LP's Confidence #2

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Weren't you complaining that WFTV used LP as their "source" about this situation? But now you're saying that WFTV knew first, and it didn't come from LP. He read it on WFTV and then talked about it on NG? ??? :waitasec:

Get ready to see a lot of :redface::redface::redface::redface: and :silenced::silenced::silenced::silenced:
As much as I take whatever LP says with a grain of salt, he is making sense !!!
I do think LA found out where Caylee was and that is why all the code talk. Maybe they were trying to make it look like "zanni" killed Caylee.Maybe that is why the comment "they didn;t even find the clothes yet"
That could be why LA thought he was going to be charged.
Also I did not really believe the daisy chain comment but now knowing all that we know about his supervisor living in the neighborhood, plus all the calls , plus the PIs videos, I am starting to be a believer!
Go LP! We can debate his actions till the cows come home. Wether pro LP or not he certainly gives us so much to discuss wether it be about hin or this case.
But you said
What? It was reported on WFTV prior to LP talking about it on NG. Are we applauding LP for being able to read now?

I took that to mean that you thought LP got the story from WFTV. :waitasec:

Yes, that was me, but I never said the WFTV story didn't come from LP. I believe LP took the story to WFTV, WFTV ran with it, and viola, LP once again has insider information to share on NG.

Some posters are congratulating LP for being right about this, as if he foresaw it. For those who don't believe LP was WFTV's unnamed source, I counter with the fact that WFTV had the story first, LP added nothing that hadn't already been said.

For those who believe he was the source - so? Hoover told him the story, he took it to WFTV.

I guess I just don't understand what the big deal is about LP repeating a story that was told to him, regardless of where he first heard it.

I don't think people are saying LP "foresaw" anything. He did, however, have inside information. He may not have added anything, but he did report this information first (yes, even though WFTV reported it first, I believe LP gave them the info).

I guess I just don't understand what the big deal is about LP getting inside info and people bashing him for talking about the info.
Go LP! We can debate his actions till the cows come home. Wether pro LP or not he certainly gives us so much to discuss wether it be about hin or this case.


He is a colorful character.

Why would Hoover tell LP that he knew Caylee was there all along if he didn't trust LP with this kind of information.

If LP is telling the truth about the conversation between him & Hoover I'm just curious as to what prompted Hoover to think he could trust LP not to go straight to the Authorities.

LP said that Hoover was more interested in selling the video. Did he think that LP would be open to this sort of thing & give him advice on who to call?

It's just odd that Hoover would approach a man he just met recently with this kind of knowledge.
As much as I take whatever LP says with a grain of salt, he is making sense !!!
I do think LA found out where Caylee was and that is why all the code talk. Maybe they were trying to make it look like "zanni" killed Caylee.Maybe that is why the comment "they didn;t even find the clothes yet"
That could be why LA thought he was going to be charged.
Also I did not really believe the daisy chain comment but now knowing all that we know about his supervisor living in the neighborhood, plus all the calls , plus the PIs videos, I am starting to be a believer!

I don't think LP makes any sense at all.

LP said that he doesn't believe that Cindy & George knew where Caylee was buried.

How could Hoover know, Dom C. Know, Lee Know, The Meter Man Know, Casey Know, Jose Know & everybody else in the daisy chain know where caylee was except for Cindy & George?

This is almost as bad as his claim that Chlorine from the Pool mixed with Caylee's urine from her diaper & that was the cause of all the Cloroform in the trunk.............I guess he forgot about the computer searches for Chloroform

Why would Hoover tell LP that he knew Caylee was there all along if he didn't trust LP with this kind of information.

If LP is telling the truth about the conversation between him & Hoover I'm just curious as to what prompted Hoover to think he could trust LP not to go straight to the Authorities.

LP said that Hoover was more interested in selling the video. Did he think that LP would be open to this sort of thing & give him advice on who to call?

It's just odd that Hoover would approach a man he just met recently with this kind of knowledge.
If you think about it all these characters, except for the family, just recently met each other.. why would DC trust JH? Why would the A's trust KF and DM? JH gambled and lost cause LP called Nick Savage right away. They all gambled and lost. But, they only may have lost their freedom-Caylee lost her life!!:furious:
I wonder if Hoover got himself WAY further into this situation than he imagined when he knocked on the A door.

Just for a possibility, let's say he really was just in this looking for a "big break" and getting some scoop to profit from down the road, and that's why he first knocked on the door, unknown to any of them, it seemed, and offered to "help."

Then he finds himself all embroiled in this situation, realizes he's "out-shadied" by a whole other cast of less than upright characters, and now realizes he's in far further than "helping out" and "getting a story" for later...that there is some even sketchier stuff going on (think all the same reasons MN may well have bailed shortly after all this occurred).

How's he going to back out now? Oh, ok, I rescind my offer of help? He knows too much for them to let that fly. So he is stuck (due to his own initial shadiness, as well). If he's really NOT someone with any true experience, he may not have really believed that the "tips" were (perhaps) real and from Casey, and that it wasn't just another wild goose chase type thing, and so then winds up in the spot, maybe unaware this wasn't more "charades"

When all of this breaks in December and he realizes they really WERE in the right spot (or very near) he doesn't know what to do. He obviously had a falling out with DC (to whatever extent they had a "working relationship" earlier) and knows the rest of the crew is likely looking at a boatload of trouble.

Who does he go to? The only person who's been visible and public AND seems to have some ties to LE/FBI...so as much as he didn't likely know LP very well, and probably didn't trust him, I could see it likely being pure desperation.

So he goes to LP, shows him PART of the tape, enough for LP to realize they were close and he (H) really did know something from the inside, and asks LP his best course of action, could he still profit (his original plan) or did he wind up more involved than he originally intended, and perhaps ask for a contact.

I doubt he really trusted LP, and I doubt LP isn't adding a big of "bling" to his story because it makes for better TV. I imagine Hoover still did ask about selling it or what he should do with the film, I'd like to hope he asked that IN CONJUNCTION with asking who (in LE or FBI) to turn it over to, and that LP just leaves that out and talks about the selling it still. Obviously LP's story, while still big, is far more "media fodder" if it includes the guy is still solely trying to profit. If that really were the case, though, you'd think he'd just have gone to the media and never bothered involving LP to begin with.

I suspect Hoover got himself way in over his head with his shadiness in the beginning, and suddenly found himself possessing what could be case making information and didn't have a clue the best course of action.

I don't know...just the scenario I can see in my head, since you're right, he didn't choose a person known for his "keeping interesting information to himself" skills :crazy:

Plus...going to LP got it public, which also caused panic and chaos among the A-tied gang, and also had it WELL spread that this was out there and MAY be valuable, upping the pressure on the A gang, and increasing H's own "usefulness" which may well (have?) help(ed?) get him some degree (or complete) immunity for cooperating and turning it over.


Why would Hoover tell LP that he knew Caylee was there all along if he didn't trust LP with this kind of information.

If LP is telling the truth about the conversation between him & Hoover I'm just curious as to what prompted Hoover to think he could trust LP not to go straight to the Authorities.

LP said that Hoover was more interested in selling the video. Did he think that LP would be open to this sort of thing & give him advice on who to call?

It's just odd that Hoover would approach a man he just met recently with this kind of knowledge.
I don't think LP makes any sense at all.

LP said that he doesn't believe that Cindy & George knew where Caylee was buried.

How could Hoover know, Dom C. Know, Lee Know, The Meter Man Know, Casey Know, Jose Know & everybody else in the daisy chain know where caylee was except for Cindy & George?

This is almost as bad as his claim that Chlorine from the Pool mixed with Caylee's urine from her diaper & that was the cause of all the Cloroform in the trunk.............I guess he forgot about the computer searches for Chloroform

I understood that to be in response to NG's question about whether he thought they had known all along (as in FAR prior to November when this was filmed) b/c it followed a question about LA and if he had known in August or something along those lines.

He trailed off funny and hedged a little (IMO) on his answer, as if, "George and Cindy didn't know...all along..." but leaving room for them having known more recently.

Unless he's also hinting that there may have been an agreement of "we'll (GA/CA) keep up the charade that she's alive so you all can keep dealing with this and searching if you don't tell us where you find her so we can keep our hands clean and not "know where she was" for real" type deal, and that their real blockading things all along was to protect LA, who was perhaps already so involved (maybe KC told him where she was that night when this all broke and they were alone?) and they knew it that they were kept "out of the loop" so that they could keep scheming to be on the outside helping cover for LA :confused:
I agree it is confusing but I'm pretty sure he's said the FBI had the tape and had already seen it. He also said the tape wasn't taped over at all. The part about being partially taped over has yet to be revealed as true or not.

The best thing about this is that LE probably will find it pretty easy to get a warrant for DC's phone records that day and we can find out who he was talking to. IMO, once that's known the whole case will blow up and instead of just a murder charge there is going to be a lot of peripheral damage. As I mentioned here or in another thread if JB isn't disbarred by the end of this trial I'll be very surprised.

IMO, they can give Hoover all the immunity he wants even though he knew about this a month before the bodies discovery. Without him this whole thing wouldn't be happening now.

Also, it's going to very hard for the defense team to make anything out of that immunity because the tape says it all.

One of the Talking Heads on NG said that Hoover not reporting this to LE was not a crime........Amazing isn't it...??

How could these two PI's let Caylee sit there & only worry about how much money they were getting for the video?

Unfortunately these are the kind of people that usually "inject" themselves into a case of this magnitude.

They claim they're there to "Help The Anthony's find Caylee" but their real motive is getting close to the "Players" because being close to the "Players" gets you closer to the "Money" & all the oppertunities that come with it.

Reminds me of somebody else who tried to associate himself with the Anthony's which begs the question.....Why did Hoover Think LP would be receptive to his video in the first place????
One of the Talking Heads on NG said that Hoover not reporting this to LE was not a crime........Amazing isn't it...??

How could these two PI's let Caylee sit there & only worry about how much money they were getting for the video?

Unfortunately these are the kind of people that usually "inject" themselves into a case of this magnitude.

They claim they're there to "Help The Anthony's find Caylee" but their real motive is getting close to the "Players" because being close to the "Players" gets you closer to the "Money" & all the oppertunities that come with it.

Reminds me of somebody else who tried to associate himself with the Anthony's which begs the question.....Why did Hoover Think LP would be receptive to his video in the first place????

That floored me :eek: I cannot wrap my head that!
If you think about it all these characters, except for the family, just recently met each other.. why would DC trust JH? Why would the A's trust KF and DM? JH gambled and lost cause LP called Nick Savage right away. They all gambled and lost. But, they only may have lost their freedom-Caylee lost her life!!:furious:

Maybe your right.

It just seems odd that Hoover would tell LP anything.

I mean why would he chance telling LP knowing that he has been in frequent contact with LE...?

If i were Hoover I would have expected LP to call LE immiedietly unless he knows something that we don't.

It's almost like walking up to a total stranger & admitting a crime to him.

But than again Maybe Hoover just isn't that smart...
One of the Talking Heads on NG said that Hoover not reporting this to LE was not a crime........Amazing isn't it...??

How could these two PI's let Caylee sit there & only worry about how much money they were getting for the video?

Unfortunately these are the kind of people that usually "inject" themselves into a case of this magnitude.

They claim they're there to "Help The Anthony's find Caylee" but their real motive is getting close to the "Players" because being close to the "Players" gets you closer to the "Money" & all the oppertunities that come with it.

Reminds me of somebody else who tried to associate himself with the Anthony's which begs the question.....Why did Hoover Think LP would be receptive to his video in the first place????
I think JH thought LP would be receptive because LP is a media person, besides his bounty hunting, LP has media connections. JH thought it made perfect sense-LP is not LE! Big mistake on his part!:bang:
I think JH thought LP would be receptive because LP is a media person, besides his bounty hunting, LP has media connections. JH thought it made perfect sense-LP is not LE! Big mistake on his part!:bang:


LP said he couldn't dial Nick savage's phone # fast enough.

I'll bet thats the last time Hoover tells LP anything...!!!
I understood that to be in response to NG's question about whether he thought they had known all along (as in FAR prior to November when this was filmed) b/c it followed a question about LA and if he had known in August or something along those lines.

He trailed off funny and hedged a little (IMO) on his answer, as if, "George and Cindy didn't know...all along..." but leaving room for them having known more recently. :


I'm going to watch the NG show again...I missed a bit of it

It's on in 5 minutes incase anyone missed it (10 pm EST)

I usually end up watching this show twice a night anyway.....

I need to get a life..!!:)
But you said

I took that to mean that you thought LP got the story from WFTV. :waitasec:

I don't think people are saying LP "foresaw" anything. He did, however, have inside information. He may not have added anything, but he did report this information first (yes, even though WFTV reported it first, I believe LP gave them the info).

I guess I just don't understand what the big deal is about LP getting inside info and people bashing him for talking about the info.

I don't see anyone bashing LP for talking about the info. The problem is that by the time LP is done with it, the story is drastically different than what it started out being and innocent people are maligned, including now the meter man and his supervisor. Doesn't that bother anyone but me?

On the other hand, I don't understand the big deal about LP hearing a story and people praising him for repeating it. Especially in an instance like this where it's likely that LE would have preferred it all be handled out of the media.
Has LE OFFICIALLY made a statment? And why aren't all of the other news outlets reporting on this new development?
I don't think LP makes any sense at all.

LP said that he doesn't believe that Cindy & George knew where Caylee was buried.

How could Hoover know, Dom C. Know, Lee Know, The Meter Man Know, Casey Know, Jose Know & everybody else in the daisy chain know where caylee was except for Cindy & George?

This is almost as bad as his claim that Chlorine from the Pool mixed with Caylee's urine from her diaper & that was the cause of all the Cloroform in the trunk.............I guess he forgot about the computer searches for Chloroform

I have to admit that the first time I heard him talking about Hoover, daisy chain ,meter reader, I rolled my eyes.
But I think he has been vindicated on this point today.

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