Looking for any LISK (Long Island Serial Killer) updates

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"wrong with them" do you mean the killer having a conscience or the killer 'knowing' he was killing people who had something 'wrong' with them?

I have 2 POIs who were living together. POI #1 is now 44, Male prostitute/house boy to POI #2. POI #2 is now in early 60s, NYPD officer who trained other officers in the vicinity of Penn Station/Times Square. Both lived together at the time in Bayshore, LI.

POI #1 verbally mentioned to me several times that he felt something was wrong with him, his identity, and that he could not perform without going "further out" into the realms of acceptable, and needed progressingly more to excite him. He said to close friends and family that he was gay, though some people did not know. He said circa 2003 that he was only attracted to short and thin/petite women.

As for overbearing females in family, that by itself doesn't make a serial killer. As I understand psychology, a person more or less patterns their 'will to live' or libido after their same sex parent and 'death will' or thanatos after opposite sex parent. So a man who is beaten by his father will get his 'will' from beating men, but for a man to cross over to getting will or power from killing women, his father would have had to teach him that, and in that case the females in that family would not be so overbearing most likely.

I don't disagree; however, POI#1's father abandoned family when he was young. He hated him. His mother dressed very provocative, and acted so, and it made him uncomfortable and embarrassed him. POI#2 had a very abusive father. My feeling, which could be wrong, is that if either were/are responsible, POI#2 would be connected to older remains, with perhaps participation or knowledge of Gilgo 4 with POI#1.

At any rate, chopping up bodies suggests something else is going on.

I felt that was more my POI#2. Strangulation as method for POI#1.

Those all seem like possibilities. Regarding the phone call, it does seem likely that the language, words, tone etc would be recognizeable to somebody. It is unlikely they would trace the call without recording it, so it's a mystery why parts of the recording are not released.

I can only say, for any phone calls, that neither of my POIs have a typical NY accent. POI#1 had no Brooklyn accent, spent time in California. POI#2 was born in Ireland, but accent was so diluted only came out in stressing certain syllables, or s sounds.

Another peculiarity. No doubt Long Island sound and offshore on the ocean side are plugged with bodies. Likely the killer had easy access to a boat. So why didn't he dump the bodies offshore, as most people in that situation would do?

Possibly because then they are gone, and they can't visit/revisit them anymore? Maybe wanted them to be found for publicity/ego/feeling of grandeur?

Some of the various bodies were probably dumped by people either in a rush or careless, but some were obviously intended to be found.

Yes, I agree. I think the Gilgo 4 were more neatly placed, whereas earlier ones maybe with less care, but in the general area.

Craigslist is used by millions of people.
Computer and surveillance knowledge is widespread nowadays.
Phones and cars, likewise, widely traded, bought sold, etc.

Sure. But back in the time frame we are talking about, nobody I knew personally really used Craigslist regularly. POI#1 did. Sent me a link to something on Craigslist day after one of the Gilgo 4 disappeared. Never sent me other links from there. Also had an extra phone bought online somewhere off the beaten path, and made sure I let him know as soon as it was delivered to my neighbor's house...not his home address. Again, a day or two before one of the girls went missing. And POI#2 was at Fire Island, by ferry, all night when one of the girls disappeared.

Burlap bags are kind of a cheap way to store things, some grains and produce comes in burlap bags but what is the connection to poison ivy? Do you mean he might have gardened on the edge of woods that had poison ivy? Did some of the victim have poison ivy rashes? As I recall NY has poison ivy, poison sumac and poison oak.

Early on, I can't remember if it was Dormer that said it, but I believe it was a tv press conference where it was mentioned the perp may have been treated by a doctor or hospital for poison ivy. I think poison ivy was in the area of the bodies. POI#1 complained to me that he got poison ivy everywhere, including his genitals, when trolling for sex in the bushes somewhere. It was before the bodies were found. He never got it treated professionally.

Burlap, separate issue. POI#1 liked gardening, as did I, and we visited many local nurseries together, frequently. If a nursery had rolls of it, etc., he could have gotten it for gardening, but used it for something else, maybe, who knows.

That's probably not accurate. He is probably well known in his circle for being brutal with women. The problem is the circle he is in.

Question is, what is the definition of brutal? Is it solely physical? Does biting count, with no warning? Or telling a woman she should abort her baby because it will turn out ugly? Does the person have to break bones, or can there be other forms of particularly sadistic and sporadic behavior?
Commissioner Hart actually definitively identified Baby Doe as the daughter of Peaches in the January 2020 press conference. Before that, the wording was vague (ie: "believed to be the mother of..." and "the female relative of the toddler" etc.). They still haven't definitively released Baby Doe's ancestral makeup. Nor the sex (in Namus). Nor have they updated the estimated year of death to reflect the actual time frame relative to Peaches' death in June 1997. Facts are important.

Another update: on April 11th, 2020, a deceased infant was discovered on the north shore not far from where Lattingtown/Gold Charm Doe was found in 2013. It was in a plastic bag on Ferry Beach in Bayville, discovered by a dog walker early in the morning.

Nassau County PD's release: Nassau County Police, NY

oh that is interesting about the baby. In Sept 2021 there was an unidentified woman found floating in the waters in Bayville. I have not found any other info on the woman after the initial article.


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I just recently re-watched the Killing Fields. I have also seen some documentary's concerning the case. I find it curious how the bodies were placed. Some Serial Killers gather "trophy's" of their victims. I believe in this case, the area where the bodies where located is the area of his trophy case. He doesn't keep monetary items, he frequents the area, unnoticed. He is a local
The story states that the killer came from the road to bring the bodies to the site. I think this person came by boat. He is able to see this area from his home, maybe by using binoculars or walks the beach frequently. This person is well off and possibly frequents the area by helicopter. He is smart and meticulous. The only way he would drive to that area and park for some time, along that road with enough time to dig a hole and in possession of a dead body, is if he was a cop or another vehicle. This is just my opinion as an amateur sleuth.
Jumping quick....good to see everyone here !!!! Long Island has two "factions" so to speak...LISK and MS13....
I hope the identity is discovered and shared.
I'm sorry do you mind elaborating? I'm not familiar with the two factions.
I'm sorry do you mind elaborating? I'm not familiar with the two factions.
I think he's probably trying to say, LISK, a completely unknown perp, and 'MS 13', which is an umbrella term for all the gang/corrupt cop conspiracy theories. I wouldn't discount an actual MS 13 connection though. Those people have committed some seriously brutal murders on Long Island. Could be some gang member who also exhibits serial killer attributes. Did the exact same 'gang' of cretins murder the GB4, and by extension, all the other potential LISK victims? Dunno, doubtful. But look what cartels do to sex workers in other parts of the world.. A thousand and one other aspects of this case point to a solitary killer or pair of killers. I'm in the LISK camp. And multiple LISKs at that. New York Metro is the largest urban population center in the United States. There have been multiple serial killers at work in many different eras of its history. Consider the late 80s and early 90s alone on Long Island, Joel Rifkin and Robert Shulman. Two separate serial killers who murdered prostitutes, and had no idea of each other.
I think he's probably trying to say, LISK, a completely unknown perp, and 'MS 13', which is an umbrella term for all the gang/corrupt cop conspiracy theories. I wouldn't discount an actual MS 13 connection though. Those people have committed some seriously brutal murders on Long Island. Could be some gang member who also exhibits serial killer attributes. Did the exact same 'gang' of cretins murder the GB4, and by extension, all the other potential LISK victims? Dunno, doubtful. But look what cartels do to sex workers in other parts of the world.. A thousand and one other aspects of this case point to a solitary killer or pair of killers. I'm in the LISK camp. And multiple LISKs at that. New York Metro is the largest urban population center in the United States. There have been multiple serial killers at work in many different eras of its history. Consider the late 80s and early 90s alone on Long Island, Joel Rifkin and Robert Shulman. Two separate serial killers who murdered prostitutes, and had no idea of each other.
Thanks for the detailed explanation.
The Golden State Killer is famous for calling his victims
He called the families victims. The only other serial killers that used a phone were the Weepy Sounder and the Zodiac. He likely is very intelligent and educated. He is likely by now 40+ years old. Very tall and physically very strong. Since he has been in hiatus either he is in prison. Deceased or relocated to somewhere else.
The Golden State Killer is famous for calling his victims.
Hello all,

I am new to Web Sleuths and this is my first post, so please be kind and patient with me. I am not sure exactly how this works but I am a quick learner and I'm very good at getting to the bottom of things/getting answers/getting things done/solving problems etc. I genuinely want to help solve some cases. I am relentlessly persistent and I have a special set of skills that seems to be rare now a days-- (I will answer any questions/go into what I do for a living. I am an open book, but this isn't about me so moving on...).

To start: I am very proud of all of you on this forum... especially the ones that never gave up and got answers and solved cases that the cops couldn't and/or wouldn't and/or didn't care enough to. Great work... what I've seen on shows like 'Web of Death', 'The Killing Season', etc. is truly incredible!! Congrats to all of you. Needless to say, I am beyond impressed and want to join in on the fun.:)

So, since I live in NY and frequent Long Island regularly, I decided to make my first post about the LISK serial killer. I haven't gotten through the entire series of 'The Killing Season' yet, so if anyone can educate me on anything I may get wrong in my post or anything that I seem to need to be filled in on: please please correct me/enlighten me/teach me. I am here to learn, to help, to grow and to solve cases. I will work with anyone that needs help and I appreciate anyone that is willing to help me/work with me. So far on The Killing Season, (in my opinion) they seem to keep getting further and further away (logistically) from the initial LISK murders. I am not saying they are "wrong" in doing so, I'm just saying that I believe that the area in Long Island where the bodies/body parts were found is where we will find our answers.

Here's the thing: there's at least one serial killer (maybe LISK maybe a different one) who's home base is/was that specific area in Long Island (Gilgo Beach/Fire Island, etc.). The specific area where the remains were found is a very private, very secluded area. ESPECIALLY in the winter months... My gut tells me that at least one of the serial killers is still in Long Island. The specific area where the bodies were found is a summertime vacation area. Families/People from all over Long Island will travel to the Gilgo Beach/ Fire Island (etc.) area for day trips and/or get-a-ways to the beach in the summertime. I believe one or more of the serial killers responsible for the Long Island murders, is someone who grew up in the area and/or someone who grew up vacationing to that area regularly as a young child-teen-young adult. I believe that one or more of the serial killers have simply gone cold (probably has a family like BTK, or maybe fell ill/was injured/disabled/isn't as strong and able as they once were, or maybe like 'The Killing Season' theory --they are still actively killing, but always on the move down the coast and across the nation). Even if LISK or the other(s) serial killer(s) responsible for any of the Long Island murders is now deceased, since their home base must have been that LI area, they would maybe be buried there/their funeral would have been held there, their family or at least an extended relative of theirs would still be there, they more than likely would have a criminal record of some sort in Nassau and/or Suffolk county (even if its for minor charges, a traffic ticket, whatever), they may still own a home or property or a business there, there would be birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce/family court records, etc in either of those two counties. Plus, there must be SOMEONE who knows something IN THAT SPECIFIC AREA. The way to find the killer(s) is by going back to where it started and getting some answers and quality leads. Even if they were (or still are) a "traveling coastal fisherman" or whatever, it doesn't matter. The murders started there because that was "home" and that's where the killer was comfortable starting. Even if maybe the killer(s) knew they would soon be leaving the area (supporting that "coastal fisherman" possibility) it still doesn't matter because the killer(s) knew that specific area like the back of their hand. Here's why:

So, what people may not realize is that this area were talking about Gilgo Beach, Fire Island, etc. is really not "Long Island"-- at least not the Long Island you're probably thinking of (the tip off the side of New York State on the map). This area where the bodies were found is really a separate island that runs parallel to Long Island. It is very confusing/not easy to imagine unless you've been there. The only reason I say this is, because until my mother married my step-father, I had no idea what or where Fire Island even was. However, after they married (almost 15 years ago) I started vacationing to my step-dad's home on Fire Island every summer. I have spent my late 20's-late 30's in this area and (I'm ashamed to say this) I had never heard of the Gilgo Beach murders / LISK until I started watched the 'The Killing Season'. To give further context, I currently live in the Albany NY area, however my mother grew up in Central Islip (which is sort of right in the middle of what we all consider to be Long Island NY). My Grandmother still lives in the same house that my mother grew up in and from her house in Central Islip its just under an hour drive to Patchogue, NY where we park our car. We then take the Patchogue Ferry over to Jones Beach / Davis Park/Fire Island and my step-dad's house is located on the ocean side of Fire Island where there's a private beach. I've also been to Cherry Grove, The Pines, The Robert Moses State Park, Davis Beach etc. but I've never heard of Gilgo Beach prior to watching the show. To finish my point, in order to get to Fire Island you have to take a ferry or boat. Once you're on the island you can take a water taxi around to other areas of the island. For example: I can take a water taxi from Davis Beach to Cherry Grove, then from Cherry Grove I can take a water taxi to The Pines, etc, etc. To be clear, there are many vast areas of land on this "island that runs parallel to Long Island", that are completely undeveloped. Meaning no people can go there. It's almost like the feel of a preserve. For instance, since Fire Island is developed, there are has walk ways, homes, etc. where they have developed through the thick terrain of impermeable brush, ticks/bugs, animals, trees, rocks, sand etc. Hence why, even though "land" technically connects The Pines, Cherry Grove and Fire Island, you still need to take a water taxi to get to those specific locations because of the vast areas of undeveloped land.

I hope this makes sense, I'm not trying to over explain, but for those who have never been there, it's very hard to imagine how it is there. And to me the terrain of the location, as well as the isolated/private/hard to access location itself, where the bodies were found is incredibly important. Gilgo Beach (I believe) can be accessed by vehicle (I'm assuming a long bridge? If anyone knows please let me know.) But again, it's still the same terrain as Fire Island and the rest of the "island running parallel to Long Island". To sum it up: the Long Island we all know is your typical suburban area, just outside of NYC and just far enough away from the fast paced city lifestyle. Long Island is typical neighborhoods for the most part... with typical counties with typical schools, hospitals, court offices, housing developments etc-- obviously some higher end and some lower end and some right in the middle, but it's typical what you would envision in your head for "normal" towns across the nation. On the contrary, however, Fire Island and the rest of the "island running parallel to LI" has a way more almost tropical feel to it. Tropical in the sense of: you're on a get-away and it's all ocean/bay, sand, fresh air and salt and there's no cars and it's private and "off the grid", but with the same amenities just off the grid in the sense that you aren't in basic suburbia anymore. It's a little taste of paradise... Now this is of course in the summertime... Most of these areas are closed during the winter unless you have a boat and the water isn't frozen. Without a boat you are at the mercy of the Ferry schedule start and when they stop and what days and times they run.

That being said, I know Fire Island very well and my step-father knows Fire Island, Gilgo Beach and everywhere else on the "island that runs parallel to LI" the same or better than anyone else that's owned a home there for almost 30 years. He's owned the FI Beach House for going on 30 years but he's been going to FI since he was a kid-- he's nearing his 70's now... This being said, I really want to help and I really think I can help if no other reason than my logistics and access to local expertise. So, since I just started 'The Killing Season' last week, I literally just asked my step dad the other day about the Gilgo Beach 4 / LISK, etc. He said he knows all about it and he tends to always have a trove of knowledge. He did not have the time to talk at length with me about it yet-- and I guess that's why I am here...

***To those who specialize in this case, but don't have "feet on the ground"-- let me be your feet. I will talk to anyone, I will ask anyone anything, I will go to houses/knock on doors, follow up on leads, go check out certain areas, find family members of suspects/ask them the right questions.... anything I can do to help I will. With my step-dad's knowledge/expertise of the island tied with my confidence, persistence and investigative mind/skills I feel like I can possibly make some moves on this case or at least get us some answers, or even rule some people out or anything I can do to help. Does anyone have any ideas, questions, information, leads, suspects, gut instincts or even just if someone specializing in this case could inform me of anything I seem to not know/might have missed/need to learn/etc. that would be great.

Also, one question I have is: How was no DNA evidence found on any of the first 10ish women murdered in Gilgo Beach, Fire Island area? Do we literally have zero DNA from the Long Island victims? If we do have DNA have we tried Parabon/CeCe Moore and the genetic genealogy profiling abilities we have today? If we have DNA we need to send it to Parabon ASAP for the genealogy back tracking method of finding the killer through their ancestry. Thousands of murders have been solved already using this method and its picking up across the nation/across the world.

Anyways, thanks for reading, sorry for the long post. If anyone has any tips, thoughts, info, comments, concerns, please let me know. I will be headed to Fire Island in less than 2 weeks. I am thinking of going sooner and heading straight to the Gilgo Beach area first to do some investigating by just talking to people and trying to get leads and knocking on doors. Is the doctor who was a suspect who was a local still alive? Thanks to all and sending love and thanks to all of you. Thanks - BM
Hello all,

I am new to Web Sleuths and this is my first post, so please be kind and patient with me. I am not sure exactly how this works but I am a quick learner and I'm very good at getting to the bottom of things/getting answers/getting things done/solving problems etc. I genuinely want to help solve some cases. I am relentlessly persistent and I have a special set of skills that seems to be rare now a days-- (I will answer any questions/go into what I do for a living. I am an open book, but this isn't about me so moving on...).

To start: I am very proud of all of you on this forum... especially the ones that never gave up and got answers and solved cases that the cops couldn't and/or wouldn't and/or didn't care enough to. Great work... what I've seen on shows like 'Web of Death', 'The Killing Season', etc. is truly incredible!! Congrats to all of you. Needless to say, I am beyond impressed and want to join in on the fun.:)

So, since I live in NY and frequent Long Island regularly, I decided to make my first post about the LISK serial killer. I haven't gotten through the entire series of 'The Killing Season' yet, so if anyone can educate me on anything I may get wrong in my post or anything that I seem to need to be filled in on: please please correct me/enlighten me/teach me. I am here to learn, to help, to grow and to solve cases. I will work with anyone that needs help and I appreciate anyone that is willing to help me/work with me. So far on The Killing Season, (in my opinion) they seem to keep getting further and further away (logistically) from the initial LISK murders. I am not saying they are "wrong" in doing so, I'm just saying that I believe that the area in Long Island where the bodies/body parts were found is where we will find our answers.

Here's the thing: there's at least one serial killer (maybe LISK maybe a different one) who's home base is/was that specific area in Long Island (Gilgo Beach/Fire Island, etc.). The specific area where the remains were found is a very private, very secluded area. ESPECIALLY in the winter months... My gut tells me that at least one of the serial killers is still in Long Island. The specific area where the bodies were found is a summertime vacation area. Families/People from all over Long Island will travel to the Gilgo Beach/ Fire Island (etc.) area for day trips and/or get-a-ways to the beach in the summertime. I believe one or more of the serial killers responsible for the Long Island murders, is someone who grew up in the area and/or someone who grew up vacationing to that area regularly as a young child-teen-young adult. I believe that one or more of the serial killers have simply gone cold (probably has a family like BTK, or maybe fell ill/was injured/disabled/isn't as strong and able as they once were, or maybe like 'The Killing Season' theory --they are still actively killing, but always on the move down the coast and across the nation). Even if LISK or the other(s) serial killer(s) responsible for any of the Long Island murders is now deceased, since their home base must have been that LI area, they would maybe be buried there/their funeral would have been held there, their family or at least an extended relative of theirs would still be there, they more than likely would have a criminal record of some sort in Nassau and/or Suffolk county (even if its for minor charges, a traffic ticket, whatever), they may still own a home or property or a business there, there would be birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce/family court records, etc in either of those two counties. Plus, there must be SOMEONE who knows something IN THAT SPECIFIC AREA. The way to find the killer(s) is by going back to where it started and getting some answers and quality leads. Even if they were (or still are) a "traveling coastal fisherman" or whatever, it doesn't matter. The murders started there because that was "home" and that's where the killer was comfortable starting. Even if maybe the killer(s) knew they would soon be leaving the area (supporting that "coastal fisherman" possibility) it still doesn't matter because the killer(s) knew that specific area like the back of their hand. Here's why:

So, what people may not realize is that this area were talking about Gilgo Beach, Fire Island, etc. is really not "Long Island"-- at least not the Long Island you're probably thinking of (the tip off the side of New York State on the map). This area where the bodies were found is really a separate island that runs parallel to Long Island. It is very confusing/not easy to imagine unless you've been there. The only reason I say this is, because until my mother married my step-father, I had no idea what or where Fire Island even was. However, after they married (almost 15 years ago) I started vacationing to my step-dad's home on Fire Island every summer. I have spent my late 20's-late 30's in this area and (I'm ashamed to say this) I had never heard of the Gilgo Beach murders / LISK until I started watched the 'The Killing Season'. To give further context, I currently live in the Albany NY area, however my mother grew up in Central Islip (which is sort of right in the middle of what we all consider to be Long Island NY). My Grandmother still lives in the same house that my mother grew up in and from her house in Central Islip its just under an hour drive to Patchogue, NY where we park our car. We then take the Patchogue Ferry over to Jones Beach / Davis Park/Fire Island and my step-dad's house is located on the ocean side of Fire Island where there's a private beach. I've also been to Cherry Grove, The Pines, The Robert Moses State Park, Davis Beach etc. but I've never heard of Gilgo Beach prior to watching the show. To finish my point, in order to get to Fire Island you have to take a ferry or boat. Once you're on the island you can take a water taxi around to other areas of the island. For example: I can take a water taxi from Davis Beach to Cherry Grove, then from Cherry Grove I can take a water taxi to The Pines, etc, etc. To be clear, there are many vast areas of land on this "island that runs parallel to Long Island", that are completely undeveloped. Meaning no people can go there. It's almost like the feel of a preserve. For instance, since Fire Island is developed, there are has walk ways, homes, etc. where they have developed through the thick terrain of impermeable brush, ticks/bugs, animals, trees, rocks, sand etc. Hence why, even though "land" technically connects The Pines, Cherry Grove and Fire Island, you still need to take a water taxi to get to those specific locations because of the vast areas of undeveloped land.

I hope this makes sense, I'm not trying to over explain, but for those who have never been there, it's very hard to imagine how it is there. And to me the terrain of the location, as well as the isolated/private/hard to access location itself, where the bodies were found is incredibly important. Gilgo Beach (I believe) can be accessed by vehicle (I'm assuming a long bridge? If anyone knows please let me know.) But again, it's still the same terrain as Fire Island and the rest of the "island running parallel to Long Island". To sum it up: the Long Island we all know is your typical suburban area, just outside of NYC and just far enough away from the fast paced city lifestyle. Long Island is typical neighborhoods for the most part... with typical counties with typical schools, hospitals, court offices, housing developments etc-- obviously some higher end and some lower end and some right in the middle, but it's typical what you would envision in your head for "normal" towns across the nation. On the contrary, however, Fire Island and the rest of the "island running parallel to LI" has a way more almost tropical feel to it. Tropical in the sense of: you're on a get-away and it's all ocean/bay, sand, fresh air and salt and there's no cars and it's private and "off the grid", but with the same amenities just off the grid in the sense that you aren't in basic suburbia anymore. It's a little taste of paradise... Now this is of course in the summertime... Most of these areas are closed during the winter unless you have a boat and the water isn't frozen. Without a boat you are at the mercy of the Ferry schedule start and when they stop and what days and times they run.

That being said, I know Fire Island very well and my step-father knows Fire Island, Gilgo Beach and everywhere else on the "island that runs parallel to LI" the same or better than anyone else that's owned a home there for almost 30 years. He's owned the FI Beach House for going on 30 years but he's been going to FI since he was a kid-- he's nearing his 70's now... This being said, I really want to help and I really think I can help if no other reason than my logistics and access to local expertise. So, since I just started 'The Killing Season' last week, I literally just asked my step dad the other day about the Gilgo Beach 4 / LISK, etc. He said he knows all about it and he tends to always have a trove of knowledge. He did not have the time to talk at length with me about it yet-- and I guess that's why I am here...

***To those who specialize in this case, but don't have "feet on the ground"-- let me be your feet. I will talk to anyone, I will ask anyone anything, I will go to houses/knock on doors, follow up on leads, go check out certain areas, find family members of suspects/ask them the right questions.... anything I can do to help I will. With my step-dad's knowledge/expertise of the island tied with my confidence, persistence and investigative mind/skills I feel like I can possibly make some moves on this case or at least get us some answers, or even rule some people out or anything I can do to help. Does anyone have any ideas, questions, information, leads, suspects, gut instincts or even just if someone specializing in this case could inform me of anything I seem to not know/might have missed/need to learn/etc. that would be great.

Also, one question I have is: How was no DNA evidence found on any of the first 10ish women murdered in Gilgo Beach, Fire Island area? Do we literally have zero DNA from the Long Island victims? If we do have DNA have we tried Parabon/CeCe Moore and the genetic genealogy profiling abilities we have today? If we have DNA we need to send it to Parabon ASAP for the genealogy back tracking method of finding the killer through their ancestry. Thousands of murders have been solved already using this method and its picking up across the nation/across the world.

Anyways, thanks for reading, sorry for the long post. If anyone has any tips, thoughts, info, comments, concerns, please let me know. I will be headed to Fire Island in less than 2 weeks. I am thinking of going sooner and heading straight to the Gilgo Beach area first to do some investigating by just talking to people and trying to get leads and knocking on doors. Is the doctor who was a suspect who was a local still alive? Thanks to all and sending love and thanks to all of you. Thanks - BM

Welcome @BrookeManning

I look forward to reading this tomorrow with fresher eyes. :)

Here is the WS LISK forum for your browsing interests :)

thank you so much for your kindness and for helping me... i did try to find a forum before posting but couldn't find it lol i gotta get used to this system. thank you for guiding me in the right direction. any cases you're currently working on/have a high level of interest in right now?
is there a way for me to post my original (long) post on the LISK forum you just sent me? if so, where should i post it? to the most recent post?

I moved your thread to the Lisk forum.

You will find it listed here:


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