LP Asks “Would the DNA from a child resulting from a union from Lee and Casey..

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LE has a full nuclear DNA profile for Caylee, either from an item belonging to Caylee or from the paternity test re JG. They can id Caylee's DNA whether they know who her father is or not.

LE probably took a DNA sample from Casey to compare the mtDNA, or the mother DNA, of the hair in the trunk, as hair itself doesn't have full DNA. LE may have also taken samples from the other A family members, to rule out any "foreign" DNA in the trunk.

Since KC is GA's daughter, KC has half of her genes in common with GA, and some percentage, which varies, in common with LA, also a child of GA. The mtDNA would not match, but there would be alleles in common with GA and LA, KC and Caylee - they are related.

If Caylee has more than the expected half of her alleles in common with her mother KC, it could be evidence that Caylee's father was a relative of KC - since KC carries some of her male relatives DNA. Does that make sense?

My opinion, if there was any suspicion of any incest, LE would not allow KC to remain in the A household. She is very unstable, for whatever reason, and I don't think they would risk giving her that kind of defense - intimidation, scared of LE...etc.

I would normally agree with you, but LE doesn't have any say in WHERE Casey stays as long as the provisions of the bail are met because that is up to the court.

If LE had that information, they would not want it exposed yet, so they would not give the information to the court to prevent her from being in that household. As an adult she has the right to choose where she will reside while on bond. This is a court issue and not LE issue.
Well, maybe, but I would think there is some obligation to protect a mentally deficient person, if for no other reason than to protect the case. If no one else, Baez should be protecting her, if this is true.
I have wondered the same exact thing. I know I have read some posters' comments which basically say "what does it matter who the father is?"...But I say it ABSOLUTELY matters! And yes, Suspicious....why do they seem to have accepted KC's story? I mean, c'mon...she couldn't speak the truth if her life depended on it (well, now that I think about it...that's exactly the case now...). It matters who the father is because one investigating (rather, ELIMINATING) any other possible theories on baby's disappearance, would explore the "theory" of the father or father's family "taking her back" from KC. TO BE CLEAR...I am not saying I believe that, but rather, you'd think that when KC is spinning the Wheel of Stories and lands on "baby's daddy took her away", they can say, "Nope, we've confirmed that XYZ is the father, and he's dead, or XYZ passed a poly, etc...." LET'S NOT FORGET...another reason to know who baby daddy is would be that if by some slim chance baby C is alive (from our keyboards to God's ears), SURELY TO GOD there would be someone out there better capable of raising that baby than this cooky family...

I believe the answer to that is they already know.

I just posted they would have the DNA from the trunk, but they would also have a full DNA profile from when J. did his paternity test.
Well, maybe, but I would think there is some obligation to protect a mentally deficient person, if for no other reason than to protect the case. If no one else, Baez should be protecting her, if this is true.

She is not mentally deficient - she is evil. There is a big difference.
I was molested by my father when I was a teenager. I'm not trying to get sympathy, I'm just stating a fact. That being said, I would never harm my child or not report her missing if I thought someone had kidnapped her. I know everyone reacts differently to that kind of trauma, but I just don't think that is what we are dealing with here. JMO

You're right, everyone reacts differently to trauma. But no normal person reacts the way KC has acted, to an accident or a kidnapping that maybe resulted from some risky business on the mother's part or even something completely innocent. NO NORMAL PERSON acts the way KC has behaved.

Whatever happened to Caylee. KC has not shown the least, little concern. If in fact KC gave Caylee away to the best family on the planet, any normal person would have displayed some sadness over the loss of her child from her life. Even if it was the best thing for Caylee.

In this case we know from LEO, Caylee was in the back of KC's car and that Caylee is diseased. Whatever caused this to happen, KC has not shown one human emotion.

From the expression on KCs face and the tone of her voice she is enjoying the attention, she is enjoying the power she feels she is holding over everyone involved. This is not normal when you know it is all caused by the loss of a baby that didn't see her 3rd Birthday.

This, imho is why Greta is not airing any Caylee announcements. She's not willing to play KC's game. Caylee is not missing, she is where ever KC put her.
You're right, everyone reacts differently to trauma. But no normal person reacts the way KC has acted, to an accident or a kidnapping that maybe resulted from some risky business on the mother's part or even something completely innocent. NO NORMAL PERSON acts the way KC has behaved.

Whatever happened to Caylee. KC has not shown the least, little concern. If in fact KC gave Caylee away to the best family on the planet, any normal person would have displayed some sadness over the loss of her child from her life. Even if it was the best thing for Caylee.

In this case we know from LEO, Caylee was in the back of KC's car and that Caylee is diseased. Whatever caused this to happen, KC has not shown one human emotion.

From the expression on KCs face and the tone of her voice she is enjoying the attention, she is enjoying the power she feels she is holding over everyone involved. This is not normal when you know it is all caused by the loss of a baby that didn't see her 3rd Birthday.

This, imho is why Greta is not airing any Caylee announcements. She's not willing to play KC's game. Caylee is not missing, she is where ever KC put her.

Totally agree with you. There is nothing remotely normal about Casey's behavior.
Originally Posted by Karen Anne
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"To understand your paternity test results,[/FONT]
Caylee's DNA matched up with Casey, Lee, and George.

I hope it's Lee and not George. I like George.
LE has a full nuclear DNA profile for Caylee, either from an item belonging to Caylee or from the paternity test re JG. They can id Caylee's DNA whether they know who her father is or not.

LE probably took a DNA sample from Casey to compare the mtDNA, or the mother DNA, of the hair in the trunk, as hair itself doesn't have full DNA. LE may have also taken samples from the other A family members, to rule out any "foreign" DNA in the trunk.

Since KC is GA's daughter, KC has half of her genes in common with GA, and some percentage, which varies, in common with LA, also a child of GA. The mtDNA would not match, but there would be alleles in common with GA and LA, KC and Caylee - they are related.

If Caylee has more than the expected half of her alleles in common with her mother KC, it could be evidence that Caylee's father was a relative of KC - since KC carries some of her male relatives DNA. Does that make sense?

My opinion, if there was any suspicion of any incest, LE would not allow KC to remain in the A household. She is very unstable, for whatever reason, and I don't think they would risk giving her that kind of defense - intimidation, scared of LE...etc.

but, if they suspected Lee, he's not in the home?
Quick answer to that is yes.
If the DNA test alone could show the child was produced by two biologically related parents why wasn't something done a long time ago? If it was an independent test, I guess they aren't required to notify the authorities since incest is illegal?
Hello everyone.....First, you CANNOT do paternity testing by using hair. Hair cells do not contain a nucleus, and thus they do NOT contain DNA from the mother and father of the individual the hair came from. Hair can only yield mitochondrial DNA, which comes from the mother. The mitochondrial DNA of Caylee would be exactly the same as Casey's, Cindy's, Cindy's Mother, Cindy's Grandmother, Cindy's Grandmother's Mother, etc. Here is a copy of an explanation I had tried to offer earlier. LP apparently does not understand DNA vs. mtDNA (which is fine - that isn't his job). I hope this explanation helps, and puts to rest any rumors that Lee is Caylee's father. Lee would also have the exact same mtDNA as Casey and Caylee because he got it from Cindy. Anyway, here goes the explanation:

"Here is a quick and dirty explanation of DNA and Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Imagine in your mind a chicken egg – it has a yellow yolk and the clear white viscous albumin surrounding the yolk, and then there is the eggshell. Keep this image in mind for the future discussion. For human cells, the terms will be compared to the chicken egg like this: a) Chicken eggshell = human cell membrane – they serve the same purpose in both examples, i.e. the membrane (eggshell) holds the cell together. B) Chicken egg albumin = human cell cytoplasm. C) Chicken egg yolk = human cell nucleus. Here is what happens when a male sperm fertilizes an egg (ovum) from a woman. The fertilized egg at that point will have the male sperm DNA in the nucleus (egg yolk for the chicken egg analogy). The ONLY place in the cell that the father’s DNA can be found is in the nucleus. The Mother’s DNA will be in BOTH the nucleus AND the cytoplasm. The DNA in the cytoplasm is a special kind of DNA called Mitochondrial DNA that is ONLY found in the cytoplasm, and it is EXACTLY the same as the Mother’s DNA. Thus, Cindy’s mtDNA is the same as Casey’s mtDNA, and the same as Caylee’s mtDNA. The DNA in the nucleus of any cell from Caylee would be a blend of Casey and the father’s DNA. Mitochondrial DNA is what is being discussed by LE in this case because they obtained the mtDNA profile from the hair in the trunk. They cannot get a full DNA profile from hair because hair cells do not have a nucleus – thus they can only look for mtDNA – which means they can only determine the female lineage of the specimen being analyzed. Hope that helps."

Jesse G has a full DNA profile of Caylee. If they took DNA from GA and LA couldn't they use those in addition to the full profile they have on Caylee from Jesse to determine parentage?
Thank you so much for explaining the DNA........great examle "egg" I understand it better
Which is exactly what I was thinking about the other day so I was shocked this am to see a post about this. I've been wondering for several days if Lee was the dad but didn't want to post it.

Glad you posted it now.
...I have thought that all along.

Casey + Lee = Caylee

They are always hugged up together.......a very good possibility
LP may be somehow working with LE. He seems to let little gems drop now and then - then a new story breaks. He's pizzed at this family too and wants Caylee found. By saying these little things from time to time more pressure is
placed on the family. They are a ready living on the edge and ready to crack.
This just might be another straw on Cindy's back. You never know what will come out of her mouth now. This is better than waterboarding. Very nasty though but its slowly being effective.

..................LP may be somehow working with LE. He seems to let little gems drop now and then - then a new story breaks. He's pizzed at this family.

LP learned a lot and continues to learn a lot.
If CA has a mental disorder, I think it's entirely possible for her to put the moves on her own brother(SICK). There is one picture I saw of Caylee sitting on LA lap and I thought to myself she looks exactly like him....I hope thats not the case and it probbaly isn't but you never know what's possible with these people. Nothing would shock me anymore really.

Nor me.:clap::clap::clap::eek::clap::eek:
LP is not stupid...he knows exactly what he's saying. He either has info that's pretty solid or he is trying to force the Anthony family to go over the edge, hopefully causing the truth to spill out. Personally, I think he has info.....

LP--sly as a fox.....:woohoo:
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