LP Asks “Would the DNA from a child resulting from a union from Lee and Casey..

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“Would the DNA from a child resulting from a union from Lee and Casey have basically the same characteristics? Making the preliminary DNA check not definitive as to who the hair samples are from,” he said.

My head is spinning on this..... I wish I knew more about genetics.......

If the particular test used was *mitochondrial* DNA it only checks the mother's side of the DNA which is passed down (i.e. Caylee, Casey, Cindy ad infinitum) etc. A mitochondrial DNA sample would not concern itself with the male DNA.
So, if there was a mitochondrial "match" with Caylee's toothbrush (example of prior "known" sample) then that DNA would either be Caylee's or Casey's. If the same sample of hair was decomposed and we know Casey is alive (heh) then it would rule out Casey. [I think we can also rule out Grandma Cindy because her hair is blondish, shorter and she is also alive.]
Just fyi...I hope this makes sense. It is a process of elimination. Example: We have decomposed hair sample (see the rings? See the scalp hair? Okay--this means death.). Then let's run a mitochondrial DNA on it. It matches a known sample for Caylee (but also would in theory match Casey as Casey is Caylee's mamma). Could it be Casey? No,i because Casey is alive. Could it be Cindy? No, Cindy is alive. Could it be Cindy's mamma? No. and so on.
There is an interview with Lee on YouTube where he says that he will never tell who the father is because that family doesn't know about Caylee and they don't want that family to go through what they are going through.

I don't think he's the father . . . although you never know with that wacky family. I personally think that Caylee looks like Cindy.

False alert on Fox - they just reported the chloroform again. Whew!
There is an interview with Lee on YouTube where he says that he will never tell who the father is because that family doesn't know about Caylee and they don't want that family to go through what they are going through.

I don't think he's the father . . . although you never know with that wacky family. I personally think that Caylee looks like Cindy.


Caylee looked majorly like Cindy -could explain it though...I don't believe it either but still
hmmm!!!!! I'm not buying this story. I doubt incest went on at 19..Plus there were many more guys out there. She was to involved in.
In this case I think it would be Casey molesting Lee after sedating him with chloroform!
I don't know what to think about this news either..... In a way it wouldn't suprise me at all, because of all the being so secret about the father of caylee, and I don't recall any of her friends releasing knowing the fathers name.

I find it kind of strange that her being that young and getting pregnant that she wouldnt have had friends that she confided in as to who the father was and what his name was. I can't imagine the friends not coming forward by now with a name of who she said the father was......unless she didn't tell anyone a name because she was ashamed and embarassed of who the real father was.

I have a friend whom got pregnant and wasn't 100% sure who the father was, but she told her friends whom she thought it was based on timing. She also said but it could be so and so because we had just broke up. That is things alot of friends need someone to talk to about, so I can't believe there is no friend out there that knows the fathers name.


I dont know, in a way I can see Casey telling NO ONE, she did manage to hide the pregnancy from her parents for SEVEN months, so I am sure she wasnt spreading it around that she was pregnant, the one thing that girl has mastered in her life is how to LIE, and keep lying, and keep lying even when the truth is in her face she does stick to her lies....
I still cant believe that Cindy is a NURSE and ignored her daughters pregnancy for 7 months. I mean, she was probably skinny, BUT come on SEVEN MONTHS!?!?! Cindy's nursing license should be revoked.
Ok, this story may be a little farfetched...Even for me!!!! On the other hand it would explain why there is no Daddy in the picture and Lee was very close to Casey and Caylee.
There are million of girls in America with both no father on the birth certificate and no father in the picture. Also I am sure some of them have a close relationship with their brother. This is just to far fetched and Mitochondrial DNA always matches the mother.
:eek:Thats about all I can handle at the moment, Only had a few sips of coffee so far.
There is an interview with Lee on YouTube where he says that he will never tell who the father is because that family doesn't know about Caylee and they don't want that family to go through what they are going through.

I don't think he's the father . . . although you never know with that wacky family. I personally think that Caylee looks like Cindy.


So the Anthony's (well Lee at least) DO know who Caylee's father was, and have been depriving that family of the joy of knowing that child, and are also depriving them of her demise. Sheesh, how kind....Ya know, maybe that family would have loved to have CUSTODY of Caylee and she would be ALIVE now, and we wouldnt even know the damn Anthony family. Real charitable Lee, really.....
Sorry, I am just sick to death of these people. Tell one guy he's Caylee's father, um nope you're not, after 10 months of bonding, so lets just keep it a secret from the REAL father....I never thought I would despise a family more than I despise Snott Peterson's, however the Anthony's have surpassed them in my book.....
It's not just the unlikely and sickening story but also the fact that LP actually said it to the press is quite something
So the Anthony's (well Lee at least) DO know who Caylee's father was, and have been depriving that family of the joy of knowing that child, and are also depriving them of her demise. Sheesh, how kind....Ya know, maybe that family would have loved to have CUSTODY of Caylee and she would be ALIVE now, and we wouldnt even know the damn Anthony family. Real charitable Lee, really.....
Sorry, I am just sick to death of these people. Tell one guy he's Caylee's father, um nope you're not, after 10 months of bonding, so lets just keep it a secret from the REAL father....I never thought I would despise a family more than I despise Snott Peterson's, however the Anthony's have surpassed them in my book.....

I tend to think that this is just another one of LP's theories he has had a lot of them. Remember Lee told Casey.."The truth don't hurt".
If the particular test used was *mitochondrial* DNA it only checks the mother's side of the DNA which is passed down (i.e. Caylee, Casey, Cindy ad infinitum) etc. A mitochondrial DNA sample would not concern itself with the male DNA.
So, if there was a mitochondrial "match" with Caylee's toothbrush (example of prior "known" sample) then that DNA would either be Caylee's or Casey's. If the same sample of hair was decomposed and we know Casey is alive (heh) then it would rule out Casey. [I think we can also rule out Grandma Cindy because her hair is blondish, shorter and she is also alive.]
Just fyi...I hope this makes sense. It is a process of elimination. Example: We have decomposed hair sample (see the rings? See the scalp hair? Okay--this means death.). Then let's run a mitochondrial DNA on it. It matches a known sample for Caylee (but also would in theory match Casey as Casey is Caylee's mamma). Could it be Casey? No,i because Casey is alive. Could it be Cindy? No, Cindy is alive. Could it be Cindy's mamma? No. and so on.

Quoting myself for further info:
They make determinations on what kind of DNA test can be done when they find evidence. Depending on the size of the sample found some tests are unable to be run. Other tests take up less of the sample and can give you the results quicker. This also explains when they run the "lesser" tests and then send more sample into the labs for the longer and more definitive tests. I could totally be wrong, but I thought the mitochondrial DNA tests take up less of the sample. The DNA tests that are like the "finger of God" ones take up a lot of the sample. If there isn't a lot there and you use it all up, the defense in the case can make a big ole stink that you used up the evidence and that they can't test it. [Too bad, so sad though.] Just giving you an idea of why it took so long for the tests to come back and maybe they sent more sample in at some point (just my opinion).
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