"Looking for Caylee" by playing Halo 3?

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I honestly hope none of you ever have someone you love go missing (yes, I know Caylee is most likely not with us anymore, but for the sake of a .0000000234% chance, I'll say missing), only to receive treatment like this. Like I previously said, you never know how you'd react to having a missing person, until it happens to you. Even I will admit that my mind went a little crazy when my ex's cousin was missing. Your mind just attempts to cope. Yes, the Anthony's have been doing really irritating things and have been supporting someone who is clearly involved in her daughter's disappearance. Perhaps losing Caylee is just too difficult for them to bear and they are coping.

I feel like there is so much judgment in this thread. There are so many things you could be criticizing the Anthony's for (if that is your forte) at this point that are legitimate arguments. This one holds no water.

I totally agree. I think the judgements on the protesters, the Anthony's ect has reached a new low in some of the newer threads.

I am NOT an Anthony family fan....I personally cannot stand them. I don't fully agree with the protesters since I don't feel they are accomplishing anything out there. But I feel some of the critizisms about them are going from understandable to downright silly and nitpicky.
The factoid that Lee apparently enjoys spending time in a fantasy world is interesting in fleshing out the picture of who these people are, but I don't think it has anything to do with Caylee.

On the other hand, if he's using donations to his paypal account for anything other than the intended purpose, he needs to be busted. And that includes supplementing whatever he's putting in the bank by replacing any transaction fees paypal may have taken off the top of the donation.
The factoid that Lee apparently enjoys spending time in a fantasy world is interesting in fleshing out the picture of who these people are, but I don't think it has anything to do with Caylee.

On the other hand, if he's using donations to his paypal account for anything other than the intended purpose, he needs to be busted. And that includes supplementing whatever he's putting in the bank by replacing any transaction fees paypal may have taken off the top of the donation.


I so agree with this. I just wonder how many donations have come through his PayPal account and how much was collected.
Does Halo 3 have a place to create fighting scene? Can't someone hook up with him so they can take out a little frustration? Or at least whack some sense into him?

I know nothing about this game, but it doesn't surprise me at all that he'd be playing video games between dragging his dad back into the house and babysitting Casey.

No one in the family seems to really be looking for Caylee. Doesn't that say it all?

My son is a master at the game, I think he beat it the first day he got it! I had him explain to me what the game was about this morning.
I just want everyone to step back for a second and follow this line of thought with me for just a min.

There seem to be 3 types of people:

1. The Proactive Bunch: When faced with stress of ANY level cannot sleep or relax until the issue is resolved. If that means diving head first into the situation and staying there indefinitly, so be it. They cannot relax and watch a good movie while there are still things that can be done. They get things done before they relax in front of the tv.

2. The Shut-Downers: When faced with stress then tend to want to hide like an osterich until it goes away. Usually the issues don't go away, they pile up and get worse, but they don't know how else to handle it so they hide in their vices full time (alcohol, drugs, sex, online gaming, tv, sleeping 16 hr days, ect). Many times their close friends and family have to help them out of their issues before it consumes them. You can find these people when you find those who started off owing the IRS a couple thousand but due to their hiding and running, they are now being foreclosed on, their wages garnished, and they now owe the IRS triple what they started with...and it's growing.

3. The Majority of Us: When faced with stress we do what we can to find a solution while also allowing ourselves a couple hours a day to relax and unwind before we start back again. We may log into our favorite online games only a few hours a night after the banks are closed, our boss is at home, and there is nothing we can do about our stress until morning anyways. We don't hide from our problems but we also don't obsess about them either. We have a healthy medium ground and so we choose to end stressful day by relaxing in a hot bath while reading a good book, or we choose to partake in one or two glasses of wine. Some of us prefer to catch up on our TiVo'd shows...either way, we do something to escape reality for only a short time.

In my opinion, based on Lee's apparent online game playing (but not so much that we can consider it an addiction) he looks like he fits nicely in group 3.

Of course we can also argue he may be group 2 to some extent given that he doesn't actively search for Caylee. But I don't think he spends ALL that time playing online games.

The point? I think his random, and what seems to be very little, online gaming is the LEAST of his issues. It looks as if he uses gaming as a way to unwind and relax. No one has showed us proof that he plays these games 24/7.

I just think we need to give the online game bashing a rest is all I'm saying.

He's not looking for Caylee and he isn't spending every waking hour on Halo either...so we shouldn't even be bringing the Halo thing up....

i love this smilie! Or is is smily?

ETA: I think its smiley!
You know Lee comes across like such an arrogant A-hole, I think he probably doesn't wear the shirts as often because its not fashionable enough for him.
I watched that video of George pushing the protesters and Lee sort of getting in the middle of it....... when he could be bothered long enough to tear himself away from texting on his phone. That video made me so damn mad to see Lee so self absorbed with that phone, and not seem to give a crap about all the emotion around him. Sickening..the lot of them, sick!

You and me both! I saw that video with him and the cell phone and couldn't believe it. Comes across as very arrogant, self-absorbed and totally above the rest of us. Does anybody know if he is working?
A while ago, a couple neglected their infant so badly that he either died or was near dead, because they were so addicted to WOW they couldn't be bothered to take care of their son.

I bet my 15yo step-son could kick Lee's butt at Halo 3! But we don't have our X Box on line.

Addiction is addiction, doesn't matter if it's to a substance, a person or an activity. If one is predisposed to an addictive personality, they will find the substance, person or activity of choice and everything else in their lives will be neglected.

I play World of Warcraft, I love it. The only thing that gets neglected in my life is the housework, which I'm predisposed to ignore anyway. When I get frustrated here on WS, I jump and my Pally and go smash mob's and then I feel much better!
My son is a master at the game, I think he beat it the first day he got it! I had him explain to me what the game was about this morning.

The online experience that is Halo is much different than playing through the game. The game has a plot line that is legendary. The online play is more about killing others and getting your score as high as possible. It is the online play that Lee does - hence his need to load "Snowbound" - a map in the game. I have used the online form for blowing off steam. If I had to be around Caysee - I'd need to do SOMETHING to blow off steam.
Yes we unconvered the Halo playing and ebay buying a few days ago..
Is Lee playing Halo on xbox live?

Yeah - when he plays Halo he plays it online. He currently plays another game though - it's kind of like a Starcraft or Warcraft except you are the leader of an early civilization (Cleopatra, Lincoln, etc.). He plays that one and Castle Crashers which is a lot of fun. He played Halo on 9/5. His gamer score is just over 4000 (I wrote 2k+ last night - hey I was tired). He last played 9/7 - if he were addicted like some people I have played with he probably would have played yesterday... I mean - check it out:

Civilization game: last played 9/7
Halo: Last played 9/5
Hexic HD: 8/31
Godfather: 3/8
Fifa: 2/24

Here is another one of my friends and their gaming activity:

NBA 2kd: 9/8
Fable 2 Pub Games: 9/8
Call of Duty 4: 9/8
Rock Band: 9/7
Mercinaries 2: 9/7

and this guy has a gamer score that is 5000...

my point is that Lee is not LIVING on his xbox --- unless he has multiple LIVE accounts.
I'm an avid WOW player and I can say that couple is in the minority of players. WoW has literally millions of players.

There are bad apples in EVERY bunch.

My fiance and I both play WoW and we have an 8 month old son. I can say our son is the most spoiled, happy, and well taken care of child I've ever personally known.

Same here....my husband and I are avid Wow'ers too! :) And we have 5 and 6 year old daughters who are very well taken care of. We're not addicted, though I have heard alot of people do get addicted and neglect their family/friends/responsibilities. I can't relate because I don't see how someone can be THAT into the game that they neglect everything else. It's not like you can't log out, kwim?

Back to the topic at hand though....I think it's rediculous that Lee is apparently playing a video game while his neice is missing instead of out there searching. I have neices....and daughters....and if ANYone in my family was missing - child or not - I would be out there searching, knocking on doors, looking in the woods, whatever I could possibly do. Playing a video game would be the furthest thing from my mind - period. I just don't get it. :(
Same here....my husband and I are avid Wow'ers too! :) And we have 5 and 6 year old daughters who are very well taken care of. We're not addicted, though I have heard alot of people do get addicted and neglect their family/friends/responsibilities. I can't relate because I don't see how someone can be THAT into the game that they neglect everything else. It's not like you can't log out, kwim?

Back to the topic at hand though....I think it's rediculous that Lee is apparently playing a video game while his neice is missing instead of out there searching. I have neices....and daughters....and if ANYone in my family was missing - child or not - I would be out there searching, knocking on doors, looking in the woods, whatever I could possibly do. Playing a video game would be the furthest thing from my mind - period. I just don't get it. :(

With the little amount of time he plays, it appears he only uses it to unwind...

I agree...all the Anthonys should be out searching instead of collecting money for it and not doing it.

I just don't think Lee is playing the game enough for us to jusitfy being this angry with him.

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