MA MA - Simone Ridinger, 17, Sherborn, 2 Sept 1977

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Where's Simone? Family still searches for teen who vanished in 1977

Almost four decades ago, 17-year-old Simone Ridinger left her job at a Natick restaurant to head to the bus stop en route to her family’s Martha’s Vineyard home.

The MetroWest Daily News reported that was on Sept. 2, 1977, and it was the last time Ridinger was seen or heard.

Thirty-nine years later, Sherborn Police Detective James Godhino is asking for help to solve the missing person’s case.

“I’ve been working on this for a while now,” said Godhino. “It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack. I’m trying to utilize anything I can do to get some information on the case.”
Living in the area all my life, it seemed like there was some "secret evil army" that went around kidnapping kids and young adults in the 70's and early 80's before the rise of cell phones, public cameras, and other technology. Anyway, the Simone Ridinger case intrigues me because of it being local and because there seems to be opportunities to push this investigation further along. The standard story was she was last seen leaving her place of employment at the Rainbow Restaurant on Friday, September 2, 1977 and her plan was to hitchhike down to her mother's place on Cape Cod. That was Labor Day weekend in 1977. She never arrived. To me, the most tantalizing area to focus on is the civilian and state trooper encounter the next day, Saturday, September 3, 1977. This civilian, 70 years old at the time ended up giving her a ride to the Cape and dropped her off at a rotary/roundabout in Hyannis. There seems to be no "deep dive" that I know of into this angle of the case. According to the civilian he was pulled over near the 128/109 rest area (I know the area well) and the trooper had Simone (we think) in the back seat and he asked the civilian to give her a ride down the Cape. OK this is strange all around...Did the trooper pull the civilian over for a violation then when he found out where he has driving did he ask the favor? Or did he just randomly pull over the civilian (no violation) and asked him to give his passenger a ride? Was a citation ever issued? Was the state trooper ever questioned? This is important because it would change the date she was last seen to September 3rd. Plus, why was she in a state trooper's car in the first place?
Yeah, the Hyannis rotary -- the traffic circle -- is a major Cape Cod landmark. It's a big one and has businesses all around it. There's even a small mall now, though I don't know whether it was there in 1977.

Here's a map, with the airport marked to the right. The rotary is that circle in the middle.,+Hyannis,+MA&z=17

This location is the transportation center of Cape Cod -- you can catch a bus to locations all over the Cape and beyond, or an airplane to Boston or New York City -- both scheduled flights and air taxi. Exactly what companies were providing service has varied over the years, but most of the time there's something. There are motels and restaurants where you could meet somebody. State route 28 provides a good chance to catch a ride with somebody, no matter where you're going. And there were lots of people catching rides with other people in 1977.

If she really was trying to get to anywhere on Cape Cod, that was a good place to catch a second ride. If she was meeting somebody, meeting at a restaurant on the rotary would be convenient from almost anywhere. If she really was running away, it was a good location to leave from.

She had only been missing for a couple of years when we moved to New England, but people were still talking about it. There have always been rumors across rural and suburban eastern MA that there was a rogue cop or trooper who was a serial rapist/killer who would attack women under the guise or helping them, and that this is why several such missing persons cases received so little attention.

Hi, the cape cod mall was opened in the early 70s, then expanded in 1977. I know the large rotary near the airport well. But, there is also the possibility she was dropped off further down Main street where it ends at a small roundabout near the Paddock and hotel/conference center (is it still a Sheraton?) The only reason I say that is the civilian who dropped her off said " last saw her walking toward a restaurant; either a Ground Round or Howard Johnson’s." Now back in the day, I recall both the Ground Round and HOJOs being on Main street. So, I think he may have dropped her off at the small roundabout where Main Street and Scudder Ave. meets, near the Hyannis package store. From there you may have been able to see the restaurants. I do nt think you would be able to see them from that airport rotary? Agree?
I think it is possible that the girl this man picked up wasn't Simone. I just say that because the man was 79 when he came forward and this had happened about 9 years earlier. It certainly could have been her, but I think it could have been someone who looked similar.

The girl apparently called herself "Sissy" and someone who knew Simone said she never heard of her using that nickname.

I am really interested in what that visitation pass was about though. It was scheduled for after she went missing, because her mother had gone to wherever this was supposed to take place, hoping Simone would show up there.

The person who contacted me that knew Simone did not know what that was about.

I had seen something on one of the pages that briefly flashed on the screen that said "Department of Corrections" which leads me to think there was some sort of tie to law enforcement. This makes me think there is a good chance the girl he picked up WAS Simone because of the state troopers cat. I wish we could piece all this together.

There was also a mention of a police officer or detective saying his daughter had picked up Simone at some point and I couldn't make out exactly when that was. I wasn't sure if this was before or after her disappearance, but it suggested that this girl knew Simone.

We need more puzzle pieces for sure.
I think it is possible that the girl this man picked up wasn't Simone. I just say that because the man was 79 when he came forward and this had happened about 9 years earlier. It certainly could have been her, but I think it could have been someone who looked similar.

The girl apparently called herself "Sissy" and someone who knew Simone said she never heard of her using that nickname.

I am really interested in what that visitation pass was about though. It was scheduled for after she went missing, because her mother had gone to wherever this was supposed to take place, hoping Simone would show up there.

The person who contacted me that knew Simone did not know what that was about.

I had seen something on one of the pages that briefly flashed on the screen that said "Department of Corrections" which leads me to think there was some sort of tie to law enforcement. This makes me think there is a good chance the girl he picked up WAS Simone because of the state troopers cat. I wish we could piece all this together.

There was also a mention of a police officer or detective saying his daughter had picked up Simone at some point and I couldn't make out exactly when that was. I wasn't sure if this was before or after her disappearance, but it suggested that this girl knew Simone.

We need more puzzle pieces for sure.

Thanks for the information. I do not profess to be the smartest guy in the room and not having information others may have, I just find questions and areas that should be probed more. Take for example, the latest update by WCVB, this past September,

Three items hit me, First, the family's place on the Cape was over in Martha's Vineyard, and they didnt become alarmed when she didn't show that Saturday or Sunday and not report her missing until 7 days later on the 11th??? Simone was 17 years old. Why wouldn't they react and sound the alarm sooner? Second, she moved out of the house the month before. Third, Sherborn Police Detective James Godhino is asking for people who may have worked at the Rainbow Restaurant? I would think that would be rather easy to find out...find the former owner through land records, building permits, state agencies etc..ask for names, etc. Even ask family members?? Seems like there is some foot dragging or reluctance to not push...Maybe I have it wrong...
Sounds like there has been some recent interviewing activity with social friends and worker friends form her past...Still, this case seems like one of those ones that if effort is exerted, credible leads will happen.

It may be because I'm on my phone but I couldn't see a date on that article. Do you know how recent it was?

The strange thing is that I recently found an article from last year, I believe, that seemed odd enough that I emailed the detective. I never got a reply.

The article stated that they had no clue who was last to see her and they were trying to find anyone who worked with her or lived nearby. They didn't seem to have any idea about the reports of her last having been seen by the man who said he'd given her a ride at the request of a State Trooper. It was just odd because that information had been in prior news stories.
It may be because I'm on my phone but I couldn't see a date on that article. Do you know how recent it was?

The strange thing is that I recently found an article from last year, I believe, that seemed odd enough that I emailed the detective. I never got a reply.

The article stated that they had no clue who was last to see her and they were trying to find anyone who worked with her or lived nearby. They didn't seem to have any idea about the reports of her last having been seen by the man who said he'd given her a ride at the request of a State Trooper. It was just odd because that information had been in prior news stories.

The only thing that clued me in was the copyright, 2017 at the bottom. Yes, it seemed odd that LE didn't seem to know key elements of the case. OK, the typical Boston area cynic begins to show whenever I research cases like this one...I am only speaking locally, but a good number of these unsolved crimes and mysteries going back to the Joan Risch disappearance, always seem to have the following; lost or damaged evidence, lack of follow up on key witnesses, a local, connected town family that is either a suspect or involved somehow, further LE knowing this but still "looking for help in solving the crime but refusing help from anyone that may go off the reservation.."
still missing:

New leads on 40-year-old cold case in Massachusetts


A week later, after Simone was reported missing, police publicly revealed what she was last seen wearing, but it turns that description was wrong.

In 2014, two co-workers gave detective Godhino a new description and it corroborated information contained in an old police report.

Sherborn police now say, when Simone disappeared, she was wearing white sneakers, patched blue jeans and a blue button up vest. She was carrying a small grayish Army-style duffel bag which may have contained a blue skirt.

In my mind this case still raises a lot of questions. The whole matter of the police pulling over the elderly driver to give Simone a ride to the Cape is bizarre? Also, she was going to meet her family on Martha's Vineyard. That is about a 45 minute ferry ride from the mainland. In addition, I would say the overwhelming majority of people would take the ferry out of Falmouth, not Hyannis. Falmouth is closer, you can see Martha's vineyard from Falmouth Heights. After viewing this brief WCVB update now LE is saying they are pretty sure she got to the Cape? I wonder what they are basing that on? I wonder if eyewitnesses from Hyannis may have seen her? It still doesn't explain the trooper/Simone in the back seat story.I am also still surprised by the amount of time that went by before she was reported missing...
Good morning everyone! Detective Godhino Sherborn Police here. I have been re-examining this case since 2014. And as I have combed through every shred of this case I am intimately familiar with what was done with this case dating back to the first moment Simone's mother came into Sherborn PD to report her missing. After searching through all the files I (as many of you were also) left with WAY too many questions. So much so that it became apparent that either many things were not done OR many things that were done were not documented. As a result of this I decided to literally start this investigation over as if it was just received. Obviously, the information that did exist and was in fact documented was utilized and taken into consideration when determining where begin. Now, In my opinion this case will never get solved without a team effort to include help from other police agencies to the public.
The recent media reports on this case were done as a result of some outreach myself along with the National Center for Missing & Exploited kids put together. The purpose for this outreach was due to it being the 40th Anniversary of Simone's disappearance on 9/11/17. Within the reports they touch on the most recent development, however, some details are slightly off. Now to address the concerns many of you expressed about our knowledge of the 1986 interview concerning the 70 y/o man being stopped by a trooper etc. We are certainly aware of that report and have thoroughly examined the details within his statement. Now, one of the intimate details within his report was never released publicly - Those details concerned the exact description he gave of the girl that the Trooper gave to him so that he could in turn drive her to Cape Cod. His description was an original one, meaning that no one had ever provided a description like the one he did. Remember now that Simone was reported to have left the Rainbow Restaurant on Friday, 9/2/77, around 2-3ish PM wearing a broad-brimmed hat, an indian print wrap-around skirt, brown leather boots and silver jewelry with turquoise stones. The 70 y/o provided a starkly different description of the young lady who entered his vehicle. His description (which was just made public not to long ago) is as follows; 16-18 y/o female, about 5'7" 135 lbs, medium build with dark blonde curly hair. She was wearing blue jeans, "grubby white sneakers", a blue pull over blouse and was carrying a small grayish duffel bag. As part of my follow-up into this old case I examined every piece of paper and simply could never find anything that actually identified who the heck provided the original desciption
I was let to assume, as any reasonable person would, that this original description was provided by a fellow waitress at the Rainbow who saw Simone leave on that fateful day, or maybe a motorist or pedestrian who was in that area. I just found it odd that we didn't have a name though so I dug deeper. So as mentioned I looked through everything on this case and could not find the name of this witness who provided a very important piece of info (the LAST SEEN description!!) You know what else I couldn't find was the name of any former waitresses or co-workers of Simone's or her bosses name etc. Along with many many other things we have done over the past 3 years+ it was imperative that we identified (if possible) who worked at the Rainbow; thankfully we were lucky enough to do so. Now it was actually 2016 that I was fortunate enough to track down 5 former waitresses of the Rainbow Restaurant who WORKED WITH Simone Ridinger! Now, it was to my dismay that not a single one of them had ever been interviewed... Yes, not interviewed ever. So despite this 39 year delay we arranged interviews. During the course of these interviews we learned that one of them was in fact working on Friday 9/2/77 with Simone. She recalled conversation with Simone about her plans to hitchhike to Cape Cod so that she could meet her mom on the Vineyard where the family kept a house. Concern was expressed over this lengthy hitchhiking trip, but, Simone (being the free-spirited independent girl she was) decided that was her gameplan. Now this former co-worker of Simone's recalls this moment in history because it was quite a traumatic moment, given the fact that a girl she worked with disappeared off the face of the earth. Now among many things we discussed was what she recalled Simone wearing when she left...So her description was as follows; Simone changed out of the waitress uniform (which was a blue pull over vest, and blue skirt) and placed it into a small gray army-style duffel bag. She put on blue jeans and a white t-shirt. She was also wearing her white high-top sneakers that she wore to work......... DOES that sound familiar?!?! The only difference from the 70 y/o man's description is that maybe she put on the blue pull over later in the day after hitchhiking. Keep in mind that this 70 y/o man was pulled over (allegedly) on Saturday, 9/3/77, at 6:45 AM which would have been approximately 14-15 hours after Simone left work.
Now some concern about her statement would be - Hm is she remembering all of this because it was a traumatic event or because she saw some of this info in a story over the past few decades (in particular the description she provided). So I contacted the former Sherborn Officer who did the interview with the 70 y/o man - despite many details of that interview being made public; the trooper stop, the ride to the cape, the dropping off at the Hyannis airport rotary you just didn't see his description of this girl. He confirmed that it was not released. This MEANS - that the description by this former co-worker AND the 70 y/o man are almost identical both of whom are complete strangers. The description originally put out....hat, boots, purple skirt....looks a lot like what she was wearing in some photos police obtained from family (something she was not wearing on Friday 9/2/77).
So in summary 1986 interview with 70 y/o man provided original description of girl "trooper" asked him to drive to Cape Cod. In 2016 interview with former waitress of Rainbow Restaurant who was working with Simone on Friday 9/2/77 (who was never interviewed before) provided a description of what she recalled Simone leaving in/with. Both descriptions match (almost exactly) down to her carrying a small gray duffel bag. Both 70 y/o and former waitress are complete strangers AND no one knew of his description. Any reasonable person MUST believe based upon this THAT at the very least our 70 y/o man DID see Simone Ridinger after she was last seen leaving work!

OK - So now comes the tricky part..... WAS he stopped by a trooper who basically handed this teenager off to someone he pulled over?? Preposterous in today's day and age (given liability etc), but, in 1977 I could see this as a possibility. SO I have called all the records depts. you can think of and some do not have records going back that far, some do - but -nothing showing a stop on 9/3/77. I even called the local PD's (maybe it was a town cop) and they had nothing to confirm a stop.
NOW I have a few other ideas on how to try and pursue verifying the interaction that the 70 y/o claims which I will most certainly pursue in the coming months. But at this stage there are many many people who have been spoke to and so many more to come along with leads to pursue AND we WILL not stop until all leads have been exhausted. I believe that outreach on sites like this can help and I encourage you to ask questions. I will not check this daily BUT will try to answer when I log in.

Once again the significance of this recent info release truly seems to indicate this 70 y/o saw Simone. Did he drop her at the Hyannis airport rotary??? We want to try and hear from ANYONE who was working at that GROUND ROUND, at the HOWARD JOHNSON's, at the Barnstable Municipal Airport or any hotel, restaurant, café etc. that was working on Saturday, 9/3/77, Do you remember a young girl wearing the clothes from this new description carrying a small gray duffel bag come into your establishment??!!? Please call Sherborn Police 508-653-2424

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