LP Now Says He "Wouldn't Have Gotten Involved"

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After seeing Leonard on CNN News I believe he is a very humble man. I believe he may be a man that sees good in every one and was giving Casey a benefit of a doubt till he saw the 400 page document. It takes a real man to say he made a mistake and shouldn't of posted bail after reading the documents.

I agree Bam. Thank you for putting it words for me :)

LP and TP came in because they truly wanted to help. At first, I too thought it all had to do with the "reality show." I changed my mind after watching LP on NG. Also, when Tony showed up here to answer the hard questions. He came on his own. No one asked him. Tony showed up one day and took the heat. I am very grateful to him for joining WS and giving us a chance to interrogate him basically.

Tim Miller and Equasearch...what an amazing organization. Hopefully, they will be able to find Casey.
Tony in his time here has been a total class act. You could hear in his comments that he loves his family and loves his country and the freedoms and rights it provides. He spoke many times of his respect for his uncle and how smart he is and who things changed after the bail was posted. Leonard held on to his beliefs and moved forward with them. He put up $50,000 of his own money to pursue a theory that he believed in. The whole team deserves our respect IMHO because I truly believe they are here for Caylee.

Nicely said, Gizzy.

I'm a Tony fan also. I might have been a Leonard fan IF he had concentrated on 'finding Caylee' and avoided the media.

I sure wouldn't mind being bailed out by these gentlemen though.... I just can't decide what crime to commit. Anyone have any good ideas? lol j/k
Was it ever revealed as to what well-known news person got the Padilla's caught up into this mess? I know it was speculated that it was Geraldo...
hey im sure the last thing the padillas need to hear is i told you so... they were trying to help this baby ..

I agree, but in my opinion, I feel he had a responsibility to familiarize himself with the facts before jumping in and making his public statement/interfering by bonding her out. He had very little knowledge, even to basic stuff, like what was in the affidavit.

Now I know that sounds mean of me to say, because she was legally entitled to bond, but there was a reason the judge set it so high for child neglect charge. LP should have at least looked into the case better before fueling this circus, in my opinion. I guess he felt he knew more than the judge who had the facts? Who knows. I just think it was a little irresponsible.

Also, I seriously doubt Casey would have suddenly confessed in jail, but who's to say that she wouldn't have? I mean, now she's in the comfort of her own home, with her parents enabling her. I don't know what this stuff about LP thinking she'd have a hamburger and a coke then lead them to Caylee stuff is. I mean, didn't he know the attorney would let her have no contact with him, and that she would be on house arrest? He is a bounty hunter, after all.

I do understand what you're saying, and that he was trying to help bring Caylee home, but he should have at least investigated before he attempted to form his opinion of her innocence/bond her out, not AFTER.

I mean, if I tried to put a fire out with gasoline, I bet nobody would be patting me on the back and thanking me for trying...

Please don't take offense, and I really do see your point, I just also see it a different way:) I think it is very kind and compassionate of you to make that statement, though.
Neither do I, especially after defending and making excuses for a bailed out criminal without knowing all the facts yet. Shouldn't be defending her at all. That's not professional IMO.

I don't feel in the least bit sorry for him.....
LE knew what they were doing! LE didn't ask for this case either.
Yet they did the best they could with a lieing, a$$ beetch for a mom....

Suck it up Padilla!!!!!
Finally LP has come to his senses! I was begining to wonder about him.
I think LP and TP both had hearts in the right place. i do not fault them for anything they did and respect them for doing what they thought was right . I feel really bad for them as a matter of fact.
I especially appreciate Tony Padilla coming on the board. That was truly a stand up move.
I agree, but in my opinion, I feel he had a responsibility to familiarize himself with the facts before jumping in and making his public statement/interfering by bonding her out. He had very little knowledge, even to basic stuff, like what was in the affidavit.

Now I know that sounds mean of me to say, because she was legally entitled to bond, but there was a reason the judge set it so high for child neglect charge. LP should have at least looked into the case better before fueling this circus, in my opinion. I guess he felt he knew more than the judge who had the facts? Who knows. I just think it was a little irresponsible.

Also, I seriously doubt Casey would have suddenly confessed in jail, but who's to say that she wouldn't have? I mean, now she's in the comfort of her own home, with her parents enabling her. I don't know what this stuff about LP thinking she'd have a hamburger and a coke then lead them to Caylee stuff is. I mean, didn't he know the attorney would let her have no contact with him, and that she would be on house arrest? He is a bounty hunter, after all.

I do understand what you're saying, and that he was trying to help bring Caylee home, but he should have at least investigated before he attempted to form his opinion of her innocence/bond her out, not AFTER.

I mean, if I tried to put a fire out with gasoline, I bet nobody would be patting me on the back and thanking me for trying...

Please don't take offense, and I really do see your point, I just also see it a different way:) I think it is very kind and compassionate of you to make that statement, though.
i do agree with you its not that .. i just think its kind of mean of us to say that on here .. after all tony comes on here .. that is his family is all .. i just think its kind of mean the way some people are saying it is all
Was it ever revealed as to what well-known news person got the Padilla's caught up into this mess? I know it was speculated that it was Geraldo...
Tony said it was not Geraldo and said something to effect it was a household name.
Now the timing of it all makes so much sense!!

Great post. Except I have to say... I believe Baez manipulated the Padillas.

I think Baez led Tony & especially Leonard to believe they WOULD have access to Casey so they could find Caylee. Once Baez got them interested in signing on & once it became public knowledge & when it was too late to back out.... Baez announced his REAL terms. I just can't believe they would have gotten involved in this crazy case IF they knew they'd have no access to the person who was supposed to tell them where to find Caylee.

I think Baez USED LP to get Casey's lies out there so Cindy & George could fade into the background.
Who conntacted him? If no names can you give a general background to the person, LE, defense?

That person wants to remain anonymous. I can tell you this person is very well thought of in the media and is a househld name.

So is it a media person?

Nope!!! That is what everybody else guessed. Leonard and him have a very good relationship that was started many years ago but it was not him.

Someone asked if it was Geraldo and TP said NOPE!
:shocked2: I give props to Leonard. At a time when Caylee needed someone to STEP UP it wasn't her mom or her grandparents Leonard went for it. It takes a BIG person to admit they were wrong. It was a $50,000 lesson and I'm sure he will handle it.

I agree with this, even though I wish that had waiting to bond her...I still think it is big of him to admit that he might have been wrong/misled, etc
Great post. Except I have to say... I believe Baez manipulated the Padillas.

I think Baez led Tony & especially Leonard to believe they WOULD have access to Casey so they could find Caylee. Once Baez got them interested in signing on & once it became public knowledge & when it was too late to back out.... Baez announced his REAL terms. I just can't believe they would have gotten involved in this crazy case IF they knew they'd have no access to the person who was supposed to tell them where to find Caylee.

I think Baez USED LP to get Casey's lies out there so Cindy & George could fade into the background.

I agree with that 100% Baez pulled an about face once they got there.
I think Baez led Tony & especially Leonard to believe they WOULD have access to Casey so they could find Caylee. Once Baez got them interested in signing on & once it became public knowledge & when it was too late to back out.... Baez announced his REAL terms. I just can't believe they would have gotten involved in this crazy case IF they knew they'd have no access to the person who was supposed to tell them where to find Caylee.

I think Baez USED LP to get Casey's lies out there so Cindy & George could fade into the background.
Tony all but said this one night.
i do agree with you its not that .. i just think its kind of mean of us to say that on here .. after all tony comes on here .. that is his family is all .. i just think its kind of mean the way some people are saying it is all

I agree, and I try not to be mean. I want to be respectful of the Padilla family. I think Tony is a class act.

I don't necessarily agree with what they did, and I think there were different ways to go about it, but it's not my decision to make, so I jus thave to suck it up;)

But I do think they feel passionately about everybody having their right to bond, and that's good. They seem like good people.
Yes, Patty! Please revoke her bond. Don't allow her any of the simple pleasaures she denied her daughter like safety, a hot bath, good food, and a comfortable bed to sleep in.

But I also want to say, I admire LP for saying this. While I agree that he should have read WS first and talked to many of you before posting for Casey, it takes a big man to admit to the world that he was wrong.

Another site, Scared Monkeys is reporting that Tim Miller of Texas Equasearch is 99% sure he is heading to Orlando in the next few days. Somebody had to invite him as he does not insert himself into any investigation.

I am wondering if LP asked him as I am sure the Anthony's did not.

Any news Sleuthers?

Thanks Patty for the excellent post and plea!

I would love to see TES involved in the search for Caylee. They are experienced searchers and if LE can give them a starting point they will do an thorough search. I hope many local people will get involved.

They didn't do their homework BEFORE they jumped in head first.

Very, very bad miscalculation for intelligent businessmen.

We don't know that. Geraldo may have covered the whole tab for the bond, flights, motorhome, salaries, per diem etc. They may have made money off of it. But I do think that they came with good intentions and were unprepared to battle the evil vortex swirling over Hopespring Drive.
Tony in his time here has been a total class act. You could hear in his comments that he loves his family and loves his country and the freedoms and rights it provides. He spoke many times of his respect for his uncle and how smart he is and who things changed after the bail was posted. Leonard held on to his beliefs and moved forward with them. He put up $50,000 of his own money to pursue a theory that he believed in. The whole team deserves our respect IMHO because I truly believe they are here for Caylee.

TP did say that if for any reason that his uncle felt like things had changed that he wouldn't be quiet about it, that he would speak out. I confess, I didn't have much faith in that. I have heard similiar things from so many defense attorneys, that I just didn't have faith. Well I was wrong about that and I can admit it.

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