Magic trick costs teacher job

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Magic trick costs teacher job

Magic trick costs teacher job

Janie Porter
Land 'O Lakes, Florida -- The stories in the news about inappropriate relationships between teachers and students have been overwhelming. There was even a substitute teacher in New Port Richey who got in trouble after investigators say she had a relationship with an underage student.

Well, another Pasco County substitute teacher's job is on the line, but this time it's because of a magic trick.

The charge from the school district — Wizardry!

Substitute teacher Jim Piculas does a 30-second magic trick where a toothpick disappears then reappears.

But after performing it in front of a classroom at Rushe Middle School in Land 'O Lakes, Piculas said his job did a disappearing act of its own.

"I get a call the middle of the day from the supervisor of substitute teachers. He says, 'Jim, we have a huge issue. You can't take any more assignments. You need to come in right away,'" he said.

When Piculas went in, he learned his little magic trick cast a spell that went much farther than he'd hoped.

"I said, 'Well Pat, can you explain this to me?' 'You've been accused of wizardry,' [he said]. Wizardry?" he asked.

Tampa Bay's 10 talked to the assistant superintendent with the Pasco County School District who said it wasn't just the wizardry and that Picular had other performance issues, including "not following lesson plans" and allowing students to play on unapproved computers.

Piculas said he knew nothing about the accusations.

"That... I think was embellished after the fact to try to cover what initially what they were saying to me," he said.

After the magic trick, Rushe's principal requested Piculas be dismissed. Now, Piculas believes the incident may have bewitched his ability to get a job anywhere else.

"I still have no idea what my discipline involves because I've never received anything from the school district actually saying what it entails," said Piculas.

As a substitute teacher, the Pasco County School District considers Piculas to be an "at will employee." That means the district doesn't need to have cause for not bringing him back at all.
I guess I would be shocked if it was not Florida..

Substitutes only need a HS diploma or GED and a 2 day course.
As far as following the lesson plan more often then not there is not one left for them.
I guess I would be shocked if it was not Florida..

Substitutes only need a HS diploma or GED and a 2 day course.
As far as following the lesson plan more often then not there is not one left for them.

You're kidding??? I've always assumed that a substitute had a degree just like any other teacher.
GA requirements:
HS Diploma or GED
Valid Driver's License
1 day orientation (filling out paperwork & watching a video)

PA requirements:
PA teacher certification (preferably in area subbing)
3 child clearances
1 day orientation (Taught by head of curriculum)
3 letters of recommendation
Standard PA teaching application
Resume & cover letter
You're kidding??? I've always assumed that a substitute had a degree just like any other teacher.

NOPE.. I am not kidding.

Maybe in other states the requirements are higher but here in FL that is all that is required.
Heck until the late 80's early 90's full time teachers only had to have a HS diploma. (At least in most counties)
How ridiculuous!:banghead: Are we back in the days of the Salem Witch Hunts??? There are plenty of good reason to let a teacher go, including having sex with students (and oftentimes those teachers are kept on), but please, an innocent magic trick??? The district obviously has nothing better to do with its time.
Let me get this straight...
a teacher can molest kids for 20 years and just be shipped off to other schools in the district without problems but this seemingly good guy does a magic trick, HE gets fired...
Let me get this straight...
a teacher can molest kids for 20 years and just be shipped off to other schools in the district without problems but this seemingly good guy does a magic trick, HE gets fired...

Well, Pix, I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's the end of the world as we know it! I am a teacher but the way things are going, I may not be a teacher for much longer.

My son performs awesome magic tricks and I was going to have him come in and entertain my classes sometime. Hmmmm...maybe unemployment would be relaxing for awhile. LOL.

In MN, subs have to have a teaching license and here, that is now a 5-year college program. I think we have just as many assinine decisions about educational issues, here, however, as in FL or anywhere else. Things have just gone to hell in a hand basket (what is a hand basket, exactly?).

The sub should have received written notice and had the opportunity to rebut the charges, too.

Although it could be he was just goofy and played around too much, instead of making the students get their work done.

I had one sub who actually walked off and left my class on the playground (luckily there were other teachers present) because he was thirsty.

They lined up by themselves and just walked themselves to lunch! But they were NOT a group I would ever take my eyes off, normally.
You're kidding??? I've always assumed that a substitute had a degree just like any other teacher.

In 1998 in the state of Oklahoma They would let just about any body sub. I had a friend that gradurated in May of 1997. In 1998 he was a school bus driver and and a sub for the class of 1998. He tried to make me call him Mr. whatever. I told him he was Brad 3 months ago and he would still be Brad. He watching kids the same age as himself. Thats crazy.
This guy letting kids play on unauthorized computers might not have been a good thing. He must have had quite a few complaints.
American Heritage Dictionary

wiz·ard·ry Audio Help (wĭz'ər-drē) Pronunciation Key
n. pl. wiz·ard·ries

  1. The art, skill, or practice of a wizard; sorcery.
  2. A power or effect that appears magical by its capacity to transform: computer wizardry.
  3. Great ability or adroitness in a pursuit: a pianist gifted with technical wizardry.
  4. Magic trick(s) in front of a class that costs a teacher his job, career and reputation. This applies to the state of Florida only.
I put money on the other allegations as being inflated and false. Because the wizard reason is beyond the reasoning of reasonable people.

If there was a problem with his teaching and methods, they would have or should have been brought to his attention and acted upon well before the wizard magic trick incident.

I know, why does he not just cast a spell on the entire school board, I put money on the entire school board shaking in their shoes if he does. If they believe that he is a wizard, then they should believe his claim of casting spells. If not, then the entire wizard reasons should be not believed as the school board does not believe him to be a wizard.

Florida is really strange...........what is it with that state. I can understand this happening in Africa or some other sub sahara country or small rural village, but in the USA in Florida.

Put this before a Judge.........
Subs. at my kids school get paid $95.00 a day. All you need is a GED or diploma. Teachers Aides get $14.00 an hour and also GED or diploma is all that is required. I put in an application but the apps. were stacked 300 high lol..EVERYBODY wants those two jobs here. We are moving in a few months so I never really pushed the issue but man it would of been some good money! I was a teachers aide in Texas for over 2 years and you had to have an associates degree there to get that job.
This is just too much! I wouldn't consider a magic trick as wizardry. It seems they are going backwards in time. Did one of the students go home and tell their parents? Where did the complaint originate?
We used to have a magician come to our school once a year and put on a thirty minute magic show. We loved it. People need to lighten up. Have some fun along with the work.
I was expecting to read that maybe he pulled a coin out of a student's bra or something right in front of class.
Don't you know that magic tricks are the work of Satan and the Devil.

Just like some schools will not allow Harry Potter books for children, because OMG those same children may cast spells and become wizards. The same schools don't teach evolution either. Nothing like ignoring science and facts.

We cannot let a little magic trick and a book of fiction taint the young minds of the children. We cannot let the devil and Satan get a hold of their young minds. Magic tricks and Harry Potter are from Satan and the devil. The Church told me so. So of course they are right.

Lets all pray that the devil is not in our midst. The end of the world is near. Now lets all pray to rid the world of magic tricks and those "evil" devil books called Harry Potter. :eek:

Run for the hills.........the magicians are amongst us.
You're kidding??? I've always assumed that a substitute had a degree just like any other teacher.
No...they don't. However, if a sub is in a long term position...such as a 6 weeks pregnancy leave, they usually do try to get someone that has the proper experience. If they hire a degreed sub in my district, they have to pay them more, so I think the cheap school district (mine anyway) tries to avoid that. :mad:
Just when I thought today could not get any more ridiculous.
I'm shocked by the Fla law here and I'm also shocked at the stupidity of this decision. They let the bad people get away with everything and those the good guys get fired.

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