MA MA - Phillip Markoff, Craigslist Killer

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves

I have never considered myself any more nieve than the next gal but as I was looking at all of those websites my jaw hit the floor. My background is probably a lot like PM's fiancee, so I can testify that I would never suspect my boyfriend could be involved in something like that because its just not something that would immediately, if ever, occur to me. Its just beyond anything normal. If there were red flags I wouldn't know what they were red flags of. My heart goes out to his fiancee, and I hope we will see an "x" before that word to.
Hiya, Cynical! ;)

I have to respectfully disagree. This is a woman who has been devastated by the loss of a dream, a life, and her own self worth. She is probably grappling between beating herself up for not knowing and still trying to come to terms with loving him.

Many girlfriends/boyfriends, wives/husbands, and children of murderers go through the same tug of war with their emotions and have to face the facts eventually. The love doesn't end, but the realization sets in to allow them to come to grips with the situation. They are changed forever.

She will have to deal with the guilt and much trauma over why she didn't see it, why she couldn't stop it, and why he did the things he is accused of doing. She will have a tendency to blame herself in some way and try to put together what her role in this could be (yet she had no role in it at all nor could she have done anything to prevent the outcome).

I believe money and Oprah are the last things on her mind right now.

I do hear ya, SS, but how many interviews is this "devasted" girl gonna give?
I do hear ya, SS, but how many interviews is this "devasted" girl gonna give?

:waitasec: I respect your opinion of PM's fiancee, and I have been wrong more times than I care to admit :rolleyes:, but I haven't seen her give any interviews.
The unaccounted for laptop has me worried. If he knew that the police were closing in on him why would he ditch that and not all the other evidence? I can understand a twisted attachment to the underwear, but because they could have dna on them, wouldn't they be the most incriminating?

As for the gun, I doubt anyone would notice his was missing because not that many people would even know he had one.

If his laptop were missing someone would remember not seeing it or that they asked him why it was missing. Especially a fiancee. This leads me to wonder if she, for whatever reason, tossed it when he was arrested. That or someone else was in on it or trying to protect and the only evidence they could get to was the laptop.

Do you think he knew LE was closing in on him? Maybe he had *advertiser censored* on his laptop that he didn't want his fiance to see, so he kept it hidden somewhere. I think if he had had any idea LE was so close, he would have stashed the gun and panties somewhere besides under his bed.
I learn something every day. Usually that's a good thing. Not today. Usually I look up terms I don't know, I have no such desire with those.

LOL . I am with you. There are a few terms I am not familiar with and I am quite happy I am not familiar with them. I am just going to stay in my little bubble and pretend people don't do those sort of things. Ewwww.
I don't understand why he was so careless. Did he want to get caught? or did he think he was so smart he would never get caught. For someone so "bright" didn't he realize using a computer would lead right back to him. Was he escalating out of control that he wasn't thinking properly about covering his tracts? Did he have a deep gambling and *advertiser censored* addiction that took over his life and he threw all caution to the wind? What has me deeply troubled is his behavior after he murdered someone...a few days later went gambling and robbed someone else. I just don't get it.

IMHO, he THOUGHT he was smarter than everyone else. Per the interview of a victim who survived, he erased his telephone number from the victim's cell phone, it's NEVER truly erased, it's in the 'memory cell,' or whatever. He SHOULD have taken the phone, but he thought erasing it would do the trick.

ALSO, per a living victim, he thought to bring and wear gloves, yet............when he tore off and put the tape on her mouth, he took off his gloves for that. Ehhhh.............tape can retain DNA AND fingerprints.

He knew enough to be dangerous but NOT enough to get away with it.:rolleyes:

:waitasec: I respect your opinion of PM's fiancee, and I have been wrong more times than I care to admit :rolleyes:, but I haven't seen her give any interviews.
I have not seen any interviews either. I believe her first statements that said there is no way he did this and those mean cops are just trying to make a buck, came from a letter(s) written to GMA and possibly other media outlets.

The statement yesterday came from her attorney and all though all of the media outlets said she was claiming his innocence, I did not read it that way. What I think she was trying to say is that the Monster we are all reading about is not the PM that she knew. I don't think she was trying to say he didn't do it, just that the side he showed her was not the freaky sex addict murderer guy. That's just my read of it. Am I making sense?
I actually thought about this last night, and I'm posting now. Here's what I think: I think she was so utterly shocked by the whole situation, that the first defense that she could think of was to blame the cops(we all know there ARE crooked cops, it's a blow below the belt, though, IMO).

By all accounts, she seems to be a middle class gal who WAS on the up and up until she met this psycho. If she had any sort of past run ins with the cops to make her distrust them, I bet we would have heard about it by now...

I personally call her blaming LE for her fiance's delimma, 'grasping at straws.'

I personally call her blaming LE for her fiance's delimma, 'grasping at straws.'


Otherwise known as "reaching". :rolleyes:

I'm having a hard time feeling sorry for her...with her professing her undying love and his innocence and all.
Did anyone else happen to see the Dr. Phil show last night about the Craigslist murderer?

It was pretty interesting to hear how a defense lawyer, who was a guest on the show, thought the defense would handle this case. He says that "the only real evidence so far is a security video from the hotel where Julissa was killed !! PM was wearing a white shirt and he should have been covered in blood from the gunshot...." etc etc (All I saw in the video was PM wearing a black jacket--looks like his shirt was light colored)

In a weird way he's right--the duct tape fingerprints, fingerprints on the wall at the hotel, panties, gift cards, plastic ties--all have to be proven, DNA matched, etc. It's amazing how this defense lawyer could minimize these GLARING pieces of evidence in an attempt to make PM look innocent. He can excuse away every single bit of evidence! Amazing.

It's unbelievable the BS these people can produce. I think he is grasping at straws.

LOL, these def lawyers on tv can make it seem so simple, to disprove each piece of evidence. But, you get those same pieces of evidence before a jury, PART of the BIG picture, the guy is toast!

I've seen a case in action, the murder of Samantha Runion. The def tried to discredit the DNA finding of Samantha's in the accused's car. The DNA samples of Samantha's from his auto, were not found until 3 months AFTER his arrest and TWO forensic tech's had already searched and not located them. The pros explanation was that the DNA found on the console was from a 'tear,' thus not found originally, and the Samantha fingerprint located later was on the INSIDE part of the door pull, which hadn't been previously checked.

Of course the jury COULD have found it in their mind to discredit this bit of evidence. But, you add in the fact there was 'the perps' DNA on the victim, he was toast.

It's like a puzzle being put together. If the pieces fit, GUILTY.

It is scary. Its even scarier to think that there are a whole bunch of defense lawyers who do that same thing and they make a whole bunch of money doing it because they are good very.

I was catching up on my JVM and NG today and I think it was on NG that they talked about how defense lawyers are able to poke holes in scientific evidence. I don't remember how exactly they do it. (does anyone know what I am talking about... they were talking about a possible JB stratagy for KC.) But the point is they can.

But it makes sense. Its easier for jurors to trust visual evidence that they themselves analyze and interpret than it is for them to trust evidence that is analyzed by a computer and interpreted by an expert. Its way beyond scary.

(bolded by me)
Hi daisy.faithfull, what is really scary is that the defense lawyer on Dr. Phil almost swayed me over to believing that there was room for doubt in PM's guilt! These people are good at lying and telling tall tales, they just know how to twist the facts to make a story change completely.

As far as poking holes in scientific evidence, I'm not sure exactly how they do it, but for example. they would make a 99.999% (or whatever) probability on DNA look like it had to be someone else's DNA. Or they present DNA as an inexact science. I think they also "cheat" by calling in forensic experts who focus on possible variations of the coroner's results, trying to twist the facts toward the defendant's innocence, or make it seem like an accident. They also, of course, look at every step of LE's procedures to find legal loopholes--improper handling of evidence, etc. I think the OJ case (the first one) is a great example of all of this.

I have to note, bottom line, the defense lawyer on Dr. Phil must not be that good because I sensed that he didn't really believe what HE was saying!
I have not seen any interviews either. I believe her first statements that said there is no way he did this and those mean cops are just trying to make a buck, came from a letter(s) written to GMA and possibly other media outlets.

The statement yesterday came from her attorney and all though all of the media outlets said she was claiming his innocence, I did not read it that way. What I think she was trying to say is that the Monster we are all reading about is not the PM that she knew. I don't think she was trying to say he didn't do it, just that the side he showed her was not the freaky sex addict murderer guy. That's just my read of it. Am I making sense?

HI ella's mom--those emails to GMA and maybe to other media, were her first reactions after this happened. She must have been in shock. I wouldn't be surprised if her attitude toward cops might have been influenced by PM (among other things). Anyway....

I agree with you, it sounds like she is saying that the Monster who did these things is not the PM she knew---not necessarily that he didn't do them--UNTIL I get to the part about how she loves her fiance, is standing by him, and "will continue to stand by him throughout this legal process". But I guess that is the part that shows she is still in denial and has invested so much of herself in this relationship that it HAS to work?
Being in med school, she is a scientist who is going to rely on hard scientific evidence to reach a conclusion. One smidgen of doubt and she may stay in denial forever. I hope not.
LOL, these def lawyers on tv can make it seem so simple, to disprove each piece of evidence. But, you get those same pieces of evidence before a jury, PART of the BIG picture, the guy is toast!

I've seen a case in action, the murder of Samantha Runion. The def tried to discredit the DNA finding of Samantha's in the accused's car. The DNA samples of Samantha's from his auto, were not found until 3 months AFTER his arrest and TWO forensic tech's had already searched and not located them. The pros explanation was that the DNA found on the console was from a 'tear,' thus not found originally, and the Samantha fingerprint located later was on the INSIDE part of the door pull, which hadn't been previously checked.

Of course the jury COULD have found it in their mind to discredit this bit of evidence. But, you add in the fact there was 'the perps' DNA on the victim, he was toast.

It's like a puzzle being put together. If the pieces fit, GUILTY.


That's right! Thanks fran!!
FWIW, def lawyers are taught the very first thing is to:

Attack the law
Attack the evidence
Attack the witness

I thank these tv TH lawyers for reminding us of that fact. ;) But sometimes, the ODDS of the 'evidence' being incorrect is just way too blatant.

This guy was FILMED leaving the scene of TWO crimes.
With the same clothes on from the first crime to the second
A living witness to his first crime id'd him LEAVING THE SCENE OF A MURDER
He used his blackberry while LEAVING THE SCENE OF THE CRIMES
His cell phone calls were on the victims cell phones, eventhough he TRIED to erase them.
HIS gun has been ballistically id'd as the murder weapon.
HIS FINGERPRINTS were at the scene of at least one crime.
HIS NAME was used to set up an email to contact the victim.
TWO of the victim's underclothes were located at HIS apartment.
The duct tape located at his home
The ties to bind the victims forensically match the ties located at HIS home.
LE most likely has the clothes he wore during at least TWO crimes.

Seriously, I see a pattern or BIG PICTURE here.

How about you?
FWIW, def lawyers are taught the very first thing is to:

Attack the law
Attack the evidence
Attack the witness

I thank these tv TH lawyers for reminding us of that fact. ;) But sometimes, the ODDS of the 'evidence' being incorrect is just way too blatant.

This guy was FILMED leaving the scene of TWO crimes.
With the same clothes on from the first crime to the second
A living witness to his first crime id'd him LEAVING THE SCENE OF A MURDER
He used his blackberry while LEAVING THE SCENE OF THE CRIMES
His cell phone calls were on the victims cell phones, eventhough he TRIED to erase them.
HIS gun has been ballistically id'd as the murder weapon.
HIS FINGERPRINTS were at the scene of at least one crime.
HIS NAME was used to set up an email to contact the victim.
TWO of the victim's underclothes were located at HIS apartment.
The duct tape located at his home
The ties to bind the victims forensically match the ties located at HIS home.
LE most likely has the clothes he wore during at least TWO crimes.

Seriously, I see a pattern or BIG PICTURE here.

How about you?

Thanks, fran, for putting things into perspective. I certainly do see a BIG PICTURE here...
You all may be aware of this case, but someone advertised on Craigslist to sell a car stereo, if I remember correctly, and met the interested parties in a Target parking lot--how much more public could that be? I can't remember exactly what happened--I think the seller got murdered but I am not sure. It did end in violence. It can be a scary world out there. And yes, trust your instincts.

yes, it was a local guy here who went up to the Dallas area, and was murdered. Good memory, Columbo

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