Maketoast is no longer with WS

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Sep 13, 2003
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Maketoast is no longer a moderator at WS.

If you are not familiar with Maketoast let me give you a brief background.

Maketoast use to have a site containing many JonBenet Ramsey pictures and such. "Maketoast" was a teenager when he started out.

Supposedly someone else purchased the Maketoast site at the end of last year and started using the name Maketoast on the forums. All the while claiming to be a different "Maketoast."

Maketoast e-mailed me and told me his "real" first name and his "real" job. Said he had been around on the boards for a long time and when the Maketoast name and site went up for sale he grabbed it.

I was skeptical. It's really too long of a story to go into all the details but let's just say I found it hard to believe that someone out of the blue would buy up the Maketoast name and jump into the forums at this late date in the JBR case.

I took over ownership of Websleuths almost 3 weeks ago. Maketoast was a moderator on the JBR site. River, the former owner, told me Maketoast was a good moderator so I let it go.

I then received two bizarre emails from a Richard Gesler or Gusler. Depending on how he wanted to spell his name that day.

Below is one of the emails.
Patricia. Hi. I am speaking for a large group of posters on the Websleuths
forum community who do not agree with you being the owner of the site. This is not about you personally, but is for the good of the forum. Websleuths has been my life for years now and I would hate to see the values that myself among others have for Websleuths become something of the past. That is why members have started or are starting a site with a petition for Ownership of Websleuths to be turned over to someone else. I will forward you the Web Address as soon as we are up. Patricia, don't take this the wrong way because it is not directed at you as a person, it's just we believe that the future of this site is on the line, and we all would like it to survive. Please give this some thought. How many people must we have sign before something can be worked out?
Then I received another one stating that the petition was going up on April 10th and he would send me the link. He never did.

I have traced the IP of this email back to a library in a very small town. This same IP matched one that Maketoast used on Websleuths. It is a definite match. There is no question. Maketoast is the person who wrote this email.

I have been e-mailing Maketoast since Saturday with no response. To me that speaks volumes.

One other thing. I was able to trace other IP's that Maketoast had used on WS. Several of them went back to a suburb of Atlanta.

I really don't think anyone jumps into the JBR case this strong. This late in the game.

By the way the Maketoast site is very pro Ramsey.

I am not sure what Maketoast thought he would accomplish. Perhaps he was looking to take over WS and I put a wrench in the deal. I don't know.

I am going to be talking with people over the next few days about being the new moderator of the JBR forum.

I appreciate your patience and support in this matter.

Tricia Griffith
What a wild story! So it appears this person was really Pro-Ramsey and not the Make-Toast you thought he was? Good grief.
tylin said:
What a wild story! So it appears this person was really Pro-Ramsey and not the Make-Toast you thought he was? Good grief.

Tylin there is more to it. It's just too long to post it.

I want to stress I enjoy all opinions. Pro Ramsey/Anti Ramsey/Fence sitters.

I want all opinions on the forum as long as they post nicely to each other.

It was Maketoast's Atlanta IP's that bothered me.

All the other IP's came from a town many hundreds of miles away from Atlanta. Including the library where he sent the petition email from.
Wow ~ what a rollercoaster ride Tricia :crazy:

Thanx for sharing what you have with us, obviously you did not have to say a word.

Tricia said:
Tylin there is more to it. It's just too long to post it.

I want to stress I enjoy all opinions. Pro Ramsey/Anti Ramsey/Fence sitters.

I want all opinions on the forum as long as they post nicely to each other.

It was Maketoast's Atlanta IP's that bothered me.

All the other IP's came from a town many hundreds of miles away from Atlanta. Including the library where he sent the petition email from.

I love the JBR forum here and I read it often. It surprises me what some people will do. The letter to you was ugly to say the least IMO. You had a good eye! I'm sure Atlanta probably sent off red flags to you. (I believe that's where J****** lives. phew.
This might be the work of our mysterious letter writer known as Patricia.

A quote from Misty's website:

"However, ******* states in a post from June 26, 2000"

"... I think access to multiple computers and a very strong knowledge of telecommunications might have been a benefit to Patricia."

What if *******'s husband took ownership of Maketoast? :p
Wow.....I'm new here so I don't get a lot of this stuff. I can barely type let alone think up a way to take over a website...Ignorance is bliss
tylin said:
I love the JBR forum here and I read it often. It surprises me what some people will do. The letter to you was ugly to say the least IMO. You had a good eye! I'm sure Atlanta probably sent off red flags to you. (I believe that's where J****** lives. phew.
I think she lives in Hickory, NC and has since before the case started.
Nehemiah, you think Patsy's pitbull, that old trickster and impersonator Susan Stine, might have been our moderator? The very thought of it creeps me out.

Me too. SS the Nazi. Susan Stein. Scary woman.

I have no idea. I think it might actually have been several people.

I just don't know.
Yep, Ivy...when Tricia said "Atlanta" that's exactly who I thought. She's such a sly one! Seems impersonation is her forte. And to think I had opportunity to converse with her and missed it.... :eek:

Tricia, can you say what state in which that small town is located?


Edited to add another thought.
Posted by Nick on July 06, 2002 at 22:30:15:

Someone hijacked the very first domain I registered in 1997. I had planned on owning that domain until I die, but someone stole it. Boy am I pissed off. Grrr.. Here is the new owner, send her/him some hate mail, the dirty *advertiser censored*/*advertiser censored*.

The Director (
PO Box 14232
Wellington, 6003

Dammit. Dammit dammit. I know I renewed the domain name. I know I did. It's on my credit card statement. Argh... Not much I can do about it though.

I sent this individual an e-mail:

-----Original Message-----
From: R. Nick Williams []
Sent: Thursday, 4 July 2002 5:03 p.m.


Thanks a buttload for stealing my domain name. I appreciate it.

- Nick

Then I got a reply:

-----Original Message-----
From: sacX []
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 1:41 AM
To: 'R. Nick Williams'
Subject: RE:

Glad to hear it.

Now I'm near the breaking point.

Domain name: MAKETOAST.COM

Administrative Contact:
-Maketoast Multimedia-
Allan Beche (SkyJustice) (
Websleuths is a pain in someone's a$$. You can all be proud. I know I am.

Patsy Ramsey strangled her daughter, then smashed her head deliberately to perpetuate a fantasy that she now comments on; JonBenet is in heaven with a God awaiting her mother's arrival. IMO
Someone was trying to get on the inside of this forum in order to track down any of our members?

What information exactly was "maketoast" privy to?
Jayelles said:
Someone was trying to get on the inside of this forum in order to track down any of our members?

What information exactly was "maketoast" privy to?

Jayelles I am almost certan Maketoast did not have access to any personal info on the posters. I will double check with WeeWily but as far as I can tell Maketoast was only allowed to delete posts.

Jayelles I have no idea what the intent was in this situation. My opinion is this person was set on trying to control everything Ramsey. Let's look at the chain of events here.

1- tried to purchase the ACR site

2-contacted "Justisce Watchers" and asked if the domain was for sale. Just found that one out.

3- Took over the Maketoast domian. I believe Nick may have been able to get Maketoast back and then sold it. Not sure though. One interesting note. The 2nd person with the most posts on the Maketoast forum? Jammy. Yep the one in North Carolina. What does that tell you

4-Came into WS 3 days AFTER the first deal with River, Pook and myself fell through. Took a big weight of River's shoulders by helping her and getting on her good side.

I believe Maketoast thought he could eventually take over WS. He knew River wanted out because of the situation with me. I think when we worked out a deal it through a wrench into his plans. Hence the really stupid "petition" email.

In my opinion Maketoast was on the make to take over everything that was Ramsey and to turn it into Pro Ramsey.

To me this has an agenda written all over it.

Just my opinion though. Who knows?
BrotherMoon said:
Websleuths is a pain in someone's a$$. You can all be proud. I know I am.

Patsy Ramsey strangled her daughter, then smashed her head deliberately to perpetuate a fantasy that she now comments on; JonBenet is in heaven with a God awaiting her mother's arrival.
I agree. I also think John Ramsey is a perv who molested JonBenet.

Tricia, you are awesome. Outstanding work. :)

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