MA MA - Phillip Markoff, Craigslist Killer

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Actually if you make money - such as real estate brokers they do have to pay to post listings.

I am not a broker although I have real estate listed.
My ad is free. Actually have had a lot of hits on it.
Wow, I wonder what the total count will be at the end of the investigation.

Is the fiance still hanging in there?
Does anyone know if the fiancee has seen him since he was arrested?
I'm starting to think that this guy may be smart enough for med school, but a flaming moron when it comes to committing crime. Like "America's Stupidest Criminals" stupid.

It looks as though he only managed the three robberies reported: one that he got away with (thanks to the victim's wise decision to cooperate), one where he was overwhelmed and wound up killing the poor woman, and one where he was chased off by the intended victim's husband.

If this is the extent of his crime spree, he really didn't think through how he would handle a violent response. He, like so many other not-too-bright perps, figured his weapon (and sheer presence) would intimidate his victims. He never factored in how he would deal with resistance because he viewed his victims as beneath him. He probably figured they would buckle easily. I'm guessing that he doesn't like women (especially sexually open women).

He also didn't figure on the police having the resources (and brain power) to track him and catch him.

IMO, the responses of his lab partner and other acquaintances who experienced his violent behavior carry more weight than folks who only saw him as polite and well-mannered. They picked up on something dark about him that other people didn't (or weren't subjected to).

Let's hope his fiancee works thru her five stages (shock, denial, anger, bargaining, and acceptance) soon.

Sorry for the long post.
They are discussing making people pay $25 to post an ad for services, however as of right now it's all free.

I know I read somewhere they charge 5 dollars for erotic ads and it goes to charity.

IMO this isn't aboÙt Craigslist. The same ads can be found in newspapers, phone books, other internet locations... It's about a 'man' who found a segment of society to exploit.
Great link with pics! Thanks Columbo :blowkiss:

In those pics...the one of the fiance at home...I guess some photog camped outside her family's house and took that through the window? With all that poor girl is going through - now she has to worry about people secretly photographing her when she's in the comfort of her family's home? Can't they just leave her alone? Her world has been shattered.

I know she's in denial, but can not even begin to imagine what life must be like for her right now. Every morning when she wakes up it must all feel like a terrible nightmare...until the reality that it's real sets in. I hope she has a good support system around her. Sooner or later she's going to have to face the truth of what PM allegedly has done.

What's even worse is when I think of Julissa Brisman's family and what they are going through. God Bless them.
There is NO WAY an insanity plea will fly here.
The creep kept panties. Ugh. Sick.
He knew right from wrong...he hid the gun, right?
Nope. Not gonna fly.
I hope he spends every day of his life he has left in prison.
As for his fiance, I've about had it with her, too. I'm really sorry that he's a psychopath/sociopath/egotistical weirdo and she never saw it, but she ought to be glad she's alive. Geez.

I agree - he has shown recognition of wrongdoing by lying and hiding the evidence of his crimes.

I'm sure the girlfriend will be happy to be alive someday, but I think this guy purposefully chose a girlfriend who was naive. Someone more worldly wise would have asked alot more questions and not been as trusting. I cut her alot of slack - she's a victim, too, and heavily in denial about her lost wedding. It's hard to get over a disappointment like that even without a police investigation of a murder. She loved this guy - it's so tragic!

I saw an interview with the fiance's father, and while he was worried about his daughter, he seemed quite relieved that she literally may have dodged a bullet (or worse) and got away from this guy before it was too late. At any time she could have found the evidence linking him to the murders - the panties, and duct tape, or the gun. And then what? He never would have let her tell anyone, and she would also be dead.
i heard on JVM last night that this guy told his brother (this will be paraphrased) basically to be prepared that even more info and evidence is out there they haven't found yet.
I guess I'm missing something... Can someone explain why the income level of Markoff, his fiancee and their families are relevant? TIA!

I think it might be relevant because they're making a connection to his gambling addiction/problem and the robberies/murder......I guess some would think if his family had money and he was in medical school, then why would he need to rob people to feed his addiction? I didn't make the post you're referring to....but when I seen your post, this is what I thought of.....peace out
i heard on JVM last night that this guy told his brother (this will be paraphrased) basically to be prepared that even more info and evidence is out there they haven't found yet.

If that's the case, I sure wish he would save everyone time and money and admit to whatever crimes he has commited. I wish he would also tell his fiance the same, so she can begin the long, hard road of healing that is ahead of her.
i heard on JVM last night that this guy told his brother (this will be paraphrased) basically to be prepared that even more info and evidence is out there they haven't found yet.

OhMyGoodness, this is scary, imho.:eek:
When I first saw that he'd said that, I thought he might be referring to the shells from his gun matching the murder weapon............but,...........this seems more. Like MORE victims!

I think LE needs to REALLY look around for similar type crimes.


A day after trying to hang himself in jail, accused Craigslist killer Philip Markoff reportedly told relatives to "forget about me" - and suggested they haven't heard the worst.

"There is more coming out," the med student-turned-murder suspect told his brother Jonathan and sister-in-law Deanna at the Boston lockup, the Boston Herald reported Saturday.

"Move to California," Markoff advised the couple during the emotional sit-down Friday afternoon, a jail source told the paper.

The encounter came a day after Markoff, 23, was put on suicide watch because jail officers found shoelace marks around his neck.
I agree - he has shown recognition of wrongdoing by lying and hiding the evidence of his crimes.

I'm sure the girlfriend will be happy to be alive someday, but I think this guy purposefully chose a girlfriend who was naive. Someone more worldly wise would have asked alot more questions and not been as trusting. I cut her alot of slack - she's a victim, too, and heavily in denial about her lost wedding. It's hard to get over a disappointment like that even without a police investigation of a murder. She loved this guy - it's so tragic!

I saw an interview with the fiance's father, and while he was worried about his daughter, he seemed quite relieved that she literally may have dodged a bullet (or worse) and got away from this guy before it was too late. At any time she could have found the evidence linking him to the murders - the panties, and duct tape, or the gun. And then what? He never would have let her tell anyone, and she would also be dead.

Re: the girlfriend...

Someone said to me the other day, "You can't put an old head on young shoulders". So true, so true.
I'm a naturally suspicious person (especially since I started reading here). I can't imagine being so close to someone so evil and being none the wiser, but it's happened before.
I HOPE that she has family and friends that can help her to realize that this is a chapter in her life (a horrible one, of course) that she will have to move on from. The fact that she's adamantly defending him and still making wedding plans leads me to believe maybe there is no such person...or that she's just that deeply in denial. I can understand the temptation to treat someone with kid gloves in thie situation, but I hope that's not the case. I hope she realizes that she loves who she thought he was...
IMO, it sort of minimizes what Julissa's family (and the other victim(s) and their families) are going through for her to profess his innocence the way she is...hopefully she will come to the realization that he most likely is guilty and will able to at least somewhat move on with her life. In a best case scenario, maybe she will start to remember suspicious things he did and MAYBE she will be able to aid LE...though I have to say in this case it looks like they are doing a great job already...
In those pics...the one of the fiance at home...I guess some photog camped outside her family's house and took that through the window? With all that poor girl is going through - now she has to worry about people secretly photographing her when she's in the comfort of her family's home? Can't they just leave her alone? Her world has been shattered.

I know she's in denial, but can not even begin to imagine what life must be like for her right now. Every morning when she wakes up it must all feel like a terrible nightmare...until the reality that it's real sets in. I hope she has a good support system around her. Sooner or later she's going to have to face the truth of what PM allegedly has done.

What's even worse is when I think of Julissa Brisman's family and what they are going through. God Bless them.

I agree--that pic taken through the window of the fiancee's home is a little unsettling--now the paparazzi are stalking her, I guess. (I posted the pictures --it was a slideshow from the newspaper).
Not that he really cares, imo, but the whole "forget about me" speech sounds like he is feeling sorry for himself and pushing them away. I have no sympathy for the . :behindbar

LE needs to look at computers at the med school he had access to and the fiance's electronics. They may find he was using several ways to find women and in the last few attacks was brazen enough to use his own. This could account for him leaving such an evidence trail.

I wouldn't be surprised to find sexual assault/rape victims. The friend who described his drunken advance towards her shows he had no boundaries with women. If he would do this to a good friend, he would do much worse to a stranger who had no one there to stop him.
I agree - he has shown recognition of wrongdoing by lying and hiding the evidence of his crimes.

I'm sure the girlfriend will be happy to be alive someday, but I think this guy purposefully chose a girlfriend who was naive. Someone more worldly wise would have asked alot more questions and not been as trusting. I cut her alot of slack - she's a victim, too, and heavily in denial about her lost wedding. It's hard to get over a disappointment like that even without a police investigation of a murder. She loved this guy - it's so tragic!

I saw an interview with the fiance's father, and while he was worried about his daughter, he seemed quite relieved that she literally may have dodged a bullet (or worse) and got away from this guy before it was too late. At any time she could have found the evidence linking him to the murders - the panties, and duct tape, or the gun. And then what? He never would have let her tell anyone, and she would also be dead.

Bolded by me....I wonder if it was purposeful choice or more that no one else would have him? Anyone who was watchful, with a lick of sense, would have noticed some huge flaws in his character. His poor fiancee probably thought she had landed a great catch. :sick:
Not that he really cares, imo, but the whole "forget about me" speech sounds like he is feeling sorry for himself and pushing them away. I have no sympathy for the . :behindbar

LE needs to look at computers at the med school he had access to and the fiance's electronics. They may find he was using several ways to find women and in the last few attacks was brazen enough to use his own. This could account for him leaving such an evidence trail.

I wouldn't be surprised to find sexual assault/rape victims. The friend who described his drunken advance towards her shows he had no boundaries with women. If he would do this to a good friend, he would do much worse to a stranger who had no one there to stop him.

You could be right about the "forget about me" speech. I interpreted it differently-- as being his acknowledgment that he knows he is "scrod" and his family is better than him. I wonder. He's definitely pushing them away. I think he knows he is bad.
Bolded by me....I wonder if it was purposeful choice or more that no one else would have him? Anyone who was watchful, with a lick of sense, would have noticed some huge flaws in his character. His poor fiancee probably thought she had landed a great catch. :sick:
Not necessarily. People who lead a double life often are very convincing and can fool many intelligent, professional people as well as those closest to them. Such is the case with a HS teacher, John Kastner, who did this very thing and murdered his wife to avoid the world finding out he was a fraud. Mark Hacking is another one.

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