Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #26

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I think we can safely ignore junk media and go on what the Germans say. Unfortunately English has nuance that they might not get, hence the confusion. I think we can reasonably conclude and state based on logic, statistics and probabilities.

1. CB or a man just like him is the most likely suspect based on all the behaviour profiles and stunningly the only one never seriously investigated. He had the means, will, psych profile and opportunity to commit the crime. No other person currently is even remotely suspected of the crime. This is not like the Zodiac case where you have 5-6 reasonable suspects. 99% of crime is simple. CB is a man who abused children, was an expert in breaking and entering and lived in the immediate area/ had local knowledge. PDL is not a huge metropolitan area. There are not 10s of thousands of potential suspects. Place him near 5A on that day and Statistically speaking - it is 99% certain that it is him. This is real life, it is boring and predictable, not Hollywood.

2. The prosecution has enough evidence to publicly announce the culprit and risk world-wide ridicule, they could have just quietly pursued the case but are confident enough to give regular media interviews. German prosecutors are not the Sun - they don’t make money on publicity.

3. There is a world of difference between being certain that something happened and being confident to win in a court of law, due to vagaries in different courts of law. Whether or not CB is convicted - the prosecution is confident they won’t look like fools. Nobody wants to be GA.
I don't get GA either, why does he continue to get involved, he isn't the first and won't be the last detective to be taken off a case, so why didn't he just move on with his life after being taken off the case, he still had his job, it makes no sense, unless, this is a wild one,,, maybe he knows, and has all along who did it, so stays involved so it does come back to bite him in the bum, so to speak, and why is he so so protective of CB? Why is he so insistent its not him?

I think it's simpler. As I understand it, he made a lot of money out of the first book.

The case is his claim to fame, so he keeps grifting.
For once, I agree with you. What they've printed doesn't make a lot sense. But it's worth noting those 3 dots in HCW's quote. It means he said something else first to do with why he hasn't told the parents which the newspaper have decided in their wisdom to cut out. If we knew what else he said, I'm sure it would give the rest of what he says a bit more context and I expect the whole thing would have made a lot more sense. But that's the tabloids for you.

This is why I wish HCW would do proper structured press conferences where he can brief a prepared statement. Why given an exclusive to a tabloid which will likely get key stuff wrong?

Also why prefer the Mirror over other outlets including say the BBC?

This is what remains confusing to me. Why the focus on english tabloid outlets?
This is why I wish HCW would do proper structured press conferences where he can brief a prepared statement. Why given an exclusive to a tabloid which will likely get key stuff wrong?

Also why prefer the Mirror over other outlets including say the BBC?

This is what remains confusing to me. Why the focus on english tabloid outlets?

Perhaps they think tabloids are for their target demographic with the appeals? Broadsheet readers might be more likely to visit resorts like Vilamoura, tabloid readers PdL?
Just surmising here. MOO. And it doesn’t explain why he doesn’t just stick to pressers.
This is why I wish HCW would do proper structured press conferences where he can brief a prepared statement. Why given an exclusive to a tabloid which will likely get key stuff wrong?

Also why prefer the Mirror over other outlets including say the BBC?

This is what remains confusing to me. Why the focus on english tabloid outlets?
I think a lot of it is down to these tabloids approaching HCW directly for an update/response, usually on the back of another "story" one of them has just published. This latest one is probably instigated by GA's recent proclamations. I can see why HCW obliges with some comments though, these tabloids have a large reader base and it is extra exposure for the BKA to possibly reach a new witness. The most recent article does actually have some new information, but most of what we've seen for the last 12 months are just spin or variations on things we already knew. Clickbait for the large number of people who are interested in the case.
Perhaps they think tabloids are for their target demographic with the appeals? Broadsheet readers might be more likely to visit resorts like Vilamoura, tabloid readers PdL?
Just surmising here. MOO. And it doesn’t explain why he doesn’t just stick to pressers.

It’s always difficult when confirming what he’s said and in the context they were said ,I try to view any videos where anybody connected to the case is physically speaking .
I don't get GA either, why does he continue to get involved, he isn't the first and won't be the last detective to be taken off a case, so why didn't he just move on with his life after being taken off the case, he still had his job, it makes no sense, unless, this is a wild one,,, maybe he knows, and has all along who did it, so stays involved so it does come back to bite him in the bum, so to speak, and why is he so so protective of CB? Why is he so insistent its not him?

He's not protective of CB at all, more that in his mind, CB cannot have committed the crime because the evidence he believes in (from the PJ investigation) just doesn't allow for it. Whether he's right or wrong about this will remain debatable until HCW puts his cards on the table. But his anti-BKA stance is not coming from a supportive place as far as CB is concerned. For him. CB clearly remains a fall-guy.

I'm not sure what to make of GA at this stage. Ego alone doesn't account imo for his 'fixation' on this case. He's at risk of making a total fool out of himself should the BKA investigation be successful and result in irrefutable evidence of CB's guilt and I question why he would leave himself open to that and the attendant ridicule on a world stage?

Book sales are unlikely to provide anything remotely approaching an 'insulation blanket' for that type of disgrace.
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Mr Wolter, who is leading the investigation, said: “It is now possible that we could charge. We have that evidence now’

That’s huge IMO. That’s the very first time that they’ve confirmed they may have enough evidence to charged CB. Whatever they’ve got must be very credible, substantial & significant.

I wasn’t certain they were going to get enough to arrest, but not it seems like they have

IMO HCW hasn't said any more than he usually does.
I think they've always had enough to charge, but were not confident, at one stage of a getting a guilty verdict. I think they wan't a watertight case and are still prepared to wait a little longer. CB is going nowhere.

I can't find it at the moment but HCW talked about another case, where they knew they had the right perp, but the Judges either gave a not guilty verdict or there wasn't enough evidence to go to trial - I can't remember which, sorry, but sure someone here has a link somewhere.
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I don't know. IF the file/s do exist I would need to check the file/s myself.

I would need to check if i could extract extra data out of the format of the file assuming it's word, i would need to see the data it was written, check the text if it's only MM or if i could link stuff on the text with real stuff, etc ... try to determine if it's true or false based on content.

Maybe there is indeed a text file and the investigators are attempting to match what is written on the text with real facts and because of that they used the public appeal ?

Example if on the text CB did wrote about to be at some time in some place and for some people to have seen him, or do some action and someone spoting him, etc and maybe BKA are attempting to match text with reality to prove that text is real ? Don't know. I can only speculate about that. I have no clue further that what I did post.

I don't know if he is guilty or not of MM crime without further info. I'm more inclined to think about stuff that BKA might have and explanation for some stuff that was stated but no clue if file do indeed exist and if it's "true" or just a story for example to post on a pedo forum, etc ... need more info.

This 'file' or word document theory intrigues me.
Did GA make it up or did he just assume there may be a word document after having read the early press reports? Or could there really be a document?

GERMAN cops investigating prime suspect Christian B are desperately searching for letters he may have written that mention Madeleine McCann.

"German officers have spoken to ex-girlfriends to ask them for any notes the convicted sex offender has ever sent them."

We've been told that CB is a prolific writer and seems to like drawing cartoons.......

“He kept in touch with many of them by letter and has also continued to send love-notes while he’s been locked up.

Cops investigating Christian B searching for letters he wrote mentioning Maddie

Case Maddie McCann: investigators in search of letters written by Christian B. - World Today News
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Sorry, this is NOT TRUE.

I've been checking (and .de and .es) since the book was published and on the .com site there was only 1 review with 1 start. On .es there was 2 negative reviews. This went down like that for weeks, Last week there was 18 reviews on JC book on, 2 days ago they went down to 17, and the review that was removed was a 5 star one.

I don't know about "troll attacks" or stuff like that because i did indee saw some bad comments about JC on forum that support GA theory (and was stated here). But regarding the comment of Amazon removing reviews and for the book to have many 1 start reviews this is clearly BOGUS and FAKE (UNLESS JC is refering to the 2 or 3 first days that the book was at amazon and that i didn't check the reviews - but again for the reviews to be deleted recently this is not true).
But did you not spend 50 euros just to leave a review and such without reading the book ?? just because you did not agree! just saying......
But did you not spend 50 euros just to leave a review and such without reading the book ?? just because you did not agree! just saying......

Yes, I did. And Yes I did complain NOT about the book itself but on the way the book was promoted, so my review was never made public as amazon just aprove reviews on the product itself. For example if you order an item and it arrives with damaged package, etc and you review it badly because of that amazon don't list your review.

What i think that it might had happend is that those so called "trolls" did review the book with one star but those reviews were never posted at amazon to start with, but maybe JC as the publisher did get the mails from amazon with the content of the reviews even when they were not posted by amazon, so he is talking about 20 reviews with one star when in reality that was never ever posted at amazon.

To be fair, judging from the information posted here by a member of this forum I don't have any personal issue with the content itself of JC book. To be fair as well I don't have any personal issue at all with the latest articles that were posted by JC at olivepress as well (and re-posted here).

So yes, you are correct in what you stated.

I might have done the same as the other trolls have done, but this troll here (me) did it for different reasons of the other ones that JC is complaining about.

And when i do stuff that might not be the more apropriated stuff to do I admit it, so yes, maybe I ended up a little bit like the other trolls and I was nasty as well because I was upset.

But honestly I don't want to comment further on that,
Back to MM case now !
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What i think that it might had happend is that those so called "trolls" did review the book with one star but those reviews were never posted at amazon to start with, but maybe JC as the publisher did get the mails from amazon with the content of the reviews even when they were not posted by amazon, so he is talking about 20 reviews with one star when in reality that was never ever posted at amazon.

I did just re-read JC post and looks like this statment is not correct either because JC is talking about people "liking" on amazon the 1 start reviews meaning those would need to be made public by amazon...

Moving on. The rest of my last post still apply,

Back to MM topic now.
Regarding GA book and interview to CM Jornal / Investigação CM - I'm VERY SURPRIZED that it's not all over the news right now.

GA did made VERY NASTY comments that I was expecting to be all over the news on the next day, even so looks like that media decided to omit that.

It's as bad as it looks. All that was published so far was this :

Madeleine McCann - Gonçalo Amaral revela que Maddie tinha problemas de expressão

To a daily newspaper, the former inspector of the Judiciary Police (PJ) assures that the British authorities realized that Maddie, who at the time was four years old, experienced these difficulties after questioning her mother, Kate McCann. "The British police had a database for children in this age group, which had to do with how they referred to a certain object. They asked the mother questions and she mentioned, for example, how the girl said 'chair' , 'pee', and they concluded, from the phrases her mother used to say, that there was some problem with Maddie there," explained Gonçalo Amaral to Correio da Manhã.

On the CM Jornal - Investigação CM on the television channel where GA talked he actually stated that those "difficulties" discovered on MM way to express were most likely due to sexual abuse (of course prior to abduction). Then he mentioned David Payne as well ...
Sorry, this is NOT TRUE.

I've been checking (and .de and .es) since the book was published and on the .com site there was only 1 review with 1 start. On .es there was 2 negative reviews. This went down like that for weeks, Last week there was 18 reviews on JC book on, 2 days ago they went down to 17, and the review that was removed was a 5 star one.

I don't know about "troll attacks" or stuff like that because i did indee saw some bad comments about JC on forum that support GA theory (and was stated here). But regarding the comment of Amazon removing reviews and for the book to have many 1 start reviews this is clearly BOGUS and FAKE (UNLESS JC is refering to the 2 or 3 first days that the book was at amazon and that i didn't check the reviews - but again for the reviews to be deleted recently this is not true).

Do Amazon show different ratings & reviews on each national version of their site? If so, perhaps the ones referred to were on the site, which you don't mention checking. I imagine most purchases will have been made from the UK.
He's not protective of CB at all, more that in his mind, CB cannot have committed the crime because the evidence he believes in (from the PJ investigation) just doesn't allow for it. Whether he's right or wrong about this will remain debatable until HCW puts his cards on the table. But his anti-BKA stance is not coming from a supportive place as far as CB is concerned. For him. CB clearly remains a fall-guy.

I'm not sure what to make of GA at this stage. Ego alone doesn't account imo for his 'fixation' on this case. He's at risk of making a total fool out of himself should the BKA investigation be successful and result in irrefutable evidence of CB's guilt and I question why he would leave himself open to that and the attendant ridicule on a world stage?

Book sales are unlikely to provide anything remotely approaching an 'insulation blanket' for that type of disgrace.

I doubt he'll feel disgraced even if CB is convicted.

GA has a huge following, akin to a religion, who will always believe CB is the 'patsy' whatever happens. He'll always have support of others across the net who hold him as some kind of demigod.

As the saying goes.......'If you have a dogma, you'll spend the rest of your life feeding and walking it'.
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Do Amazon show different ratings & reviews on each national version of their site? If so, perhaps the ones referred to were on the site, which you don't mention checking. I imagine most purchases will have been made from the UK.
Yes, that is possible. I didn't check the version.
Maybe in reality BKA do have more/other suspects apart from CB and are closely monitorizing them while they "construct" CB as a suspect on the media ? For example they can tap the phones of the real suspects and see if they comment among them something while CB is all over the news ? Who knows ...
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