fall off them.

When I got married, I had tons and tons of shoes--mostly all high heels & platforms. I'm 5'9", so my brother would always make fun of my tall shoes. I stopped that nonsense when I got pregnant with my first. I can't even imagine walking in a platform heel now--I live in running shoes or ballet flats.

(Maybe also because my Hispanic hubby is Juan Martinez' height?:great:)
I agree "lotta miles o`nuthin" on that trek. She might have burned the clothes off road but for some reason my gut says she stashed the stuff, in a crevise or such never to be found. Then again any dumpster in a busy place and it is off to the dump.

The reason I thought she could have burned it in NV is that Juan proved she had 3 cans in SLC. The original two were returned, but I don't think the 3rd one was ever found. (At least I don't recall hearing anything about it.) Of course she could have stashed it instead of burning it, but it makes me wonder.

That's where GPS tracking would come in handy. If she took a little detour off I-80 in the middle of nowhere, it could only be for one thing IMHO.
I have a question;
When they start today, will the first order of business be to address the juror issue? Will they go to chambers or in the open? What can we expect this morning? TIA.


Hi Bunny :seeya:, my magic 8 ball keeps saying Not Sure and Try Again Later. We'll have to tune in and see at 9:15 AZ time.
The reason I thought she could have burned it in NV is that Juan proved she had 3 cans in SLC. The original two were returned, but I don't think the 3rd one was ever found. (At least I don't recall hearing anything about it.) Of course she could have stashed it instead of burning it, but it makes me wonder.

That's where GPS tracking would come in handy. If she took a little detour off I-80 in the middle of nowhere, it could only be for one thing IMHO.
DB testified that he never got the cans back....
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