LP's Confidence #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
LP was the first to perpetuate speculation, and I hope LA does something about it! Talk about having his name personally dragged through the mud...LP should cough up some monetary compensation!! Looking back now, I do not blame the A's for banning LP from the memorial!!

LP needs to get off the tv, and keep his mouth closed!
I'm sure he'll be on NG tonight letting everyone know he new a lot of what was released a long time ago....
LP accused Lee of being the father long before Lee's DNA was requested.

It's one thing to theorize about a case. It's quite another, IMO, to go on national TV and state theories as facts while insinuating that your theories and statements are based on inside information. In my eyes, that's not theorizing at all, it's outright lying.

For example, when he stated that a bathing suit and piece of a dress and were found with Caylee's remains, he was not theorizing. He made it all up. He lied.

He out right lied and if I were Lee I would sue the cowboy hat right off of him.LP had stated Lee was caylee's dad and that was a horrible thing to say on national tv.
LP was the first to perpetuate speculation, and I hope LA does something about it! Talk about having his name personally dragged through the mud...LP should cough up some monetary compensation!! Looking back now, I do not blame the A's for banning LP from the memorial!!

LP needs to get off the tv, and keep his mouth closed!

I doubt that LA wants to bring a suit against LP and have to go to court...LA's got enough weird stuff going on without adding to it.
Scared Monkey radio is one place he ran this rumor into the ground... a thread about the show is here on WS...


I agree that LP is not god (of course, I don't believe in god, so eh), but what he said and how he pounded on it and pounded on it in the media went past theorizing... he turned it into a malicious accusation with not one shred of evidence to support what he was saying.

I agree. His theory was thrown out as a fact without even the slimmest portion of evidence to support it, he repeated it ad nauseum, and IMO there was a malicious intent.

LP was the first to perpetuate speculation, and I hope LA does something about it! Talk about having his name personally dragged through the mud...LP should cough up some monetary compensation!! Looking back now, I do not blame the A's for banning LP from the memorial!!

LP needs to get off the TV, and keep his mouth closed!

I don't blame them for banning him either. He has said very, very harmful things about this family. With reference to Lee, his statements were flat out wrong. We do not yet know how many OTHER statements he's made will be proved to be wrong in the future.

Many, many people BELIEVE this man when he opens his mouth, and that is where the danger lies. How hurtful and frustrating it must have been to be accused of such a vile thing as incest and have it repeated and repeated and repeated all over media.

As reckless as LP was to ever say such a thing, much of the blame for the perpetuation of this (and other) rumor belongs to crimetainment shows that aired it and NEVER POINTED OUT THAT LEE'S mtDNA WOULD MATCH CAYLEE'S WITHOUT HIM BEING THE FATHER. And believe me, Nancy KNOWS about mtDNA. She knew what she was doing when she gave LP a forum and continues to have him on as a guest.

I doubt that LA wants to bring a suit against LP and have to go to court...LA's got enough weird stuff going on without adding to it.

Lee certainly has a lot of pain in his life right now. But I think his pain could certainly be eased by calling LP to task over this. If not for money, he should demand a public apology, one that has to be repeated over and over and over.
I doubt we'll be seeing LP on Nancy Grace anymore
Didn’t CMA tell Jesse G and Tony L that Lee had molested her when she was in junior high? Not defending LP but it seems like CMA caused this speculation to ignite.
And after all that, people wonder why in the world the Anthony's would have the nerve to not want him at the memorial service.

LP can't take back what he said about Lee being caylee's father.

Thats why he never should have said it in the first place....!!!

As far as I'm concerned LP tarnished the memory of a murdered child & he's going to have to deal with that for the rest of his life.

Thats if he even cares...!!!!
I wish I could find the NG show where all that controversy started. I remember him stating something about Lee's DNA and one of the guests or NG running away with it. Does anybody by any chance, know when that was or by some miracle know which episode? Ha! I know, tall order! I remember Tony, RD and LP here at WS in a chat discussing the statement and it had been taken out of context.

It wasn't just the Nancy Grace show that LP made this insinuation .

In fact, LP was on the DW radio show & he emphatically stated that Lee was Caylee's father.

He left no room for any misunderstandings.

The night of that radio show there was a thread here at WS entitled .."LP on Live Radio"....Something to that effect so it's probably still here.

The bottom line is that LP may have hinted at it on the NG show but he came right out & said it on the DW Radio show so there is no misunderstanding about what he meant
A link to the radio show? No, sorry I don't. There was a thread about it here, I'll see if I can find it. I can't think of one single thing LP was right about, at least not anything of consequence.

Oh wait, he was right about Caylee's body being cremated, but he reversed himself on that one.

Just catching up with this thread..

You are 100% correct about the radio show Chilly

I listened to it live & posted right here at WS & commented on what LP said about Lee being Caylee's father.

I'll see if I can find it if you havn't already done so
After Reading yesterdays Documents I wanted to revist LP's claims to see if his "Sources" were in fact correct.

Here's what LP said on December 16th

NANCY GRACE: What are your sources telling you was in that bag?

PADILLA: No, no. It was the bag, plus the plumber`s tape, plus the linen pillow case, a sheet that she was wrapped in. They needed to.

GRACE: Now how do you know it was a -- how do you know that, that it was a pillow case? Or a sheet?

PADILLA: Because they picked up pillow cases and sheets at the house to compare. The other thing I want to bring to your attention, have you heard the song that the little girl sings about.
Here's what LP said on December 15th

GRACE: Back to Leonard Padilla who -- was searching for little Caylee.

Leonard, the duct tape around the skull, where was it, according to your sources? Was the entire skull covered? Was it the mouth and the nose?

PADILLA: It covered -- no, no, it covered -- it was wrapped around the mouth and the head, hard enough to where it is still there with a lot of soft tissue under it and hair under it. And I believe that the tape was placed there post-mortem on the 18th, not on the 16th when she died, and it was there to insinuate some type of a kidnapping.
He out right lied and if I were Lee I would sue the cowboy hat right off of him.LP had stated Lee was caylee's dad and that was a horrible thing to say on national tv.

Maybe that was Lee's plan? This family, especially lee, has thrown cryptic messages out there to feed the media all along. Who knows maybe he wanted it said so he could file a suit? No one in the family denied it or appeared outraged (unlike their typical behavior). Why did he deny DNA? maybe to get people thinking "he is the father". May have been fishbait and LP got caught.
Maybe that was Lee's plan? This family, especially lee, has thrown cryptic messages out there to feed the media all along. Who knows maybe he wanted it said so he could file a suit? No one in the family denied it or appeared outraged (unlike their typical behavior). Why did he deny DNA? maybe to get people thinking "he is the father". May have been fishbait and LP got caught.

Can you site even one thing that Lee said prior to LP accusing him of being the father that supports your theory? The DNA refusal came long after LP's accusation.
Here's what he said on December 17th

PADILLA: Well, the clothing, according to my understanding, was a small swimsuit and part of a dress. Now, one of the other things that`s happened is the little critters have gotten in there and they`ve torn the bag. They`ve taken the little bones and everything and scattered them over an area that`s probably three quarter of an acre to an acre.
I just don't see any good that LP has done. He inserted himself into this for self-promotion and he's been consistently wrong with his commentary and "sources". He alienated Tim Miller with his disgusting "hold up her skull" tactics. He alienated LE to the extent that they wanted to polygraph him. He accused Lee of fathering Caylee and yet people still wonder why the Anthony's didn't want him at the memorial. I don't believe a word he says on anything from his "sources" or what he says went on or that he heard in that house. He's a blood-sucking leech IMO and is totally making money off the death of this poor little girl.
Maybe that was Lee's plan? This family, especially lee, has thrown cryptic messages out there to feed the media all along. Who knows maybe he wanted it said so he could file a suit? No one in the family denied it or appeared outraged (unlike their typical behavior). Why did he deny DNA? maybe to get people thinking "he is the father". May have been fishbait and LP got caught.

Are you saying that Lee had a plan to drop cryptic messages to the media to trick LP into thinking he was Caylee's father so LP would then say it on the air & then Lee could sue LP?

Are you saying that Lee wanted the country to think that he was involved in an incestuous relationship with his sister?
Can you site even one thing that Lee said prior to LP accusing him of being the father that supports your theory? The DNA refusal came long after LP's accusation.

Not only did he tarnish Lee A's reptation he has also accused Mr. Kronk of being involved in a conspiracy.

I think LP will be facing multipe lawsuits when this is all over.

But then again maybe not.

I've heard it's very difficult to sue somebody for Slander & defamation of character because of the right to Free Speech.

I'm not really sure but i think you have to "Prove" your reputation has been damaged & that you've lost future income because of the slanderous statement.

Anyway, I'm not really sure but i know it's not that easy & I'm sure LP knew that this.
I always thought that Lee was the father before LP said
anything I was wrong in my thinking to....
Maybe that was Lee's plan? This family, especially lee, has thrown cryptic messages out there to feed the media all along. Who knows maybe he wanted it said so he could file a suit? No one in the family denied it or appeared outraged (unlike their typical behavior). Why did he deny DNA? maybe to get people thinking "he is the father". May have been fishbait and LP got caught.

I agree that LA seems to enjoy cryptic messages. But I don't think he does that for the media's benefit. The thing about fishbait and trying to catch someone...now why on God's green earth would he do that? Even if he wasn't facing hell on earth with a missing/murdered niece and a seemingly guilty sister, why would he do that?

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