LP Asks “Would the DNA from a child resulting from a union from Lee and Casey..

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Yes, it could explain a lot of things. If this is true CA is even more sick and depraved than I gave her credit for.

IF such a thing is true, you seem to be forgetting it takes TWO to tango. Why do people always throw stones at the women and let the men off the hook?:furious:

My opinion only
IF such a thing is true, you seem to be forgetting it takes TWO to tango. Why do people always throw stones at the women and let the men off the hook?:furious:

My opinion only

For some reason I thought Truthwillsetufree was referring to Cindy A. Not Casey. Meaning that she made her keep the baby, she named baby, she raised the baby. I could be wrong.
IF such a thing is true, you seem to be forgetting it takes TWO to tango. Why do people always throw stones at the women and let the men off the hook?:furious:

My opinion only

I don't think anyone is letting Lee off the hook. I think his day is coming. He's already shaking in his man purse, IMO.

If DNA comes about that Lee is the baby daddy, we'll be seeing a lot more stones thrown. As well they should be.
Caylee would have just turned 3.
Casey is 22.
She got pregnant in 2004 at 18?
She was at the age of consent.

Makes it even more sick.

This sounds like Casey alone is being blamed because SHE was at the age of consent:waitasec:
This sounds like Casey alone is being blamed because SHE was at the age of consent:waitasec:

No, actually that was just covering for those who were discussing that Casey was molested. I'm only clarifying that if that was the claim, it's debunked, only in conjunction with the assumption that Lee was the molester. And again, this is an assumption of IF's.

If Lee is Caylee's father...

Sorry if it appeared to be any different.

I'm very big on age of consent. It comes with my territory.
Does anyone understand what LP meant back in September by the dna being identical?

Casey and Lee don't have identical dna do they? I dont' understand how sibling dna works...
Orrr....maybe this is why the A family is acting in such an unbelievable way, they're desperately trying to protect a dirty little family secret, which is that Lee's DNA will match as being the father of Caylee??Now THAT is a bombshell!!!

LP said it would be a bombshell when the DNA results came back.
Does anyone understand what LP meant back in September by the dna being identical?

Casey and Lee don't have identical dna do they? I dont' understand how sibling dna works...

In the South, we say "the family tree does not fork"...........ROFL!!
In the South, we say "the family tree does not fork"...........ROFL!!

LOL! :clap:

Southern Pride here too.. I'm ashamed to say I actually know some straight limb tree families.

My family tree forks very well...
Maybe that's why Lee won't take a lie detector test. What would he have to hide besides that? It's all starting to make more sense to me.
OK .. I did some googling.. now someone help me sort this out..

On average, full siblings (share both biological parents) have 50% of their DNA in common,

However siblings potentially share more genetic material with each other than anyone else. This is because they inherit their genes from the same two people, Mom and Dad

Humans have 46 chromosomes in total;half of these are inherited from the mother (in the egg) half of these are inherited from the father (in the sperm)

So.. Caylees dna.. how would this work?? 1/2 of her chromosomes would have 1/4 chromosomes from George & Cindy, and if Lee is her father - the other 1/2 would have the same quarter?

Omigosh. I'm so confused. :eek:
I've thought about this before. I wouldn't doubt it honestly. They seem to have a bond. I seriously wouldn't put it past them.

I consider it a good possibility, but as for the bond, my brother and I have a very close relationship. The were three of us who always ran around together, plus one cousin. We were always close as kids and just had good sibling relationships even into adulthood. We lost our older brother when he was 30, and our cousin, so there are only us two left in the family. Our parents are deceased as are all of our aunts and uncles.

We do a lot of things together even to this day. We may or may not do them with our spouses either, so I would hesitate to make much about their bond. It may just be they were the only two in the family like the three of us. Nothing sexual ever was even insinuated in our family.

My husband's family has 10 kids and all of them are fine people, but they have never been as close as my family was.
Yes, I agree. Nancy is a very passionate advocate for crime victims..I get tired of people ragging on her..and judging her prosecution record. walk a mile in her shoes.

I love the Nancy Grace show. She's always seems to get to the truth
OK .. I did some googling.. now someone help me sort this out..

On average, full siblings (share both biological parents) have 50% of their DNA in common,

However siblings potentially share more genetic material with each other than anyone else. This is because they inherit their genes from the same two people, Mom and Dad

Humans have 46 chromosomes in total;half of these are inherited from the mother (in the egg) half of these are inherited from the father (in the sperm)

So.. Caylees dna.. how would this work?? 1/2 of her chromosomes would have 1/4 chromosomes from George & Cindy, and if Lee is her father - the other 1/2 would have the same quarter?

Omigosh. I'm so confused. :eek:

No, you've pretty much got it! If Caylee had related parents, her DNA could potentially match more than half of her mother's. Siblings can actually share a lot of their DNA.
No, you've pretty much got it! If Caylee had related parents, her DNA could potentially match more than half of her mother's. Siblings can actually share a lot of their DNA.

Oh I get it now.. MORE than half!!


But could KC have been the aggressive one if it turns out LA is the dad? I mean we have seen how many guys she has had, myabe they were both drunk and she came on to him. It is sick either way it goes. This whole family is just strange.

I also wondered about other family members. I know I would go to anyone in my family that had a child missing. I thought it strange that nobdy had come here to offer support for them. There is a lot more going on than we know for sure.

I am also close with one of my younger brothers and there is nothing inappropriate about our relationship either. Makes me sick even to think of it.
IF what LP hinted about the paternity of Caylee I could vomit. Literally vomit. I know that these things can happen, BUT....this would be another black mark against theemm and move them a step closer to being one of America's MOST dysfuctional faamilies. That is JUST plain not right !
Reannan, thank you so much for this explanation. I'm sorry to take up space with off-topic posts, but I'm kind of new here and I'm not sure how to PM you. My father was killed in a plane crash in WWII when my mother was still pregnant with me. A few years ago, I had my DNA done (cheek swab). It showed 84% European, 13% Native American, 3% Subsaharan African. My question is this: I know my father was 1/4 Native American, so obviously his DNA was showing up in this test, right? My mother had no NA blood that she is aware of.

Sorry, just catching up on this thread...but in case this hasn't been answered...Yes, his DNA was showing up in the test. Of course, your mother could have NA as well. A child is half and half mother and father in equal parts (mtDNA is different...it is 100% mother, but we are talking nuclear DNA here). However, a child is not 25% of each grandparent. A phenomenon called "crossing over" occurs during meiosis (the part of cell replication that creates gametes...eggs and sperm) so often children are more of one grandparent than another. Theoretically, a child could end up being 50% of any one grandparent with the paired grandparent not being represented all. In nature this is highly unlikely. However, it is also highly unlikely that a child is 25% of each grandparent evenly. So, once you get away from grandparent-parent-child DNA comparisons, it is very hard to identify a match.

In your case, however, being 13% NA and your father being 25%, that matches up almost perfectly. You would receive 50% of your DNA from your father. Since he is 25% NA, you would most likely get 12.5%. You may have gotten slightly more due to cross-over events.
But could KC have been the aggressive one if it turns out LA is the dad? I mean we have seen how many guys she has had, myabe they were both drunk and she came on to him. It is sick either way it goes. This whole family is just strange.

I also wondered about other family members. I know I would go to anyone in my family that had a child missing. I thought it strange that nobdy had come here to offer support for them. There is a lot more going on than we know for sure.

I am also close with one of my younger brothers and there is nothing inappropriate about our relationship either. Makes me sick even to think of it.

If they were doing the deed :puke: then they were both consenting adults, assuming it only happened once which resulted in Caylee.

:puke: There isn't enough booze in the world to make that excuse fly in my eyes. :puke:

Aggressive or not, that would have been a sobering moment for even Lee.
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