MA MA - Caleigh Harrison, 2, Rockport, 19 April 2012

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Another thing I would like to get clarification on is where was the mother standing when she threw the ball and how did it end up going so far? I would think you would throw the ball from one end of the beach to the other. If thats the case how did the ball end up over that wall? How high is the wall? What kind of ball was used? If it was a tennis ball that the dog had been using it would not have as much bounce as a new tennis ball. Maybe it was other type of rubber ball? Or was she throwing the ball with the kids and it was one of those basketball sized balls they sell in grocery stores? Did the wind take the ball?

I am not accusing anyone of anything. Just trying to understand the facts.

Speaking from personal experience, those basketball sized balls they sell in grocery stores last approximately 2.3 seconds with a dog. One fetch and they pop and suddenly you have a rubber bowl, colorful yarmulke or whatever else you can pretend the remnants are.
Another thing I would like to get clarification on is where was the mother standing when she threw the ball and how did it end up going so far? I would think you would throw the ball from one end of the beach to the other. If thats the case how did the ball end up over that wall? How high is the wall? What kind of ball was used? If it was a tennis ball that the dog had been using it would not have as much bounce as a new tennis ball. Maybe it was other type of rubber ball? Or was she throwing the ball with the kids and it was one of those basketball sized balls they sell in grocery stores? Did the wind take the ball?

I am not accusing anyone of anything. Just trying to understand the facts.

The Mom stated that the DOG got to the other side of the bridge with the ball and she went to go get it and threw it back toward the beach side (it was a tennis ball and she said she had a ball thrower for it)......but that is still a pretty far distance. I have not used one of these ball throwers (dont really know why mom would use that...I would figure it was more for the kids. ) but anyway that is her story. She never found the ball...........which is very strange seeing as only the first house at the corner has grass........the second one in from that corner doesnt..from a video I saw it is cemented and they use outdoor how hard would it have been to find this ball..........nothing makes sense in this case.
Who leaves their little ones alone, anywhere, for any length of time? Esp. to retrieve something that can be easily replaced. Her story doesn't add up to me.

I know....especially NEAR WATER???
I know....especially NEAR WATER???

This. My littles are almost exactly the same age as her two. We went to the beach last weekend, and I just can't fathom letting them out of my sight. I didn't even dare sit back and relax, and they had life jackets on.

I'm not saying I've never made a mistake that could have ended tragically, but this one just blows my mind. Most child drownings happen when the parents get distracted or look away for a moment, not because the parent has left them alone!
Thank you! It's a slow process, but I think things are going to start getting better now.

(snipped by me)

:ashamed:Sorry to have been remiss in asking on your health, Mipato. You were in my thoughts/prayers for a :getwell: recovery! Think doing this :banghead: has affected my manners. Here is a belated :sundae: to soothe your throat!

(Almost put the can of soup till looked close and saw it was worms lol)
(snipped by me)

:ashamed:Sorry to have been remiss in asking on your health, Mipato. You were in my thoughts/prayers for a :getwell: recovery! Think doing this :banghead: has affected my manners. Here is a belated :sundae: to soothe your throat!

(Almost put the can of soup till looked close and saw it was worms lol)

It's ok, I appreciate that you've been thinking of me. Your prayers must be working because I feel like I've had a lot easier time with this than most adults do. I'm still in pain and a bit out of it, but getting better every day. Thanks for the sundae and glad you decided to forgo the worms. lol

Now as far as Caliegh is concerned. IMHO, I feel as though even if police though it was a drowning, they should have checked out all possibilities from the get go. What would it honestly have hurt to close down the roads just to make sure ALL their bases were covered. Imagine if she was abducted, look at all the precious time they wasted...
this thread has been bumped and bolded
less and less these days.
feel a trend setting in.
I find the mother quite disturbing in this video....and ZERO emotion. When asked do you feel that you have been neglecful in any way.....she just shrugs it off like no..noooo...I just made a bad decision and turned my back that was all.......LIKE NO BIG DEAL.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!!! please tell me authorities are seeing this.....something is NOT RIGHT with her.:banghead:
I find the mother quite disturbing in this video....and ZERO emotion. When asked do you feel that you have been neglecful in any way.....she just shrugs it off like no..noooo...I just made a bad decision and turned my back that was all.......LIKE NO BIG DEAL.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!!! please tell me authorities are seeing this.....something is NOT RIGHT with her.:banghead:

Honestly, watching that, I think the mom has been sedated. The droopy eyes, the ever so slight problem with the letter S and the complete lack of affect all speak to her being on some sort of medication, probably something in the benzo (Valium, Xanax, etc) family.

I always have a problem with reading body language of the parents of missing children for just that reason. We rarely have any idea if they've been medicated to handle the stress or not.
she seems really agitated by the whole interview...
and rightfully so - it's kinda none of our business.
I think it is a little odd though that the State Police -in part- had a hand in the welfare investigation considering her extended family is on the force.
I would have expected them to either back the family in support of well-being or at least keep a closed door on the investigation.
Maybe thats just me being surprised that things are running by the book - given a more common theme of good-ole-boys looking out for one another on a more national average.
This may not mean much, but I thought it was weird that a 4-year old would say the person she "saw" was smoking...maybe one of her parents smokes, otherwise does a 4-year old even know to say something like smoking a cigarette these days??

ITA.. What abductor is going to take the time to smoke a cigerette while kidnapping a child? Does not make sense. It's like saying the man that robbed the bank thought he'd take a cigerette break while robbing a bank.
After the search for her sister ended, E**** described for police and others “a mean guy who took Caleigh,’’
but police have discounted the report.

The father of missing Gloucester tot Caleigh Harrison said he’s stunned his comment to a Rockport cop led the Department of Children and Families to investigate his estranged wife’s ability to care for their other child.

Anthony Harrison told the Herald he was simply worried about his wife, Allison Hammond — who was with Caleigh the day she vanished from Long Beach in Rockport — and mentioned his concern Thursday to Rockport officer Dan Mahoney.


Caleigh’s family is clinging to hope that she is still alive.

Anthony Harrison said tipsters have provided police with snapshots of girls they believe may be her, but none has panned out.

“We’re looking at pictures and videos, and none have been of Caleigh. But people are looking,” he said. “We’ve got to keep looking.”

"It makes us feel safe knowing they are doing their jobs on their end," Hammond said.
"It is what it is. We have nothing to hide. If it makes everyone feel safer knowing we are good parents, that's fine, because we know who we are."
I was thinking about how little water pressure it might really take to carry off a toddler...maybe not much at all. I have heard about dogs being swept out to sea very suddenly and most weigh more than Caleigh and some probably could swim. It can just happen so quickly...a small wave could take away a small child, just as a huge wave can sweep away houses, buildings, entire towns...JMO and nothing scientific here, obviously.
The Department of Children and Families confirms they are investigating the family of Caleigh Anne Harrison.

Child Welfare Investigators Interview Both Caleigh’s Parents

This article has A LOT of information in it and answers recent questions posted here. Very good read.


"I was worried," says Harrison, "that maybe Allison has had some kind of break from reality.

For the first few days after Caleigh disappeared, she was hysterical, crying.
And then, all of a sudden, she said she was done with it, she couldn't cry anymore, that if she kept on crying, she'd be of no use to L***.

"Then it was like, she just shut down, not a tear, no emotion," he said Tuesday. "

And that's not like her. So I thought, is she headed for a breakdown?
I didn't know I'd trigger this whole thing just by saying something to the police."


"Allison was a great mom," he maintains, "always doing stuff with the kids, arts 'n' crafts and playing with them and taking them places."

Harrison said the breakup of the couple's marriage last September had been devastating to him, and led to his arrest in Gloucester last January on charges of disturbing the peace.


When he got to the beach, says Harrison, he went straight to the side of Saratoga Creek, which flows into the ocean at the end of Long Beach, looking for some trace of his tiny daughter.

"There was nothing," he says.
"The sand on the side of the creek was intact, there was nothing, not even footprints, that indicated she'd gone into the water.
So why were they only looking in the water?"


"We stand up there on that retaining wall," he says, "and we look down and what we see is what Allison would have seen.
That is the creek, and there is no way, if that's where Caleigh was, that Allison would not have seen Caleigh in the water."
I believe that Allison is guilty of more than simply turning her back. It appears that there were no witnesses, so she must have deliberately sought an isolated area. She chose a location that was riskier than the one she usually took those little ones to. Why would she leave two unprotected little kids without lifejackets, and go out of sight to retrieve a dime-a-dozen tennis ball. She even claims that she mis-threw the tennis ball a second time which took her even further away from those little girls. It defies all logic; she, being a trained lifeguard, should have regarded the ocean and outgoing tide as a threat to her small children. Then she later tried to make herself an innocent party by the abduction claim. It makes no sense, nor did the claim of creepy man who had openly admired Caleigh weeks earlier in a store. I find it horrific that days later the four-year-old would remember the image of the mean man who took her sister away. Had that been true, the four-year-old wouldn't have been nonchalantly waiting for mommy, she would have run to her for help, and out of fear that mean man would come back and take her too. I wonder if she deliberately put these helpless little ones in harms way. Maybe she was overwhelmed with divorce, moving, childcare and thought an accident would be a solution.
This is my opinion. I don't agree that this could happen to anyone. How many parents leave their small children and go out of their sight at a deserted area of a beach with a powerful undertow. This just seems to contrived for me to accept.
Two things.

1.) We have seen cases where a parent bonded with one child more than the other.
If they have post partum depression... a preference for girl vs boy... etc.
Little Sky and his sister M are a great example of this. She obviously doted on her daughter but when a son came along... not so much for him.

2.) Of course we've seen the drownings in the bathtub, or in the lake or river.
There has also been cases of parents throwing their little kids into the ocean.
Often different circumstances... angry father, hallucinating mother... but it has happened.

Seems like it'd be a pretty effective way to kill your child.
Even if they find the body, it supports the drowning theory if all you did was throw them in.
Maybe if you weren't so fond of your second child and wanted to only have your first, this idea might occur to you. :twocents:

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